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TrackIR 5 ArmA2 Thread!

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UI Scaling, bottom left unit overview thing isn't huge as in other screens/videos.

I used different settings for this in different parts of the video, IIRC. I believe the Su25 footage was at 'normal' and some of the other footage, like the first-person infantry, was at 'very small'.

- Huge command view crosshair. :P

If this is at the first part of the video (such as in the first two minutes), with the 'close up' third person stuff, that's because of how I filmed it (basically: forced a different FOV than normal from the config so that it would be 'zoomed' closer, but that also means that HUD elements scale up larger as well). Any of the first-person stuff is more representative of what it really looks like in normal gameplay. Unless you're talking about that. :)

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I love finally being able to see how Arma 2 performs on a rig that can run it at the higher-end of settings. It looks fantastic. And, thankfully, it would appear that my specs will run Arma 2 the same way, if not better due to optimizations made between the pre-release and retail release.

TrackIR has always looked like an awesome thing to me, the only issue is the expense and where I live. NaturalPoint don't ship to Qatar, so I have to send it through shop&ship which adds about $20 to $30 onto the price. So in the end, it becomes very expensive. But I loved watching that video and seeing just how good TrackIR 5 is, and how good it is in Arma 2. Thanks Dslyecxi.

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If this is at the first part of the video (such as in the first two minutes)...

Yup, that's exactly the part of the vid I was talking about, I just assumed it was placeholder graphic for commander view cursor (Numpad .) since the POV seems like it, but guess not.

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It's too bad people can't try these out locally to get a feel for what they add to the experience. I bet that'd help clear out some of the doubts some people have about the tech.

This is entirely true. We sell these guys in store and didnt move a single item until we had one on display that people could actually use.

In regards to the price ? well thats for each person to decide, however i do not think that the cost of a quality peripheral such as this is a major hurdle.

People are happy to shell out for high end joysticks, steering wheels and even keyboards. considering most gamers spend more than 4 hours in a game. it pays for itself in situational awareness in no time at all.

I know that the game would NEVER be the same without head mounted tracking. Hell i cant count how many times i have started the game without loading the software and realising how plain it is without one.

Its kindve like going out with pretty girl and leaving your nuts at home;) you cant help feeling that something is 'missing'


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Thank you for the both good new informations.

I knew you wouldn't let the community down.

It's incredible how everything looked, very smooth and great.

Looks like i will also keep my old TrackIr 4 + Clip. Great news!

Thank you again.

edit: typo

Edited by bravo 6

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I finally got a chance to see the video!

I am excited about eventually getting my first TIR product. And after seeing this video how could you not be more excited about ArmA2.

Great choice of background music too. Subtle and professional! Very well done!

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Very Nice Video and stuff :cool:

But it's shame you can't lean from jets or helis to nicely look down etc like in VBS2

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I don't really agree with that, but of course I would say that. :)

It's $145 or $165 depending on how you do it (assuming you use the referral codes of mine), btw.

Ahhh yea I forgot to factor in the referral code there, my mistake. Still tho, $165 is quite a bit if you don't own many supported games. Perhaps if it was supported more in games outside the flight sim/driving world it would be more appealing to people such as myself. Personally, other then ArmA1 I own TWO games on the list of supported games, WW2 Online (don't play anymore) and Star Wars Galaxies: Jump to Lightspeed which I hardly play anymore. That I think more then anything would be the deciding factor for me... Im sure I'll spend a ton of time with ArmA2, but for $165 I would sure as heck want to use it with something else.

An expanded game library might deffinatly be what TrackIR needs to be more viable to people that aren't major sim/raceing fans.

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Very Nice Video and stuff :cool:

But it's shame you can't lean from jets or helis to nicely look down etc like in VBS2

Since when could you do that in VBS2? I haven't used TIR in VBS2 in a few months, but I never remember it supporting what you just described.

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Nice video D and cool to see the new TIR5.

Some people say TIR aint worth the 160-ish $ just havent tested one yet (im sure they havent) or they would not say that anymore. ;) In Sweden the price is much higher. I think the Swedish sold TIR4Pro's even cost more than the TIR5 in the US or about the same. :(

Once you test TrackIR you cant go back. Taking it off feels like all your freedom got lost and your head is stuck brutally on a stick. :)

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You're right, in normaly VBS2 version u can't do that ,but i saw somewhere on VBS2 site a simulation BH gunner from VBS2 and he used somekind Trac IR device

Edited by RobertHammer

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In Sweden the price is much higher. I think the Swedish sold TIR4Pro's even cost more than the TIR5 in the US or about the same. :(

Flightsim shop in sweden had a drive once where the price was a little bit lower,

thats when I got it but anyway I dont find it that expensive, I mean if

you think about it, its kind of cheap but that depends on how you value

it compared to everything else. A new computer, new graphic card,

a new car, new clothes, etc. Its what you select to be important to yourself

and if you are interested in gaming I dont think the price for TrackIR is expensive at all.

Its not like its a silly gadget without any value, its rather the opposite.

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Just to Re-confirm: Does the new TrackIr 5 software work on the old TrackIr 4 + Clip?

I ask this because i got an error.

I just Uninstalled the my old TrackIr 4 Software in order to try the new software version with the my TrackIr 4 + Clip. No program was running while installation.

  • I installed these:
    1 - TrackIR_4.1.037.Final.exe
    2 - TrackIR_5.0.beta.01.exe

When i run the TrackIr 5 (TrackIR v5) i get an error message and Im unable set the new configuration. What am i doing wrong?

edit: typo.

The error gave me a "912b_appcompat.txt", don't know if posting the code here is appropriate.

Edited by bravo 6

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wow, nice video, hail ArmA2! :pray:

i didn't believe that track ir is so usefull.

let's hope my PC will run it in lowest settings(i have 7600GT while 7800 is needed).

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Checking your video I notice the window behind you, it seems to be daiylight right?

Doesn't that influence your Track-IR? I can not play with any kind of daiylight light source. I am sitting in front of a window as well and when I turn on my Track-IR during the day and go to the settings panel where you can set your postion correct that whole black screen is filled with lightsource, not just from my trackclippro (I can see my whole upperbody in there cause of all the light around me).

So, only at night my trackIR can be used :( (with my lamplights turned off)

If not clear I could try to make a screenshot of it, or record with fraps.

Ohh btw I have Track-IR4

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Excellent video, best footage I have seen from Arma 2 so far.

Perhaps you could produce some more high quality footage of fire and movement or firefights before the release of Arma 2? That sort of videos gives the best impression of the gamplay and is highly appreciated.

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You can use freetrack ! but you make your own ir track :)

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I remember Dslyecxi only without beard, I guess in one Lasershot Promo he was without. Does this mean he has ArmA 2 since weeks and is 24/7 playing without sleeping, eating and shaving? :eek: :D

Iwould offer to take over his rig, TrackIR and ArmA2 copy so he can rest a while ;)

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Many thanks for the video - I previously considered TrackIR as a benefit in flightsims, so as a confirmed grunt I never looked into it in any detail. So up to now I have been considering some form of triplehead setup (Matrox or SoftTH) to give a wider FOV, since I find the movement limited to look around, and too involved to ctrl-x every time.

So compared to the cost of two additional monitors and a beefed up video card (+ new mobo if I went dual card/SoftTH route) the cost of TrackIR does not seem high and I am now tempted to check it out as I can see real value of the easy head-only movement


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I'll say it loud - I am bit disappointed. :-)

Not in a TrackIR product, it's great introduction, and the effect is stunning, but I've expected (hoped really), to see rocking, kick-ass, mind blowing artistic movie that I would show to the friends to watch them shit their pants.

The vid is... encouraging, informative, and everyone is amazed when watching, but I just wanted friends to yell "FUCK YEAH!". I hope you consider making such in future ;-)

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I guess it is on purpose technically dry since there is no other way to show the capabilities of ArmA2 + TrackIR. But I am somehow sure that Dslyecxi will make also movies with more cineastic content.

And btw, the Mi24 flight is already cool nuff.

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I'll say it loud - I am bit disappointed. :-)

Not in a TrackIR product, it's great introduction, and the effect is stunning, but I've expected (hoped really), to see rocking, kick-ass, mind blowing artistic movie that I would show to the friends to watch them shit their pants.

The vid is... encouraging, informative, and everyone is amazed when watching, but I just wanted friends to yell "FUCK YEAH!". I hope you consider making such in future ;-)

you must understand that he may not be allowed yet to do such. Have you ever thought about it?

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TIR 5.0 software works on my system and I still have my TIR 4.1.037 installed


My TIR also works in backgroung daylight too, are you sure that the light filter in setting is turned on and high enought to filter out backgroung IR?

Edited by 4 IN 1

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ok, ill try it.

maybe mine wasn't working because i installed the newer TrackIr5 beta.

if you have the TIR 4.1.037 installed, it won't run the new settings. Mine doesn't.

Ie, if i install the TrackIR_4.1.037.Final i still have the old setting configurations.

If i install the new TrackIR_5.0.beta.01 i get an error.

Edited by bravo 6

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Is it just me or is the 'Direct download HD' link on Dslyecxi's website down? :(

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