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Look Ahead While Driving

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Wondering if there is a way to disable the 'look ahead' when driving certain vehicles such as trucks and jeeps. By 'look ahead' I mean for example you steer to the right and your view automatically looks to the right by a corresponding amount. Since I 'm using Trackir I find this automatic look ahead annoying.


169th Crunch

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I'm not using TrackIR, but I also find this very annoying.

I posted this video earlier, it shows that OFP had a better system. If you activate freelook, your head only moves if you want it.


Reading that the next patch will be the last for ArmA, I have only a little hope that stuff like this will be fixed. confused_o.gif

MfG Lee

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I am not sure to understand the difference.

In ArmA if you move the 'head' it also turns the wheel in freelook on?

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No, if you steer right your avatars head move right to. And if you use trackIR that is annoying as you loose 100% control. What happens alot for me is that I have to counteract that movement by looking the other way to keep my avatar-head in the direction I want.

Not a show stopper, far from it, but it would be nice to have it disabled for us trackir/freetrack users.

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When I am in a vehicle and move the mouse, the car steers but my camera looks always at the same point: Forward.

When I press the freelook key, I can look around but I can't steer unless I use my keyboard...

Which works perfectly. I have assigned my turn left/right keys to steer left and right when I am driving in order to be able to use my mouse and freelook key to look around without messing my driving up.

I don't understand what your problem is dude.

Use your mouse to steer and your TrackIR to look around when driving.

Are you saying that your in game "head" moves around when you are steering the vehicle? Because that has never happened to me. Maybe you need to configure your keys better or something.

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When I am in a vehicle and move the mouse, the car steers but my camera looks always at the same point: Forward.

If you tell me how I can configure it to work that way, I owe you a beer!

MfG Lee wow_o.gif

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Thanks for everyone's comments. I myself use either keyboard keys remapped to Keypad 4 and Keypad 6 to steer or my joystick to steer. Both will move the view along with the steering with Trackir enabled. Perhaps steering with the mouse does not produce this effect?

I have not tried any other settings but it seems Lee has tried freelook on or off and it had no effect.

Many racing games have this effect as well but they usually let you disable it.

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Wondering if there is a way to disable the 'look ahead' when driving certain vehicles such as trucks and jeeps. By 'look ahead' I mean for example you steer to the right and your view automatically looks to the right by a corresponding amount. Since I 'm using Trackir I find this automatic look ahead annoying.


169th Crunch

I have always been extremely bothered by this as well.  Thanks for calling attention to this Crunch.

Maybe BIS include a disable for this in the next patch?  And while at it a toggle for the god-awful mouse-auto-center?  Assuming that ain't gonna happen for ArmA, hopefully for ArmA2?  (Mouse-auto-center toggle was in the top ten voted for of reported issues in the bugtracker.)

In the mean time, can anyone who knows configs clue us in on how to disable this automatic look "feature" described by Crunch... I will owe you one hundred beers!!!  smile_o.gif

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Driving with the mouse was (relatively) fine in OFP, it's always been more awkward in ArmA. I guess the first post suggests a fix for that.

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I drive with a joystick, have had a problem with the same effect. So I also hope it gets a toggle.

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Having read this thread I checked my ArmA (controls un-edited) and the view stays forward through turns, that is with Joystick and WASD and arrow keys.

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Having read this thread I checked my ArmA (controls un-edited) and the view stays forward through turns, that is with Joystick and WASD and arrow keys.

Hmmm... we might be onto something here... Maybe this auto-look "feature" is vehicle dependant?

If so maybe we can take a look at the config for the vehicles without the problem and modify those with the auto-look to remove it. Worth a shot anyway...

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Having read this thread I checked my ArmA (controls un-edited) and the view stays forward through turns, that is with Joystick and WASD and arrow keys.

Hmmm... we might be onto something here... Maybe this auto-look "feature" is vehicle dependant?

If so maybe we can take a look at the config for the vehicles without the problem and modify those with the auto-look to remove it.  Worth a shot anyway...

Yes it is vehicle dependant. Vehicles with wheels that turn will make the camera turn.

Other vehicles, such as tanks, the view will look straight ahead.

It doesn't bother me. Doesn't going into free-look mode (double tap left Alt or something) turn off this behaviour? I haven't tested it, so it's just a guess.

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Yes it is vehicle dependant. Vehicles with wheels that turn will make the camera turn.

Other vehicles, such as tanks, the view will look straight ahead.

It doesn't bother me. Doesn't going into free-look mode (double tap left Alt or something) turn off this behaviour? I haven't tested it, so it's just a guess.

Kind of back to the start smile_o.gif We determined it is vehicle dependant and it happens with Freelook on or off. Maybe it's part of the code and can't be changed?

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It's quirky the way it is now and i must agree OFP had way better controls when it comes to cars. Also the wheel snapping back to center is really cumbersome. I guess the only way to decently control a car in arma would be with an xbox controller. (I also guess it's OFP Elite that introduced this behaviour to make it more compatible with XBOX controls)

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Shouldn't this issue been address and fix by now. Honestly, there's SO many possibilities with this game, yet this completely ruins the driving experiance.

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...yet this completely ruins the driving experiance.


It may be a minor annoyance (for some), but ruining the experience? Now you're really exaggerating.

There are bigger issues than that, come on. ArmA is no driving sim, it's not like changing this is going to suddenly make driving exciting tounge2.gif

Quote[/b] ]Shouldn't this issue been address and fix by now.

They had other issues to fix maybe? crazy_o.gif

In racing games they actually have this feature by default (looking in the direction of the turn), called something like "look-to-apex".

It's useful to see what you are turning into, especially with 1st person view.

Although in them you can usually adjust it and turn it off.

First time I've seen complaints about this. Usually it's just the 'auto-centering' that is complained about.

Edit: I'm not saying that it's not a valid issue to complain about if you don't like it. There is still at least one more patch planned, so it's still worthwhile to mention things like this since maybe it will make a developer do something about it smile_o.gif

The only thing that bothers me personally about the controls now is the aircraft throttle, with it not allowing smooth adjustment with a joystick throttle.

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It's not the biggest problem, arma has.. there are many more important, that's right.

But let's face it, you have to drive very often in arma.

And driving a car is a pain with this "system". I want to look where I want to look.

Having the view "connected" to the wheels is NOT realistic.

Or simple said:

It's a very small bug, easy to fix -> please fix it.

MfG Lee wink_o.gif

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Good points by everyone! Agreed, small problem but should be a small fix.

Now the REAL BIG problem I have is that Arma will crash after playing it for a but but I'll start a new post for that one.

Thanks everyone.

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Quote[/b] ]For this, we plan to setup a dedicated category on the wiki page where community config gurus will be able to propose changes and fixes.


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Hmmmm... I am just starting to get into configs, so this is just a shot in the dark.  These entries sure sound mighty suspect for the auto-look problem though:





Less of a possibility, but maybe it's one of these?

turning, turnCoef, damperSize, damperForce, UsesPilotView, upDownL/R

I really have a lot to learn here!  Been very busy lately, but if I get time I may do some experiments with this.  Anyone else having any luck?

Any of you that wish to help out but know nothing about configs, here are a couple of good places to start:



And here are some commands to get familiar with:

configFile, config/name, config name, configName, count config, getArray config, getText config, getNumber config, inheritsFrom config, isArray config, isClass config, isNumber config, isText config, select config

Is BIS happens to read this, you could potentially save some of us a lot of time and energy.  If the auto-look is configable, which one is the correct entry?  If not, maybe let us know that too? smile_o.gif

Enough for today, I'm off to goodnight.gif

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I never had this problem. I'm driving with keyboard arrow keys, and use trackir to look around. I have default config settings AFAIK, not sure why it works for me and not for some...

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I never had this problem. I'm driving with keyboard arrow keys, and use trackir to look around. I have default config settings AFAIK, not sure why it works for me and not for some...

I'm with you......must be TrackIR.

Sharp right turns, puts my nose in drivers door window.

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