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nice1! those hummers sure looks cool, and british forces deserve a yay.gifyay.gifyay.gifyay.gif

i wonder i u are going to make this:


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Great stuff PP - looking very cool! Thanks very much to the team!

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Jesus, that is starting to look like an excellent representation. Thanks for that update.

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Bravo! I still get up and dance everytime I see those Us uparmored Hmmwvs!

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The humvees look pretty good, be sure to make a humvee without the sign; the sign is just for the rear vehicle of a convoy. The Bradley and Stryker weren't bad either.

I understand the issues with clutter and all that, but the maps (or missions at least) need a large amount of trash. Iraqi's (and Kuwaitis, and Saudis, and Qatar[is]) seem to not care about anything and throw their trash pretty much anywhere and everywhere.

I like your idea of including civilian populations, something most missions lack, mainly because that's how the situation is. The real challenge in this will be getting the AI to interact with buildings without keeling over. Do you have any WIP of the various "bad guys?" Which factions are being modelled?

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...the sign is just for the rear vehicle of a convoy...

...but the maps (or missions at least) need a large amount of trash. Iraqi's (and Kuwaitis, and Saudis, and Qatar[is]) seem to not care about anything and throw their trash pretty much anywhere and everywhere...

Thanks Clav! That was something which inspired me to write my last post but then I completely spaced mentioning anything at all regarding the sign. Since then, I've been racking my brain trying to remember what I forgot to write. Wow, I'm losin' it. biggrin_o.gif

I hope trash/clutter is possible to incorporate into some of the maps/missions. That's the single best way, IMHO, to recreate that scenic "street's of Iraq" feel, for certain areas of course. It's unlike anything I've ever experienced. It's an image/smell forever burned in the mind.

Ok, enough of that! Once again fellas, stellar work so far. Thanks to All!

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Thanks, Manzilla.

Also with the uparmored humvees. The gunner should have a very restricted viewpoint unless looking down the weapons sights, which is the primary complaint (by gunners) of the armor system, mainly because most units TACSOP requires the gunners to stay seated on their troop straps, which allows them to be better protected while otherwise unengaged, but also makes it so they can't see much.

If it would be possible to add an action to let the gunner change from a seated position to a standing one, it could add a bit tothe gameplay. Seated gunners would be nearly impervious to small arms fire, but be able to see almost nothing; while standing gunners would be under some danger from small arms,but have a greater view of their surroundings. It would present players with a trade-off and a bit of a dilemma situation.

Also, Terminal Leave FTW.

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up-armoured hummers look very tasty, has to be said - a great eye for detail looking at those screens

As for the UK land rover - I can't say much from that one screen, but what I will say is that you really need to consider scraping the ArmA lannie as a base model. It's an entirely different vehicle as it is based of the Aussie series of land rovers, rather than the UK ones.

otherwise, a very welcome little update - looks like you're been working hard smile_o.gif

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ah, forgett about the up armored cars.. CROWS is here! ever played americas army? it has HMMWV with crows. like arma's stryker has, so its radio controlled from gunners place.

CROWS= Common Remotely Operated Weapon System

used by US army hmmwvs etc... I wanna see at least one hmmwv with that,


the gunner sits in left rearpassengers seat,


and has full control of the weapon system.

I hope you make some of this baby! inlove.gif

and merry X mas! xmas_o.gif

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wink_o.gif  We are glad most of you enjoy what we have so far, haha.

Of course i do.I really can't wait for that mod,i want to play it now!  biggrin_o.gif

Your mod is exacly this thing,what i was the hole time waiting for...Could you give us a release date of the first version of this mod? Or of the first file that will be given to the community!? I'm becoming creazy,really can't wait. pistols.gifyay.gif

@-Puma-: Look here,this Addon just need a little texture update.


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edit (sorry for double post xmas_o.gif )

Instead of saying sorry, edit your previous post and you don't need to apologise wink_o.gif

And remove image tags when you quote please.

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Hello again! I am making a really fast post to let the comunity know that the IMW team is in need of about 5 3D modelers. We have so many static objets and vehicles that need to be modeled its become overwhelming to us. Please anyone that has any experience with 3d studio max please contact me or swat-guy we have so much work it's not funny

If you would like you can also reach me at

MSN |  [email protected]

Yahoo | [email protected]

AIM |  hcxdrummersb


Our team really needs the help plus it will help us release 10 times faster notworthy.gif

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To those of you who dont check our website often, I took the time to re do it with a CMS, making it easier for all of us to use smile_o.gif

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What I would love to see is a M1114 Up-Armoured Humvee with CROWS.

And if the Up-Armoured Humvee is actually armored (similar to an APC) that would be pure bliss.

I also would like to see an M1A2 and an AH-64, the tools are out, but nobody has done one yet.

The M1A2 in OFP that was made by modders was top-notch excellente.

The thing is, the CROWS HMMWV isnt used very much. We will talk it over.

We are making a M1A2, If you checked our christmas update Here you would know :P

Also, we are including the Mapfact AH64 and Chinook with updated skins.

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What I would love to see is a M1114 Up-Armoured Humvee with CROWS.

And if the Up-Armoured Humvee is actually armored (similar to an APC) that would be pure bliss.

I also would like to see an M1A2 and an AH-64, the tools are out, but nobody has done one yet.

The M1A2 in OFP that was made by modders was top-notch excellente.

Let them finish that what they begun.You don't read the previous post? sad_o.gif They need more guys...  

So the release will maybe take much longer..if nobody help them. banghead.gif

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After a bunch of code adjustments etc, The website has a few new features if you wanna check them out! Happy new years. wink_o.gif

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After a bunch of code adjustments etc, The website has a few new features if you wanna check them out! Happy new years. wink_o.gif

i'd like to, but where is the link ?

[edit]: finally found it, maybe you could link your sig to your website ?

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