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Mark XIII (DayZ)

Hifi Sound FX V1.00 Released

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Why are there people who never take the time to read? Maybe Mark needs to put together an audio book for people? tounge2.gif

It's not three different soundmods, there's three different config files--each giving one a different, yet unique experience.

Mark has put everything into his sound mod, as well as listen to the feedback from the community, resulting in (my opinion) the best sound modification out there. Even better is the fact that we're not waiting 20 years for a release or update, nor are we getting crappy Hollywood-esque sounds, or rehashed low quality youtube sounds that are barely able to be heard. We get to choose and experience many different things between the configs, how many offer that? whistle.gif

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Bugfix for hifi_config_1.5.pbo (bracket):

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> class M24 : Rifle {


reloadSound[] = {"[\HiFi_sounds\s\m24_rb", 0.0003162, 1};


<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> class M24 : Rifle {


reloadSound[] = {"\HiFi_sounds\s\m24_rb", 0.0003162, 1};

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I´ve just tried it and I have to say that this is best imo the best soundpack for ArmA. smile_o.gif

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Whats the bugfix Q??? What does it fix the coding is exactly the same.

reloadSound[] = {"[\HiFi_sounds\s\m24_rb", 0.0003162, 1};

(an extra bracket)



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Quote[/b] ]Some of the missile whooshing sounds have the doppler effect baked into them.

Yep, I wasn't sure how the game used the sounds, after further playtesting I can confirm the doppler effect, I've now changed all the rocket/missile sounds to looped versions instead of faded in single shot samples...my bad! I shall add these to the next update along with new tank sounds & new Aircraft sounds (excluding the a10)..Thanks for posting mate


Quote[/b] ]I really like this mod and I use v1.50 with warfare config but i think the sounds for choppers (at least for uh60) is too loud

Well, I've gotta say I haven't noticed it was that bad mate, I'll have a little playtest at some stage an adjust it accordingly, thanks.


Quote[/b] ] have recently noticed that some explosion sounds are very short (with 1.5 config) and especially when they are close they sound very wierd and i think they need some kind of echo with the 1.5 config, try shooting a mk19 right beside you it just goes boom then stops almost instantly... not sure if it's ment to be like that but i get it with Maverick and Hellfire explosions and maybe others as well.

Ok matey, lets see, I shall adjust the m203/Mk19 sounds in 1.5 as this is something that depends on good sources for me to be accurate, I've since found acouple and shall work on them over the weekend. As regards to the maverick/hellfire sounds, theres nothing with them mate, trust me, for the next update, they shall be alittle louder maybe. thanks bud


Quote[/b] ]Bugfix for hifi_config_1.5.pbo (bracket):

Thanks alot for spotting that mate, I'm gonna get stuck into the config at some point before releasing the next update so consider it fixed! and thanks again.


Quote[/b] ]It's not three different soundmods, there's three different config files--each giving one a different, yet unique experience.

Cheers mate, being nice gets you a cookie!


Well, I'm not having a good month in my personal life right now, so to give you some sort of release date for the update is tough, hopefully I'll get it all sorted soon..

Best regards all


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Love this soundmod  biggrin_o.gif  But to me the Black Hawk is way too loud. I mean it's really loud way before I can even see the chopper. Any way I can config this?

Besides that, thx for a great mod. AK is fun again!

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Great high quality mod. I wish I could here the combat ambience alittle more. I'm using the warefareAce config. Hope you don't stop working on that part.

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Otherwise it's good, but the helicopters are just way too loud. Even if they're 1km away they sound like they are behind the house next to you.

Edit: One thing I noticed too was that there is an annoying click sound after every bullet when shooting M16 on burst mode.

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i think the ACE in HiFi WarfareACE is a bit confusing, since there is already the ACE Mod, which uses this abbreviation already quite some time now for their filenames. And as such its logged in OFPEC Tagreference. It means Advanced Combat Environement, maybe this confusing for some, at least it was for me wink_o.gif until i realized it means Ambient Combat Environment.

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Otherwise it's good, but the helicopters are just way too loud. Even if they're 1km away they sound like they are behind the house next to you.

Way to frigin loud.

:EDIT: Sound removed... icon_rolleyes.gif

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@CrazyAce. Take this as a friendly advice cause I'm not sure if you are aware of this:


To clear something up...

I don't mind you tweaking the config for personal use, or even unpacking my sounds an messing with them...just don't get uploading/releasing them anywhere without my own permission...else your right in the S**t..As far as cutting & pasting my stuff and mixing it with other people's work...I can't stop you doing it, but goes against the whole idea of consistency, the 2nd reason I starting doing this thing in the 1st place. Within the readme, I've requested that if you're gonna go releasing a mixed mod config file with anything from in 1.4, ask me 1st...I'll probly say no tbh because to me, its lazy, I tried everyones stuff too, I liked some stuff but didn't others, so I decided to make my own, nothing stopping you people doing the same, you don't need to pay for anything to get started, anyone with any questions regarding the sound addon process, just PM me an I'll do my best to answer..

Best Regards


edit: I realised that you only give us the sounds, so maybe it is ok???

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Yea; I am aware of that, thanx though. And this is MY custom sound, not his. It does fit perfectly with his default db range.

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right, wtf is going on over here, is this a free for all community based sound mod all of a sudden...are you too impatient to wait for an update....I'm getting abit sick of this, so why don't you guys who like to post 'better sounds' on MY OWN thread make you your own threads/mods.....If you download anything other than the official releases then don't expect it to work well online because the file size has changed....in fact, why am I bothering to make an update at all, let alone work on a possible Hifi 1.6......

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in fact, why am I bothering to make an update at all, let alone work on a possible Hifi 1.6......

For the rest of us?? Please? notworthy.gif

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Whoa sorry if it means that much for you to have popularity instead of a lil friendly help then by all means, please continue.

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I'm going to contact admin, I've truly had enough of this, recently someone else took sounds without consent & I managed with the help of afew good people to limit the damage and get the download links removed, until the issue is resolved. This latest bit of fun, is not impressing me, to come on the HiFi thread and promote/release a sound for MY own creation is totally insulting...Did I request help? NO, but I tell you something, theres gonna be afew people requiring legal aid by the end of this day unless this gets sorted out real soon.

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Dude you got issues...  icon_rolleyes.gif What ever man I'll take the sound that I MADE and leave your topic. I didn't even take nor edited your so called sound anyways.

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I will start by saying, it's always good to see the community helping each other. However, there are lines of respect that should be taken into consideration. This is not the everyday run of the mill half-assed soundmod consisting of low-quality rehashed/recycled youtube video sounds or stealing sounds from other sound mods. Mark has put a lot of hard work into this sound mod making it the best he can for us to enjoy. He listens and takes in the suggestions we may provide and goes even further. With each update, progress is leaps and bounds, thus well worth the waiting time, which isn't an eternity of waiting unlike other sound mods.....

To just come in and start messing around with his stuff or pushing your way in adding your things into his work is no less than rude and a virtual slap to the face, to be quite honest. It's bad enough people are ripping his sounds without his permission, but to come in and start reworking everything with your own sounds is utterly ridiculous and antagonizing! I'm pissed off and I'm not even the one doing all the work, just lending an ear to help out--how much more so is it for the author of the sound mod?!

It's just child-level logic to realize if you want to lend a hand or suggestion, fine...but contact the author first. If it's a no go, well then tough, that's his G-d given right to refuse and you as an individual should respect that and keep it to yourself, instead of just going around everything to do what you want. No wonder why people on here get so pissed and walk away. What's so freaking hard to type a private message to the author of an addon? Are people that damn lazy and inconsiderate? Use your head, that's why it's put on your shoulders and start respecting the rights of the author/designer/creator/modeler. this is all done out of generosity to the community without income....it's the very least you can freakin' do.

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Yea your right Betsalel, thanx for point that out. Sorry I thought this was a friendly and helping community, guess not.

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I'm a person, not a f*****g autotyping bot...I do listen to requests, an on occasion, I have used other people sounds (thanks again jocko flocko) albeit I've edited them, but still your trying to make me look uptight maybe. Maybe I am, still, I would never dream of interferring with someone elses work.

Because, I call it work, because I'd like a job doing this more than anything, as I know other members of this forum feel the same way. Its our way out of the crappy jobs we do for a living in real life...maybe mate, your 'friendly help' is not welcome, maybe this is my CV your playing around with ?

So, thanks... nodoubt people have buggered there keys downloading & pbo'ing your sound, still its all good, afterall your sound is better!! biggrin_o.gif

Put another 1500+ samples together and show us what you got then, more soundmods = more choice for da ppl!

Ok, Ok I've wasted enough of my time responding to this foolish man, to everyone else, I'm sorry to have had this happen on the HIFI thread, such a shame really, 99.9% of the posts here are fantastic as are the posters! So thankyou guys, I'll update you on whats happening hifiwise, as soon as I've finished kicking something to death..


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It is, when you respect the creators. If you went to Mark first, then there wouldn't have been a problem.Just like when people rip things from other creators, many times if they would have just did the right and decent thing and contact the person and ask, they would have given permission. But when you just go and do things on your own, and especially act cocky and spiteful like you have been, with your childish insults and jabs at the author and the community for sticking up for his rights...well that's the sad part.

Nowadays common respect seems to be hard to find, and it shouldn't be that way. Things work much better when we all respect one another and do things properly.

Like I said, it's nice that you or anyone else wants to help, but do it the right way...this way it avoids problems like this. The sad thing is this all could have been avoided with just one simple pm to the author. Don't blame the community nor the author for your own mistakes, mate. We all have to take responsibility and take correction with a grain of salt. That's the way life works.

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Ahhhhh, and relax....

Ok, its update time soon so I'll give you a run down of changes so far; if you want anything else changing, better get to posting as I'm nearly finished..

AV-8 (Engine loop louder & punchier also added subwoofer style rumble)

Su-37 (Engine loop louder, added some background sound to give it a better flypast sound, Added subwoofer style rumble)

T72 (removed old sound, replaced with a nice clean beefy loop, no more track or chain noise)

M1A1 (removed old sound, replaced loop, added some bass, as above, no track or chain noise)

ALL CHOPPER VOLUMES lowered whistle.gif

all incoming sounds have been replaced (now they are proper 'loops' not fade in style, and now all missile/rockets have their own sound)

Hifi Warfare config has been updated with hifi 1.5 missile/rocket explosions, which really add something, shame I didn't get to doing this before the initial release but there you go...

Erm, some other stuff I forget right now. well, I'll hopefully have something for you all on sunday I reckon, I'm busy all tomorrow....Going to get my suit for the wedding biggrin_o.gif

Best Regards


makin crappy chopper sounds since 2003....

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This could get interresting. Personally I'm satisfied with the current version. Yes, perhaps some sounds might need a volume tweek, but it's hard to get everyone happy when x-number of people have different sound systems and settings.

Quote[/b] ]makin crappy chopper sounds since 2003....

But I love them...  huh.gif  inlove.gif

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I think the only sounds I've changed for the update are the tank engine sounds, the choppers & jets which I like myself, I've just edited the sample volumes, playing with config volumes is less effective for what needs to happen volumewise to these sounds. Everything else I've done is just config work.. so hopefull they should address the issues that have been posted here and give you guys the perfect version of 1.5/Warfare.

As regards to warfareACE & its name..I shall change it, I can see the problem, I too am looking forward to the ACE mod being released and don't want any confusion over the name, infact its fitting that I change the name as I've found a better way to use the ambient combat sounds within arma. I think you guys will prefer this system as is gives you more control...Anyways more about that laters..

Well, off to try lots of suits on, wish me luck !

Best Regards



Andersson- you'll be getting a pm from me soon buddy, an its all good


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