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F/A-18E/F Super Hornet

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ill check it out, btw, if u did start work on the a10, msg me, i would be be willin to help out with anythin to do with it lol. i'd just about marry it if ya made it. i just think it deserves better than what BI gave it, no offence to BI, the model is great but its way undergunned.

edit: the second command didnt work, same effect as the first. its all very odd cuz i didnt have the problem b4.

edit again: found and fixed the problem, was a conflict with the FFN conflict anim replacements, as soon as i removed it, there was no problems. just one thing, with the cbu 87 n the mk20, are they meant to look exactly the same? i thought that the cbu was green IRL, i could be wrong, but regardless, aside from in the arming view, theyre named the same. also, another thing ive found with certain weapons, the same weapons on different hardpoints are counted as different weapons, not a huge problem but just thought i'd mention it.

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Thanx Franze for your reply, and for the weapons scripts,

I can let the Ai use them now : )

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No, I haven't started on it, but I am entertaining the possibility. wink_o.gif

I don't understand how a animation mod could have a conflict with the custom animations I did. They should be insulated from external mods like that - unless there's something I don't know about animation classes.

The CBU-78 isn't the same as the CBU-87 - the CBU-78 uses the Mk20 dispenser to deliver mines, while the CBU-87 uses a different dispenser to deliver submunitions. The CBU-87, CBU-89, and CBU-97 all use the same 1000lb-class dispenser.

Some weapons are separate to reduce workload. I.e., there is no fz_f18_mk82hd_6 weapon - the fz_f18_mk82hd and fz_f18_mk82hd_4 are used instead. It has to do with lazyness on my part for an easier to script and code result. The weapon scripting system in use on the F/A-18E/F is somewhat outdated in that the new demonstrators I have model weapons on a per hardpoint basis for simplicity.

In effect, I plan all future systems to have weapons cycled through hardpoints; while this is more complex to play with, it is vastly easier to code and script in and reduce errors and workload in making sure all weapons are compatible. By having all the possibilities coded on a hardpoint, there becomes almost no limit to mixing and matching. Exceptional cases - such as four Mk84s in a symmetrical arrangement - would simply be coded as a separate weapon.

@Chip360 & Bingham67

Glad you're enjoying them! smile_o.gif

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well as i said b4, whether its the fa18 or the a10 or any future aircraft, msg me anytime n ill help as best i can with whatever, altho im no mean scripter,modeller or texturer lol. as a tester i hope i can prove my worth. been waitin for a weapon system like this to come along for a loooooooooong time.

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Good Franze smile_o.gif

every days the plane is best of the previous smile_o.gif

I ask you if is possible to have a config selectable afterburner trust power, or if u can keep for who like the full powered one an alternate version.

I really like flylow in the mountain with afterburner 100%.

I understand that this could be hard to do, and there is no problem if u can't do this ( tuned version )

... I try to complete your MP mission but when Me and one friend join the objective destroy armour is done without destroy nothing just entering the mission.

I also ask you ( I see in the past thread a similiar question ) is possible to set the wings folder in the map placed plane with an int command?

When I'm WSO how can I set the GPS target, I must open the game map with M and after point somewhere that I think is near enemy, and after the pilot what must do ?

I check again in readme if there is stored the targeting istruction, if not please write some line to explain it.

THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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I get the same with FFN mod here to as like ConfuciusOFP.

Its odd like you say how that conflicts ... it maybe not your issue as its another mod, but any chance of seeing how you could get them to sit happy with one another? I love both of them, as I dont fly much FFN takes priority, but i really want this running too.

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I really like flylow in the mountain with afterburner 100%.

When I'm WSO how can I set the GPS target, I must open the game map with M and after point somewhere that I think is near enemy, and after the pilot what must do ?

Unfortunately ArmA maps will never be as huge so...

Yes, you have to go in the Map and click a point.  It's alot more exciting doing it all by yourself smile_o.gif And then you fire it and it takes awhile for it to get there (glide bomb) so if you want a quick boom.... won't see it till later depending on the range you launch it from.

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Right, Ive just read thrue the whole topic and nobody mentioned it I think. huh.gif But Ive had my canopy fly off while taxiing.

I was taxiing to the runway with the canopy open, and I wasnt going that fast, and the canopy flew off as if it had actually broken off. Did you implement that? crazy_o.gif

That was really cool, I slammed the brakes and sat there thinking did that just happen? rofl.gifrofl.gif Then turned arround to get the other jet, with canopy firmly closed I tried again.


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Most of my addons are for personal use but if I need another tester, I'll let you know. smile_o.gif


Thanks for the mirror!


A selectable low rate/high rate afterburner would be possible but at the same time it might get a little complex. I'll look into it.

The MP mission may not work properly. I didn't have anybody to test it with when I made it, so it's possible I need to look into the triggers.

You can fold the wings by placing this in the init line:

Method one (servo sound) - insert this in aircraft's init field:

[this] exec "fz_f18\aws\foldwing.sqs"

Method two (silent) - insert this in aircraft's init field:

this animate ["l_wingfold",1]; this animate ["r_wingfold",1]

If you're as WSO and you select a GPS target, the pilot has to decide whether to engage it. If he knows it's there (may be some latency before he sees it), then all he has to do is acquire it with the correct weapon and fire.


Part of the problem is I don't know why there's a conflict. There shouldn't be - it would appear the animations are being deleted or ignored for some reason. If it were a conflicting name, I don't think the animation would be the standing-weapon pose (which you can get if you try to animate someone with a non-existing animation). I'll look into it but I don't know if it's something I have to do or FFN has to do.


The canopy breaks off when your speed exceeds 30kts. smile_o.gif

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Hi Franze,

Long time observer on these forums, but first time poster.

Like the F-18 a lot and have a couple of questions

Are you considering making the F-18G "Growler" with jamming pods, etc.

Secondly I've had a look through the other posts and have not seen this mentioned. The Arming GUI is great, but is there anyway to disable it in flight. As I have found that you can rearm in mid-air, I don't know if anyone else has come across this or it maybe just a problem of running on my system.


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F/A-18G - no, because there's not much to be done with a jamming aircraft. However, the possibility is open for the future.

Sometimes the Arming GUI action isn't removed - i.e., if you get in the aircraft when within the action radius, then get out, it won't remove the action from the airplane (unless a trigger or switch is set up to remove the action in question). I need to make a more complex trigger setup so that the actions can be properly removed from the aircraft.


I get the same animation problem with some of my other addons with custom crew animations. It may have something to do with how I inherit from the base crew class. I'll let you know how it goes.

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Ok mate, I did post in the FFN mod thread about this as they found a fix/workaround for a similar HUEY problem .. might want to check it out and see how they fixed that as it bears a similar resemblance to the odd anim position issue with your addon too.

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It looks like what the FFN mod does is replace the base CfgMoves classes. So in effect, with the FFN mod installed along with the F-18, the animations are inheriting from a non-existing class.

EDIT: Yes, that was it. I tested a different animation inherit and sure enough, that worked. I'll see if I can make a quick fix for it.

EDIT2: Ok, here we go - F/A-18E/F Animation fix for use with FFN Mod

A simple fix that changes the base class from which the custom animations inherit from. Don't use it unless you have FFN animation mod installed.

@Drake Starkiller

The Marines only use the legacy Hornets, so no. Sorry. sad_o.gif

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Thank you Franze smile_o.gif

For me is enought if when you relase the final version, if is possible, to relase a version, or just a config.cpp line to comment/uncomment that allow more power to the afterburner.


This plane for me is the point to reference for future creation I tell this in the past and I will belive in the future.


If u need testing you mission in dedicated server, we got one for lanparty and we can test mission or other stuff if u want.

send me what u need to test and I give feedback to you.

use this : rubberkite@gmail.com

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thanks Franze , i was going to prepare a fix for that issue with FFN but yyou save me the work , i will put the link to the fix in the FFN thread smile_o.gif

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Won't the Super Hornet be a USN only aircraft since from that last time I heard the USMC was going to an all F/A-35 force. Most of which would be the F/A-35B for Amphibious Operations off of LHD's. However, a few USMC F/A-35 squadrons might be based on Carriers as a B or maybe C variant.

The USN would have a mix of the Super Hornet and F/A-35C's.

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Sweet stuff, can't wait to fly it around.


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there are in future plan, tracer for the gun ?

or is possible to use six tracer or other stuff ?

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Do you want more power in the afterburner or less? I'm a little mixed up here... I was thinking of scripting a function to toggle between a high power setting for the afterburner and a low power setting, selectable in-flight.

It's been tested a few times in a dedicated server so it should work fine - with a few errors of course.

The gun derives from the base M197 class, and the ammo from the B_20mm_AA class. I don't use custom tracer colors so maybe it will work with tracer mods - I haven't tried any.


No problem, a simple fix. smile_o.gif


Yes, I think that's the USMC's plan. As for the Super Hornet being a USN-only aircraft, I think that hinges on whether or not the RAAF is still going through with their order. I also read that the USN might be buying some more Super Hornets in case the F-35 hits more delays.

Regardless, I think the USMC is committed to the F-35 right now.

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I read this to your last 0.20 version:

- Afterburner acceleration reduced.

so I ask if it's possible for who ( Like me) prefer the boost from the afterburner, to use the old style power on your last work.

by a config line or other way u found,

... we play on Lan in 4 or 6 player and really if u need something to test we will do it for you with pleasure smile_o.gif

for tracer now I try to set six tracert placing the lines in the config

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Isn't it possible to bind scripts to keys?

so by pressing E you eject.

pressing U Afterburner is activated?

that would be nice smile_o.gif

think the Afterburner acceleration in 0.15 was abit uber. gotta test later how it is now smile_o.gif

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