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1.14 The Last Patch For Arma1?

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Since the moderators are deleting all discussion of this being the very final patch for Arma 1 in the feedback thread I figured I would try to ask the question here.

Will there be any more patches for Arma 1?

Hopefully a developer, an employee of BIS, or a moderator has this answer.

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Any special reason, quote ...etc... that makes you think it is a final patch for arma 1, I see no indication why it should be.

Perhaps you are being confused because some people have been referring to this patch as a final patch as opposed to the string of beta patches hat we had before.

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Wording is a tricky thing :-)

I don't know anything else than that v1.14 "Final" is in the sense of: "Alpha", "Beta", "Final".

No word anywhere if this is the last patch for ArmA.

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I hope so smile_o.gif

What we need is not another patch, we need a stable product.

My ArmA playing was on hold until we get to a point that the patching situation stabilizes. Now it looks like it has done so. Let's see... maybe I'll play ArmA more now. I already finished the campaign after getting the 1.14 patch smile_o.gif was in the last mission I noticed.

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1.08 was also "final".

Mind you, ArmA2 is somewhere on the horizon. Patches for ArmA1 should be scarce. But nothing, no one, not ever said that 1.14 was going to be the last one.

We may see updates to Warfare, mainly. That is already a very good news, in my opinion.


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Final just means that is 1.14 final patch, i.e. its not beta quite simple, well that's how i understand it to be smile_o.gif

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Nope, I am not confused by the word "final" but thank you for assuming I never finished high school, lol.

I seem to recall reading a developer saying that this was the last patch for Arma 1. Hope it is not so because BIS needs to fix old bugs and fix new bugs they created with the new features.

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Nope, I am not confused by the word "final" but thank you for assuming I never finished high school, lol.

I seem to recall reading a developer saying that this was the last patch for Arma 1. Hope it is not so because BIS needs to fix old bugs and fix new bugs they created with the new features.

Not to sound like a whise-ass but how about searching for such a statement before starting a thread like this. It most likely only causes negative speculation towards BIS.

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There a still a handfull simple bugs in ArmA since 1.0 that no one seems to care about.


BMP and Shilka command option does not work in commanders seat. SPR has no muzzle flash.

These are persistant bugs since dezember 2006, but no one seems to care.

This should be fixed in first place instead of introducing new content.

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I guess by now we can say that Arma will most likely never be 100 percent working in many aspects. There are simply too many unadressed things and bugs or missing gameplay features in Arma that will most likely never be adressed as BIS focus is more on producing Arma 2 now. The problem I personally have with all this is that Arma in the first place was up to now never as "finished" as OFP was and most likely will never be that "complete" as OFP was. BIs twiddles here and there and for some users this means better performance while for others it means less performance and less stability. The AI is still only acceptable when on foot. If the fly or drive you can experience funny things but most of the time they end up getting stuck or killed somewhere. Either the Arma territory is too complex for AI (Towns, hills, etc) or the AI is too weak for the surrounding.

What I´m really concerned about is that all BIS games base on evolution means that the core stays the same and new modules are added or modified.

If this is the case I don´t have my hopes up high for Arma 2 to be honest as Arma certainly is no good base to start from with all of it´s problems, bugs and missing things.

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how about searching for such a statement before starting a thread like this

Actually I would love to hear a new statement because as we all know in life things happen and people have been known to change their minds. Would be great to hear from BIS what they intend to do with Arma 1 at this point.

1.14 seems to have introduced more bugs for me than previous betas. I find the lag in 1.14 to be as bad as some of the very early versions of the game. Even though I am playing on a server with a 30-40 ping the view from a helicopter when in flight is completely lagged out that it appears you are crashing or flying upside down a lot.

I have also found the confused AI bug to be much more frequent in which they quickly repeat "Where are you?" endlessly until you go mad.

Would be sad to leave the game in this shape. It is such a marvelous game otherwise except for the bugs.

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My bet is that even BIS does not know if this was the last patch for ArmA.

I do hope it was.

You have to consider also that not even nearly all bugs are worthy of a patch in their own right. For example if some weapon does not have a muzzle flash, that is not enough to warrant a patch. The Return On Investment will not be enough. Keep in mind that whenever BIS releases a patch, loads of money was spent to make it actually happen.

Although I am certainly not an apologist for BIS, some common sense can and should be applied when you start to look at what kind of bugs or features should be fixed or changed.

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You would think that for a software company that if you can't afford to make a feature work right then don't add it in the first place.

It would be a shame if they spent all this time and money on VOIP for example and we can't even get a view while in a helicopter that doesn't make it seem like you are about to crash into the ground due to bad net code. I never had this problem before 1.14 except for very early versions of the game.

If this was indeed the last patch for Arma 1 instead of adding all these buggy new features they really should have concentrated on a stable version.

We really do need another patch. It seems ridiculous that we can't even filter for a CTI game properly.

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Quote[/b] ]We really do need another patch. It seems ridiculous that we can't even filter for a CTI game properly.

2x click "mission" - there you have it. All the warfares grouped together. tounge2.gif

One thing a new patch should have is "time played" shown on the multiplayer list. Having to connect to a game, just to find out its 3 hours in and about to finish is a real buzz kill.

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You would think that for a software company that if you can't afford to make a feature work right then don't add it in the first place.

It would be a shame if they spent all this time and money on VOIP for example and we can't even get a view while in a helicopter that doesn't make it seem like you are about to crash into the ground due to bad net code.  I never had this problem before 1.14 except for very early versions of the game.

If this was indeed the last patch for Arma 1 instead of adding all these buggy new features they really should have concentrated on a stable version.

We really do need another patch.  It seems ridiculous that we can't even filter for a CTI game properly.

First you complain about new features.

Then you want more features.

Make up your mind already ! smile_o.gif

"we can't even filter for a CTI game properly" This is exactly the kind of stuff that should not be a reason to make a patch.


Indeed, introducing new features is a double-sided sword or how do you say in English... on one hand you are giving "new" for "free" for your customers, but on the other hand you are greatly increasing the chance for new problems.

I'd personally just want to see bugs fixed and no new features introduced. Ideally I would not want to see even the first patch. I am such a radicalist. Some say that's not a realistic goal and I disagree with them.

When "patching" in itself becomes The Thing which we praise and want, then things have gotten out of hands in my opinion. It's the entire computer software industry to blame, not just this one little company.

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I can live happy with 1.14 unless something bad happens.

Although not as polished as would be desirable the game really came a long way and we can get alot out of it.

I think its time to play, edit and enjoy Arma as much as we can, we will all end up switching to Arma 2 anyway smile_o.gif .

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Baddo, don't be a troll just because you think 1.14 is absolutely perfect.

My point about the CTI filtering is that if you are going to bother adding a new feature (in this case a new game mode) then make it work properly. Don't leave the game buggy. It makes absolutely no sense to add a new game mode but not include it in the game mode filters. That is just plain sloppy work.

There are loads of old bugs that still aren't fixed. 1.14 added new bugs that need to be fixed now also. As far as I know CTI was never beta tested with the public yet somehow it has become part of the "final".

- Servers crash a lot more. You can't go 2-4 hours without a server crashing. Is the cause addons? If so why did 1.14 break all the addons suddenly?

- Performance hits. I had better performance in the early days of Arma.

- LAG, LAG, LAG. Massive amounts of lag online now. Desync problems. What did 1.14 do to mess it so badly up?

- "Where are you?" bug. The game has this problem in 1.14 than ever before. The AI shouts this out endlessly until you disconnect from the server. Annoying as old hell.

Quote[/b] ]we will all end up switching to Arma 2 anyway smile_o.gif .

That is exactly what I think they are counting on. People will be fed up with all of Arma 1's new bugs they will gladly buy Arma 2 for the fixes. It is called "planned obsolescence".


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I'm closing this now as it's already gone off-topic. We have a feedback thread where bugs etc. can be reported.

If there will be another patch one day BIS surely will let us know.

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