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Arma 1.09  news

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any news. I understood the release was "immenent" about 2 months ago. then a post from lead programmer that it was a "few weeks until a beta"

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any news. I understood the release was "immenent" about 2 months ago. then a post from lead programmer that it was a "few weeks until a beta"

Can you guess how the moderators will answer you? Here's my prediction...

They will link you to the developer's blog, then lock the thread.

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there is no damn reason why it should take this long to come out with this 1.09 patch! how long have they been talking about it? i mean... holy fu..................

please just release the thing already. doesnt really matter if it's complete or not. give us what you got now and then come out with a new one later as well.

LOL... come on, i'm freak'n begging here confused_o.gif

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T h e y a r e w o r k i n g o n A r m A 2 . . . banghead.gif

More specific, there is the saying:

Where there's a will, there's a way.

They could have split the parts from 1.09 which are said to take

"so long due to external testers..." (just ask yourself what that

actually means..). And instead have 1.09 released for a long

time and have 1.10 out with the other changes until the cows

come home ...

It is very sad to see that BI scares the last fans, they have, away. band.gif

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They probably want this to be the last patch, so they are making sure it doesn't introduce any new problems. whistle.gif

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T h e y a r e w o r k i n g o n A r m A 2 . . . banghead.gif

More specific, there is the saying:

Where there's a will, there's a way.

They could have split the parts from 1.09 which are said to take

"so long due to external testers..." (just ask yourself what that

actually means..). And instead have 1.09 released for a long

time and have 1.10 out with the other changes until the cows

come home ...

It is very sad to see that BI scares the last fans, they have, away. band.gif

Perhaps what is taking a long time is testing of the anti cheat stuff. *If* this is the scenario, imagine the community fright if they split off the anti-cheat stuff from patch 1.09. There would be quite the outcry! If that is the scenario, I think it would be better to sit on it until it's done.

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Quote[/b] ]*If* this is the scenario, imagine the community fright if

they split off the anti-cheat stuff from patch 1.09.

It works quite differently.

Very few MP players are present here in the forum and "cry"

They just leave. Many have done that and are doing every day.


What do you need anti cheat measures, if there are no players

and leagues left..

PS: Many people put their stuff together and work on the MP

cheating problem for themselves. BI doesn't want to actively

combat the problem, which is a day to day fight, so people

understood to combat the problem on their own..

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Careful LtCmdrBoon, all the fanboys will attack you for asking that question. 6 months+ to fix one of the biggest security holes I have seen in gaming history is not something we can complain about apparently.

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Good morning BIS Team, can you please hurry up with the patch.

We are all sick of waiting and want to play "our" game without stupid things like the gf8800 fog and others.

At the moment, I'm NOT interested in ArmA II, because the fear is great that it will be the same mess like it is with ArmA now. Too many bugs, extremly bad performance even on high end computers, bad physics, ... etc.

Please FIX ArmA NOW and release the patch.

One year after the release and still so many bugs, that is not acceptable, even for a "smaller" game company like BIS.

Thanks for listening(or not?).

MfG Lee ..

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If they release it unfinished, people will moan, if they release it finished but it takes a while, people will moan. Whatever happens people will moan. I'm surprised they're even still supporting ArmA and patching it with the "community" we have now. I'm ashamed when I think that this used to be the OFP crowd, where people just go on with things and did the majority of the work themselves if BIS didn't make something they wanted. People are far too lazy these days, they expect BIS to give us absolutely everything on a plate. People have been whining for months for BIS to do something about the cheating, and they are, and in turn people whine AGAIN because it's taking longer than people want to wait. I mean come on! If you really didn't care as much as you say you don't then why are you still here moaning about it? Testing things properly takes time, especially when it comes to MP related things because of the huge number of factors that come into play. We all know ArmA was rushed and buggy but they even told us WHY it was rushed and buggy! It seems folk have a selective memory and only remember things when its useful to their rant.

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In fact I'm not interessted in anti cheat stuff since I'have never noticed cheating on SimHQ ArmA servers. BUT there are still to much issues with the game itself that never made it onto the fixlist alhtougt they where aknowledged by Suma hinself as issues to be solved.

That looks to much like ArmA is abandoned...This dropped my once high trust level for BIS Products at Microsoft niveau.

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I wanna sit and wait to get the good patch that finally solves all the major issues (performance being 1) so BIS take ur time with it thumbs-up.gifthumbs-up.gifthumbs-up.gifthumbs-up.gif

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We are all sick of waiting and want to play "our" game without stupid things like the gf8800 fog and others.

At the moment, I'm NOT interested in ArmA II

See it that way.

Sure BIS will fix several Bugs and the Cheat thing,

but the reason why it takes so much time to develope this patch is hopefull their also fixed the same Bugs in ArmAII.

So we have a full game on the release.

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So we have a full game on the release.

This is what ArmA should have been 1 year ago, when i paid a full price for it.

As I said, I'm sick of waiting.

And this has nothing to do with the stupid "fanboy" or "moan at bis" talking. If this game is fixed it will be a joy for me and my mates to play on our dedicated server we rent.

MfG Lee

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We are all sick of waiting and want to play "our" game without stupid things like the gf8800 fog and others.

At the moment, I'm NOT interested in ArmA II

See it that way.

Sure BIS will fix several Bugs and the Cheat thing,

but the reason why it takes so much time to develope this patch is hopefull their also fixed the same Bugs in ArmAII.

So we have a full game on the release.

This argument is nonsense as you could apply it on ArmA as a succesor of OFP as well.

Users are just getting sick of "banana software" to get ripe on the comsumers harddisk.

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Suma post

Quote[/b] ]Posted: Nov. 07 2007,10:48

What is taking is so long is especially VoN fixes and anticheat measures. Both need quite large scale testing with external (voluntary) testers involved, which makes turnaround time for any changes in both areas quite long.

Still, the patch is progressing quite well and hopefully there will be at least a public beta within a few weeks.

Btw a more suitable topic title would be "Any news on patch 1.09?".

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Btw a more suitable topic title would be "Any news on patch 1.09?".

Yea. It's irritating seeing a topic like this and not knowing whether it actually has news or it's just someone starting another useless ranting thread. I don't see why it needs a new thread when there are already other 1.09 threads.


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So we have a full game on the release.

This is what ArmA should have been 1 year ago, when i paid a full price for it.

As I said, I'm sick of waiting.

Hey, me too.

but I only want to be a bit opimistic. wink_o.gif

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Lets all place bets on how long it takes for another fanboy to come along or an admin/mod to lock the thread, surely more fun than (attempting) to play Arma?.


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LOL all things aside you may have a point there .

you taking bets for who will post most in this thread ,yet says they hate these type of threads ?

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Lets all place bets on how long it takes for another fanboy to come along or an admin/mod to lock the thread, surely more fun than (attempting) to play Arma?.


Or lets place bets on how many more pointless rants get posted before someone manages to lock this useless thread tounge2.gif

Childish 'fanboy' comments again icon_rolleyes.gif

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Only the "fanboy" comments can this thread get closed.

So why not stop it and discuss about the patch, what it will bring to us, how long it will take, why another bunch of bugs are still not fixed, what new bugs we have to fight against.


Beside the "Fog Bug" I'm really interested if the "thrust-bug" with aircrafts is really fixed.

MfG Lee

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Only the "fanboy" comments can this thread get closed.

So why not stop it and discuss about the patch, what it will bring to us, how long it will take, why another bunch of bugs are still not fixed, what new bugs we have to fight against.


Beside the "Fog Bug" I'm really interested if the "thrust-bug" with aircrafts is really fixed.

MfG Lee

And the rudder-yaw-issue...A top number one. The discussion about only stoped because it was aknowlegded by Suma...but now...not a single word about that anymore, like so many other issues.

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