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Binkowski's Weapon Pack

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There's still a rear sight just mounted further up. I never saw any go in without a rear sight somewhere, but I wasn't really looking. Personally, it would be retarded to do so. I can't say aiming is truly easier that way. In all reality it wouldn't be aiming, just looking and hoping. To each his own though.

Thanks for posting that video. I haven't seen some of those guys in a while. Ahh good times, good times.

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Alright alright, proved me wrong, the no rear sight weapons are gonna go. I'll modify later when i've got time.

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USMC shooting only with front sight post - you must be kidding! What will they hit?

Edit: whats next? xmas_o.gif

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What will they hit?

Each other most likely.

On a side not,e keep up the good work, glad to hear you're going to be adding some sort of rear-sight, maybe some kind of BUIS instead of the carrying handle?

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Alright alright, proved me wrong, the no rear sight weapons are gonna go. I'll modify later when i've got time.

It's no big deal dude, I mean really they are your addons, and I was just saying what I know. And yah the marine in that video has an optic mounted on the forward rail, but I can see that as an easy mistake to miss for someone who doesn't work with that kind of stuff a lot. But seriously keep on making what you want to make if you want, it's what it all boils down too.

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USMC shooting only with front sight post - you must be kidding! What will they hit?

Maybe they're like the Johnny Rebs in the Civil War who

knocked the backsights off their brand new Enfields claiming

that they could shoot straighter without 'em   nener.gif

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I'd love to see a eoTech on top of that nice m4 wink_o.gif


do you know that this is BIS M4 model from game with just one selection cut in editor huh.gif

such M4 are available , released by few addonmakers already

what for is another copy-paste BIS addon ?

what for is another M4 pack while many addonmakers released it

try to do Stoner for VTE mod, they need it, or help Normandy mod with WW2 weapons , or other mod who need help in models

not just showing BIS model with one part removed

it is just pushing "delete" from keyboard after selecting part in model released by BIS

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There is no need to be a dick vilas.

I dont mean to flame but heres hoping this guys addons, while they might be knockoffs of bis weapons to his personal tastes, will actually work without error messages popping up all the time or Counter-Strike Imports.

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Everyone is always asking for every possible load-out of a weapon so I say more power to you Binkowski. No one is forced to download them so if you don't like them don't use them, eh?

Also, Kapyong, what's wrong with Counter-Strike imports? They are good models as long as you optimize them for ARMA.

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Vilas, give it a break.

Everybody has to start somehow and working with BIS' models is a great way to do so.

You can't expect a beginner modeler (no offense meant, Bink) to start pulling out a class 1 models from his a*s just like that.

Nobody forces you to use them once they're done nor forces you to read this thread.

Now back to the topic: Nice to see the pack growing. These silenced variants of the AR15 can get handy smile_o.gif

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I'd love to see a eoTech on top of that nice m4 wink_o.gif


do you know that this is BIS M4 model from game with just one selection cut in editor huh.gif

such M4 are available , released by few addonmakers already

what for is another copy-paste BIS addon ?

what for is another M4 pack while many addonmakers released it

try to do Stoner for VTE mod, they need it, or help Normandy mod with WW2 weapons , or other mod who need help in models

not just showing BIS model with one part removed

it is just pushing "delete" from keyboard after selecting part in model released by BIS

I agree with DeadFast and Scubaman3d, give the guy a break. If you don't like what he's doing then stop looking at the damn thread already. Some people would call some of your addons sub-par so you don't really have any room to bitch and whine about things.

If your so eager to do things why don't YOU help VTE or YOU help the Normandy project with weapons then?

In short. Grow up or leave.

--- </rant> ---

Bottom line is Binkowiski people will appreciate what ever you make so long as it is playable so ignore what people say to you (except the constructive things) and carry on with what you're doing.

Right that's got that off my tits, now lets continue with addons again shall we?


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Jeez, Vilas, everyone has to start somewhere and just because you have a big project going on it does not give you the right to go around and say that peoples addons are pointless! mad_o.gif

Nice addons mate I like the M16 with the silencer, it looks very nice.

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Make some forward handgrips to all US/Independent(RACS)/SLA weapons, add C-Mags to some weapons - hell even if you make an proper working & looking MM-1 or 6G30 or HK69 be sure people will like and use it. wink_o.gif

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I am planning on making forward hand grips, and Maza94 has sent me his MONOScope alpha version, and an EOTECH model so expect those smile_o.gif! Thanks maza!

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Sorry progress has been slow. Lifes picking up and I'm not having as much free time as I used to, I'm still working on this smile_o.gif

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You can't expect a beginner modeler (no offense meant, Bink) to start pulling out a class 1 models from his a*s just like that.

I'm affraid by praising the current works sky-high yoiu guys are destroying author's motivation to progress.

And there really is no reason for any excitement.

So be honest. Dishonest reviews will destroy any potential talent.

Used to be being honest was a virtue...  icon_rolleyes.gif

I am expecting some original content in next pack, at least a retexture.

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