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miles teg

The Lost Brothers -Isaac and Ishmael Mod

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just some work in progress shots (maybe the mk4 and the sarya re finnished)

mk3 (there might be a new version)


mk3 baz(there might be a new version)




saraya alquds




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Looking very nice. I just hope someone can track down what broke causing lack of tracers for infantry like Negev, etc. One of the reasons I still don't use it. I also hope in time the choppers will be brought up to date with the current mapfact ones instead of using the older version of mapfact's stuff.

I tried to look into making things XEH compatible but it's just way too over my puny brain unfortunately. Sorry Miles, I tried--really. It's just out of my league big time--unless they compile a Idiot's guide for the Dummies Guide for XEH. banghead.gifsad_o.gif

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The tracer problem is likely related to the XEH issue.  Normal BIS tracers work fine.  

We are slowly working on the XEH issue, but right now its not a real high priority.   We're concentrating right now mainly on getting our new Centurion tank fixed up as well as fixing up a Merkava Mk3 and Mk3 BAZ.  With the addition of the Centurion tank, the Historic pack should be good to go.

After the armor is fixed up, we just have to fix some issues on some of our aircraft and the full update pack *Addon Pack #4) will be ready.  So slow but steady progress is happening and we're not adding in any additional units aside from perhaps some Zelda M113 APC's but those are about ready to go so they just require minimum updating.

Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

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Yeah, but the oddest thing is the previous version of the LOBO mod the tracers worked with 6thSense's tracers. I'm not sure about XAM though (don't think I was using it at the time, I think I was just using LOBO,Matt's effects and DM's smoke). Then with this release everything changed.

So since they worked with 6thSense's tracers (weren't they using XEH?), they should have worked now I'd assume. Then again I'm not much for all this technical stuff personally so I'm probably talking out of my ass. But I do remember 6th's tracers working with the previous stuff.

Anyway, I like the new screens released. Can't wait to see the new shined up Merkava up close when released.  biggrin_o.gif

[edit] I forgot to add that on some of the vehicles, the tracers (ACE, not vanilla) worked like the m2 on the humvee, and the top MG on the Merkava I think. So if it was XEH alone then why would they give off the new fancy tracers that uses XEH and other things from the same mod don't? Wouldn't they all not give tracers when running 6thSense tracers or ACE mod completely?

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Nope..it all depends on their individual configs. What may be the problem are the Al_Simmons Tools that require event handlers to be added to each infantryman that uses his assault tools and smoke grenades (which actually block the AI view). I may experiment by removing those event handlers from the machine gunners to see if that fixes the problem.

Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

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Argg...darn forum isn't showing my last post...gotta post this to get it to move over to the next page....very annoying...

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OOOoooooohhhh, ok yeah that makes sense. Thanks for clearing it up. Man I need to sit down and learn all this stuff. Too bad I wasted time on America's Army Online all these years instead of OFP--I'd probably would have been a hell of a lot more helpful, hehe.

Anyways, thanks for clearing it up. Was confused there for a bit, heh. thumbs-up.gif

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Hello, A little update from me.

As you all know, having a firefight in close quarters with a scope attached to your weapon isnt a pleasent thing to do.

Yesterday i encountered a bug in ARMA and decided to exploit it.

<OBJECT CLASSID="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" WIDTH=450 HEIGHT=332><PARAM NAME=MOVIE VALUE=http://www.armedassault.eu/Television/BISvideo.swf?vquality=hq&youtubeID1=l4-rQXcVj5E&linkID1=http://il.youtube.com/watch?v=l4-rQXcVj5E/&youtubeID2=&linkID2=&youtubeID3=&linkID3=&youtubeID4=&linkID4=&><PARAM NAME=PLAY VALUE=TRUE><PARAM NAME=LOOP VALUE=TRUE><PARAM NAME=QUALITY VALUE=HIGH><EMBED SRC=http://www.armedassault.eu/Television/BISvideo.swf?vquality=hq&youtubeID1=l4-rQXcVj5E&linkID1=http://il.youtube.com/watch?v=l4-rQXcVj5E/&youtubeID2=&linkID2=&youtubeID3=&linkID3=&youtubeID4=&linkID4=& WIDTH=450 HEIGHT=332 PLAY=TRUE LOOP=TRUE QUALITY=HIGH></EMBED></OBJECT>

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The Catapiller D9 Armored Bulldozer:




Last pic also shows one of the updated Mk4 tanks that now has a proper commander's thermal imaging sight.

Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

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very nice wip  thumbs-up.gif

keep up the good work

i have make this skin for mirageIII few months ago

hope you guys like it , the mirage was the best fighter in that time

I think was round 1969 , im not sure




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Yeah I have his Mirage III but I didn't want to overload you Namman. I think I stuck it on our private FTP, but if its not on there I can post it up. Mainly on the Kfir, we just need some iron bombs on it (instead of cluster bombs) and it should be good to go if all the bugs are worked out.

Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

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I love the Kfir C2.  It's one of my Favorite birds.

GD Mast


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Well don't get too excited. It won't knock down buildings, only walls. I experimented with extreme mass settings and that didn't seem to make any difference. sad_o.gif

So basically it's mostly just eye candy although it does have a gunner on the .50 cal on the roof. So it has a little bit of a sting and it squashes anyone who gets in its way fairly easily.

But it also is destroyed easily by a couple of RPG's.

Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

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well i'm working on the configs to make them XEH compitable so they will work with ACE and other mods

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No worries, we're still working on stuff...just things have slowed down a bit cuz all of us have been busy with school and/or work (and I've been doing the little Taliban/ANA side project).

Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

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arg...forum bug...gotta bump it for Namman's post to show up....

As you can see, the skys just got deadlier over Egypt. smile_o.gif

Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

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really like that SA-9  smile_o.gif

great work guys

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Addons are looking amazing guys!

Keep it up!

Question: Are there any plans for an Island from you guys? Maybe a small area of Gaza? Anything? If not, I would suggest it. U guys are doin great.

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