Spliff 0 Posted August 11, 2008 maybe would be better to ask things like that in a PM....rather than posting snippets of code which once highlighted .....well.....use discretion.. Â Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bluevein 0 Posted August 11, 2008 Then they are going out there way to use this addon which I dont mind. Quote[/b] ]IV. USAGE POLICY================ You can do whatever you want with this addon. So what chance do I have any way rather than blocking the addon from my server? To the basic user, to change this addon would take the m a while to do. If they could be bothered at all. Thanks any way Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Spliff 0 Posted August 11, 2008 check your PM's i just sent you one Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
aussie dave 0 Posted August 13, 2008 uncompress the config.bin file to config.cpp text and look for CfgPatches entry and get the name used. What do i use to uncompress the bin files? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Spliff 0 Posted August 13, 2008 Search is usually a good place to look Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Auss 208 Posted August 13, 2008 @Doolittle Is it possible for you to add a wild card to block classes with the same Starting name, for instance PROPER mods. So PROPER_* Would save a lot of time and enable server admins to block mods much easier. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
-SONAF--tivik--NL- 0 Posted August 22, 2008 hey i am using your anti cheat system on my server and really like it i am blocking xam and the other cfgpatches you have put in here but i am wondering does ECS make the server preform worse too just like xam or doesnt it cause if it does i would like to ask yall if someone can find the cfgpatch for it and maybe a nice addition to the anti cheat system just like the disabledpatches add a enabled/allowedpatches cause like some addons use menus and they arnt cheats but they still get you kicked when the useractions are disabled Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
169th_Ice 0 Posted August 23, 2008 I'm doing something wrong :-( My procedure: Download Dooacs6.zip Download DOO.bikey Create an @DooACS folder in server ARMA Directory, insert dooacs.pbo nd dooacs.pbo.doo.bisign. add to keys folder "DOO.bikey" Insert into arma root directory dooacsconfig.sqf Add to server Exe target line: "E:\Vista Program Files\ArmA\arma_server.exe" -config=server.cfg  -profiles=E:\aaserver\Profile -mod=@DooAcs Edit dooacsconfig.sqf like the following and test if it will kick me whilst using the HIFIFX mod. Quote[/b] ]// Note: you must use """" for one quote and """""""" for two, etc.dooacsInitScript = "titleText [""""Welcome"""", """"PLAIN""""]; setTerrainGrid 50"; //dooacsInitScript = ""; //dooacsDisabledPatches = "[""""LameAddon"""", """"AwesomeAddon""""]"; dooacsDisabledPatches = "[""""HIFIFX"""", """"AwesomeAddon""""]"; //dooacsDisabledPatches = "[""""XAM"""", """"HIFIFX"""", """", SLX"""", """"ECS"""", """"zCF1.14F"""", """"FFN"""", """"mors_anygear"""", """"PROPER"""", """"Xtra"""", """"GDTModHelicopter"""", """"GDT Mod TOW"""", """"GDT Mod Hellfire"""", """"GDT Mod Satchel"""", """"Schleiflshackpack"""", """"Schleiflsspawnhack""""]"; //dooacsUserActionsOff = "true"; dooacsUserActionsOff = "false"; so please Someone help me work this out. TIA Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MJK-Ranger 0 Posted August 23, 2008 I'm doing something wrong :-(My procedure: Download Dooacs6.zip Download DOO.bikey Create an @DooACS folder in server ARMA Directory, insert dooacs.pbo nd dooacs.pbo.doo.bisign. add to keys folder "DOO.bikey" Insert into arma root directory dooacsconfig.sqf Add to server Exe target line: "E:\Vista Program Files\ArmA\arma_server.exe" -config=server.cfg  -profiles=E:\aaserver\Profile -mod=@DooAcs Edit dooacsconfig.sqf like the following and test if it will kick me whilst using the HIFIFX mod. Quote[/b] ]// Note: you must use """" for one quote and """""""" for two, etc.dooacsInitScript = "titleText [""""Welcome"""", """"PLAIN""""]; setTerrainGrid 50"; //dooacsInitScript = ""; //dooacsDisabledPatches = "[""""LameAddon"""", """"AwesomeAddon""""]"; dooacsDisabledPatches = "[""""HIFIFX"""", """"AwesomeAddon""""]"; //dooacsDisabledPatches = "[""""XAM"""", """"HIFIFX"""", """", SLX"""", """"ECS"""", """"zCF1.14F"""", """"FFN"""", """"mors_anygear"""", """"PROPER"""", """"Xtra"""", """"GDTModHelicopter"""", """"GDT Mod TOW"""", """"GDT Mod Hellfire"""", """"GDT Mod Satchel"""", """"Schleiflshackpack"""", """"Schleiflsspawnhack""""]"; //dooacsUserActionsOff = "true"; dooacsUserActionsOff = "false"; so please Someone help me work this out. TIA Hi. Place dooacs.pbo and dooacs.pbo.doo.bisign in C:\Program Files\Atari\ArmA\AddOns   <----- Your server. Place dooacsconfig.sqf into arma root directory   <---- Your Server. You also need the newest Extended Event Handlers by Solus and Killswitch (http://www.flashpoint1985.com/cgi-bin/ikonboard311/ikonboard.cgi?act=ST;f=70;t=70816 ) Place Extended_Eventhandlers.pbo and Extended_Eventhandlers.pbo.SLX_XEH2.bisign in C:\Program Files\Atari\ArmA\AddOns   <----- Your server. Place SLX_XEH2.bikey C:\Program Files\Atari\ArmA\Keys   <----- Your server. Cheers Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
169th_Ice 0 Posted August 23, 2008 thanks, whats with the Atari? do i create a new directory here? or do i just place in my Arma directory which would be E:\Program files/Arma  ? Ive followed the instructions using the extended Eventhandlers. and moving the files into what I belive is the correct folders. (Addons and Arma root directory) Using the config above, i should not be able to join using the HIFIFX mod, but i still am able to join. i get a "DOOACS PASS" If someone could quote their working dooacsconfig.sqf file with all the unwanted mods/hacks, id appreciate it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[kh]jman 49 Posted August 23, 2008 The reason your installation is not blocking the mods that you have listed is because dooacs does not key off the mod name. Why would it if you actually think about it?. Mods can be renamed. Quote (Doolittle @ Jan. 09 2008,10:49) uncompress the config.bin file to config.cpp text and look for CfgPatches entry and get the name used. Meaning un-pbo the mod you wish to block and find the CfgPatches entry, then use that name in your dooacsconfig.sqf dooacsDisabledPatches string. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
169th_Ice 0 Posted August 23, 2008 Thanks for your help. Makes sense now. Quite a job to have to download all the mods you want to block and extract the config.cpp file. Also maybe a rewrite of the instructions that come with DooACs so others dont miss the instructions from January. Now to get this straight, please bare with me. Example: Ive extracted the pbo's from Compact Fix for Arma and each pbo has a name there are lots in this instance.. ZGB_Collisions, ZGB_DeathCam, ZGB_Flares, ZGB_Flares_Settings, ZGB_Grid, ZGB_Grid_QG, ZGB_Horn, ZGB_Horn_QG, Â ZGB_Radar_GPS, CALanguage, ZGB_Magazines, ZGB_MES, ZGB_Pontoons, ZGB_RACS_Faces, ZGB_Seatbelts, ZGB_SLA_Faces, ZGB_Vehicles, ZGB_VLD, ZGB_VNV, ZGB_WarfareSoundFix, ZGB_Weapons So, i am assuming for each one there is an entry. so it should look like.. Quote[/b] ]dooacsDisabledPatches = "[""""ZGB_Collisions"""", """"ZGB_DeathCam"""", """", ZGB_Flares"""", """"ZGB_Flares_Settings"""", """"ZGB_Grid"""", """"ZGB_Grid_QG"""", """"ZGB_Horn"""", """"ZGB_Horn_QG"""", """"ZGB_Radar_GPS"""", """"CALanguage"""", """"ZGB_Magazines"""", """"ZGB_MES"""", """"ZGB_Pontoons"""", """"ZGB_RACS_Faces"""", """"ZGB_Seatbelts"""" """"ZGB_SLA_Faces"""", """"ZGB_Vehicles"""", """"ZGB_VLD, ZGB_VNV"""", """"ZGB_WarfareSoundFix"""", """"ZGB_Weapons"""",]";dooacsUserActionsOff = "true"; Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[kh]jman 49 Posted August 24, 2008 I think you can just define one that exists inside the pbo and that is enough for the whole pbo to be blocked. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
169th_Ice 0 Posted August 25, 2008 Thank guys for your help. Server has had no crashes and good crowds since getting DooAcs to run properly. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Doolittle 0 Posted August 25, 2008 Sorry it's so kludgey! I can only work with what they give me. Here's a trick to get an addons "real" game name (you can't just go off the filename! ) ... place something in the addon onto a map and look at mission.sqm file. You should see the addon name in there. This is the name to use. You're right, you only need to use one of the addon names in the pbo to disable the entire pbo file. Wildcard use? I wish but string functions in ArmA script is mostly non-existent. The Atari is because that's the directory name for the US version. You need to find directory your ArmA.exe is in. Thanks for helping people out guys! You don't need to worry about the .bikey files if you don't have the key authentication thing turned on in the game. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
.kju 3245 Posted August 25, 2008 what about these Doolittle http://kronzky.info/snippets/strings/index.htm Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
169th_Ice 0 Posted August 25, 2008 I couldnt find a thread that listed blocked mods and or addons. so I made one here Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
djerden 0 Posted February 18, 2009 I know this post is a little old, but came in handy with the recent rash of ACE mod users crashing the server. Â I copied & pasted at least one of the .sqf files quoted in this thread, & it didn't work initially due to a syntax error (had extra line with ,; after all the mod names). Â For banning ACE mod, you just have to include one of the pbo names (no unpbo & unrap the confg file). Â Here's my reused & edited sqf (for some reason posting here alters the ..._IntroAnims"""", Â -- shouldn't be the " showing up at end): Quote[/b] ]// Note: you must use """" for one quote and """""""" for two, etc. //dooacsInitScript = "titleText [""""Welcome"""", """"PLAIN""""]; setTerrainGrid 50"; dooacsInitScript = ""; //dooacsDisabledPatches = "[""""LameAddon"""", """"AwesomeAddon""""]"; dooacsDisabledPatches = "[""""SLX_AI_Dispersion"""", """"SLX_Anims"""", """"ZGB_Collisions"""", """"ZGB_DeathCam"""", """", ZGB_Flares"""", """"ZGB_Flares_Settings"""", """"ZGB_Grid"""", """"ZGB_Grid_QG"""", """"ZGB_Horn"""", """"ZGB_Horn_QG"""", """"ZGB_Radar_GPS"""", """"ZGB_Magazines"""", """"ZGB_MES"""", """"ZGB_Pontoons"""", """"ZGB_RACS_Faces"""", """"ZGB_Seatbelts"""", """"ZGB_SLA_Faces"""", """"ZGB_Vehicles"""", """"ZGB_VLD"""", """"ZGB_VNV"""", """"ZGB_WarfareSoundFix"""", """"ZGB_Weapons"""", """"ECS_Air"""", """"ECS_Animals"""", """", ECS_Armory"""", """"ECS_Characters"""", """"ECS_CIV"""", """"ECS_Core"""", """"CS_Misc"""", """"ECS_Quiet"""", """"ECS_RACS"""", """"ECS_RC_CIV"""", """"ECS_RC_RACS"""", """"ECS_RC_RU"""", """"ECS_RC_US"""", """"ECS_RU"""", """"ECS_SmokeShell"""", """"ECS_Sounds"""", """"ECS_Tracers"""", """"ECS_US"""", """"ECS_Worlds"""", """"TR_CAM"""", """"TR_OBJ"""", """"GDTModHellfire"""", """"GDTModSatchel"""", """"GDTModTOW"""", """"GDTModHelicopter"""", """"mors_anygear"""", """"ACE_Everon"""", """"McNSaraLiteDryite"""", """"NIM_Weather"""", """"Q11_Recoils"""", """"XAM_effects"""", """"SLX_People"""", """"XAM_classes"""", """"XAM_Markers"""", """"XAM_Sounds"""", """"XAM_Veh"""", """"XAM_Vehdes"""", """"Xtra_Munitions"""", """"Xtra_Infantry"""", """", Xtra_Air"""", """"Xtra_QG"""", """"Xtra_SAM"""", """"Xtra_Static"""", """"Xtra_Support"""", """"Xtra_Tank"""", """"Xtra_Weapons"""", """"Schleiflshackpack"""", """"Schleiflsspawnhack"""", """"ace_anims_fastswitch"""", """"ace_config_core_fx""""' """"PROPER_World_Desert_Island_Instant_IntroAnims"""&qu ot;]"; dooacsUserActionsOff = "true"; //dooacsUserActionsOff = "false"; Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mattxr 9 Posted February 18, 2009 I think when ACE users join into a non ace server once in the game it Auto Crashes the server while this DACS takes a few moments before stopping the offender to play. Option use signed files or just allow the ace mod to run on the server maybe? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Wasp=SW= 0 Posted February 22, 2009 guys im 100% new at Arma.. and right in at the deep end... so are you saying we can add ACE to be allowed without running the mod on the server? also i would be very grateful if someone could list the mods which we have to block to stop the server from being crashed all the time. Regards Wasp Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mattxr 9 Posted October 25, 2009 Any chance for someone to convert this to Arma2 so i can block addons from the server without using the Sign File system crap Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
konikemq 10 Posted November 14, 2009 I would like to flag the user to be able to either continue and overwrite or abort upload Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
wolffy.au 9 Posted December 15, 2009 I did a quick search, does the code work fine on ARMA2? Is the Doctor planning to update DooACS for ARMA2? Any alternatives? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
.kju 3245 Posted December 28, 2009 As ACE2 clients seem to crash dedicated servers, this might be a handy tool for some admins to combat the problem. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DenVdmj 0 Posted November 23, 2010 (edited) Dear Dolittle...You got a new enemy in your privat hacking war.. SBH. We are these guys, crashed all the arma server in the last few days... hehe why we do it? dont know, showing t*c that they suck.. and you that your script doesnt own... how it works? just one thing.. we DONT use addons for it Well happy scripting... n00b.. Ow befor and we dont release our tools.. so dont worry.. you just see our member crashing your server... and guys, dont be sad... be nice or we continue our glorious work... time to kick ass and chew bubblegum....an' im all outta gum! It's true. There is a way to run scripts at any arma2 server. This method doesn't use any addons, doesn't use the merge config, and can't be detected using any methods. This loophole can be closed only by arma2 developers. Edited November 23, 2010 by DenVdmj Share this post Link to post Share on other sites