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avibird 1

ArmA2 - The Xbox 360 thread

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At this point there is no question about it, PC will sell more. Just because the fact that it is the only one getting/giving the proper spotlight. Besides that ArmA and OFP are better known on the PC-based community.

While I still enjoy OFP:E it is almost a mythical game which no-one knows about. The console community knows to little about ArmA II and there is allmost no marketing done regarding this community as there is still no publisher nor console announced.

If they release it for console, I believe they will have to redo the whole marketing game for the console version when there is more to tell to the right people. (Xbox360 and/or PS3) Will they make a decent amount off sells for this game.

It doesn't have anything to do about the game nor the console capabilities, yet all about it currently not being marketized(sp?) to the console community. With the right reasons! They can't yet.

If the game is just like the pc version and isnt gimped feature wise it will outsell the pc version

The word of mouth on xbox live sells games better than 40 million dollar advertisment campaigns

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BIS released details on development costs? When did this happen? :whistle:

they dont have to , i can tell you right now that they are not making a ps3 version

They have 10 people on the development team , and they dont have the SDK's more than likely

On top of that , yes , it would cost way too much money to make it on ps3 and that is a fact alot of people need to understand.

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Since the default thing on the Xbox 360 dashboard is Spotlight, if they put an Arma II video or something on the Spotlight, it would really help to get people interested and would get more people to know about the game. We want BIS to get a lot of money on the console version, and this should be a really good way. Maybe even a game with developers day thing, like with pretty much every multiplayer game.

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If the game is just like the pc version and isnt gimped feature wise it will outsell the pc version

The word of mouth on xbox live sells games better than 40 million dollar advertisment campaigns

since when did niche games outsell on consoles? if it was so, there would be plenty of Arma-style games, hunderds of Il-sturmovik's, plenty of silent hunter - series not to mention original ghost recon. :232: civilization revolution would be same as civ IV...

Edited by Raphier

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I think it will sell well on 360.. especially if it comes out before OFP|DR on 360

I have lot's of people in my friendslist that are pretty fed up with the current batch of shooters on the console. All of them are not pc players and would like to get a more challanging fps. I think ArmA2 can get a lot of new fans this way.

To put it simple.. they all played (and still play) Halo, Rainbow 6, ghost recon, COD, Bad Company etc.. but come to the conlusion that you're always doing the same in all of them.. Run and Gun. Most of them need something more challanging now.. and that is where ArmA2 comes in. For them a new challange.. because they need to start thinking when playing now :D and they realize that it's no use to run up to 5 enemies alone and live to tell about it..

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if 360 or whatever cosoles have got arma2 with the features that the PC verson have then i will buy one just for the sakes of OFP:ELITE for sure

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I think I may have to buy it on the 360 due to a limited Laptop which can barely run AA1. Trouble is I had Elite on the original Xbox and wasn't a fan of playing it with a controller - felt really clunky, and the editor was a pain in the arse. Plus with the 360 I a) dont have Live and b) its a housemates box so won't be able to play it at times. I'm hoping for a AA2 demo to assess how it runs on my Laptop, but I fear it will have to be a 360 version of AA2 I'll be buying :(

BUT, I do think AA2 on the 360 will have its advantages, foremost being that I would suspect it will be smoother as it has been optimised for specific specifications. Plus it will widen AAs audience and bring a new type of gameplay to the 360, as Elite did to the original, so will be great to have such a game out on the system.

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the problem is that this generation of consoles came out in 2005, so they're faced with the issue of converting something made for modern gaming computers, to something playable on a 4 year old system.

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the problem is that this generation of consoles came out in 2005, so they're faced with the issue of converting something made for modern gaming computers, to something playable on a 4 year old system.

Ah but they can optimize it for only one set of specs instead of the million of different configs in the PC market.

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I think I may have to buy it on the 360 due to a limited Laptop which can barely run AA1. Trouble is I had Elite on the original Xbox and wasn't a fan of playing it with a controller - felt really clunky, and the editor was a pain in the arse. Plus with the 360 I a) dont have Live and b) its a housemates box so won't be able to play it at times. I'm hoping for a AA2 demo to assess how it runs on my Laptop, but I fear it will have to be a 360 version of AA2 I'll be buying :(

BUT, I do think AA2 on the 360 will have its advantages, foremost being that I would suspect it will be smoother as it has been optimised for specific specifications. Plus it will widen AAs audience and bring a new type of gameplay to the 360, as Elite did to the original, so will be great to have such a game out on the system.

maybe www.onlive.com will cover the game. omg that would be the shizz... i would love thaat.

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Ah but they can optimize it for only one set of specs instead of the million of different configs in the PC market.

Architecture standards do not influence performance that much, to turn your PC into a 5-year delayed hardware. It takes time to build a compilant game, not performance. Also, basically XBOX360 is very similar to x86 machines.

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The funny thing is, the Xbox 360 has a pretty good chance of being able to handle ARMA2. I've seen some pretty large scale games out there that have been crammed on to the 360,re-coded(I know,it's not "re-coded") and most of them are awesome. Personally,I wouldn't care if they downed the graphics substantially just to fit it on there. OFP Elite was great and it had awefull visuals. Although,with any luck,they may not have to even go that far. No one though the Xbox would be able to handle Far cry 2,but it works fine.


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The funny thing is, the Xbox 360 has a pretty good chance of being able to handle ARMA2. I've seen some pretty large scale games out there that have been crammed on to the 360,re-coded(I know,it's not "re-coded") and most of them are awesome. Personally,I wouldn't care if they downed the graphics substantially just to fit it on there. OFP Elite was great and it had awefull visuals. Although,with any luck,they may not have to even go that far. No one though the Xbox would be able to handle Far cry 2,but it works fine.


OFP Elite was great and it had awefull visuals.

The Elite had better visuals then its PC brother this is a fact. I played both for a long time and I still play the elite now.

The truth is OFP 1 for the PC had great visuals for a game in 1999-2001 and when the elite came out at the end of 2005 (nov)

yes the visuals were dated but was still better then the PC visuals.

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FYI maybe some good news for the console community.

In the recent new german videos more XBOX CONTOLLER BUTTONS are noted in some of the videos.

People go look at the ARMA2 main web site. www.arma2.com on the lower right side there was a release date statement for the PC and a TBD for the consoles.

Now if you look at the site it's gone, maybe we will get a real answer soon for the console date.

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AHH AVIBIRD1 i noticed the same thing , now I was into opf dr for awhile and on those forums here and there , but THEY DO NOT GIVE A RATS ASS ABOUT THERE COMMUNITY !!!!!!!! and have had no new info for months !!!!! then I come to these forums , follow Arma 2 and wow lots of ingame footage released all the time , updates on the site WAYYYYY more info I am ARMA all the way , CM is not getting my money

HELLLLLL noooooo , good job for BI showin CM hows its done

Just one question tho ; any word on a demo for 360

thx guys


cm has destroyed the name

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AHH AVIBIRD1 i noticed the same thing , now I was into opf dr for awhile and on those forums here and there , but THEY DO NOT GIVE A RATS ASS ABOUT THERE COMMUNITY !!!!!!!! and have had no new info for months !!!!! then I come to these forums , follow Arma 2 and wow lots of ingame footage released all the time , updates on the site WAYYYYY more info I am ARMA all the way , CM is not getting my money

HELLLLLL noooooo , good job for BI showin CM hows its done

Just one question tho ; any word on a demo for 360

thx guys


cm has destroyed the name

Lets just get a release date first then we will ask for a demo LOL.

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Since the default thing on the Xbox 360 dashboard is Spotlight, if they put an Arma II video or something on the Spotlight, it would really help to get people interested and would get more people to know about the game. We want BIS to get a lot of money on the console version, and this should be a really good way. Maybe even a game with developers day thing, like with pretty much every multiplayer game.

Invite those two jokers off inside Xbox too come to BI studio and get a feel for the game! That would give it a real boost.

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hurrah its a stickey now!

Im getting a big feeling we get some info soon

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FYI maybe some good news for the console community.

In the recent new german videos more XBOX CONTOLLER BUTTONS are noted in some of the videos.

People go look at the ARMA2 main web site. www.arma2.com on the lower right side there was a release date statement for the PC and a TBD for the consoles.

Now if you look at the site it's gone, maybe we will get a real answer soon for the console date.

I want to see this videos in german.

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I just saw the new xbox videos and saw that this thread has just been stickied

I think we might be getting some news around here soon

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Sticky???? Wooooowwwwwwwww :):)

Plz can the topic title say XBOX 360 iso Xbox (because after all we know our beloved console by 360 or XBOX360 and not by Xbox, that is the old black one with Elite:))

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The thread was primarily stickied because it got tiresome seeing the same old questions and threads being posted ;)

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That was quick:)

And for us a stickied xbox 360 thread is worth cheering for (much better than a locked 360 thread;))

Edited by maxqubit

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The thread was primarily stickied because it got tiresome seeing the same old questions and threads being posted ;)

:D hmmm , primarily ?

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Secondary reason was probably to mess with people's heads ;)

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