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miles teg

The Lost Brothers -Isaac and Ishmael Mod

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I think that if there was any big news, Miles would have stated it--or it could be just very busy with the mod and/or real life. Constantly having people go "is there any news? huh? huh? How about now? Now? Maybe.....NOW?!....hmmm, how about.....now?" isn't going to do anything except annoy everyone thinking there is news, but only ending up seeing someone else poke and prod for news. Just be patient or try privately contacting Miles.


Our primary goal is to get out a addon pack #4 followed soon after by the historic pack. After playing the ArmA II demo, I think some people may still prefer ArmA. I personally like ArmA II but really its almost like a different game with ArmA being a bit less arcade like and somethings a little better. So unless alot of things are changed in ArmA II I think alot of people will reinstall ArmA on their harddrives. That is one reason why we will finish these packs for ArmA. The other reason is that by the time we start porting full mods to ARmA II, by then most of the bugs will be sorted out and hopefully ACE will have enough info to provide other mods so that our mod will be from the start, ACE compatible.

Hope this answers some questions. I admit--I'm also hoping for an Arma 2 release in the future big time. :D

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We fixed the main problems with the infantry and finally were able to binarize them. Right now we're just fixing some minor problems that unbinarizing them created (long story why we needed to do that). Anyways, so yeah things are still slowly creaking along and yes we will eventually move completely to ArmA II, but not for awhile. I might maybe release one or two addons as time permits. Right now however, as Betsalel stated, personal issues prevent me from working much on the mod as I'm helping my father recover from a fracture to his spine and through cancer treatment for a very serious cancer. Sorry if this is not the proper place to ask, but I would appreciate any prayers for my father and our family. But don't worry about the mod. It's still going slow and steady and we will release stuff an addon pack #4 for ArmA (along hopefully soon after the historic pack although some historic stuff will be included in Addon Pack #4. Jewish Freak and Namman2 also both have very busy lives and likewise try to work on stuff when they can. But they're both doing great jobs and progress is being made.

Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

Edited by Miles Teg

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I as much as I am also looking forward to the mod, I will definitely keep your father in my prayers.

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Nice and slow take it good Miles stay up, hard times this day in age keep doing what ya do and ya do it well.

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Hello, a few new photos of our upgraded Sayeret MATKAL units.


Sayeret MATKAL fighters take positions outside the compound of Mohammad El-Zarkawii, a known terrorist figure in the west bank.


Sayeret MATKAL setting up a C4 charge in order to breach the compound.


Another Sayeret MATKAL force prepares to quickly eliminate the terrorists present outside the compound.


Sayeret MATKAL quickly breaches the compound.


After a quick firefight inside the building, Sayeret MATKAL extracts Mohammad El-Zarkawii outside of his compound.

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do the breaching charges you see in the screenshots work? if yes are they included with the troops?

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Thanks guys for the prayers and good wishes.

Joske, yeah, the breaching charge indeed does fully work.

Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

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Thanks guys! We might be getting a new member soon in LoBo who will be a big help but he's just waiting to get a new computer to play ArmA II right now. Aside from that everything is still going slow and steady.

Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

---------- Post added at 04:45 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:58 PM ----------

MILES you from israel?

Negative. I was born in Tehran, Iran. lol!

But I live in Texas now and I'm an American citizen (and served in the US military).

Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

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IRAN? haha lol:D

i in the idf..on the canons("tothanim")

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When its ready. We're all busy now with real life issues so I can't give any date. Sorry about that. However hopefully the last version of our IDF infantry is ready, so things should speed up if their are no bugs in it as then we can concentrate on fixing the minor bugs on the aircraft and getting all the armor fully working.

Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

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Best wishes for your father, take your time Miles, dont rush.

real life is first.

good luck!

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For right now, we're just finishing addon pack #4 and the historic pack for ArmA. Later we will port stuff over to ArmA II, but we'll probably wait until the tools come out aside from maybe one or two small releases in ArmA II.

What we really need in ArmA II is a good basic infantry model and config/cfg example that we can use to make new IDF/Hezbollah/Egyptian/etc... infantry units.

Once we get that things will go smooth. Right now I'm researching tutorials on converting tanks and aircraft as well. From what I understand, infantry are the hardest to convert to ArmA II which is why it would be easier to just have an example model.

Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

---------- Post added at 04:03 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:01 PM ----------

miles can u put some screens of the updated mk4 if u can thanx man

When I have time, I'll try to.

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If there was anything significant to add, they would post something. Constantly begging for news only adds useless posts to the thread leading other people to think there was news. Miles explained he was very busy, so it's best we sit tight and let him and his team do what they need to do and they will update us as soon as anything significant pop's up.

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Stop bumping threads asking for news or updates. If there are any the guys surely would post them here.

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