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Z Day is comming!

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Hi all

Worth watching


Critiques welcome

Edit: Context added at the request of Placebo

The Film has been on many Forums and is one of the most watched films on Google. As such even as a work of fiction it would be worthy of consideration for critique by the members of this forum and merely to bring it to the members attention. It is edited well to hold the attention and as an example of how to time your film is worth viewing and critiquing.

It is however placed by its producers as a documentary. It places three arguments and evidence for them.

It plagerises and credits NO ONE surely worthy of discusion on this forum!

It is inadequately sourced surely worthy of discusion on this forum!

It is a worthy activity to prove or debunk those points by taking each in its turn with a view to assessing their validity for truth.

At the moment I am investigating the astrological archeology of it. It is interesting as well because it would explain the significance of alignment of Egypt's Pyramids with Orion's Belt and Sirius to early peoples. Essentially it places it as pagan ritual going back to the stone age.

The comparative mythology is something that has piqued my curiosity. Are each of the deities common in their mythology? How much of any belief system is just rehashing an earlier form? The argument that modern Judeo/Christian/Islamic as well as Hindu and Buddhist beliefs all root in the same pagan history is surely worthy of debate.

The part about 9/11 is much the same as many other "Conspiracy films" though it raises some theories I had not heard of and so is worthy of a look just to test their truth.

The third part dealing with banking was educational about the history of the US banking system. I might questiuon some of the conclusions and a couple of the statements but that is my purpose in placing this before the forum.

As to my own opinion of it. I saw the film today. In placing the film before the forum I hope to use the forum to aid myself and others to come to a conclusion about it.

Kind Regards walker

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A forum thread should contain all information needed to have an opinion and to take part in a discussion, else it's not worthy of having a thread on these forums, please edit to change the post to fit that criteria else it can be closed.

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While I view most of the movie as bullcrap, mainly because when it came to the part about the world wars and how the US provoked Japan into war I lost intrest because the maker(s) is so one sided.

I did however get frightend at the end with the chip part because before I saw Zeitgeist I was watching this short documentary how there's an elite night club in Holland and how they are using chips like that for VIP guests and they just recieve the bills.

The onesidedness of the documentary is incredible though. Just means that you shouldn't take this too seriously.

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I couldn't get pass the first ten minutes without banging my head on the wall. I knew right away how objective this movie was going to be when a George Carlin sound clip started to play. Just not a fan of conspiracy theory movies. Next!

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Oh yeah, good idea, for those interested, the movie basically boils down to this:

The jews control everything! The world is a lie! GET YOUR TINFOIL HATS!

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Lost interest at the first part of the so-called "documentary" as the mentioned elements are barely believable, especially when it comes to the close relation between the bible's content and the miscellaneous astronomical events.

I know how important were 'stars and the rest of various astrological changes to people, but it's kind of hard to imagine them in 0 AD being able to determine so precisely the zodiac movements and base their statements on in such a way.

I bet the rest is just a bunch of speculative and unproven proclamations.



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That is not even worth to take a look at.

A documentary is something different imho, based on facts and not of fiction. huh.gif

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The jews control everything!

Hi all

MehMan: Do not lie. It does not say anything about Jews controling anything.

If you want to critique it do it formaly; otherwise people will think you are afraid of the film.

Kind Regards walker

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I think the first part of the video was the best. Makes sense to start off with something believable and then add more and more bullshit as you go along tounge2.gif

I think the document people signed saying they thought the US would attack Iran with nuclear weapons was really stupid. Cant remember what people they claimed had signed on that document but I dont really care because its just stupid.

Here is a collection of counter evidence videos on youtube:


Here are some videos showing how bad these guys behind the conspiracy videos are at lying live:

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The jews control everything!

Hi all

MehMan: Do not lie. It does not say anything about Jews controling anything.

If you want to critique it do it formaly; otherwise people will think you are afraid of the film.

Kind Regards walker

It's called a joke. Most 9/11 conspirators end up going: THE JEWS DID 9/11! Why else would there be no jews in the WTC!?

I'm not afraid of the film. I'm calling the film mostly bull, as it has been debunked left and right. It's still a nice watch, if you care enough. This film should not be taken seriously.

Also, I've met some people who watched and believed it without doubt. Doubt is needed in everything.

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lol I thought Z day was zombie outbreak but yeah all conspiracy videos are a bunch of bull basically

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Listened to it all the way through, and was only able to do so because the movie (not documentary) expresses some of the thoughts that go around my head from time to time. The visual beginning of the movie really would´ve turned me off otherwise.

What was quite surprising for me was that allegedly all american laborers work 4 months of the year just to compensate for debt produced by the money institutes themselves. If that is true, i´d guess at least a minority of the educated population would stand up against it ...

Although im quite sure that people from the EU are looted in a similar way, theres sadly no movie out yet to confirm my fears lol

The scenes with Rupert Murdoch were sickening at least.

Since he bought into the german market almost any of the programmes have gone fubar ... and in his speeches he wholeheartedly admits that this is infact all intentional to keep the population occupied. Why the hell can they get away with this? banghead.gif

Also interesting the north american union that was mentioned. Infact, and there the movie was right, i never heard about it.

This is was wiki has about it:

Quote[/b] ]The North American Union (abbreviated NAU) is a theoretical continental union of Canada, Mexico and the United States similar in structure to the European Union, including a common currency sometimes called the amero. There are no governmental proposals to create such a union, although the idea has been discussed and proposed in academic and scholarly circles, either as a Union or as a North American Community (see Independent Task Force on North America).

The formation of a North American Union has been the subject of various conspiracy theories.





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lol I thought Z day was zombie outbreak but yeah all conspiracy videos are a bunch of bull basically

I thought Left 4 Dead was going to be released. sad_o.gif

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If you're interested in more on the money part; debt, fractional reserve, usury, lending and whatnot, and the history of it all... a whooping 3 and 1/2 hour historical documentary called The Money Masters can be found on google video:

The Money Masters

It's from 1995, and I could be wrong, but Zeitgeist's third part seems to be based very heavily on The Money Masters.

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I watched this video all the way through several months ago. I'll admit that I was kind of scared afterwards, but that wore off in about a week.

Overall the video was very interesting. The first part, about religion I believe, does seem plausible. I'm learning about Roman religion right now and because of this video I can see how those early religions grew into Christianity.

The second part is kind of interesting, although I don't really want to get into that.

The third part is scary, though, I'd hope that if things ever get that bad people will rebel. That's why I support Ron Paul this election, because he is a constitutionalist (sorry I just had to say that).

Anyways, does anyone have any information about "America wanting to engage in the wars for money"? I don't remember what they said in the video exactly but they used Vietnam as an example.

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The film claims that US entry into ww1, ww2, vietnam and iraq/afghanistan are all based on incidents which were largely provoked by america itself - Reason being that the aggressor is generally unpopular.

ww1: <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RMS_Lusitania

" target="_blank">Lusitania</a> - ship full of US civs sunk by german sub off the coast of britain - It was basicly a surefire way to win the hearts and minds of the american public to enter the war. It could be postulated that the ship was sent there to be sunk, deliberately.

ww2: The Pearl harbor attack was probably provoked as US had helped the chinese and frozen japanese assets, oil trades and such. And despite being warned in good time no action was taken. Again american public, mostly unawares of the US' dealings, was won over and they entered the war.

But that's just the pacific side and I think the atlantic war (against germany) has a similar story.

vietnam: Tonkin incident - US ships having probably no business so close to N-Vietnam allegedly came under attack - though probably a complete fabrication, US minds was again won over.

iraq/afghanistan: 9/11 could have been staged or provoked. Any article that would describe it all, would be bloated with conspiracy theories... But it probably sums to something like: 9/11 was in retaliation to clinton's assassination attempt on osama which in turn was response to osama's embassy bombings and who knows what started what... but osamas motivation probably roots deep in the US' support of israel, kuwait, embargos and whatnot.

Obviously nothing is clear cut (yet), but the bottom line probably is that the US, whether deliberate or not, provoked someone into starting their holy war, and 9/11 was perhaps just the answer the international bankers (and a weapons industry etc) was hoping for.

Wars create lots of debt and debt is profitable because it earns interest. Sadly, because banks create money largely out of nothing, they're earning a lot of money on interest made on loans using money that never existed. A good deal.

And no one gets it. It's the perfect scam.

Actually, I don't really get it...

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Well i havent watched it yet (might do later)

But i dont think that the US really wanted in on WW2.. they were a pretty isolationist country back then, they looked after their own interests and didn't want to be dragged down by the world war being fought..

When America's interests were threatened, they jumped in, i dont think they would have if the interests of the US were not in jeopardy..


On the 9/11 issue, ive seen countless consipiracy theories.. some things are complete bull. Other stuff may have a point, mostly the witness statements and things where people claim they had heard explosives being detonated etc.. and how the fuel from the planes would not be enough to cause the structural damage needed to make the tower collapse. But i dont think thats true, some people say it was a 'demolition' but there have been a couple of videos close up at the bottom of the towers as they collapsed, and the bottom of the towers remain intact as the top part collapses down.. not from the bottom as some people claim that it was done.. I would have expected it to topple or at least have some more of the structure remaining personally, but then again, im no architect..

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The US didn't provoke Japan into war. Japan provoked the US into war by bombing a naval base. The US made repercussion before that due to Japans agression.

About 9/11...if it were really a conspiracy this documentary wouldn't exist and wouldn't be hosted on google and the creator wouldn't be alive. Look at Russia and the moscow aparment building bombings, everybody who tried to investigate the involvment of the FSB was either arrested or killed. If you think the CiA is not capable of that, then you are wrong. If it were true, there wouldn't be any conspiracy documentaries, at least not from people inside the US and not hosted on the internet.

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Jack-UK: That's kind of why you should watch the movie, particularly the third part...

Perhaps the voters were isolationist, but were the rulers and those with power? They certainly have motivation not to be!

Mehman: Prior repercussion is provocation. Bombing [pearl harbour] is an act of war.

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I would see it more as a punishment, provocation is based more on that the other side didn't do nothing. And Japan did do something. IIRC Japan sunk a US gunship in China and killed a few sailors in the process.

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Sometimes politic is only a facade for powers who acts behind the courtains.

These powers are sometimes called Lobbies and they're too damn powerfull to be ignored by those who rules a country. Even for a big and stronger country.

And sometimes politics are just emanations of these Lobbies.....

I've watched the movie some weeks ago and it told nothing really new to me indeed. In fact the first and the third chapters contents applies very well to the country where I live and I was lucky (?) enough to realize we're fucked up before someone from another continent tried to tell it to me.

(Sad) Klavan

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