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RealTimeEditor 5

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Good that it works at least with XP.

Can you test that ArmALib works in general aside of the RTE?

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Got it working for Vista aswell.

It seemed to be a armalib issue, there wasnt a dsound.dll file in the beta directory.

I deleted armalib directory, and reiinstalled armalib, this time there was a dsound.dll in the beta folder. i dont know if there were other files missing. but it works now.

Thanks i0n0s for your help.

u might want to consider some screenshots how to set up RTEditor such as parameters in the manual.

i'fe made a screenshot of my setting now


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Nice that it works now.

There are two problems with the manual:

-First updating the manual requires some time I can spend in the RTE.

-Second: I'm the developer of the software. If I had encountered the problems, I would have changed the software :(

So even if the manual would be up to date, those problems wouldn't be listened since I haven't encountered them.

It's the same problem like testing: You can't test your own software

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I'm still a getting "Knoten Lexer Styles nicht gefunden"-Error on the newest version. Same error as months before, but now the V4 version will work with no problems.

As for V5, ingame the editor works fine, but I guess because of this error exporting is not possible. I tried de- and reinstalling all RTE stuff, armalib, etc, but it didn't change a thing.

If I click on "Ãœberwachung aktivieren" rte capture will change the status to "aktiv", but ingame an error message will pop up saying RTE capture was not started. I tried starting with ArmAlib/without ArmALib and with beta/not beta, but it didn't get any better :( .

If I try to exit RTE capture manually, I'm getting another error: "Zugriffsverletzung bei Adresse 00393EE0 in Modul 'SQLLibrary.dll'... If I try using the other options like loading, saving, etc, the same error message will pop up.

Also, when starting with the rte modfolder, it told me that one addon needed the extended eventhandlers, which I installed into the mod folder afterwards (1.93), dunno if it was the right version.

Edited by Icewindo

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Can you specify your RTE Capture version? (Info -> Ãœber)

Then send me your Options.ini (Optionen -> Templateordner öffnen, then one folder higher), and tell me if you made a local installation? (doLocal file in RTE Capture folder?)

About Extended Eventhandlers: You'll need a version >=1.96.

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New features in RTEV:


Used scripts:


Required addons:

Extended Eventhandler >= 1.9

Optional addons:


Thanks to:

All creators of RTE V3, FABfm, HulkingUnicorn, kju, loki, Matt Rochelle, Old Bear, savedbygrace, Sickboy, Spooner, trooper_ryan, wipman


Version 5:

  • Added synchronisation of waypoints and trigger
  • Added 3D objects for waypoints, trigger and marker
  • Used keys can get modified within the RTE*
  • Project administration to save current projects*
  • Added Bank & Pitch-Dialog
  • Added gear dialogue to edit cargo of objects and gear of units

* requires ArmALib or RTE Capture


Blog about the RTE:


Edited by i0n0s

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realy good, but please, port your work to arma 2 :)

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I'm [...] getting "Knoten Lexer Styles nicht gefunden"-Error on the newest version. Same error as months before, but now the V4 version will work with no problems.

As for V5, ingame the editor works fine, but I guess because of this error exporting is not possible. I tried de- and reinstalling all RTE stuff, armalib, etc, but it didn't change a thing.


If I try to exit RTE capture manually, I'm getting another error: "Zugriffsverletzung bei Adresse 00393EE0 in Modul 'SQLLibrary.dll'... If I try using the other options like loading, saving, etc, the same error message will pop up.

Also, when starting with the rte modfolder, it told me that one addon needed the extended eventhandlers, which I installed into the mod folder afterwards (1.93), dunno if it was the right version.

Alles oben stehen gelassene ist bei mir ebenso aufgetretten.

All things i leave in the qoute above happens even with my installation

Beim Start erscheint diese Meldung

On Startup this Error appears:


und beim schließen

and on closing


Wenn ich im Spiel dann einen Export versuche kommt "über Funk" eine "RTE CAPTURE IST NICHT AKTIV" - Meldung in grau... Obwohl im RTE Fenster "Aktiv" steht...

In Game if i try an export it apears a text in the Radio-Chat: "RTE CAPTURE IST NICHT AKTIV" but the RTE Window says "Aktiv"

Wo kann ich die offenbar funtionierende Version 4 Runterladen?

Where can i download the "it seems its working" Version4 of RTE?

Wäre schön wenn das irgendwie gefixt werden könnte

It would be cool to fix this...

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Imageshack: Image not found.

But: I need more informations about the bug itself. I need to find a way to reproduce it myself. Therefore I need informations.

Icewindo didn't replied to my request. OFranke, can you send me some IM details and files I requested before? I'll try to fix this asap.

Kurz: Bei mir tritt der Fehler nicht auf. Ich brauche also Informationen um den Fehler reproduzieren zu können. Diese Informationen müsst ihr mir liefern, da ihr ja den Fehler habt. Sobald ich die benötigten Informationen habe, werde ich versuchen den Fehler zu beheben und euch mit verbesserten Version versorgen, die den Fehler nicht mehr haben. Keine Angst, ich beiße nicht ;)

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Four days later and I still don't have a response.

Bug fixing doesn't work that way :(

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4 days? Not everyone can play/check a game every day. ;)

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hi , i have an error with rte capture when i launch it i don't have launch arma but activer le suivi

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Have you have an instance of ArmA active when loading RTE Capture?

"Lancer Armed Assault" will only show up if it doesn't detect an instance of ArmA.

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I would like to ask is it possible to copy multiple objects?

I have added some objects to my map, long runs of barbed wire fences, I would like to select all of them, copy them and then paste the copy into a new position, is that possible?

I would also like to say RTE is such a superb tool for me being a noob, it is very intuitive.

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It is possible.

Select the objects, then press the K key. The objects are now copied and you just need to paste them via the P key.

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first error message "Addon ION_RTEV requires Addon 'CBA_main'"

followed by "bad version 48 in p3d file 'ion_rte_dta\ion_pipe.p3d" and CTD!

same after reinstall any body know what this might be?


---------- Post added at 01:19 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:15 PM ----------

Is RTEV only for ArmA 2?

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You seem to have caught the ArmA II version.

Make sure that you have set the paths for A1 and A2 correctly.

Otherwise use the 7z file if the paths are set correctly.

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THANKS! 7z seem to do the trick, no warning message. but now i dont seem to be able to save content (export) i get a message telling me Capture is not started? not sure how have looked over the manual, i open ArmA using the capture window. i note the manual says start ArmA first then start Capture? is there a way to start from within the game i dont see anything?

aaarrr stupid...open in window, go back and activate capture, got it, disregard above!

Edited by KCB

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Since you're using Armed Assault: Please use ArmALib by Kegety.

Simple run Armed Assault with ArmALib and have RTE Capture being active in the background.

That's it.

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Day 3

Found that even with the Capture active, It would still tell me it was not when I tried to export.

Read your post and Installed Armalib, now the Capture status just hangs on ‘waiting to connect’ so I guess you can only use this on line, which I am not most the time. Also having installed Armalib I now find I cannot access RTE from the ArmA editor like I could before? I preview in the ArmA editor, hit Esc but do not see the RTE option. Disabled Armalib RTE option still not available. So it just seem to make things worst. I am uninstalling everything again and reinstalling now im back on line.

This machine is at the very lower limits of this game could that be an issue? Would it be a good idea to try an earlier version of this mod?


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First, you don't need to be online.

Then make sure ArmALib is running. It will have an additional loading dialogue before the disk check dialogue and the version will be 1.14.aLib.

Be aware that it won't work with the latest RC since ArmALib is not yet adjusted for it. Complain at Kegety about this.

Once you loaded ArmA with RTE, RTE Capture will show "Connected" in the status.

About RTE not showing up:

Please give a screenshot of your configuration.

Settings with ArmALib:


Settings without ArmAlib installed:


The low-spec will slow down some actions like moving or opening the RTE. But it should work.

Don't use an earlier version. The speed should be the same but it will be incompatible with the latest RTE Capture.

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Still cant get it to work....

Also noticed a problem, when the installation refers to d:\_ArmA 2\ it wont even start arma2 but when i refer to D:\_ArmA 2\ it will start. so it is case sensitive...

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