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How about the woman next to the Lada?

You know, I've always prefered european girls to NA's, they are all busty, with a big butt, with not so pretty faces (although not al the cases), but european are more sutil, with less "atributtes" but with more beautiful face... wait, what? This is the ArmAII forum?

Oh sorry, never mind.

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HAHAaha,, *ahem*... Yes, the grenade guy got hit later by a teammate, the rest of the fireteam was going tight along the wall well, just not on the right side, lol. The grenadier was very quick in his assault, I was pretty impressed by that.

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Hopefully he just had the AI on easy.....

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It looked that they guy was getting all of the handicaps he could possibly get. They were most likely the easiest settings possible in those videos.

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Id hit it.

Looks like the one on the right has been hit a few times.

Edited by NodUnit

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Yeah they definately got horns :D Maybe east european special breed?


Edit: Or maybe obsessed by devil??? :D

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Is it me. Are do the cows have horns?

Looks like they got an extra boost of testosterone ;)

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Cows with horns aren't really something to write home about, just depends on the breed and such.


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I'm gunna regret posting this later, but pethaps its the heat agging me on in my office.

1:45-1:50 of the Countryside video.


Now unless thats just some wickly messed up lighting effect or an object that just is gone one second and there the next I dunno.

  • To buildings litterally fall down that fast? It's like gravity has a force of 200m/sec.

Here comes my radio rant... Yes they aren't finished, yes its WIP... but even if the radio sounds are 10% and they will be hiring zombie robots to do their radios for them - I will be going insane listening to this:

Enemy Man!


Enemy Man!

Scratch one!


"2, Target that MAN"

"6, Target that MAN"

"4, Target that MAN"

"6, Target that MAN"

Pilot! Grid! 821204 < What does that even mean?

"0777016 ENEMY MAN!" < Now you tell me how your supposed to know what that is.

Enemy to our left! < How far left? If they had to keep these sounds, "11 o'clock" makes more sense imo.

Man Left!

I hope they have a lot of "pain" sound effects because hearing:

Voice: "Seeeh, Ohhh", "Aww",", "Aww", "Seeeh, Ohhh", "Aww", "Ohh", "Aww"

In the exact same tone and voice over and over and over again will make everyone go insane. Yes pain hurts, and you should make noise - but when its a broken record we've got issues. Especially if your out in the middle of no where and have to listen to it for 20 more minutes. Maybe it was just this video I dunno.

All in all, very good videos. I did get a bit dizzy though watching the guy run.. I run all the time and I can see perfectly fine.

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Actually, I was watching the Urban Combat video and my gf came into room asking 'are you watching porn?' then hears guns, 'army porn?'

well, those sounds sound like taken from porn, confirmed >:(

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You know, I've always prefered european girls to NA's, they are all busty, with a big butt, with not so pretty faces (although not al the cases), but european are more sutil, with less "atributtes" but with more beautiful face... wait, what? This is the ArmAII forum?

Bah, I do prefer neither, in the US there's Asians, europeans, africans,all these variations. Its like a big ice shop with a lot of sorts, so I'd pick some mixture of the last two, pure last, sometimes first haha

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I'm gunna regret posting this later, but pethaps its the heat agging me on in my office.

Here comes my radio rant... Yes they aren't finished, yes its WIP... but even if the radio sounds are 10% and they will be hiring zombie robots to do their radios for them - I will be going insane listening to this:

Enemy Man!


Enemy Man!

Scratch one!


"2, Target that MAN"

"6, Target that MAN"

"4, Target that MAN"

"6, Target that MAN"

Pilot! Grid! 821204 < What does that even mean?

"0777016 ENEMY MAN!" < Now you tell me how your supposed to know what that is.

Enemy to our left! < How far left? If they had to keep these sounds, "11 o'clock" makes more sense imo.

Man Left!

I think I should quote myself here, because I definately agree with you.

And to further my comment. The old targeting system was perfect (almost) but the way they said "TARGET........ that....... MAN" was far from it.

I think changing the "2 O'Clock....at 500m" (which was perfect) to "front, far from us" is pretty stupid. When we asked for less robotic voices, we didn't mean casual radio comms with "scratch that" and "far from us", we meant a better flowing speach system without the huge pauses and sudden changes in tone.

The current Arma1 system was way better for targeting enemies.

ArmaI / OFP:

"2 O'Clock, Machine gunner at 500m"

action: you look towards two O'clock and look ~500m out and spot the enemy. Takes 2-5 seconds.


"Machine gunner, right, far from us"

action: you scan the right side of you (pretty freaking big ark you're scanning) and look "far from us"... which is purely subjective and doesn't give any meaningful distance apart from maybe >100m... but again.. this is subjective. You finally spot the enemy after a good 10-15 seconds of scanning your "right" if he hasn't spotted you already.

That's probably my only gripe so far. I know it's a WIP but i doubt they would put all that stuff in only to change it all back for release.

The rest of it seems fantastic though. The sound engine is :yay::yay::bounce3: and the overall atmosphere seems reeaally good.

I'm still really looking forward to the game but I think that radio comms has taken a step backwards rather than forward.

Edited by cm

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Bug spotted, look at the tree at 23-24 seconds, major delay on full detail render. This could be part of what tiscali and others were exploiting or accidentaly doing wrong. They might be taking screenshots zooming in before the vegetation adjusts and renders to full detail.


Such saddening video from AI's part. Has ArmA-title sank to geing just MP-game, which offers brainless bots for single players? Seems like it.

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'I think 2, o'clock, 500meters' is way too precise, the AI teammate here tells you exact coordinates. Now

if they say to left, you scan left, don't move and scan left. and I think that whether they say 500m or far from us, the distance is same, and we'll get used pretty well to it.

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'I think 2, o'clock, 500meters' is way too precise, the AI teammate here tells you exact coordinates. Now

if they say to left, you scan left, don't move and scan left. and I think that whether they say 500m or far from us, the distance is same, and we'll get used pretty well to it.

I disagree. This is how the targeting system works in the Australian Army (may have been updated since I last checked but i doubt it) and it is perfect. When you give directions to an enemy, you want it to be as precise as possible. In the army, you are taught to estimate distances, which is why you hear "50m", "100m" "500m" etc. You are taught what things look like at certain distances so you can better pinpoint the location of an object/enemy.

It's not like they are saying "At 321mils, Enemy rifleman with AK-47 with 4 mags and 3 grenades, at 236.7m"

It's perfect how it is in arma1. I don't know why they changed it:confused: The only improvement I can see is that they can target more than one enemy at a time.

Edited by cm

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Yeah i agree. The 2 o'clock, 200 meters is NOT an exact position. It is roughly 2 o'clock at roughly 200 meters. ArmA1's system is realistic. Saying "Enemy man kinda to the left at medium distance" is weird. Like the soldiers skipped some parts of the mil.training. Maybe done with gaming kids in mind. Dont want it to be too realistic this time around so it fits all those non-realismers... Sucks but, what can we do... I know - shit loads of addons! whoo :)

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Although I prefer 'doc' myself, I really couldn't care much if they pronounced 'doc', 'medic', or 'coreman'... But coprseman? That have to be changed.

I'm very negative about the Javelin as well. It's just too, well, magical. Too easy to use.

Also since we can now choose to use the SMAW in our missions, there is no need for the 'balance' argument regarding M136 being multi shot anymore. Apparently this is a difficult issue for modders to get right (ACE), so being built in makes it possible for modders to use an already developed system.

BIS should (imho) spend more time getting some of the mentioned issues right, instead of rushing it out the way it looks now.

About the new direction methods. I think I prefer the new ways of using west, north etc, over the old 9 o'clock system. The old system may be more 'realistic', but I have yet to play a multiplayer game where I feel certain about the current formation direction.

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About the new direction methods. I think I prefer the new ways of using west, north etc, over the old 9 o'clock system. The old system may be more 'realistic', but I have yet to play a multiplayer game where I feel certain about the current formation direction.

12 O'Clock is to the front of the squad.... how much harder could it be?

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I think the system is pretty much the same,

not far from us = 100m

far from us = 500m

away = 1000m

dangerously close = >50m

close to us = 100-200m

Just use those words as syntax/designation and it'll be same. like Code red = do somethins, so is close to us a 'secret word' for 100m :)

I agree, 2 o'clock blabla...is more realistic, but i've been spoiled by it past 10 years, and it was bound to happen, currently it's possibly the only thing that makes Arma 2 feel different and fresh from all the new things out there. It was a need to change. Well eventually it would. Otherwise it wouldn't be much fresh.

And to be honest, this new radio chatter is more interesting to listen than clocks and meters, think is as a leetradio, where you memorize the designation of meters.

Edited by Raphier

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I think the system is pretty much the same,

not far from us = 100m

far from us = 500m

away = 1000m

dangerously close = >50m

close to us = 100-200m

Just use those words as syntax/designation and it'll be same. like Code red = do somethins, so is close to us a 'secret word' for 100m :)

I agree, 2 o'clock blabla...is more realistic, but i've been spoiled by it past 10 years, and it was bound to happen, currently it's possibly the only thing that makes Arma 2 feel different and fresh from all the new things out there. It was a need to change. Well eventually it would. Otherwise it wouldn't be much fresh, but games need to evolve.......

I'm going to seem like a bit of a troll posting this much, but anyway...

What the game needed was an increase in realism in certain areas. Landscape, physics, villages, sound etc. These all seem to have improved for the better (especially sound!). The old "if it ain't broke don't fix it" applies perfectly here.

You were "spoiled" with an "precise" system because it was designed to be just that - precise!. Which is why it is used in the military.

Now... if the USMC use this as their targetting system in real life... then ignore everything I have said :p


If it was changed to NW,NE,S,W etc... but kept the 500m, 200m... it would be perfect IMO.

Edited by cm

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It's perfect how it is in arma1. I don't know why they changed it:confused: The only improvement I can see is that they can target more than one enemy at a time.

Because it worked just as it works in reality. Badly. In ArmA Clock directions changed many times even within seconds, there might have been over 45 degree change in 12 o'clock of squad. Besides limited FOV didn't make things better (where the **** is my leader and what the **** is his azimut?).

Yeah. We have clock system as one way to give directions of something. Usually we used left, forward-left, forward etc directions. Or then showed direction by hand or rifle. Advantages: More exact (hand and barrel), easier and faster to understand (forward-left and also etc) as no-one probably don't have a glue about 12 o'clock's direction in any case. In defensive positions clock system might work well (pre-made fireposition cards which defines 12 o'clock) but then again things in there were sorted by naming terrain features. If there was time and needed to report exact location we used compass bearings in mils.

EDIT. Yeah in Australia things might be done differently, and you might learn to use it well. But i hardly ever seen or used myself clock bearing as other methods usually suits better in situation. They are faster/clearer and/or more precise.

Thing about militaries: Altought they are mostly idiots they still might be many ways to do things. Like direction reports. USMC probably uses clock method, as probably all other militaries in world, as ONE WAY of doing things.

Edited by Second

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Remember in Armed Assault, when you would have a target so far away, that it would be spotted as:

"Unknown unknown, at, very far meters."

I still hope that Javelin is a WIP, because DR (allegedly) has an accurate (but not necessarily fully functioning) CLU, which would be good enough for me. To add a simple CLU background with a realistic targeting sequence would just add another feature that helps ArmA 2 excel above and beyond DR.

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Raphier, you suggesting nonsense, your squadmembers would give you headshot for such fuzzy direction + distance reports. And to spell it takes much more time, we would be bored much more.

I rather support the suggestion of CarlGustaffa, the clock reference relative to the squad direction was and is crap since you need visual contact to your squad(leader) or whoever is reporting to get it right (which is very often not the case). Direction with reference to the compass is absolute and hence works always. Assuming a reporter of any object/subject is facing exactly north, 1 o'clock could be reported as well as N(orth)-(N)orth-(E)ast, 2 o'clock as N(orth)-(E)ast)-(E)ast , 3 o'clock just (E)ast e.t.c.

Thing about militaries: Altought they are mostly idiots they still might be many ways to do things. Like direction reports. USMC probably uses clock method, as probably all other militaries in world, as ONE WAY of doing things.

:D :D :D So true

Edited by S!fkaIaC

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I don't think I've ever heard any squad use o'clock and meter SITREP in dynamicly flowing combat operations...

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