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Sorry, yes the link didn't work out for some reason, I did mean the grave one.

Oh, and Walker, I didn't mean shocked in a disapproving way, just in a "It's a shame this stuff happens" way.

Edited by SaBrE_UK

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Hi all

With regard to SaBrE_UK's reaction to the mass grave

...just in a "It's a shame this stuff happens" way.

If ArmA II can generate the kind of revulsion that a good documentry or film on the subject of war crimes does then it has elevated the art of playing games.

You should be revolted, that would be the artists purpose. That was Picaso's purpose with Geurnica. That is why it normaly resides in the entrance to the UN. To remind them why they are there.

Kind Regards walker

Edited by walker

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:\ You can clearly see that it's an object, they could have worked a bit more "fusing" the textures, or at least putting it in a brown textured soil. It kills the inmersion.

But I like a game where you can see more or less the reality of war, not like a bloodless CoD.

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the grave image is kind of shocking for me too, i know some storys in Bosnia, and i wondered how shock those soldiers were when they discover one, now i have a taste about it, orthrough its from a game which is 1000 times less shocking then the real thing i think, now i completely understand why its rated 18+.

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It's too bad most of the previews are in German.I'm in the process of learning the language,but I can't make out much of what they say due to my lack of grammatical knowledge. Anyways,I'm definitely buying this game,although my chances of getting it for PC are rather bleak,due to the fact that my current PC can barely handle ARMA combat operations. So It's a huge relief to see all of these console videos popping up.

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Interesting link :


(sorry if this has already been posted)

you can use google translator for the translation.

* 3 years of work for the storyline ! Considering this fact and the latest screenshots, it seems the story will be riveting.

*The sudden death aspect of the OFP/Arma serie will be tamed down a little. When you are heavily wounded, your teammates will be able to give you first aid (if they are close enough). The teamplay will be reinforced and the lonewolf type of players will be less successful.

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about the pic with the grave:

guys who want realism, must be happy now. But in my opinion, this is sad to see this in a game.

If ArmA II can generate the kind of revulsion that a good documentry or film on the subject of war crimes does then it has elevated the art of playing games.

Exactly, why should stuff like this be reserved for films and TV? Apparently more people are spending more time playing games, so why not have it grow into a mature media where serious issues can be addressed?

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Key points from the Jeuxvideos.com preview :

- Globally very realistic and demanding, unlike COD, BF etc..

- True successor of OFP1, lots of work involved.

- Tested on 2 solo missions and the first steps of the campaign

- Preview version still a bit unstable

- There seems to be lots of branching scenarios and side objectives in the missions

- "Rather believable reaction of the ennemy", "They crawl, hide and try to flank you"

- More Save points to make the game more accessible

- Warfare, Editor, Template missions

- The first contact left a "strong impression"

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Interesting link :


(sorry if this has already been posted)

you can use google translator for the translation.

* 3 years of work for the storyline ! Considering this fact and the latest screenshots, it seems the story will be riveting.

*The sudden death aspect of the OFP/Arma serie will be tamed down a little. When you are heavily wounded, your teammates will be able to give you first aid (if they are close enough). The teamplay will be reinforced and the lonewolf type of players will be less successful.

Is already post !

for french preview :

Is very hopfull on the futur of arma 2 in the follow of ofp ! and more !:butbut:

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Hi all

It is clearly the long term goal of any art form to touch the inner core of the participant.

Too many games treat war and violence as a bit of fun with gore with no consequences.

War is serious matter. ArmA deals with war. The fact the military use the engine for training troops, should tell you how serious it is. Many who work for BIS know this first hand and ArmA as a consequence is a serious game.

At one stage I had the sad task of posting in this forum of the death, by IED in Iraq, of someone I knew who was a leading light in Real Virtuality development and its adoption by the military.

When you play this "Game" think for a moment on that and on all those who die in war both civilians and soldiers on all sides.

War is a serious matter and games should reflect that.

Kind Regards walker

Edited by walker

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You should be revolted, that would be the artists purpose.

Indeed that's what I was getting at all along.

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Exactly, why should stuff like this be reserved for films and TV? Apparently more people are spending more time playing games, so why not have it grow into a mature media where serious issues can be addressed?

because there is enough violence on tv and films. this kind of violence is not necessary in a GAME.

if I follow your way of thinking, why not also put porn stuff in video games?

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It can be necessary, to create feelings/humor or whatever the developer wants to create. I strongly believe that all forms of media including video games is covered by freedom of speech. If you don't like it, vote with your wallet and don't buy it.

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Army from HELL: http://image.jeuxvideo.com/images/pc/a/r/arma-2-pc-148.jpg


Edit: Change O'hara's behavior... also there is character named: Marek http://image.com.com/gamespot/images/2009/118/952603_20090429_790screen003.jpg :whistle: <- luv this smile xD

A whole row of MLRS's? WOW that would knock the crap outta half the map (if you could decrease it's miminum range a bit)

I like the:


Your subordinates will never behave more careless than you!

Haha, They missed the word 'FOOL!' on the end, sounds like a DI winding up to deliver some disparaging remarks about the players personal hygine, IQ, family relations.. etc.

As far as the mass graves and dark atmosphere of the story, well, it has been BIS's effort to show that war is not 'fun' or more to the point friviolous. I can say when I saw the graves, I felt like if I was ingame, I'd want to find who did such things and put a stop to it.. Really steeled my resolve.

Edited by Scrub

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because there is enough violence on tv and films. this kind of violence is not necessary in a GAME.

if I follow your way of thinking, why not also put porn stuff in video games?

Yes, why not, people tend to have sex from tiem to time.

Its about time games get a bit more serious and mature and less gung ho than Call of Duty and co where War is a rather cool thing as its all nice and clean.

Maybe more games like this will make most people finally realise that games are a form of art like movies, music, paintings... etc.

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It can be necessary, to create feelings/humor or whatever the developer wants to create. I strongly believe that all forms of media including video games is covered by freedom of speech. If you don't like it, vote with your wallet and don't buy it.

"freedom of speech": you know, this is just a game not an essential newspaper etc etc.

a lot of people here take too seriously a GAME. A simulation is a representation of the real life, not the real life itself, fortunately.

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Culture elitism has never gained anyone anything. A video game can deal with mature issues just like anything else. Were all adults playing an adult/teen game, we can handle it.

I actually find games portraying war as clean and free of consequences, to be more offensive than some serious/violent games.

War is a terrible thing, and nobody appreciates peace more than a soldier who has been in one.

Edited by sparks50

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Hi all

In Reply to D@nte

Maybe your problem is that you do not realise that "Game" is a far more advanced art form than you give it credit for.

You make the, its all porn straw-man argument of where will the line be drawn.

That is not one I accept.

Should Romeo and Juliet not deal with gang violence, murder and suicide because our children may be exposed to Shakespeare in school?

Should your name sake Dante have his Inferno cut to remove the seven terraces of Mount Purgatory and give it the Hollywood Producer happy ending treatment?

Any game dealing with war that does not examine these issues within its narrative is surely just War Porn.

Kind regards walker

Edited by walker
bit of word salad

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We just want to show war as it is with some moral consequences. Maybe from that point of view you will find more important things in ARMA then colour of AK grip. This game is not about fun from shooting, its more like if somebody like to read literature of fact or watch documentary film. Not for children, its about mature thinking...

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We just want to show war as it is with some moral consequences. Maybe from that point of view you will find more important things in ARMA then colour of AK grip. This game is not about fun from shooting, its more like if somebody like to read literature of fact or watch documentary film. Not for children, its about mature thinking...

:notworthy: <--- I was going to write a long explaination, but this is 1000 words

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