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Thinking about getting ArmA

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The title pretty much says it all. I've been thinking lately about getting ArmA, but I've heard so many bad things about it since it has been released, and generally I've just stuck with Operation Flashpoint. I'm really tempted lately though to get ArmA because of the additional scripting commands I see that it has, as well as the fact it looks far more gorgeous... but I bet it would run poorly on my computer!

Anyways, do you guys think it is worth spending the 30 dollars or so to get it(should I also get Queen's Gambit? Does Queen's gambit have a 1.14 patch too?)

Or should I wait for ArmA 2 since it says it'll be released in 2008 and is thus probably just around the corner, relatively speaking anyways.

Is there a healthy online community for coop and stuff on ArmA?

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A good PC is really needed to enjoy ArmA. low FPS makes aiming hard and then inf missions are a pain.

For the rest Id say: go for it! Trying the demo isnt really representative, since its only 1.04, and lots of things changed until 1.14.

Depending if you're a campaign fan I'd wait with buying Queens gambit a bit. It comes with some good SP missions/campaign, but thats about it.

One thing stands: If you're an OFP fan, you'll love Arma alltho it takes some time.

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Queens Gambit assets are going to be used in several map addons in the pipe, and they may be used in upcoming mods, so I wouldn't completely discount it.

Besides if you're in the US, Arma Gold (Arma + Queens Gambit) is only thirty dollars at Best Buy or WalMart.

As for patching progress, I've been playing Arma since 1.04, and if you put 1.04 next to 1.14, it's a whole new game, very playable. There's also a ton of community addons that add a lot to the immersion and add new features.


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Arma has been a great value for my money.

I have been playing many many hours allready and i paid full bucks for it a release.

I love the game and would pick up arma2 tomorrow if i could.

Try the demo, my guess is, you love it, or hate it.

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At this point I would just play other games and wait for ArmA 2. Armed Assault has some annoying problems with vegetation that will cause a huge drop of frames especially with low end computers if you are near forests or lush environments. The multiplayer scene is in a state of apathy where only a few specific missions are played over and over again if you don't count the (mostly locked) clan and community servers that are hard to find.

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At this point I would just play other games and wait for ArmA 2.

Wow, what horrible advice.   icon_rolleyes.gif

ArmA's community is thriving still.  It is not hard at all to get into a unit or group that takes the game seriously and wants to have fun and realism together.  You just have to be a mature player that enjoys teamwork.

There are currently two large tournament style groups that play each weekend (80-100 players for 3 hour+ battles on Sat or Sun) that have free and open enrollment:

ArmA: Theatre of War


Both include custom units and mods and great gameplay.

Also there's plenty of independent units that are actively playing and recruiting:

75th Ranger Regiment

3rd Infantry

26th MEU

More can be found in the ArmA Squad and Fanpages forum.

It's quite easy to get into a thriving and enjoyable ArmA community these days.  You shouldn't wait till ArmA 2 to start having some great fun!

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I'd say it's a no brainer if you somehow liked the ofp gameplay, as it's the only thing that even comes close.

1.14 version runs nice and smooth on most hardware. However for some unlucky persons, it runs like poo (fortunately, not me)

Be warned though that Arma needs dedication to give you full payback. The more you invest and explore, the more it gives in return. It's basicaly a military sandbox, and if you don't like creating your own stuff (missions etc...) and prefer directed gameplay to free roaming you might be disappointed.

Note that gameplay is generaly slower than in most "war" games, but the tension can be really gripping and missions can last anything from 10min to almost 10 hours (eg : Warfare North and South, 8 hours 12 min yesterday...)

If you're into SP I would advise to get Queens Gambit, as the original campaign is pretty short and you get nice new models.

If you're into MP, it's important to find good buddies to play the kinds of missions that you like, as many public servers only offer a limited choice (evolution+warfare).

You can download many ready-made MP and SP missions to play with your friends though.

Given it was already a cheap game (30 eur) and the countless hours of gameplay (both SP and MP) I had with it, the price/fun ratio is exceptional.

Actually, the only thing that would prevent me from playing it is switching to Arma 2...

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At this point I would just play other games and wait for ArmA 2.

Wow, what horrible advice.   icon_rolleyes.gif

well... blunt I think is more appropriate, but cellery does make a valid point.

If the lad's looking for jump in and play servers, then arma is a little lacking, especially if you don't enjoy the more popular maps (evo, domination, warfare... ermm... berzerk... see, I can't even name any more). So cellery point stands up to reason. Many servers remain locked because I don't think many people have recovered from the previous inundation of KFC attacks, and many, myself included, are not so thrilled about the EULA/Terms and conditions associated with battleeye and so refuse to install it.

As does yours though, in that if he's happy to invest a little time looking for a decent squad to play with, then Multiplayer becomes a far more rewarding experience.

If you enjoyed OFP, and aren't expecting an entirely new game in ArmA (i.e. take it at face value which is a prettier, slightly improved but pretty much nothing ground breakingly different version of OFP), then I'd say its worth a go. I certainly still enjoy playing it.

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He did mention the scripts and bits so if he likes the editing aspect of things, go get it boy.

I am somewhat ashamed to say that I rarely play on-line and only now and again the campaigns but I have a deep love/hate relationship with the editor.

Just for that reason alone its worth the £$€s.

Queens Gambit has some interesting elements and should not be missed.

2008 ! Who said that ?

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Quote[/b] ]2008 ! Who said that ?

BIS did. Source: www.arma2.com

I just wonder: Has the release date been postponed yet? It seems that any release info has to be postponed at least two or three times before a game actually appears in the shops. But is it really a good idea to consider buying a game before the publisher has been given the chance to patch it up half a dozen times so that it comes close to the promises made on the box?

My advice to the topic starter: If your computer can handle ArmA, do buy the gold version. I guess it should be good for at least another year.

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My advice to the topic starter: If your computer can handle ArmA, do buy the gold version. I guess it should be good for at least another year.


Because also 2008 can turn into Xmas 2008 which can turn into early 2009 which can turn into late 2009 ...... those of us who waited for ArmA-1 will remember well.

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I expect many new customers (gun fodder) to buy Arma this Christmas ,then more players will be playing

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