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avibird 1

COOP vs player game modes

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For a game the size and scope of ArmA, Coop is gonna be about the most entertaining mode of gameplay.

The reason is simple - to have a large scale battle of player vs player, would take coordination that just isn't found these days.

5-7 years ago when people were less experienced individually at gaming than they are now and there were more adults on than teens? Yeah.

That's why Tribes2 did so well back in those days. It took alot of teamwork to get things done with that many players in a server.

Generally, I play ArmA in a private server doing coop missions with friends. The coordination and teamwork is alot better than it would be if it was 32 vs 32 player vs player.

That being said, I wish that the mindset for teamwork was there for massive battles, but everyone is going to have a better idea than the person calling the strategy, so it would bomb sad_o.gif

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(because it expands on the SP affair ... SP=ME against ... COop=*WE* against;))

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For a game the size and scope of ArmA, Coop is gonna be about the most entertaining mode of gameplay.

The reason is simple - to have a large scale battle of player vs player, would take coordination that just isn't found these days.

5-7 years ago when people were less experienced individually at gaming than they are now and there were more adults on than teens? Yeah.

That's why Tribes2 did so well back in those days. It took alot of teamwork to get things done with that many players in a server.

Generally, I play ArmA in a private server doing coop missions with friends. The coordination and teamwork is alot better than it would be if it was 32 vs 32 player vs player.

That being said, I wish that the mindset for teamwork was there for massive battles, but everyone is going to have a better idea than the person calling the strategy, so it would bomb sad_o.gif

Do you have a headset? Then come join ArmA theatre of war or IC-ArmA, we got around 22 vs 22 right now because of a player shortage in AtoW, but we got lots more players and tacticality than regular public servers.

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Absolutly COOP.

There is no other MP mode that can offer the same experience as coop.


It does depend on AI so if it's as bad as it was in Arma before the latest patches than it wouldn't be fun.

If a game that i like doesn't have coop than it has to have a good singleplayer experience to be worthy of my money. Farcry 2 is a good example of not being worthy as it is a badly done console port with no coop. Altough the singleplayer looks promising it is mired by bugs and control problems to be a good game. band.gif

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As you all know me (or not) for my kindness to directly answer to questions asked, I'd say... sure coop, but even a coop PvP is great (kind of Warfare, or objectives on each sides, etc ; story-driven PvP)

What I can stand for just a minute is the kind of short CTF or DM against everyone. TDM can sometimes be organized, but often will be tactically horrible.

Coop for sure ! xmas_o.gif

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COOPer all the way

but i have notthing against PVP, as long as they play by the rules

DO like huge PVP objective match battles where everyone is working as a team

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Didn't armaholic run a poll not that long ago with, SP vs PvP vs COOP vs don't. Seem to remember PvP winning by quite a bit.

For me: PvP or better put army vs army tounge2.gif

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Didn't armaholic run a poll not that long ago with, SP vs PvP vs COOP vs don't. Seem to remember PvP winning by quite a bit.

For me: PvP or better put army vs army tounge2.gif

Yes Sabre!  wink_o.gif

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Didn't armaholic run a poll not that long ago with, SP vs PvP vs COOP vs don't. Seem to remember PvP winning by quite a bit.

For me: PvP or better put army vs army tounge2.gif

Its not hard to make a decent coop map if there are 2 many enemies you cut down a bit in numbers or simply stop playing it.

Plenty of other maps ready for download. And some the best maps I played werent even scripted.

Making a pvp map needs ballance. In ofp days this was made in teams ( almost everything maps, addons, mods ). PVP maps were even tested before brought to public.

In this community there is ussually only few or 1 name behind a concept. And the bugs and inballances are tested as the map is played by publics. Often the lonely programmer will loose focus on whats important because people complain less about inballances compared to huge bugs. But what else did we expect?

I mean the game itself is unballanced. AA vehicles cant take on air vehicles as they appear as red dots on plane radar far before plane comes into their range. Tanks are in real life ( and ofp ) supposed to be scary as hell here they have become at meat. Im not even talking about the US weapon/vehicle preferences.

If u add to this that a lonely programmer is soul responceable for the features and ballance of a average pvp map, build on the original arma engine the outcome will not that often be postive.

So the only thing that is left is joining stuff like in ic-arma at the price that your freedom is totally taken by coop players that dont even know the basics of when encountering a enemy player. Its a good experience for those though who want to see what happens if you walk in a wedge formation over wide plains vs a tank. Or when after 4 paradrops and totally being destroyed the commander still wants to be dropped at same lz.

When arma2 comes out i wait for fellow clanmates to tell me a bit about the ballance if I so much hear something as tank dieing in 1 shot i go play battlefield with some shit ass realistic mod over it.

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What's the point of making coop and pvp modes seem like adversaries? Both of them can be easily catered with a good mission editor and fluent gameplay design. A good scoring system can't possibly hurt your coop experience, not to mention support for squad XMLs and the likes. If it's absolutely necessary for your game enjoyment that you don't see how well or badly you're doing, the current ArmA already has a server option to hide kill messages and the score board.

I disagree about coop requiring more teamplay: winning at CTF or C&H requires much more coordination and communication from a team because the opponents are intelligent humans with their own plans as well. Dumb AI bots can be shot by the dozens without effort if you are any smarter than their simple algorithms.

Celery you are totally right! inlove.gif

I think that everybody should play the game-mode which he likes the most.

OFP and ArmA are the perfect games which allows you to play every game-mode you can think of, just create it by yourself if its not available yet.

I like both COOP and PvP.

However, COOP can never give me the thrill of a hard PvP clan-war.

So PvP is way more important for me than shooting AI! xmas_o.gif

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I normally stay quiet but I just can't on this one, this was one of the worst threads of all times. It's a game, play whatever the hell makes you happy and if you don't like the other styles of play........simple you don't play them.

The Coop vs PvP war has been going on for years get a life People! goodnight.gif

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get a life People!

Sorry, but you can't make a "get a life" post on a forum about an upcoming video game, especially this one. The fact that you take enough interest to register and post here automatically voids you.

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Me and my family prefer PvP so we get 10 votes for PvP, we hate coop we like to kill each other. As my mom said coop is for n00bZzZ.

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we like to kill each other.

I hope that one doesn't come back to haunt you in the future.

If I had to choose one to play I would play COOP. Im a fan of teamwork. I do like Warfare a lot though but most the PvPs I have played I haven't really enjoyed.

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but most the PvPs I have played I haven't really enjoyed.

yay.gif its a matter of skill dont worry. yay.gif

Warefare is not PvP. When I mean PvP i mean ESL maps which are far the best, THIS is teamwork, THIS is skill.

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