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Hardened Aircraft Shelters

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i have working on some aircraft shelters and texture it

here are some pics of it





and a ammocart


if some one will help me with make ammocart for use like a ammobox

need some work on the shelters like animations for the doors

and shadows lods and maybe more need most help with this


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Looks niiice, Can't wait for these

One teeensy little criticism is that the textures look a little..well, plain

But don't let that stop you, it's awesome work and I know I couldn't have done it

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if some one will help me with make ammocart for use like a ammobox

As in customizing your wapon layout on your plane?  If so, that whould be great.  Is it even possible to do on armed assault?

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if some one will help me with make ammocart for use like a ammobox

As in customizing your wapon layout on your plane? If so, that whould be great. Is it even possible to do on armed assault?

I think RockSL has been working on something of that nature?

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now you can take ammo from the ammocart for your planes and choppers smile_o.gif

and one of the shelters go do the same for ammo , refuel and repair , still many things to do

cya later

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is there anychance of ammo carts with only one sort of ordinance per cart? like one with GBU12s, one with AIMs, etc

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nice looking ammo carts! what about making a few old ones that are rusty and maybe have a few rusty old bombs that could be like left behind abadoned base style stuff?

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Great ammo carts... They surely give more atmosphere to the hangers.


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Cool stuff!

these will come in very handy...

I was wondering since your making those ammo carts... How about a fire extinguisher, and a APU???

Also I would like to ask the 10 000 000 dollar question...

Do these shelters actually provide cover for the aircraft??? Or can I level the whole thing with 1 LGB??

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eddyD, please do not write whole topic titles in capital letters.

Quote[/b] ]§12) Do not type in all capital letters

Typing in all caps equals according to standard net etiquette to yelling. It is also difficult reading such posts.


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Dude, I just looked at your page, how come there are hardly any aircraft and addons converted over to Arma??? That's crazy, I don't know what I'd do for f4 phantoms, f-16s, tomcats, fa-18s, mig-23s and other migs, and especially the carriers, hell even I see a CH53...that is crazy, wonder why there are hardly any aircraft addons so far... sad_o.gif Maybe people are working on them and trying to make them look a bit prettier...could be.

Sorry anyways sweet addons, I really like the details you put into the weapon carts and those desert bunkers are really nice too. Great job man! notworthy.gif

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Yes, the reason why is because it makes little sense to import lower quality 3d models and skins of key aircrarft into Armed Assault, when just waiting a little longer will bring aircraft 3d models & textures with military flight sim quality.

In addition, there are enhancements available to create and/or customize HUD displays.

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Yes, the reason why is because it makes little sense to import lower quality 3d models and skins of key aircrarft into Armed Assault, when just waiting a little longer will bring aircraft 3d models & textures with military flight sim quality.

In addition, there are enhancements available to create and/or customize HUD displays.

Hey mate.

A little offtopic I know.

How is seawolves doing? I am a former 688i hunter killer player from there, and of course also a former SWAF member (back when it was formed in june 2001).

Is janes working on some new software?

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little update on one of the shelters





i go make this one for rearm , repair and refuel shelter

still lots work on it

cya later


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