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Arma feedback thread - based on 1.12

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about the new FOV: i know this is a matter of taste, still, i find it odd that the default view is zoomed in rather than out. I know i can change it in the player profile, and i know i can use true view mod, but still...

And if BIS really wanted to do smth with the fov, they should have changed the camera for 1st person viiew from the current left eye to the right eye.

for more info regarding this, check the thread here

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  [b said:
Quote[/b] ]there's an idea. why not make it so that even if a tree is knocked over, it still not only blocks the AI sight, but also continues to act as a solid object. think about it, the trees can be used for road blocks. have tanks roll over knocked over trees the same way they go over rocks.

This would unfortunately cause havoc on already flawed convoy setups. I am/was "forced" to use tanks just to clear some trees so that smaller vehicles doesn't get stuck in them. Better now though, since trucks can destroy trees.

For road blocks, I suggest an engineer able to build sandbags on his own, or position steel-x-blocks if a certain kind of truck is nearby. I use these in modded Domination and it works great. I feel those sandbags stuff is needed because there are too little stuff in Sahrani to take cover behind -- too much open space.

Tree visible graphics are just flipped it appears, why cannot the view obstruction graphics just do the same?

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1.12 Ballistics still laser-like for some weapons IMO.

Why oh WHY can't NWD's Real Ballistics or if possible even more realistic values be incorporated into the next ArmA patch??

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It shouldn't be so easy to knock down trees in the first place lool they might bend as if their about to fall. excluding heavy tank, etc these are natural trees, their roots would be deep.

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  (AimPoint @ April 20 2008,01:37) said:
With the 1.12b I have lots of those crackling sounds,even with a single tank. confused_o.gif

This don't happen with the 1.08.

I tested again last night with 1.12 Beta and one single tank (M1A1) and indeed I have some minor crackling when standing close to one with engine running and turning my head around. It's not dealbreaking but surely a bit annoying. I've noticed this in 1.08 as well but IIRC it was when there was many around).

What soundcard and drivers do you use? Myself use the integrated soundcard on my MB and it's based on (the very common) Realtek HD Audio (ALC889A) with driver version 1.81 on XP.


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  (TrunkzJr @ April 21 2008,13:48) said:
It shouldn't be so easy to knock down trees in the first place lool they might bend as if their about to fall. excluding heavy tank, etc these are natural trees, their roots would be deep.

I was messing around with the editor last nite and found it hilarious that trees were easily knocked down by a 5t truck, however a flagpole or even a static M2 machine gun stopped the truck in it's tracks!

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  (KeyCat @ April 22 2008,11:33) said:
What soundcard and drivers do you use? Myself use the integrated soundcard on my MB and it's based on (the very common) Realtek HD Audio (ALC889A) with driver version 1.81 on XP.

Hi KeyCat, I use Creative SoundBlaster,quite old one but always worked very well,with the 1.08 for me the problem is barely if almost no hearable,I use headset most of the times and with the 1.12b those crackling straight in my hears are very bad.

Well lets hope they will fix this for final patch.

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I too have been getting lots of crackling sounds with the presence of armour.

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  (Pirin @ April 22 2008,14:46) said:
I was messing around with the editor last nite and found it hilarious that trees were easily knocked down by a 5t truck, however a flagpole or even a static M2 machine gun stopped the truck in it's tracks!

Same goes for joyriding in an APC through the little town on

Rahmadi (for example). You can crash through walls like they

were meringue but you come to a jarring halt when you hit

some scaffolding poles or a flimsy lean-to porch; "Kerrash!"

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Lots of "no message received for XX seconds", and I mean alot...

Slower loading times, no battle eye updates, but all to do with MP

no SP issues, c'mon I gotta have something good to say


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My notes from 1.12 beta:

-Server FPS is going to hell

-You cannot pickup any AK-74 or SVD (I quickly tested this, I am sure theres more guns that don't work) without gearing them.

-Option to edit FOV

-Some SP missions need to be edited to accommodate patch changes

But very good patch overall.

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I noticed Ammo crates are very hard to take weapons and ammo from.

Also triggers that worked for ages on a wip map, stopped working now, and need reworking. Trigger still fires, but the moveInDriver commands dont fire, but then do fine later in the map using similar style.



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Some more minor bugs then, before ArmA is thrown away to BIS trash can... they're REALLY minor, but I hope that I'll see them fixed at least in ArmA 2  wink_o.gif

- CfgWeapons\G36a\Burst\SoundBurst should be 0, and the sound should be same as in CfgWeapons\G36a\Single\

- source of sound of non-radio chatter in vehicles should be the speaking passenger/crewman. Currently it comes from the vehicle... LOL. One step backward? It was working good in OFP... what's the reason?

- group leader aboard group's chopper will make the AI pilots spin the chopper around the place while following formation... that's ridicolous  smile_o.gif

- The proximity detonation should be an external switch independent of airLock, so dumb unguided missiles won't explode while missing the targeted aircraft. ["my" PG-7V's, RHS Mi-24's UPK-23 cannons...]

- That'll be tricky: idle engine RPM, fuel consumption and gearbox transmissions config for vehicles  smile_o.gif  got idea of self-propelled lawnmower addon smile_o.gif

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  (Cloughy @ April 24 2008,14:25) said:
I noticed Ammo crates are very hard to take weapons and ammo from.

I noticed that it's become hard to take weapons from corpses, too. One has to keep looking (head movement) to find the active point where the menu item appears, unlike earlier when simply looking at the corpse worked.

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In some MP games there is no option to tell my AI driver to man the weapon in the vehicle, more 'no message received for XX seconds"

If I'm running and go prone my soldier will take 3-5 steps extra before hitting the dirt,(usually end up in the open and get shot)...


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wanted feature :

- unlimited number of parameters available in game lobby

- is it easy to change that ?

- in the first scrolling list put the names of the parameters

- in the second scrolling list put the possible values of the parameter selected in the first list

- in the description.ext a mission maker can add "titleParam3", "titleParam4", "titleParam5", etc and "valuesParam3[]", "valuesParam4[]", "valuesParam5[]", etc with a limit at 20 would be large enough I think

- if it is not possible to do that is it possible to add a scripting function that returns the current admin on the server ?

- it would allow a mission maker to add a dialog for the admin where he can change parameters during the game

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AI planes no longer seem capable of landing anywhere but Paraiso. It's like OFP all over again in that respect...

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Was playing a modified version of Domination online. Me and a friend got into a BMP2 and started using it. After quite a while, myself as driver could all of a sudden not turn out anymore; not via z-key nor via the action menu. Same with turning the engine off (listening for enemy activity). Tried other BMP2s as well, and they wouldn't function properly.

Some addons was used though, one pretty advanced ones as well such as the ECS system.

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Auto-hover still suffers from the endless oscillation if used at speed > 0. This problem was introduced in the patch 1.08 IIRC.

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The recoils of ATs and Machine Gunners are awful>please make them as it was on 1,08. confused_o.gif

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<span style='font-size:13pt;line-height:100%'>All waypoint commands are still not working.</span>

- setwaypointposition

- deletewaypoint

- createwaypoint

- etc.

And following commands aren´t works too:

- setUnitPosWeak

- vehiclechat

- weather commands (setovercast,setfog etc.) have problems with

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What's the problem with AT and MG recoils?

Have no problem with setFog and setOvercast, other than that you can not have both active at the same time. If you need to go from full fog and storby clouds to CAVOK in a period of time, you have to let them work in intervals.

1. Fog 1-0.75 in 10 secs

Sleep 10

2. Ovc 1-0.75 in 10 secs

Sleep 10

3. Fog 0.75-0.5 in 10 secs

Sleep 10

4. Ovc 0.75-0.5 in 10 secs

Sleep 10

5. Fog 0.5-0.25 in 10 secs

Sleep 10

6. Ovc 0.5-0.25 in 10 secs

Sleep 10

7. Fog 0.25-0 in 10 secs

Sleep 10

8. Ovc 0.25-0 in 10 secs

Sleep 10

End script, sort of. Works for me.

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Yes, that is exactly the problem. You cannot set Overcast or Fog at the same time. Maybe there are more problems. But in OFP that was no problem.

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