klasu 0 Posted January 10, 2008 when 1.09 patch is coming out? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
whisper 0 Posted January 10, 2008 errr, isn't it already out? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
oChaos.DNJ 0 Posted January 10, 2008 1.09 beta is out Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sergei_Q 0 Posted January 12, 2008 I'm not quite sure of how the BE should be activated. I installed it in the game folder, but does that mean that when I start ArmA 1.09b then BE will be activated automatically? Or do I need to add something to the startup line? I tried to test it by connecting to a server with BE, but I was kicked out and now I'm not sure if that was because of BE or for some other reason... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
wolfsblut_ 0 Posted January 13, 2008 I'm not quite sure of how the BE should be activated. I installed it in the game folder, but does that mean that when I start ArmA 1.09b then BE will be activated automatically? Or do I need to add something to the startup line? I tried to test it by connecting to a server with BE, but I was kicked out and now I'm not sure if that was because of BE or for some other reason... I run ArmA with no special BE-start-parameter. It works for me that means i can join BE-servers. I haven't done any special to install the BE. I have just run the install-file. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TheDaddy2003 0 Posted January 19, 2008 Please dont make this an optional component. 1.09 MUST Force All cients and Servers to run this anti-cheat, otherwise i fear in order to keep server popularity some server admins will choose not to run this! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ONI.au 0 Posted January 20, 2008 we have noticed since the latest update of the BE software little lag spikes have been occuring on the server and players indiscriminantly being kicked for loosing connection to the battleye server this may happen anywhere from 10 to 50 times in a game session for most if not all players and can be quite anoying if not frustrating for some of them now none of the other servers on the box are having this issue infact are running beautifully and all updated to 1.09beta(love the update btw) i myself have had about 5 or 6 such disconnections in one session last night while playing evolution blue and the servers are on a high end server box with a fiber optic connection so the system shouldnt be causing it we think its possibly with the battleye itself  ...any ideas or solutions? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
oChaos.DNJ 0 Posted January 20, 2008 Please dont make this an optional component. 1.09 MUST Force All cients and Servers to run this anti-cheat, otherwise i fear in order to keep server popularity some server admins will choose not to run this! Bad idea... Not everyone is willing to have this type of software running on their PC. Also, with this software causing issues as it is, it would be unwise to force everyone to either live with these issues or stop playing. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Reapy 0 Posted January 21, 2008 we have noticed since the latest update of the BE software little lag spikes have been occuring on the server and players indiscriminantly being kicked for loosing connection to the battleye server this may happen anywhere from 10 to 50 times in a game session for most if not all players and can be quite anoying if not frustrating for some of them Same probs since few days Turned off BattlEye temporarily on the server until solved ! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dslyecxi 23 Posted January 24, 2008 Please dont make this an optional component. 1.09 MUST Force All cients and Servers to run this anti-cheat, otherwise i fear in order to keep server popularity some server admins will choose not to run this! This is a terrible idea. There are plenty of private groups around that have a playerbase that does not need to be policed in such a fashion. BattleEye is worthless to them, and forcing them to run it is counter-productive at best. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mattxr 9 Posted January 24, 2008 Please dont make this an optional component. 1.09 MUST Force All cients and Servers to run this anti-cheat, otherwise i fear in order to keep server popularity some server admins will choose not to run this! This is a terrible idea. There are plenty of private groups around that have a playerbase that does not need to be policed in such a fashion. BattleEye is worthless to them, and forcing them to run it is counter-productive at best. Totaly agreeded... 1: We dont want BE doing dodgy stuff in the background 2: When we tested it on the server the server kept freezing players but we could still move around just looked like the other players were frozzen with Dysnc and when we fired we could see the bullet smoke and ricohes.. 3: We havent had any cheaters at all on our public servers since running DooAcs.. Since months and months ago. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Anunnaki 0 Posted January 26, 2008 (PS: sorry, this is only for czech and slovak speaking people, i don't have time right now to translate that to english (maybe later), and what is more important, this is necessary for BI-developers and they i think understand czech language. For english speaking people just simple: BattlEye kick-off players withouth reason.) Zdravim vsechny. BattlEye nefunguje korektne s hrou ARMA. Prosim tedy autory o doreseni tohoto problemu nebo at kontaktuji nejakou jiz zkusenou a leta overenou alternativu jako je napriklad PUNKBUSTER, ktery ma aspon "schopne" webove stranky, porovnejte: 1) BATTLEYE http://www.battleye.com/index.html (sekce download prazdna, support prakticky nic) 2) PUNKBUSTER http://www.evenbalance.com/index.php (funkcny download, support a dalsi). Ale ted k problemum co vlastne je spatne. Provozuji verejny ARMA server 1.09beta s BattlEye ochranou a s aktivovanym Persistand Battlefield ( http://www.arma.extel.sk/index.php viz. sekce HW a sitove pripojeni, takze tam problem nebude ) . Jinak tam provozuji vice map, posledne EVOLUTION BLUE V2. Desync a jine neprijemnosti pri pripojovani hrace jsou zpusobene spatnym programovanim teto mise to uznavam. Ale to by nemel byt duvod proc maji hraci problem s BattlEye (resp. hra by to mela mit osetrene pro pripad spatne laagovaci mise). Postrehy: a) Uplne nahodne kickovani hracu s hlaskou "BattlEye: client not responding". Toto se deje naprosto u VSECH hracu bez vyjimek s pravdepodobnosti 1x az 2x za hodinu, nekdy vyjimecne vice az 4x za hodinu! Tady nepomuze nic, ani restart PC nebo reinstalace hry ci windows nacisto, nezalezi, zda ma hrac verejnou nebo privatnou IP adresu, zda jsou primo na 1GBit LANce s 0ms odezvou nebo pres WIFI s 250ms odezvou. Take nezalezi zda ma WIN VISTA nebo WINXP. Take se to deje i kdyz je server nezatizen (30-40fps) a i kdyz urcite nema klient zadny DESYNC, ani mu to netrha (tedy ma super masinu) tedy ze by hra chvilkama "mrzla" to urcite nebude. Proste zadna spojitost, skratka se to deje nahodne, jakoby nekde battleye na klientech nestihl neco overit/spocitat a nahlasit server (treba prilis kratky time-out). b) Take kickovani hrace pokud se pripoji, a v nastavenich si nastavuje grafiku. Pokud to neprovede velice rychle ale zustane v nastavovani delsi dobu, tak az se vrati spet do hry dostane do par vterin hned kick "BattlEye: client not responding". Pravdepodobost vyskitu pri delsim zotrvani v nastavovacim-grafickem menu 90%. c) Nejhorsi je ale tento bod. Z neznameho duvodu se proste neco stane, a od daneho bodu se jiz na server nepripoji zadny novy hrac. Resp. takto, pripojit se pripoji, ale kdyz se ma realne pripojit do hry (tedy z briefingu s mapou) v case kdy inicializuje hra BattlEye, tak hrac ceka delsi dobu a pak mu jen hra problikne a dostane kick se stejnou hlaskou "BattlEye: client not responding". Bohuzel tento hrac si na servru jiz nezahraje az do nejblizsiho restartu. Proste bude pernamentne v tomto bode kickovan pokazde. Nicmene nasel jsem jeden work-around. Pokud na stejne masine kde bezi dedikovanej gameserver spustim dalsi server (tedy jeho kopii) na jinych portech (2314), tak hrac co je normalne kickovan se muze na tento "duplicitni server pripojit", chvili tam pobudne, a pak uz se MUZE tento dotycny hrac pripojit normalne i na originalni server. Tedy ten duplicitni pak muzu zastavit a tento hrac jiz pak bude normalne fungovat do konce mise/servru a nebude kickovan pri pripojeni jako doposud. Bohuzel ostatni novy hraci jsou kickovani nadale pokud neprojdou stejnym pripojenim na duplicitni server. Hraci ktery byli jiz od startu mise/servru pripojeni se muzou pripojovat i kdyz to nove hrace kickuje. d) pokud se pripojuje na server hrac, ktery nema instalovan BattlEye, nedostane zadnou chybovou hlasku ani on, ani server, a nevidi ji ani ostatni hraci. Je jen proste vykopnut takze nikdo nevi proc vlastne. Je to proto, ze nema instalovan BattlEye. Bez toho, abychom vedeli proc ho kickuje, mu nemuzeme pomoct. e) I kdyz ma hrac vse vporadku a na serveru jiz hral treba den(nekolik hodin) predtim (a ten nebyl restartovan a ani mise nebyla zmenena), tak na 50% bude pri dalsim prvnim pripojeni v nasledujici den kicknut od BattlEye opet stejna hlaska. Mozna je to z duvodu, ze server a mise bezely dal a tak klient musi stahnout a zpracovat vice zmen najednou. Ovsem ihned po kicknuti kdyz to zkusi opet tak se pripoji normalne. Prosim tedy vyvojare hry at to vemou na vedomi a udelaji s tim neco, dnes budeme na nasem serveru tuto ochranu tedy deaktivovat, takhle je proste nepouzitelna. BTW: co se tyce SIGNATURE CHECK, tak to mame zaple se vsim vsudy (v konfigu je nastaveno pomale/delsi overovani). Zatim to vypada ze toto je vporadku, obcas to nekoho kickne ale to muze byt skutecne chybou klienta. ZADOST: Prosim pokud si tohle precte nekdo kompetentny od vyvojaru hry, at mi da vedet bud tady ve foru nebo pres soukromou spravu ve foru. Jinak budu muset tohle psat do emailu a rozesilat po emailovych adresach, aby se tato informace dostala ke kompetentnim osobam, mozna nekto z toho co jsem popsal bude chytrejsi a hned ho napadne co je spatne ve hre nebo v battleye, nebo treba bude mit dalsi dotazy, nebo muzeme nas server dedikovat jako "testovaci" pro vyvojare a nastavovat a testovat ho dle jejich potreb. PS: dodatocne editovan prispevek a doplnen bod e). Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SnR 1 Posted January 26, 2008 Please dont make this an optional component. 1.09 MUST Force All cients and Servers to run this anti-cheat, otherwise i fear in order to keep server popularity some server admins will choose not to run this! This is a terrible idea. There are plenty of private groups around that have a playerbase that does not need to be policed in such a fashion. BattleEye is worthless to them, and forcing them to run it is counter-productive at best. +1 which means those organised servers have no need for it :ban:A nightly admin is a Servers best Friend Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Commando84 0 Posted March 20, 2008 hey guys there is 1.11 patch available! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
oChaos.DNJ 0 Posted March 20, 2008 hey guys there is 1.11 patch available! Â Yea and I tried battle for the first time and it kicked me for not responding or something... Edit: Tried again and it didnt kick me, but I didnt stay for long either though, going to install new drivers..... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
vipermaul 246 Posted March 20, 2008 Is there a new thread for Arma battleye support for 1.11beta soon? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Placebo 31 Posted March 26, 2008 Please use the new pinned BattleEye thread as supported by BattleEye representatives Share this post Link to post Share on other sites