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arma bmp-2 screens

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Hi I was wondering if anyone could provide me with lots of screenshots of the arma bmp-2 so that I could verify it was done to blueprint. I am especially looking for views from side , top , front etc....

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hmm I`m wondering if you own ArmA .....if you do then you probably will have no problem capturing the shots yourself  wink_o.gif

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I happen to own it , but my computer and video card are just so crap for arma that the game experiences major lag even on the lowest settings. The lag is so much that it affects playability where I had to uninstall it.

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I happen to own it , but my computer and video card are just so crap for arma that the game experiences major lag even on the lowest settings. The lag is so much that it affects playability where I had to uninstall it.

what kinda computer do you have that you can't even run it on minimal settings? huh.gif

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an old and outdated P4 with a 128mb video card. I am ashamed to even discuss my outdated piece of junk. But please I really need the BMP-2 screenshots.

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The reason is that there are two actual blueprints of the BMP-2. The main differences can be seen only from the top (at top hatches) and I wanted to compare to which blueprint the arma bmp-2 was modelled accordingly to. For example the OFP bmp-2 is modelled incorrectly and has "extended" and long hatches which is incorrect.

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Thanks guys and especially thanks Sparks those are exactly what I was looking for and top notch quality (respect smile_o.gif).



If you do a comparison of them they are practically the same except one of the front hatches is not a circular shape

Now the proper version of the BMP-2 is here: http://armor.kiev.ua/ptur/dz/bmp-2.gif and as you can see they took one component from the proper version and merely updated/redid the BMP-2 from ofp , retextured etc....

Hmm would be nice now to analyze arma BMP-1 (screens anyone ; and lots of em from different views etc..))

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If you own the game, then you would know that there is no BMP-1 in ArmA.

What is this thread good for, complaining because a few minor details of the BMP-2 are not as they are on your blueprints?

What's next? Someone complaining because a few screws and nuts? icon_rolleyes.gif

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My mistake about BMP-1 , I only installed and played ARMA for a few minutes before I had to uninstall it.

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Yeah yeah so you dont even have the game and your complaining about the detail of the units to your blueprints.. why.. Why if you dont even play the game? wink_o.gif

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My mistake about BMP-1 , I only installed and played ARMA for a few minutes before I had to uninstall it.

...only a few minutes before you had to uninstall it?  crazy_o.gif

...well... why don't you install it again? Would be easier for you to get your screenshots.

Or is there some problem which prevents you from installing ArmA again? There is a troubleshooting board in this forum if you have trouble with the game.

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*cough* CWR *cough*  wink_o.gif

He's spying for the CWR project?  crazy_o.gif


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I am gonna wait for OFP/ARMA2 rather than using an interim solution (arma).

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I am gonna wait for OFP/ARMA2 rather than using an interim solution (arma).

Well apparently you need ArmA now, seeing as you want photos of its contents.

This is actually quite perplexing. You can't play it, now you don't want to play it but you want pictures of a part of it. Now you are waiting for the next installment which will require a better computer and will be a few months before its release.

Does comparing a model from a game you don't play to a set of 'blueprints' fulfill your life?

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there is a bmp-1 on rahmadi but its a wreck

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Actually the real reason why I wanted the screenshots was to see how much they changed the model from OFP in arma.

Quote[/b] ]

Does comparing a model from a game you don't play to a set of 'blueprints' fulfill your life?

Yes as a matter of fact it does.

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One also has to consider just how accurate the blueprints are too.

Unless you have the actual technical drawings created by the designer and used by the factories, I wouldn't put too much faith in something which may or may not be correct.

Edit: Also, there are SO many different design/production variations of most Soviet designs, that to base judgement on one set of blueprints (accurate or not) isnt entirely a "legitimate" process. I've seen real BMP's of various configuration, and photos of BMP's in even more configurations.

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DM brings up a good point. I'm researching and building a similar vehicle and the variations in the photos I see are pretty stark sometimes.

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One also has to consider just how accurate the blueprints are too.

Unless you have the actual technical drawings created by the designer and used by the factories, I wouldn't put too much faith in something which may or may not be correct.

Edit: Also, there are SO many different design/production variations of most Soviet designs, that to base judgement on one set of blueprints (accurate or not) isnt entirely a "legitimate" process. I've seen real BMP's of various configuration, and photos of BMP's in even more configurations.

Second. 'cept for the seeing BMPs. More for the realitability of blueprints. And low res ones at that.

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