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Modern Combat Mod - SLX Released

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well I got FDF to work - but it looks like it skipped over MCM - I think its a lost cause.  Thanks for the help.

S. Chapman

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Hey Big Rooney,

Something I've been noticing with the sound seems a little odd. When you're moving there seems to be birds singing and crickets chirping in the background with kind of an echo chamber effect. When you stop moving those sounds also stop and it's almost like the sound becomes muffeled or maybe the lack of sound just seems muffeled.

Also during battle there is sometimes a kind of snap or crack sound. I haven't been able to figure out what it is, any clue?

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If you have a tank or car with ammo its the ammo within the vehicle going off by heat. Also some cracks are gun shots by your ear going off meaning they went by your characters ear or head.

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Whats Up Everybody.

Sorry for the distance between posts but I've been busy working on this mod and beta-testing the new FFUR.

In terms of this mod, it's going along very nicely. The bugs are being found and eliminated and the lists that Universal provided are keeping me very busy with extra additions.

Some work also being done on the user interface and user actions with a brand new artillery system based of the FFUR one already implemented with custom voice overs for that realistic effect.

The new GUI is coming along nicely, will look like this:


And some change already made are the removal of FDF BMP's and the re-introduction of the ORCS Models. As seen here:


And Here:


I'm hoping to get permission from ORCS to release the BMP-2 Model I've been working on. Seen on the right of both pics.

Theres nothing really in the way now, just the get those realism additions that Universal stated and get the mod out there.

About FDF. I think the FDF mod uses a main config like myself. if this is true then you will not be able to use the mods together.

IF they use the config within the addon way than to use the mods together all you have to do is put this at the end of your target line in the shortcut after this @MCM-SLX put ;fdfmod "without the spaces and the word PUT"

About Moving Sounds. These are your gear bags rattling up and down when you take a step. They are a bit too loud at the moment so I will decrease the sound level on them. The beep noise for the sachel will be change to something a little more silent. The noise of a crack when in battle is a bullet snaping past your ear "get your ass under cover". Mounted MG's make a bullet dropping noise when they are fired, to simulate bullets hitting the vehicle after been ejected from the weapon.


Thanks for the defense, But it's ok. Universal is helping me improve the mods realism. Adding a few dozen extra units is no problem to me.

Thats it for the report, Hope to be chatting to you all again soon.

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Big Rooney all I can say is just wow. I must have drooled on the screen for over 5 minutes before I realized I did not die and go to heaven. This is excellent news and the BMP-2 is just fabulous and the BMP-1P as well they have all proper russian colours etc.... This is the way to go.

Also I forgot to comment that the other reason I didnt like the FDF bmp-1/bmp-2's were the two man crews. In real life there is a 3 man crew (driver , commander , gunner).

Also as far as I remember Vladimir (the creator of the other BMP-3 addon) had been working on a Khrizantema addon but I havent been able to get into contact with him in quite a while but it would be worthwhile to have a khrizantema addon if Vladimir can be contacted.

Also Big Rooney if you are looking for the su-34 addon I can send you it.. (it actually has 2 versions , anti-ship and anti-ground) the anti-ship is wrongly named it should be SU-32FN while the anti-ground is truly SU-34. Although it is quite confusing because websites and other sources call the anti-ship version SU-34FN. In this case I would call the anti-ground version the SU-32/SU-34 and the anti-ship version SU-32FN/SU-34FN.

Just one comment on the actual BMP-2. I think it could be refined further to make it look like an actual BMP-2. You might want to take a look at this blueprint to see where and what needs fixing/revision: http://mkmagazin.almanacwhf.ru/armor/bmp_2_2.gif

I started to notice some details that could be revised/fixed was the same guncarriage for the bmp-1p and other details. For example the BMP-2 turret is much bigger than the BMP-1P turret , the front light on the body (near the two front hatches) is not existent etc...

What I might have forgot to mention is that resistance forces could also have a T-72A (spetsnaz mod/rhs released it)

(T-72A used by chechen forces: http://btvt.narod.ru/2/tanks_in_grozny.files/01b.jpg)

Might have forgot to mention it but did some research and it turns out that the su-39 is not the official designation in the russian airforce and it was delivered in small quantities. In fact the upgrades etc... are used in the Su-25SM. In fact the russian airforce uses mainly SU-25's , and a few Su-25T's as well (notable use in Chechnaya). You might want to use the VIT SU-25 pack


or use tomi-d's retextured su-25's


Also from what I remember reading and watching is that the spetsnaz/MVD units are being issued and supplied with the gsh-18 pistol (I remember there was the gsh-18 in the russian forces weapon pack (ORCS ?)) so maybe you could give the gsh-18 and make it a mix , give some of them gsh-18 , others with aps , and others with makarov pistol or you could give certain units gsh-18 , others aps , others makarov.

Once again sorry for these addon requests must have somehow overlooked them.

**Big Rooney also VME/PLA 3.1 has also interesting scripts that allow aircraft to paradrop BMD's etc... ,request paratroopers , also rocket strikes etc... maybe you could seek to implement them into MCM-SLX as well ?

If you improve this model and make the bmp-2 details etc... like they are in the blueprint then this will be the best BMP-2 model I will ever see and it will be the best in the community.

Here you can compare them:

http://worldweapon.ru/images/tank/bmp1/bmp1_07_shema.jpg (BMP-1)




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the BMPs look great, one of hte thicks that drove me up the wall about OFP was the size of the russain vehicles. Something like twice the size of what they are in real life. Hope you really went through them, ORCS tend to cut corners on addons pushing more for eye candy and pooch important things like propor geo loads so shooting a vehicles with a pistiol launches a truck into orbit. Some of their troop modles tend to have glitches which dislocates the head in the new animation setups. The BMPs look pretty good. wil they have the features from the bis/slx bmps with opening hatches? There are hatches on the tops that open as well. Was messing with the turn out setup on vehicles. to make the infantry inside turn out with the crew from those hatches. Goodnews combat tour is almost up means I will be left alone to resume work on stuff. =)

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yeah - all my attempts to melt the two mods together has yielded negative results. Is there anyway to move over the addons into either the RES/Addons folder of the MCM/Addons folder to allow compatibility ?

Also - I am trying to figure out how to add the FFUR-SLX death anims into MCM -is it as simple as renaming the FFUR Anims file "MCM_anims.pbo" ?

Any help would be appreciated, thanks.


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It is looking amazing Big Rooney!

If I remember right there was a feature in FDF that allowed you to attach a satchel to a vehicle, is it possible to add this in MCM?

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Quote[/b] ]Also I forgot to comment that the other reason I didnt like the FDF bmp-1/bmp-2's were the two man crews. In real life there is a 3 man crew (driver , commander , gunner).

Actually I'm quite sure that at least with the BMP-1 the the Mech. Infantry squad commander would become the BMP commander until

the infantry dismounts.

Quote[/b] ]The BMP has a three-man crew, including the vehicle commander, who becomes the squad leader when the infantry passengers dismount through the rear exit doors


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Before I forget. Two more things to consider:

footmunch's mig-27 has a bomb camera script so when it is enabled you can view the bomb as it falls towards its target and then once it hit it you return back to cockpit view. I would love to see this script tweaked (possibly add crosshairs etc... [from watching gulf war videos)] and implemented for guided missiles , anti-ship missiles, laser guided bombs etc... Btw the script worked for the kab-500 laser guided bombs on the mig-27 (footmunch).

also I would love to see the footmunch aircraft that you will use (like mig-23 , mig-27 etc....) have compatibility with footmunch roundels. So that this way if the player wants their aircraft to have roundels of lets say north korea for their mig-23 they can just input the initialization line from the roundel script and bang the roundels will be changed to north korea or to any other nation. I think this adds realism and variety smile_o.gif

What I must have forgot to mention is that since there is an AC-130 addon I think it would be crucial and also nice to have it as an american heavy support aircraft. In this case the versions would be the AC-130U and the AC-130H.

Also for americans they would also have at the moment the C-130J Super Hercules in addition to having the C-130E and the C-130H (/J as well ?)

Some ac-130 info if needed:


What would be excellent if the normal BIS model CH-47 Chinook could be possibly replaced by a falklands model , or a BOH model with proper USAF/USARMY markings. That would be a dream come true because I quite frankly do not enjoy the BIS chinook.

Once again a huge thanks Big Rooney keep up the excellent work and I am always glad to help this amazing mod (the next version with all the realism will kick FFUR's ass)[no offence thunderbird].

Who knows what other addons and theatres of operations await this mod. We may possibly see PLA/VME integrated into MCM and maybe even European addons,vehicles ,units etc... integrated as well but like I say first tanks then girls wink_o.gif

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Quote[/b] ] (the next version with all the realism will kick FFUR's ass)[no offence thunderbird].

I feel this statement slightly unfounded and grossly inappropriate since Big-Rooney's core pack is close to FFUR's, not only in terms of Model Replacements, but in terms of inspiration, scripts... etc. Moreover we help and support each others in order to get farther.

Of course, there are more "extra" models within MCM's pack, and that's for sure a big plus.

But with no hypocrisy, I feel no competition or antagonism between both mods at all.



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Once again no offence meant Thunderbird just a bit excited here.

Also been doing some more good thinking and thought of the following:

resistance should have different types of anti-tank and mortar artillery. I remember there were some excellent ones in taliban and north korean pack and in other packs as well.

Lots of different sights for russian ak-74'ms and higher series (cobra , pkav , PSO-1 etc...)

Same for russians , even though I cant find any good mortar addons for them there is still good artillery addons for them like the CoC M55 (152mm MSTA-B) and the DKM 130mm M-46 (ah yes the famous long range 130mm can be used for resistance as well).

While for americans I remember there is a good 155MM m198 addon but for other american artillery CoC has some other ones as well.

SPG's as mentioned in my previous posts. M109A6 Paladin for the Americans (CoC has good one) , 2S19M MSTA-S (CoC).

I think I mentioned rocket artillery before but I also believe the russians should have the TOS-1 Buratino (DKM has the only and good one).

What should also be considered is implementing the CoC tomahawk script into MCM for the West.

Now to mention I have also been doing good research on anti-tank artillery and anti-tank guided missiles and came upon with this conclusion.

The resistance would have SPG-9's (probably from Iran) and also B-10 recoiless rifles , while their anti-tank capability will be the AT-3 Sagger and the AT-4 Spigot (iraq used them effectively in OIF 2003).

Now for cars and trucks. For russia I think they should they should also have Ural-375D's (spetsnaz mod has an awesome ural pack) and Kamaz's in addition to GAZ-66 and ZIL-130's.

For resistance I would recommend the cars to be Ural-375D's , ZIL-130's (you can find them in the our weapons pack : http://ofp.gamepark.cz/index.php?showthis=6330) and GAZ-66's. For commanders and officers cars to complement the UAZ-469/649 I would recommend a GAZ-69 and for troop transport as well an UAZ-3741 (flashpoint.ru and ofp.gamepark.cz has them). A search for GAZ-69 turns this up:


Also the BRDM-1 pack is made by spetsnaz forces mod (http://ofp.gamepark.cz/index.php?showthis=6487).

Oh almost forgot to mention it would be great to have BRDM-2's with anti-tank guided missiles. For russia the BRDM-2's should have KONKURS while for Resistance it should be AT-3 Sagger.

(BRDM-2 with SAGGER : http://ofp.gamepark.cz/index.php?showthis=9794)

(BRDM-2 with KONKURS: http://ofp.gamepark.cz/index.php?showthis=10110 huh.gif could be outdated pack???)

Also maybe use certain vehicles from Serial_Killers FIA pack:

http://ofp.gamepark.cz/index.php?showthis=9670 ? (they have jeeps etc...)

Btw AT-4 spigot is here (http://ofp.gamepark.cz/index.php?showthis=1696)

AT-5 Spandrel can be found in VITAPC pack or in here: http://ofp.gamepark.cz/index.php?showthis=2056

Lastly I would like to mention having different machineguns as well for resistance etc... like NSV for resistance etc... whereas for russia they should have KORD and more machinegun packs/varities. I dont really like the actual KORD model in the VITAPC 1.4 pack its just a renamed NSV and even ammunition/magazine names are from NSV and sounds are wrong. I think there is better ones out there(ORCS machinegun pack).

In regards to the ammo count for the T-80UD and the T-90A Vladimir 12.7mm NSVT remote controlled heavy machinegun it is as follows: for T-80UD it is 500 rounds , for T-90A Vladimir it is 300(as in the T-72 series).

What I would love to see implemented is this nice mine pack from spetsnaz mod. (http://ofp.gamepark.cz/index.php?showthis=6966)

Also almost forgot. If the SHMEL UAV , with launcher and UAV controller soldier from russia (FDF mod) could be implemented and made to work in MCM-SLX that would be perfect.

Now since I mentioned NATO/USA SAM's etc... I think It would be nice to mention it in more detail for Russia. Since there are addons that correspond to these units I will mention them and I hope you will give some consideration to them being implemented in MCM-SLX (1.1 ?)

*SA-8 Gecko (http://ofp.gamepark.cz/index.php?showthis=9684 repainted version)

*SA-6 Gainful (some mods had this , forgot which ones exactly but Lost Brothers Mod had one definitely) [since the models arent exactly detailed and precise maybe skip implementing SA-6 ?]

*SA-9 Gaskin (project MCAR has it)

What I would love to see is different versions of trucks etc... open , rearm , refuel , repair , closed etc.... like for gaz-66 i think you should include the many variants of the vehicle included in that pack but give for example the gaz-66 zu-23 to resistance etc... This way we can accurately represent a modern battlefield.

also a MT-LB pack is crucial with different vehicles (MT-LB ZU-23 etc.... (Sebastian Muller and Murfy released a great pack concerning MT-LB's) [http://ofp.gamepark.cz/index.php?showthis=3752]

The ZU-23 mounted on MT-LB is classified as the SA-13 Gopher by NATO.

Lastly I think my S-400 Triumf should be included in the upcoming version. I did not bother with the sa-11 from BKM because it just is not too great in terms of quality and textures to fit into this awesome mod.

West/NATO/USA should also have TOW missile launcher. (DKM has an excellent M220 tow addon). (you can download it here:


Lastly before I forget this completely CSLA has an excellent 100mm BS-3 anti-tank gun. If you took it and implemented into MCM and called it one of these names (http://fas.org/man/dod-101/sys/land/row/t-12.htm) and gave it proper armour penetration data then that would be perfect for Russia. Also resistance definitely deserves to have ZSU-23-4M Shilka because their main anti-aircraft in the real world is either ZSU-57-2's and shilka's (in this case they would be beryusa's wink_o.gif)

Also in addition to american ground support aircraft I think a OV-10 Bronco (if i mentioned it before sorry) would be excellent as an addition (DKM and VTE have it)


Also just thought Id mention since the our weapons pack has a BM-21 Grad maybe implement it for resistance in addition to their BM-21 Grad mounted on Ural?

I would like to say that I think ORCS BMP-1 with AT-3 Sagger model would fit perfectly for resistance. Also the ammo count for the BMP-1P should be as follows: 2000 PKT , 4 konkurs and 40 73mm rounds (probably 20 of each would be a good idea).

Also to complement the resistance tanks I just checked out the RHS/Spetsnaz forces mod T-72A pack and for resistance they have an excellent T-72 Ural which I think would be perfect if used in the next release of the mod for resistance. It is just perfect when I saw it. It had an appeareance similar to this (http://www.gdynia.mm.pl/~jack_410/LWP/images/t72m_01.jpg

2nd tank at bottom left) and therefore the resistance need this T-72M.

Also would it be possible to implement the russian radio voices from FFUR. I really like them but they need certain tweakings and some voices arent replaced with russian ones. I think they are mostly great because instead of english acknowledgments you have russian ones. For example lets say you see an enemy infantry unit it says it over the radio with russian and not english. They need to be improved and tweaked though.

What I have neglected is automatic grenade launchers. The Russians need the AGS-17 and the americans need the MK-19 automatic grenade launcher. The MK-19 can be found in this pack: (http://ofp.gamepark.cz/index.php?showthis=6931) and the AGS-17 here : (http://ofp.gamepark.cz/index.php?showthis=3105)

***As always please make sure to check whether there is a higher version of the addon links.***

Also like mentioned before BMP-2 blueprint:


and a BMP-1 blueprint:


so that the BMP-2 model can be made exactly and detailed smile_o.gif

Thanks and Big Regards I exhausted myself out on all this writing,


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Bloody hell it's request after request after request. It will never get released at this rate. Moreover I would be careful with all these realism suggestions especially when you got the AK firing modes wrong in the FFUR thread.

Big-Rooney did excellent work with MCM but he can only do so much. All these suggestions is kinda taking the piss in my opinion.

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Actually thats most of what I wanted to say about new addons. As for concerning the ak firing modes , the Indian army uses AK-74M's with 3 round burst firing modes (weapons has alternate name).

@Big Rooney: that is what I wanted to say. I am now content with mostly what I said , if there are any changes or realism additions I think they will be minimal in the future. The brunt of the lists and all have been done and what I wanted to say is all in those lists and I am 99% happy and content.

Now to retire for some while and let Big Rooney do the magical and wonderful work he always does.

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Actually thats most of what I wanted to say about new addons. As for concerning the ak firing modes , the Indian army uses AK-74M's with 3 round burst firing modes (weapons has alternate name).

The Indian army uses a rifle called the INSAS that has nothing to do with the AK-74M despite having some relation to original AK-47. If youre going to spam various TC mod threads with all this technobabble, at least get your facts right. What is your obsession with making the likes of Thunderbird integrate every mod made for OFP into their packs? Cant you just download the mods you need and set them up with your mod of choice?

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Back aways Universal suggested the use of an SU-34 found at Flashpoint.ru. After I finally got registered, I d/l it to give it a try. The plane looks nice, but it's really laggy. Unless the cause of this can be found and fixed I would not think it should be added to the mod.

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My mistake on the ak-74m's firing modes , I somehow thought that if BIS had 3 firing modes for the ak-74 it would be somewhat correct.

@Zuku:I dont experience any lag using the addon. Could be you're video card or memory. The plane is an extremely high poly one (8000+ if i remember correctly) but the best and only one done of the su-34/su-32.

Edit: my final suggestions.

1. Add a russian commander tank T-80UK (rhs has it in their t-80 pack)

2. Different markings/colours of vehicles. For example since the BMD-3 and BMD-3M/BMD-4 have desert variants in the VITAPC why not include them and for other vehicles as well ?

3. Different variants for all vehicles/units. For example if there are multiple variants of lets say the MI-8 in that pack why not include all of them (there is even W and D variants as far as I remember). Basically it would be best to see the vehicles/units/aircrafts etc.... with all their variants included and not just a few to accurately represent a ww3/modern battlefield scenario.

4. The Russians need to have the T-62A with Slat Armour , T-62M1 and T-62A (era armour). While If i remember correctly for the T-55 this mods needs for russia the following: T-55AM2 , T-55AMV.

5. The T-72M Ural for the resistance side would look like this:

(http://ofp.gamepark.cz/news/pics3/rhst72a4.jpg). Its in the RHS/Spetsnaz forces mod t-72 pack and its under the resistance side. It fits in perfectly. (pack is located here: http://ofp.gamepark.cz/index.php?showthis=10511)

6. I also like how FFUR implemented swimming for soldiers maybe you could implement it as well ?. Also FFUR has prone rpg soldiers that allow them to fire from prone is this possible to implement (i dont want to have to hold down the shift and down all the time).

7. Also please dont forget that when you are implementing the BMD-4 it has a 30mm 2A72. Can it be possible for you to change the model a bit (because the author stuck a BMP-3 turret and gun onto BMD-3). First off I think the laser rangefinder needs to be removed and other things need to be removed on the model as well to make it look like the BMD-4. Here is an excellent page with pictures of the BMD-4 in VDV (http://btvt.narod.ru/5/vdv2007/vdv2007.htm)

Here: (http://img530.imageshack.us/img530/6646/bmd4sw5.jpg)

The stuff inside the red needs to be moved to the location and that extrusion (not the black stuff) needs to be removed completely. The aqua colour indicates stuff that needs to be removed as well. If you would like this is a good picture that shows what needs to be done to make the unit look like the BMD-4 (http://btvt.narod.ru/5/vdv2007/1-1/BMD-4-03.jpg)

Also an excellent page on the BMD-4 and its design (it even has blueprint of turret). http://btvt.narod.ru/5/bmd4/bmd4.htm

Please adjust the BMD-3M model accordingly to make it look like the real thing.

Also if you have noticed in the actual pictures there is VDV BDM crew members is it possible for you to make them like they are in the photos ?

8. Lastly if addons have the ability to generate random numbers, squad and national insignia etc.... please keep it in the mod. (for example RHS SFM T-72 pack have the ability to generate random numbers , squad and national insignia) and I think this should be kept implemented in the mod. Also please if any addons have certain cargo scripts (like people riding ontop of tanks) please keep them in the mod as it only adds realism.

9. Maybe also burst mode should be considered for russian 30mm cannons on the BMP-2 , BMD-4 , BMD-3 and BMP-3 ? (3-5 rounds) ?

10. Maybe you could make the BTR-D (just take off turret of BMD-1P). After all BTR-D is used to transport VDV crew members (noon bmd-3/4 crew members).

Also maybe you could consider improving the BIS BMP-2 instead of remaking the BMP-1P from ORCS. The BIS BMP-2 has all proper dimensions etc... but texture is horrible and so is ammo loadout , sights , textures etc... Maybe even the armed assault model could be used. I remember correctly that CSLA also had an BMP-2 in standard green (maybe if armed assault and others dont work out use that) ?

Edit:please just implement the CSLA BMP-2 (russian colours non camouflage [NO camouflage]) as it is just perfect for MCM-SLX.

but the missile should be 9M113 Konkurs and should have the proper data for it (penetration etc...). The only thing I think the CSLA BMP-2 needs is to have the back TOP hatches extended and made much longer and fit properly as in the blueprint show below:


Also maybe the CSLA BMP-2 turret could be made a bit smaller according to the blueprint.Last thing I see that could be fixed is the soviet gvardia emblem on the front light could be removed and the front thermal sight made to look more like the blueprint (smaller)(if looking at blueprint the thermal sight is at the right of the cannon or just right). Final comment and suggestion would be that the missile needs to be made like in the blueprint below (the missile launcher tube for konkurs) and thats it and just make the pkt coaxial a bit shorter to correspond to the blueprint because I think it is a bit too long smile_o.gif . Other than that the model would be perfect. While maybe it should also be considered versions with/without side skirts both for east/russia and for resistance. So the player can have a nice variety to choose from. For example the player can choose to play with a BMP-2 with side skirt or without side skirt either for resistance or either for russia/east. Also as I previously mentioned Resistance needs the modified BMP-2 model as well (both without side skirt and with side skirt).

Btw BMP-2 video of them firing:


@Big Rooney: please check my previous last post on page 16 as it has been updated. Once again i thanks for the opportunity to work with you. I hope I can help in any other way and once again I apologize for the long lists and suggestions. sad_o.gif but I am satisfied as I have said about 99% of what i needed to say to improve this mods realism etc... I think ill switch my attention to bug's.

Edit:I am now 100% done and said all I need to.Thanks once again. No more suggestions etc... from me smile_o.gif

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Quote[/b] ]6. I also like how FFUR implemented swimming for soldiers maybe you could implement it as well ?. Also FFUR has prone rpg soldiers that allow them to fire from prone is this possible to implement (i dont want to have to hold down the shift and down all the time).

why does it need to be implemented? if you want that feature go play FFUR simple

i thought the idea of a mod pack was to have things different?

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Bis units are not the correct size to be honest. There are BMP1 and 2s were I'm stationed they are rather tiny for APCs, Parking my humvee next to one for scale to verify that the bis one is way oversized. then again most of the vehicles in the game are improporly scaled. Addon makers often tried correcting that witht eh newer models.

Well the picks suck, and I coulden't get both inot the same shot due to a ZSU-23-4 in my way which also was fairly small armored vehicle, the humvee is almost larget at least stands taller than the bmp seeing I'm almost five feet eight inches and the deck of the hull on the bmp is at my face



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Hi all.

My update work goes well, the balancing act of working on this mod and beta testing other mods and my personnel life is a bit of circus but I can handle it.

I'd just like to say that I thank you all for keeping the forum alive with new post related to the mod, all your suggestions are taking into account from me when you post them, nothing goes unnoticed by me.

I'd just like to address some issues that have popped up on the forum over the last few days.

Concerning the MCM - SLX vs FFUR issue:

There is no competition between the Modern Combat Mod - SLX and the FFUR mod. Myself and Thunderbird84 have a great understanding towards each other and will help each other if that need be. Were good friends and our mods are comrades not enemies. I have huge respect towards Tbird and he has been a major inspiration on my Total Conversion Career.


Your additions request are excellent I'm copy and pasting the request into a special text file just for you, but I am not an addon modeler - I can't model that addons in the manner that you requested, I can easily add the units that you suggested and make them work with the mod - but thats about it. The random number scripts can be introduced as well (I was planning to do it anyway, thanks for the reminder). If you want the artillery that COC has, download it. I'm not putting in an addon that is 100% compatible already with the mod in its current state (No offence).

As I've taken the approach to listen to the community and implement as much as I can, there are simply thinks that cannot be completed with a time-frame that I'm stuck to.

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Rooney just wondering if you had given any thought into giving the Marine force a fixed wing capability ? Possibly an AV-8 for ckose-air support huh.gif?


S. Chapman

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on that note....not that its a major issue, but with the marine tanks....it's probally not of major concern to you, but they do say US ARMY on the side. it's kinda annoying, maybe, just maybe you could retexture just the side and replace it with USMC...

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Rooney just wondering if you had given any thought into giving the Marine force a fixed wing capability ? Possibly an AV-8 for ckose-air support huh.gif?


S. Chapman

Hey Man!

Sure I've given it some thought, maybe an AV-8B Harrier and an F-18F Super Hornet, The marines seem a little flightless don't they. Yep those addons we be added respectfully.

Thanks for the post and reminder, forgetting a lot of things lately I have.


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