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Truly Realistic Sound

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For me sound is one of the biggest immersion factors..it can look as cool as all hell but if the sounds are not correct it ruins the game

I use Chammy's sound mod,it is the closest all around sound mod I have heard, some sound mods get some parts right but for the most part Chammy's has a better total package of realistic sound (ei the amazing grenade sound)

I have 14 years in the Military and have had multiple overseas "vacations" there is truly something remarkable about the sounds of war,and if you can't get it right it destroys the immersion factor of the game.

so PLEASE I'm begging you do it right.

Hell, I never been in a war or battle and even I know that Arma's sounds were pretty bad. I really hope Arma 2 does it right.

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I'd like to see a number of randomly-determined sounds for ricocheted bullets as they fly by the ear.

I would also like to see the sonic crack played ONLY for the player, not for every bullet that does a fly-by on any soldier's ear. Randomly-chosen sonic cracks would be nice, too. The same file played every time isn't so hot.

Also bullet fly-bys that don't crack.

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But how about the weapons?

Maybe all need some more touch in them?

Also the explosions are already saturated and over used.. not to mentioned that they don't give much true feeling.

I would like to "see"/hear new sounds and improved ones.

BIS please don't be mad with all these demands and requests smile_o.gif

We just love you! inlove.gif

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IF we get distant sounds in Arma2, like XAM will bring scripted in next version for Arma1, then a true battlefield sound would be very possible.

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The problem for me is that no one would want to have a game which would damage my hearing, take jet engine as example, the in game vol. is notthing compare to real life(I listen to it every day in close range), you have to use ear plug to protect your hearing, and I don't to do the same in a game.

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4 In 1 thats true. But better sounds wouldn't hurt any one.

I know there will be always mods that will work on the sounds, but it would be good for ARMA2 name and reputation to have good vanilla sounds.

There are always people that don't know how things work with this sequel, and there will be always new people that will enter the community and i think the 1st impression is very important.

Not for me though, i know it will rock the world after its release.

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Please BIS, rework the explosion sounds, still those unrealistic ones from ArmA are being used. IMO even OFP explosions sounded better.

With better explosion sounds that video would've been much better. That plain 'Bhooomm...' isn't just doing it's job.

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the sound have to be improve thats true, and i think it is a must since the latest video release, but i think you can never get 100% realistic sound for a game, because its just impossible

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the sound have to be improve thats true, and i think it is a must since the latest video release, but i think you can never get 100% realistic sound for a game, because its just impossible

BF: Bad Company HDR sound engine does it pretty damn well. ArmA II sounds like a 90s game after playing Bad Company.

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the sound have to be improve thats true, and i think it is a must since the latest video release, but i think you can never get 100% realistic sound for a game, because its just impossible

BF: Bad Company HDR sound engine does it pretty damn well. ArmA II sounds like a 90s game after playing Bad Company.

wow, youre right. checked out some gameplay videos and the sounds are awesome. bis should listen & take notes.

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the sound have to be improve thats true, and i think it is a must since the latest video release, but i think you can never get 100% realistic sound for a game, because its just impossible

BF: Bad Company HDR sound engine does it pretty damn well. ArmA II sounds like a 90s game after playing Bad Company.

wow, youre right. checked out some gameplay videos and the sounds are awesome. bis should listen & take notes.

Yea they should, sounds are one of the most important parts of the game after all. C'mon BIS!

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In my opinion, the sounds in Armed Assault as they are right now are very well done. By saying "realistic sound effects," some people might be referring to the wild-and-crazy Hollywood type of confusion that we see in cheap action movies.

I'd really hate to see that in a serious simulator like Armed Assault. Many people like Operation Flashpoint and Armed assault expressly for their lack of attempts to look outrageous and cool (which would appeal to the average juvenile gamer).

If it ain't broke, don't fix it. Besides, the developers already have a laundry-list of real issues to resolve.

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In my opinion, the sounds in Armed Assault as they are right now are very well done. By saying "realistic sound effects," some people might be referring to the wild-and-crazy Hollywood type of confusion that we see in cheap action movies.

Sounds are a real issue, and the sounds in ArmA are pretty poorly done, and there is no distance sound effects at all, it all just faints away unrealistically.

Why would you think a realistic sound environment is something unneccessary? Don't you think it creates more atmosphere when you're hearing that distant artillery and gunfire just like in real life, not just that "Bhoooom..." and decreasing volume over distance? Or what about getting shot by a machine gun, hearing each of the bullets of the burst snapping loud right above your head while hitting the dirt?

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To see Russian trailer with the same old crappy sounds (that we tried replacing with at least 10 sound mods so far in Arma1) is really a shocker in a 2009 title. If you don't have enough "sound artists" hire one of talented A1 mod makers smile_o.gif

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To tell you the truth I don't really like bfbc sound as those sound just ain't realistic IMO

in fact I kind of like the sound in the usmc video BI have release, much closer to what I have heard everyday

But from the Russia army video most of the sound still using the old arma one which I hope is only a place holder.

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To tell you the truth I don't really like bfbc sound as those sound just ain't realistic IMO

in fact I kind of like the sound in the usmc video BI have release, much closer to what I have heard everyday

But from the Russia army video most of the sound still using the old arma one which I hope is only a place holder.

Yeah they said they're going to upgrade the sounds, but that seems to be only those vehicle sounds which are awesome.

But the other sounds are just placeholder quality at max.

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There are so many good sound effects that could be ripped from videos on YouTube.

Homemade sound effects just don't cut the mustard.

You aim for photorealistic textures? How about videorealistic sounds?

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In my opinion, the sounds in Armed Assault as they are right now are very well done. By saying "realistic sound effects," some people might be referring to the wild-and-crazy Hollywood type of confusion that we see in cheap action movies.

Sounds are a real issue, and the sounds in ArmA are pretty poorly done, and there is no distance sound effects at all, it all just faints away unrealistically.

Why would you think a realistic sound environment is something unneccessary? Don't you think it creates more atmosphere when you're hearing that distant artillery and gunfire just like in real life, not just that "Bhoooom..." and decreasing volume over distance? Or what about getting shot by a machine gun, hearing each of the bullets of the burst snapping loud right above your head while hitting the dirt?

You might be right. Or it could simply be a preference thing. Personally, I have high standards for sound or graphics. I know that there are some more important issues in the game that directly affect gameplay not just the atmosphere.

Has your character ever gotten stuck in a doorway or on a stairwell in a critical moment? Has your character ever killed himself on his own grenade because it's hard to predict where it'll go? Has he ever been shot because he can't reload and run at the same time? That's the stuff that makes me want to cuss, not the sound.

But it's different strokes for different folks, I guess. Many people do put a high emphasis on sound quality, who am I to judge?

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I still hope that BIS is reading the comments about the sound suggestions after the last video release.

But I've the feeling that BIS will fix that and their are just placeholders because the difference between the airplane sounds and soundsamples for explosions or weapons is to big.

So why should do BIS make just one sound very well and leave the rest with the old ArmA sounds.

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In Arma1, not only weapon sounds were bad. Vehicle sounds were very-very poor, they had nothing to do with their real-life counterparts. For example, the sound of the T-72 was similar to a faulty washing machine. On youtube, there are lots of videos withe realistic sounds. I heard (Not only heard, I even driven a few, including a T55) lots of military vehicles, so I know what Im talikng about.

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i do belive they will fix those sound maybe they will listen to you guys

well, i hope so

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The sounds from the trailer were better ... but still a little too much like they were trying to make them sound "cool" if you know what I mean. Vop is the pwn for sounds, never heard anything like that.

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... but still a little too much like they were trying to make them sound "cool" if you know what I mean.

No I don't... it's like they were trying to make them sound lame and unrealistic, non immersive, just left them as cheap placeholders there and can't be arsed to fix them.

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