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Red Orchestra: Heroes of Stalingrad

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You use Norton? lol I would never visit the forums again If I admitted to using noobware.

is this a threat? :confused:

I dont know much about Anti virus crap, but I guess i will be using some free stuff soon.

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disabling windows OS updates would be even more noobish ...

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Sounds like you might have this: 'Antivirus Live', the world's tackiest virus.

If you can't be bothered to go through the steps to manually remove it, a system restore will do the job. It has a tendency to disable all real antivirus programs.

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yeah it was kind of a rant post sorry about the Off topic banter.

Now back on topic or you will all get Infractions. :D

Including you Dwarden. ;)

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yeah it was kind of a rant post sorry about the Off topic banter.

Now back on topic or you will all get Infractions. :D

Including you Dwarden. ;)

Yeah, lets give the devs an infraction on their own forum. Nice one. :D

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Police officers arent above the law either :p

I'll have your hand for that Criminal Scum, I love my badge and power over the sheeple. :D

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shush ... be quiet ... i hear German patrol ... prepare bayos ...

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shush ... be quiet ... i hear German patrol ... prepare bayos ...

Just make sure you point that thing in flash's direction. Not mine. :D

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That looks so good!

All done with Unreal Engine 3 I dont believe my eyes!

Hopefully thats ingame and not prerenders.

I sure hope an Operation Flashpoint Mod is in the making. :D

Cannot wait for ROHOS! :yay:

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How is that mod already in development when the game is still pretty far from release?

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How is that mod already in development when the game is still pretty far from release?

IIRC, the RO2 devs are aiding mod teams to create mods that should be available soon after the release of RO2. A quick Google should bring up something about it. Here's a PTO mod that's being developed.


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How is that mod already in development when the game is still pretty far from release?

Because TWI actually supports mods.

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How is that mod already in development when the game is still pretty far from release?

Some mods already have access to the RO2 SDK, while others are hard at work in the UDK with which they can import their work into RO2 quite easily.

There is also a WW1 mod, and ofcourse the officially supported Rising Storm, focussing on the war in the pacific.

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I'm really hoping this will be the game i have been waiting for, for the last 3/4 years. Definatly looks the part and the fact its made "by pc gamers for pc gamers" is such a big deal and its not even being considered for console. YAY!

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Wait and see for me.

They don't have a great pedigree for co-op and SP.

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Definitely a day 1... I buy games for the MP (TvT, ideally), and any SP/co-op stuff I just see as a bonus. If the devs are helping mod teams with the SDK well before release, I just have to buy it to send a message of support. That's the way you handle development.

Ironically, Arma 2 is the exception to this, and I much prefer its SP. But that's a special case because of the editor.

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Yeah I'm definetly planning on getting this game. Let's hope the dedicated servers aren't forced to GSPs and actually have customization. I HOPE I can trust Tripwire with making RO2 as epic as RO was.

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