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Player models for girl gamers?

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I haven't been keeping close track of arma 2 development, but I was curious as to whether the game sports female soldiers for us girl gamers that enjoy the series.

and before anyone says something, I know arma is about realism and immersion, but just remember it's not terribly realistic or immersive to a female player when there are no other options than male character.

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well i dunno Bis have female civilians in the game , so maybe they can make female soldiers.

The thing is of course that they would have to make all the class like engineer, grenadier, machineguner, soldier, officer ect. with a new model and have a bunch of faces that are random assigned only female. It would be cool to see but i don't know if Bis will do it. I don't know many girl gamers but it would be a good idea to promote the game to a bigger audience if there was female soldiers too. smile_o.gif

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Nice to see some female activity in here^^.

I just want to write down my vote for it.

When I imagine playing all the time with an female Soldier ,no chance to change... this would not be so amusing (for the end of time^^).

But Commando84 brought up a nice overview to the problems related to this addition... never thought about this such detailed.

Sry for my english..

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I think with female civilians included in ArmA 2, if no female soldiers are in it, they will be introduced by an mod.

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well i dunno Bis have female civilians in the game , so maybe they can make female soldiers.

The thing is of course that they would have to make all the class like engineer, grenadier, machineguner, soldier, officer ect. with a new model and have a bunch of faces that are random assigned only female. It would be cool to see but i don't know if Bis will do it. I don't know many girl gamers but it would be a good idea to promote the game to a bigger audience if there was female soldiers too.  smile_o.gif

Believe it or not the audience is bigger then you think in the female aspect, they just prefer to keep it to a low profile for numerous reasons.

Anyway as Mr_Tea stated there is now a female skeleton with animations, my big worry is the chest department, I have seen alot of people exagerate (mods) this in damn near all aspects of female soldiers when it reality in uniform and especially behind armor you won't be able to tell the difference unless you know what facial features to look for or the hair.

But I do hope to see them, it would be nice to have a not all male military and give it a better sense of realism, as you said sure they aren't as popular for reasons (faults of the male) but they are there.

But aside from models we'd also need sound samples, don't want to have the women screaming like the guys when shot eh?

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I have no objection to them being in-game as long as they are used in the official campaign realistically. So medics, pilots, and support personnel could be female, and I'd have no complaints. What I don't want to see is females as front-line soldiers (in official missions... what folks do in the mission editor or in their mods is completely separate imo). smile_o.gif

PS: There's been a huge discussion about this in the OFP2 forums, with both sides I think making their points pretty clear.

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Well, I don't have a problem with a modicum of exaggeration.... but only if the AI can also be distracted by same, otherwise the balance question comes into play. The Ai would get an unfair advantage over human players if they AI didn't also get a concentration-lapse at certain times!

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Anyway as Mr_Tea stated there is now a female skeleton with animations, my big worry is the chest department, I have seen alot of people exagerate (mods) this in damn near all aspects of female soldiers when it reality in uniform and especially behind armor you won't be able to tell the difference unless you know what facial features to look for or the hair.

While I don't totally agree with the first part, that it would be impossible to tell, I do agree that hyper-sexualizing female characters is cheesy.  I think that with the way women move and also with subtle differences in size and proportion, that differences in the modelling and animation of female soldiers would be important.  I think that they would only come to the forefront if they were missing, however, as female soldiers looking and moving like male soldiers except for their faces would feel very wrong.

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WarWolf @ Sep. 15 2008,19:35)]Well, I don't have a problem with a modicum of exaggeration.... but only if the AI can also be distracted by same, otherwise the balance question comes into play.  The Ai would get an unfair advantage over human players if they AI didn't also get a concentration-lapse at certain times!

Pft, its not the AI's fault they aren't distracted  by such wimsical things on the BATTLEFIELD, if you're looking at a womans rump or chest in a battle then you deserve being shot at or being shot smile_o.gif

And I agree Plaintiff, (good point with the movement, at the time I was only thinking body architecture) however I THINK in the video's we've seen thus far the female model has wider hips and a more twisting movement when walking.

Here's another video http://www.armaholic.com/ (scroll down fro the Arma2 video) http://www.armaholic.com/ around 08:12  Though I hope they add a sort of panic feature, I imagine most civilians would feel atleast unsettled if a soldier was standing nearby with a gun raised much less in their face.

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While it would be nice to have models of both genders in the game, I don't see how playing a character of a different gender could be a problem. I couldn't care less what's under my character's clothes when I play. I actually knew a woman who refused to play ArmA because there was no proper female custom face at the time, that just showed a total lack of adaptation on her side.

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wait! are you sure that no one would jump out suddently and said they want different boos/butt sizes and want their shape adjustable?  tounge2.gif

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I don't think it's very realistic for women to occupy frontline positions in the Marines/Russian Military, however female pilots, or support units or even female soldiers in the "resistance" side would be nice. bot i really don't think it's that important as most of the game you are in first person, and when you're not in first person you're in a vehicle. I don't think it's worth the effort to be honest. plus BIS already put female voices in.

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and before anyone says something, I know arma is about realism and immersion, but just remember it's not terribly realistic or immersive to a female player when there are no other options than male character.

According to this logic I think the need for "out of shape civilian teenage boy" models far outweighs the need for female ones. smile_o.gif

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I don't see a big need for it, as female soldiers traditionally is kept behind the lines of actual fighting and are often assigned to engineering or other non-fighting roles.

And this is a game as many others focused on that line. But sure, it wouldn't hurt either wink_o.gif

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and before anyone says something, I know arma is about realism and immersion, but just remember it's not terribly realistic or immersive to a female player when there are no other options than male character.

According to this logic I think the need for "out of shape civilian teenage boy" models far outweighs the need for female ones.  smile_o.gif

Ahahahahaha oh wow rofl.gif

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Oh! And perhaps through every round the game records some information about your character such as how long and far they move.

So say for example their in a vehicle all the time they start getting out of shape and gaining weight whereas if you run around you'll stay fit.  

That would make piloting a bit trickier as you'd have to run laps to fit in the cockpits, same with armor.   tounge2.gif

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c'mon! Variety variety! It would be fun with choosing and doing more customization sort of like when you choose how your character will look like in mass effect, those things can really make a good game extra good! wink_o.gif

I know Bis has made their main characters for the Single player campaign but that doesn't have to mean that there aren't room in the mission editor to have female soldier classes that can be used in single player and multiplayer missions. smile_o.gif

Imo everything doesn't have to be about realism, sometimes its fun when you bend the rules a little in games. biggrin_o.gif

If i wanted uber realism I would have joined a army or something biggrin_o.gif

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and before anyone says something, I know arma is about realism and immersion, but just remember it's not terribly realistic or immersive to a female player when there are no other options than male character.

According to this logic I think the need for "out of shape civilian teenage boy" models far outweighs the need for female ones.  smile_o.gif


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According to this logic I think the need for "out of shape civilian teenage boy" models far outweighs the need for female ones.  smile_o.gif

Err, well, I do think that a lot of ArmA players are out of their teen years. 'cept for me. As for calling me fat, how can I be fat at 180cms and 66kilos. tounge2.gifbiggrin_o.gifnener.gif

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c'mon! Variety variety! It would be fun with choosing and doing more customization sort of like when you choose how your character will look like in mass effect, those things can really make a good game extra good! wink_o.gif

I know Bis has made their main characters for the Single player campaign but that doesn't have to mean that there aren't room in the mission editor to have female soldier classes that can be used in single player and multiplayer missions. smile_o.gif

Imo everything doesn't have to be about realism, sometimes its fun when you bend the rules a little in games. biggrin_o.gif

If i wanted uber realism I would have joined a army or something biggrin_o.gif

eh, i think the whole idea behind ArmA is realism

Edited by Merlin

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eh, i think the whole idea behind ArmA is realism, if you want an unrealistic portrayal of servicewomen in the marines go play call of duty or something.

Oh jesus, not this again. ArmA is about semi-realism with compromises for gameplay and especially everything else than the bare basics of weapon simulation. Micronation wars? Improper use of helicopters, jets and armor? Retarded friends and enemies (AI)? If you want realism, go play VBS2 or something.

The use of different units is entirely up to the mission maker. The maker can just as well place female crew only in HQ or something or choose to not use them at all. The game has tractors and Sopwith Camels as well but you don't have to use them anywhere.

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I think Bis should provide the content and then its the players that choose what to do with it. wink_o.gif

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I think Bis should provide the content and then its the players that choose what to do with it.  wink_o.gif

+ 10.

If it helps include other customers and improves the game experience of female sim gamers, I say let's do it.

And for those who are thinking that ArmA or OFP were hardcore sims. How many Russians did Armstrong personally kill when you were at the controls? Over 100? When playing ArmA, how many SLA did you personally shoot? Remember that ArmA mission where you were personally tasked with killing at least 3 tanks and APCs alone with an AT4? Get real.

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