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AACF SoundMod Version 2.0 released

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Job well done to all, i think the above woodpeckers would be the crickets tounge2.gif Also i find the trucks seem to be alot less or tinny than a HumV. Love the sounds coming from the M1 especially the rounds coming past goodnight.gif

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hey SnR mate  the sounds for the trucks were actually taken from the real deal and the high pitch noise you might be hearing is the engine noises ascosciated with them having a turbo attached apparently but i myself had to see the footage myself to see it was from the trucks in question

and as far as the hummer sounds it was the clearest sound we could find for it not an easy sound to find i can tell you that isnt garbled with someone talking over it or the sounds being distorted

anyways i hope your all enjoying the mod as we are thanks for the feedback

edit :with the ffars we tried and tried to come up with a solution to the issue we are having with them not producing the firing sound when in the chopper (pilot cant hear the firing of the rockets) but i checked today and i could actually hear the rockets being fired from the choppers when i was under one firing them so the issue isnt so much with the sound mod but so much as an issue with the sound dampener that was placed in the beta patch so we are looking for a solution but at this stage have no answers

if anyone has an idea on how to fix this please contact me here or via pm the help would be appreciated imensely

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I really like these sounds, but for some reason even at far distances, I can hear bullets hitting the ground, walls, etc. (Im talking 100 yards and on I can still hear them.) If you fix that, it's a great sound mod. Keep up the good work.

Yes please, fix this, its very "distrubing", thanks.

When this error will be fixed, it will be the BEST sound mod released for ArmA so far, I really like the sounds, great work ! notworthy.gif

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Hey awesome soundmod!

A couple of suggestions, to help, nothing else smile_o.gif:

[*] Fix for bullet hits as requested by few others above

[*] I believe you're missing a few addons in requiredAddons list, which should be: "CATracked", "CAWheeled", "CAWeapons", "CAWeapons3"

[*] You can leave out the empty classes like: class M113_RACS : M113 {};   and class UAZ : UAZMG {}; etc. etc. Because if you update a class, all the classes that inherit from it will be updated aswell. If certain sounds are also specified in the subclasses, the used method will not work anyway, as then you would also need to specify the overwriting sound entries. Still, if you need certain classes to inherit from, but not change anything inside, you can simlpy keep to: class M113_RACS;   . Also, class Air: AllVehicles {}; can also just be: class Air;   etc. etc, unless you need to make changes to entries in the class.

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I havent checked them all yet but overall i like it, especially the sound of the helos smile_o.gif .

So far, things i wouldnt mind seing changed:

-The hitting sounds could be toned down a bit.

-The reload sound for the M16's isnt replaced.

-The reload sound for the PKM is so long that i can still hear it reloading long after its reloaded and im firing away.

-M16A2/A4 could be cleaned a bit.

-The RPG7... is a bit of a downgrade (reload and firing).

-The AK74 and PKM sound a bit... weak.

I wouldnt mind an alternative cfg wich only replaces the vehicle sounds smile_o.gif .

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woodpecker...?huh.gif? news to me lol

ahh i think your hearing the bullet cracks that are heard at differing distances

as bullets pass by at different ranges breaking the sound barrier you will most of the time hear the crack as we have replicated that in the mod

yeah, i figured that out pretty quickly, but that particular sound is always 4 cracks, so it sounds like a woodpecker..

and the shots fired are not even close to me..

it can be fired from a chopper 1km away at a target 300m away from me and i still hear 4 cracks (allways 4 cracks, no more, no less)

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Thank you for version 2.0!

Some things I found - with suggestions:

M119 - as gunner firing this gun you don't hear projectile flight sounds

M2 machine gun - what about adding reload sound?

M9, Makarov PM - make sound clear and louder

Mk12 SPR - please change or improve sound

M249 SAW, M240, PKM - make sound louder that are machine guns!

G36, M24 - one or two bits louder+clear (slightly)

AK74U - could have bit different sound to AK74

AK74+GP-25 - there is no GP25 impact and explosion

RPG - improve flight ballistics with effective range ~500m

Shilka, Vulcan - make much more louder

other things like vehicles I will try asap.

Good work so far. Updates and next version appreciated smile_o.gif

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Thanks for this great Soundmod  smile_o.gif

Mirror from Assault Mission Studio.

AACF SoundMod 2.0    



thanks for the mirror mate its appreciated

as far as updates to the mod soon we are actually taking a few weeks off due to working on this for 4-6 months now so after that we will take all suggestions into consideration and look at a possible update but as we arent professional coders may take a little while

and as far as messing with the range and balistics of the rpg its a sound mod not a balistics mod maybe you can get someone to look at that norailgunner but we wont be playing with the effective ranges and balistics of the weapons but thanks for the suggestion anyways

all the best


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woodpecker...?huh.gif? news to me lol

ahh i think your hearing the bullet cracks that are heard at differing distances  

as bullets pass by at different ranges breaking the sound barrier you will most of the time hear the crack  as we have replicated that in the mod

yeah, i figured that out pretty quickly, but that particular sound is always 4 cracks, so it sounds like a woodpecker..

and the shots fired are not even close to me..

it can be fired from a chopper 1km away at a target 300m away from me and i still hear 4 cracks (allways 4 cracks, no more, no less)

yeah even at 10km's away in real life you will hear rifle cracks and shelling impacts and this is what we have done to replicate that sorry if its a little annoying but think about the poor bastards who are actually hearing this night and day in real life they dont get a repreive they just get told harden the F**k up princess and soldier on

and being ex aussie military i know that first hand lol

edit :

looking into fixing the ricochet's at the moment need to talk to the rest of the lads as to what lelvels are going to be the best will let you all know the outcome

all the best


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Can we get a video with some sound samples?

I made a quick vid of the new chopper sounds here

We will make a full vid for the next version , we all enjoying a little downtime atm.

Quote[/b] ] I think the A-10 and Harrier engines could get some work.Harrier has to sound much more like a Fighter Jet because it is a jet not a passenger aircraft  tounge2.gif

I agree wasn't really happy with the harrier sound . However I found a new source of a real one and will be added in the next version.

Re the A10 aircraft engine sound, I read somewhere that this is made because of the high bypass ratio of it's engines. It sounds more like a commercial jet liner than a fighter jet.

Quote[/b] ] I really like these sounds, but for some reason even at far distances, I can hear bullets hitting the ground, walls, etc. (Im talking 100 yards and on I can still hear them.)

Yeah they did come out a little loud ,I will tone em down next the next version thumbs-up.gif

Quote[/b] ]

Some things I found - with suggestions:

M119 - as gunner firing this gun you don't hear projectile flight sounds

M2 machine gun - what about adding reload sound?

M9, Makarov PM - make sound clear and louder

Mk12 SPR - please change or improve sound

M249 SAW, M240, PKM - make sound louder that are machine guns!

G36, M24 - one or two bits louder+clear (slightly)

AK74U - could have bit different sound to AK74

AK74+GP-25 - there is no GP25 impact and explosion

RPG - improve flight ballistics with effective range ~500m

Shilka, Vulcan - make much more louder

Ok the guns are Oni's dept but we will review and see smile_o.gif

The vulcan can be made a bit louder I guess,re the missing explosion sounds will look into it.

Quote[/b] ] woodpecker...?? news to me lol

ahh i think your hearing the bullet cracks that are heard at differing distances  

as bullets pass by at different ranges breaking the sound barrier you will most of the time hear the crack  as we have replicated that in the mod

We might add a few variant sounds in there to mix it up a bit that should sound better


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woodpecker...?huh.gif? news to me lol

ahh i think your hearing the bullet cracks that are heard at differing distances

as bullets pass by at different ranges breaking the sound barrier you will most of the time hear the crack as we have replicated that in the mod

yeah, i figured that out pretty quickly, but that particular sound is always 4 cracks, so it sounds like a woodpecker..

and the shots fired are not even close to me..

it can be fired from a chopper 1km away at a target 300m away from me and i still hear 4 cracks (allways 4 cracks, no more, no less)

yeah even at 10km's away in real life you will hear rifle cracks and shelling impacts and this is what we have done to replicate that sorry if its a little annoying but think about the poor bastards who are actually hearing this night and day in real life they dont get a repreive they just get told harden the F**k up princess and soldier on

and being ex aussie military i know that first hand lol

edit :

looking into fixing the ricochet's at the moment need to talk to the rest of the lads as to what lelvels are going to be the best will let you all know the outcome

all the best



never heard that myself though, but then i have never been in real combat either... just on some live fireing ranges... (not to compare with shooting ranges)

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Excellent job on this one !

I love it smile_o.gif Some sounds still need some work, like the shell fly by or the distant impact of bullets. Otherwise, it's nearly perfect ! This deeply contributes to immersion !

Keep up


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after speaking to a very competant coder for advice (thanks SickBoy) we will be making slight alterations to the mod shortly and not long after hopefully it will be re-released as a fixed version (bullet cracks and ricochets are on the agenda)

so we will be addressing several issues that you the community have brought to our attention thanks to all who have given feedback it is appreciated

all the best


AACFSOUND mod Coordinator

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Gotta say that I love this mod. It's (imo) the best sound mod out to date.

but I don't know if its just because I'm using 1.08 still or what but I always hear bullet impacts like they're right next to me, no matter how far away they're impacting. I was playing earlier tonight and I kept thinking I was getting shot at because of it.

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that is actually being fixed now mabes we are adjusting the bullet impacts and ricochet's n0ow a final update will be released in the next few days when we are happy with the sound levels so stay tuned

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is it just me or does the m107 sound like its being fired twice? other hen that, all the sounds are pretty good

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what you are hearing is the initial firing of the weapon and the 'report' of the weapon once fired unfortunately when shots are recorded the two sounds actually get scrambled together so we altered the sound to put the sound back in as you would hear it in real life all the weapons have it just with some its a little more pronounced than others

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Great Sound Mod!

Its the Best atm since Chammy is MIA.

Though these sounds still needs some improvement.

Keep it up.

IMO the only boring part is what was already reported, ie, we can hear the bullets hit the bodies, walls etc far as if they were 100 m from us.

Me like it alotA smile_o.gif

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new version is being uploaded now link on first post updated very soon

edit new version posted old mirrors deleted till updated

some of the items fixed :

ricochets and bullet impact sounds

bullet flyby sounds

some engine sounds

i hope you all like this update....now about that holiday lol

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Downloaded and testing the Version 2.1!

Thank you very much!

So far im really loving it!

ill let you know if i find any bugs or things to fix.

Much appreciated.! inlove.gif

ps: sorry for the excitement.

edite: i think you could improve the bullet flyby sound. They sound odd. There was a mod that add a very nice flyby sound when the bullets pass near our head. Could you use it or something more realistic? smile_o.gif

nice work though

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Downloaded and testing the Version 2.1!

Thank you very much!

So far im really loving it!

ill let you know if i find any bugs or things to fix.

Much appreciated.!  inlove.gif

ps: sorry for the excitement.

edite: i think you could improve the bullet flyby sound. They sound odd. There was a mod that add a very nice flyby sound when the bullets pass near our head. Could you use it or something more realistic? smile_o.gif

nice work though

thanks for the suggestions mate but at this stage no changes will be made to the mod for a bit we want to take a break and let this sound mod rest on its merits at this stage as for the sound of the bullet flyby's we are looking for a decent one but will stick with this one for the moment and as far as ones from other sound mods thats pretty much taboo and a no go zone

we prefer to try and make our own sounds anyways so if we find a better sound for it we will impliment it till then the one we have is what we are sticking to

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