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Pilfius + arma = <3

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Ah, that did it. Thanks everyone. Time to see if I can get this bugger to work. Haven't had much luck with other voice control softwares.

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I've just (after reading this topic) switched from Shoot to PilfIus because the latter IMHO works better. Shoot doesn't have recognition of fluent talk so you have to speak your commands one after one, not in one sentence. You have to say: Squad. (wait for a second) Return to formation. With PiLfius you can say: 'Squad return to formation' in one sentence and the program should understand you.

Also, I'm under an impression that PiLfius is more accurate in recognition than Shoot. Strange because AFAIK both use the same microsoft sound recognition engine.

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@MadDogX - could you add the following links to the 1st post please in order to make things easier?

Speech SDK 5.1


mute.zip (tiny addon to mute your in-game voice, so it doesn't repeat every command you speak to the mic. In your profile choose "Mute" as your character voice.)

Thanks Soohy  for the links and info. smile_o.gif

Ill have a try out for sure.

By your command. biggrin_o.gif

Added links to OP.

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The commands library don't work for me sad_o.gif I can load it, but Pilfius don't react on voice commands. So I did my own lib which is working. Shame the Pilfius is quite unstable and is crashing everytime crazy_o.gif

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I'm using a little program called VAC VAC Home.

It's not free (pretty cheap though and comes with a 30 day trial) but I like it because you can easily assign more than 1 voice command to the same operation (ie Fall in , On Me , Back into formation etc. all for the squad to re-group).

I also find it extremely easy to program and you can export the commands into text files for reference.

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I'm just using notepad to edit these list - it's the fastest way (thanks to copy/paste), especially when assigning multiple voice commands for the same things.

Quote[/b] ]COMMAND i've got him



COMMAND target destroyed



COMMAND target neutralized



COMMAND enemy down



COMMAND soldier is history



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Im having some minor problems with it. The program on its own is wonderful! The issue is either my speech recognition, or just wrong key commands when doing "ALL" unit commands.. Single or miltiple units i can do great with. Controlling the groups a whole (where you press spacebar) isnt working for me. Several things have happened here.

Only a few of the units get selected...or...

The whole group gets selected, but the next command gets lost in process..

Since i dont have internet other than my phone, i cant get a pilfius command list doloaded (but i do have the arma pdf command list)

I am just not sure to set the spacebar command for "all" by itself for the action, then set another keystroke binding for the actual action i want...or bind "all" (spacebar) in with the entire action i want..for example

(One entire string) 'all" spacebar+ "move" 1+ "return to formation" 1

Ot (two seperate strings)

Command "All" (spacebar) THEN assign a seperate command of 1+1 (move- return to formation)

I know you have to hold spacebar down for the order to execute in game, if you release it too early the all issue is ceased. So i dont know if i need to mess with the "hold key for xxx miliseconds option" or not.

Other than i have to say my commands EXTREMELY FAST..i can control the individual units ok.

Sorry for the long text, but all i got is my cellphone, and its slooow on the internet, and no download capabilities.

Can one of yall send me a pm with the pilfius ARMA commands?

The goodnews! I use the ECS mod, so there is no repeatle stuff from the clunky robot voice! Nice....

And i havent tried it yet, but thinking off assigning my troops as last names, that way its more fluent in combat. "Johans, find cover! Anderson target that tank!" rather than saying "2,3,4," for situations.

I car about my guys! Not "just a number" to me! =P

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There are command lists posted in this thread - look above. Also the default key for selecting all is: `- maybe that's why space bar doesn't work.

The usual order is something like:

all (`), return to formation (1-1)

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I figured out the problem. I wear construction type earmuffs coverted to headphones, that block out almost all sound...i forgot i have 3 tornado fans going on in there (the computer..not the headphones!wink_o.gif Since i couldnt hear them with in game sounds, and heavy duty earmuffs blocking out external sound, i couldnt figure out why my training was so bad. DOH!

I removed the turbine jet exhaust fans and

Retrained all vocals, in a quiet atmosphere, fired back up arma.

NO PROBLEMS what so ever.

And i realised its easier to make all commands first for one soldier...then just keep adding in more soldier prompts.

Also calling soldiers by a basic last name (each "name" is common to soldier type i.e. "Sanderson" will always be sniper, "andrews" will always be anti-whatever, "engles" would be engineer..etc,etc..

Plus, after each "common" command like STOP, i test it, if it works, i then add in additional commands that mean the same keypress, but different wording (dont move!, stay put! Hold what you got, far enough, thats good..etc etc, that way im not relegated to sounding like stephen hawkins, and communication is more lifelike.

Very nice program!

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Does anyone know how to get the fire teams to move, or flank?

I can get individual units to move and flank, i can get the whole squad to move, or flank...but i cant get red team, green team, etc etc to do anything..

I can get red team to move..but thats it, any other team, or movement causes the control panel to open up, select desired movement..then fires my weapon...rather than "click" to "move here"...(even though the key press is exactly as i do in game..studied,written down,tried different combinations)

Is there a key press or assignable keypress in game that is "hidden" or not well known to use that highlights only that fireteam, rather than having to select and scroll?

Im wondering if that is the issue.

Also can someone confirm this crash bug for me? If i assign "K" for compass in pilfius..it crashes on me.

Same thing for "N" for night vision, and "M" for map..


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Another convert here - downloaded the files last night and set it up within minutes (none of the usual installation swearing). I'm impressed with the level of recognition after just the basic voice training. I grabbed a squad of Royal Marines and headed into Afghani in Jackals to take on 20 Taleban. Have'nt tried the mute function yet as the repeated commands can get a bit much sometimes.

Just need to learn the commands off by heart now.


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Just need to learn the commands off by heart now.


It's a lil easier to use common slang:

Punk, go " "

bitch, disembark



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Has anyone got this (pilfius) program to work in vista?

I cannot get it working here. On my XP pc it works fine though.

So if anyone could give step-by-step instructions to get this great program working on vista, I'll be really thankful.

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Two questions if I may ask them:

1. Lacking a mic, can anyone suggest a decent suitable headset for using, or describe how they use the voice thing? I prefer routing the normal sound via my amp, and figure I'll lose that with headphones on or get a strange audio effect (Delay? Echo?).

2. Since as mentioned I lack a mic/headset, does using voice recognition software add enough to make it worth buying one? I've always been rubbish playing as a squad leader because of the complex keypresses. I do like the voice commands in the console Rainbow Six Vegas games (though coughing has an odd effect).

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I use an old Medusa Speedlink headphones/mic setup as it has directional/positional sound - suspect you get stereo through your amp so may not be relevent.

Re controlling via voice, I am a convert and fan and with an option to disable it via a keypress you can still use teamspeak or Arma voip to talk to real people. I think I might need the mute executable soon though as the repeating of your commands can get a little much. I'll do this once the system recognises my commands as near perfect as I can get. 'Cancel' is a useful command, since you sometimes get stuck in a menu and need to clear it to start over.


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I use an old Medusa Speedlink headphones/mic setup as it has directional/positional sound - suspect you get stereo through your amp so may not be relevent.

Hmmm. I worry that unlike on a console where only voice is heard via the headphones and in-game sounds come from the speakers, that with the headset, sound would be delivered from the amp and speakers and by the headphones and if there is a delay between the sound being processed by the amp before being output then the effect would be...weird. Might need to try a test with normal headphones and something. The amp processes a Dolby Digital 5.1 output by the card, though since I haven't got 5 speakers set up it has to monkey about with it to create a virtual effect. 5.1 headphones do the same I guess.

Re controlling via voice, I am a convert and fan and with an option to disable it via a keypress you can still use teamspeak or Arma voip to talk to real people.

I've never bothered playing multiplayer (to much hassle sorting out my mod folder), so can't say the teamspeak stuff means much to me, just interested to know opinions on whether it adds enough to this game (and potentially others...voice activated computer in X3TC perhaps a la Star Trek) to be worth shelling out for a headset. These your ones by any chance?

Speedlink Medusa 5.1

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Those look like the ones, I don't have them to hand or the paperwork but they look the same (I may have na older verions as they were about half the price in the link). I drive them from a Soundblaster Audigy 2 ZS sound card, and all the music, sounds and speech come through loud and clear. Obviously it will depend on your setup but I have no issues with them sound wise (they cover the ears and block out all other sound). My only gripe is they can get heavy on the ears after several hours play but it is the price you pay for the over the ears design.

The speech recognition is great in singleplayer as it does free up time looking for commands, and not having the fastest reflexes I am dead pretty quick if I spend too much time going backspace-0-1 etc for commands. Saying "Squad stay alert" is much easier. As it's free, give it a go - you have nothing to lose.


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Ok dude, cheers. I'll likely just get the basic stereo medusa, as I've read that the 5.1 headphones don't compare well compared to using the CMSS-3D headphones setting on creative X-fi cards. I was even looking at just a clip-on mic, but they don't seem to have mute/PTT functionality and the mic quality is maybe questionable.

Now, if I were feeling more flush I might go for this:

Stryker PC Throat Mic

Bit geeky, but would probably solve my headphones v speakers issue, whilst upping the immersion factor.

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edit: Removed.

edit2: PiLfIus crash alot! Thats the problem with it...

anyone have the same problem? (alot)

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Has anyone got this (pilfius) program to work in vista?

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Has anyone got this (pilfius) program to work in vista?


No issues, but I only use it in single play.

Training VR took forever.

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I noticed Pifius doesn't like any other keyboard layout than US English (UK possibly okay too). Certain keys would make it crash when running with the German keyboard layout. I believe especially the "select all units" key (the one on the top left, beneath ESC - not sure what it's called) would make Pilfius crash all the time.

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ok having a bit of trouble with this. I have pilfius loaded and it is listening. I have the Arma.lcl loaded and n Pilfius is recognizes the commands. when I load arma and try to execute commands nothing happens. what am I missing here. do I need to retrain Pilfius to recognize the arma command. Shouldnt I be able to bring up notepad and when I say Squad shouldnt it write `?

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you need to activate the program inside the game..

maybe you set pilfius to work while pressing a key or always..

First you need to activate the program while you are in game.

edit: sometimes for me when the program stops responding i alt tab and i confirm that the pilfius just crashed sad_o.gif

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