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Mark XIII (DayZ)

Hifi Sound FX V1.00 Released

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Hey guys.

Thanks guys for responding so quickly, this is exactly what I want..

Updated 1st post as recommended (Thanks Duke!wink_o.gif

Lebson...Seriously thankyou! I will checkout those clips and thankyou for commenting its appreciated mate ...sorry for not getting you a beta, been busy^ whistle.gif

hehehe...B****R....now thats how to post a comment!


Ok guys I will do my best to work on the negatives but for now, I'm gonna go finish off my lawn, its a lovely day outside and I don't wanna waste it! pistols.gif




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Wow, since the 1.3 update I definitely LOVE the pack! Amazing work! Thanks so much smile_o.gif

This is definitely the n1 soundmod (mainly the weapon sounds)! smile_o.gif

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Halochief89- Heya buddy, I've not had much of a chance to play test 1.3 much myself, I wanted to get it out and now in hindsight I think I should have took afew more days on certain things...

I did however load the game up earlier for a quick blast and tried both m4 and m16 and they work fine for me in single/burst mode. Do you have any other mods running, if so, try my addon on its own. maybe download it again? Since I don't have this issue mate I'm a bit stumped..Anyone else had this problem?

All i can say is this..Keep your eye on this thread, because there could well be a little supprise coming over the next few days...to make up for some of the mistakes I've made in 1.3.

Anyways I'm sorry I couldn't help you much, maybe one of the other guys here could assist you?

Thanks for posting mate!



btw, hows the performance with 1.3 anyone still getting the sound cut out on em ?

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Well I tested all other sound mods CSM, FROMZ, FDF, AACF they all work fine yours fires makes single shot sound. The G36 had it that problem in 1.2 but you fixed it and now it burst fires.

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Here is what i have noticed:

- GAU-12 (AV-8B): Very bad loop only good if firing one press of the trigger.

- AIM-9X Sidewinders - Sounds like a space ship or something big launching not a missile

- AV-8B engine :could be a bit louder and be heard from further away love the actual sound, very realistic when it's flying over you biggrin_o.gif

- A-10 Engine: same as av-8B engine (LOVE IT AS IS BUT JUST TO BE A LITTLE LOUDER inlove.gif )

- Ka-50 needs more punch in the engine noise

- Mi-17 sounds very Vanilla ArmA , could make it more unique but sound realer confused_o.gif

Thanks for this wonderful sound mod Mark! firefoxlover.gifthumbs-up.gif

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M4 / m16 burst working fine for me too!!! I was shooting it heaps.

Could be their sound card or something, FPS performance is working fantastic now! inlove.giffirefoxlover.gif

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Well I tested all other sound mods CSM, FROMZ, FDF, AACF they all work fine yours fires makes single shot sound. The G36 had it that problem in 1.2 but you fixed it and now it burst fires.

Sounds like there is something wrong on your end. Works fine here.

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Well I tested all other sound mods CSM, FROMZ, FDF, AACF they all work fine yours fires makes single shot sound. The G36 had it that problem in 1.2 but you fixed it and now it burst fires.

Sounds like there is something wrong on your end. Works fine here.

+1 here

It's gotta be something on your end. I've never had this problem. It works fine for me as well.

I was going to add that it's probably an AddOn/Mod which is creating a conflict, but I use just about every well-made AddOn/Mod available. I can't remember ever hearing this problem in the past so I can't say something is probably conflicting with HiFi.

Could it be your speakers. huh.gif

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Heya guys,

Just wanted to thank you all for your continuing support, its been an interesting couple of weeks so far, lots of great input all round and up until the release of 1.3 I was really happy. I guess I rushed 1.3 out for the weekend and maybe should've took more time with it. I started to cheer up when your responses to 1.3 came out in posts & pm's. This made me think, I can spend some time and fix some of the errors I'd made as well as implementing your suggestions. So, thats what I've been busy doing the last few days and..

I can tell you things are going very well, vehical engine sounds have been updated as well as optimised alittle.

Ok so heres some stuf I've been doing;

I've been trying to match the samples up with the 'ammo used' during a squeeze of the trigger, heres what I've done so far...

A-10 fires a half second burst of 40 rounds.

Av-8 fire a half second burst of 5 rounds.

Ah-1Z fires a 1 second burst of 5 rounds.

Ka-50 fires a 3 second burst of of 25 rounds high ROF.

Shilka fires a half second burst of 60 rounds.

The Miniguns have annoyed me since 1.0, so I decided to try and fix them..DONE...

All I can say is watch this space...



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Splendid Mark, I'm always keeping an eye out for your thread, can't wait for more releases, and eventually your combat environment sound!


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Heya guys,

I wanted to put a suggestion given to me by Ornbine to you;

We happened to be chatting on msn the other day about how things had progressed, and things to try and fit into future versions of 'HiFi'. He mentioned to me that one of the cool things about the XAM modification was the sound of the ejected casing's hitting the floor.. I must admit I hadn't thought of the idea myself at all during the buildup or release of my addon. So we decided it would be best to put to you people out there and see what your opinions are..so..

Do we mix ejected casing sounds into the end of a shot?

Bear in mind that I'll do my best to make it sound less generic than the XAM mod (NO disrespect XAM guys, I'm just making sound, you guys make EVERYTHING!wink_o.gif). One other thing to take into account is this.. I can only make one casing sound per gun 'shot', so if the casing lands on sand, concrete or grass it shall make the same sound...

Its up to you guys, let me know what your thoughts are?

Best Regards


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I say hell yeah, go for it man. thumbs-up.gif You've done a great job and continue to do so, so we trust your "ear" and instinct for sure. biggrin_o.gif

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I'd just like to say that this is my favorite sound mod out there. The only one I've kept for more than a few test sessions.

Very consistent, uniform quality sounds - the main reason I stuck with the default sounds for so long.

Anyways, keep up the good work.

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Keep your eyes peeled for a video any day now is all I'll say...till then I hope this keeps you happy...

V1.3.1 Fix/Update

-Optimised afew more files

-Reworked A10/AV8/KA50/AH1Z/UH60/AH6 Engine sounds again (sorry about 1.3, guess I was rushing)

-Remade A10/AV8 Burst Fire sounds, sounds now match amount off ammo used if burst fire is used..ie; A10=40 round half second burst, Av8=5 round burst.

-Remade All high ROF samples and minugun samples (I'm now alot happier with them myself, check em out)

-Reworked humvee, vulcan, m113, stryker and shilka engine sounds ( upped the pitch and the rpm's alittle hopefully better for you guys this time!wink_o.gif

-Made volume adjustments to all smallarms reload sounds (bout 3db!wink_o.gif

Theres bound to be afew things I've put in and missed out, just tried to follow what people had said so far across the forums....

Do you want it ? ok, go back to the 1st post and download it then!



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Tried it and this is a keeper for me smile_o.gif

Some things I would like to give feedback to:

-I dont like the gatling sounds, I think FDF have those sounds good.

-I dont now but I guess that the FDF sound for the littlebird is closer to RL, but then I honestly have no clue as I base that alot on black hawk down and apocalypse now biggrin_o.gif In your mod it sounds more like a heavy helicopter.

-the M1A1 had a good sound but I couldnt hear it until it came close to me. I liked the sound and volume on the T72.

Good work!

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Hi all.

andersson- thanks mate, glad you like it, I'll do my best to match up the volume of the M1a1 to make it comparable to the T72, so thanks for spotting that..as for the miniguns, well to be honest it feels like I got em right this time, as far as the timings go (burst/auto)), I will change the actual sound of them in future releases.. wink_o.gif

as far as the littlebird engine sounds go, I can only go on what I've heard (I've been listening to lots of youtube stuff)), I don't like using youtube footage as a rule, so I try and use what I've got and copy the sound best I can.

Well thanks for all the support guys, hope you enjoy the addon... biggrin_o.gif



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Amazing, Mark! :-D

Holy cow, that sound mod is a blast (literally)

This isn't a very constructive "review" - I just wanted to let you know: you rock, keep it up! thumbs-up.gifthumbs-up.gif

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@Mark XIII

The timings on the gatlings are good, it was the sound I wasnt so sure about. But if you will change those sounds anyway I guess I just have to wait smile_o.gif

Littlebirdsound. I have no clue what is realistic, I'm used to FDF and there it sounds like the films BHD and Apo now. If you have a more realistic sound I'm more than happy!

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