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Just an FYI that I was able to kill wounded OPFOR units, Geneva convention or not smile_o.gif although I was running FFN with XAM1.5

I so far noticed that the AI is immensely improved over any other mod to date, SLX included for at least one important measure: The AI no longer charges out of cover in suicide attacks anymore, but effectively uses cover and flanking attacks. I noticed this in a few custom missions using Rahmadi as an OPFOR base.

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my only gripe is that i really hoped that the sf units were better than the normal infantry

like make the shooting more accurate and recover faster when stopping suddenly and shooting

sure,SF is more accurate,you can find this out,normal soldier's marksmanship is depend on there skill and rank,but for SF,any SF is  accurate.

SF is recover faster 4 times than normal soldier,I mean advance with cover to cover.

it's not SLX compatible because both of us make many animation change,the only result if we compatible is "crsuh"

the same reason to another self-eventhandlered MOD different ammo name,different animation name make cause many problem especaily when you using some also-config-changed adddons

so,if my replacement not work,please see the readme,I write down the scripts list to launch most features

I don't know much about modding ArmA, but would it not be possible to use some of SLX's animations with FFN or the other way round?

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thats a bit annoying... I am using mostly SD weapons so its making not a big dammage which causes battlefield full of "wiggle on the ground" soldiers . I am only able to kill them with Grenade launcher...huh...

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Good ideas! Somehow the units are very cautious with FFN - played only with QG and FFN.

Got lines in arma.rpt with

- "File tr_obj\config.cpp...Missing ';' at the end of line"

- "Addon tr_obj (entry TR_Throw) not found in the list of active addons"

- some warnings from ska_m60

- "Addon tr_obj (entry TR_MOD_logic) not found in the list of active addons"

- "Duplicate weapon"

If I'm preview mission sth like '[#]" error missing " appears.

some suggestions:

1) make this "set up/build fortification or roadblock" feature for every unit available (like in OFP were you could give single AI the order to build sth. according to their line of sight).

2) for additional support add an radio option for team and squad leader

3) could be nice to have some radio operators for precise support

4) "safety weapon" imho isnt that usefull like using backpack features  wink_o.gif

5) going with this "forward-lean-animation" looks imho too much like OFP, good for some situations but not all. Sometimes BIS animations are faster.

6) allow to heal/bandage only light wounds

Looking forward to updates & vehicles features! Nice to see how soldiers are going to find & use cover. Makes a great difference to "vanilla" units. Thanks.

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- "File tr_obj\config.cpp...Missing ';' at the end of line" ?

what's the hell is this,anyone have any idea? it's alright in gameplay anyway~

set up/build fortification or roadblock is only call for leader

but maybe I should add it to some another soldier,so once them become leader ,they are able to use this action.

maybe radio operator isn't nessccery?

I've already inculed many nessccery SLX animations,or maybe I should add some death animaiton too?

I'll see what I can do next

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Tony, this is brilliant. Keep taking ideas from this forum and changing the AI ...... your status as scripting god is growing smile_o.gif

What would be good is a guide to compatible and incompatible mods that are out there currently (perhaps the community can make a list)

Well done.

[TAO] Kremator

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I've used the mod a little bit, and the changes to the AI really makes ArmA much more tactical. No more "playing against dummies" feeling in singleplayer. Thanks for the hard work smile_o.gif

Here's some points that made me think though;

*While testing 1 squad vs 1 squad me as a squad member, the group commander mostly give orders to only me rather than the whole group. So most of the squad stays with him rather than advancing. This is a bit annoying.

*Again, in testing I've noticed that when the combat emerges, AI doesn't really care about the waypoint. They can jump around for 10 minutes because there's a soldier nearby which they can't reach to kill.

*When in combat, everybody goes wandering off somewhere and especially in city combat it gets frustrating like "Where's everybody?" after 1 minute or so. IMHO squads should maintain a certain cohesion. No idea how you do that though.

*AI uses too much smoke. Maybe you can make it so there will be a certain probability that AI will use smoke. Right now it looks like %100 possibility when they have smokes.

*Are you simulating body armor in some way? Because there have been many instances that I've been shot many times and yet survived.

Again, AI changes are incredible. I hope you'll continue working on this notworthy.gif

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Quote[/b] ]

william1,are you sure you launch the FFN MOD in right way or don't use any other 3rd MOD at same time?

i tried with FFN mod and queen's gambit expansion only

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I agree that everyone in war should follow the Geneva Convention but they don't. Especially when it comes to certain resistance forces it would be nice to be able to have the kill-when-wounded capability. It's not a big deal for me if it's never implemented though. The main thing I'd like to see is integration with XEH before other functions are added, although I can live with out this as well.

As long as this excellent Mod keeps getting developed I'm happy.

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great mod and a great leap forward for AI. especailly the supression and unpredicatablility. and seeing AI actually run to get somewhere.

few things that improve this though.

1. the AI sidestep kills immersion for me - strafing is not a military manouver. some may like this as it is very quake like - is there a way to disable this?

2. the running AI is really great - are they running for cover? be amazing is AI would run to aid other guys, to flank enemy, to provide first aid, etc, amazing addition this mate as it add sense of urgency.

3. the can't kill wounded drives me crazy. Taking control away from player is a bad thing and subtracts from experience not adds to it.

4. AI seem to be bulletresistant at times - i shoot them sometimes but nothing happens.

5. bounding overwatch would be great for AI to advance toward identified enemy.

overall excellent AI additions - though the option to easily activate/deactive parts would be welcome.


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The AI hunted me down :O. Scared the crap out of me, thinking I'll just run really fast from the mess I created...but then the mess came after me.

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Hi ive been testing the mod in MP and i found some strange bugs or features:

things that dont work or get a weird running:

*When someone hurts a enemy and bring him inconscius, the ohers players see the enemy dead not inconscius. The other players dont have tha action drag x, to take captives.

*the A-10 do not seems to come when we call it.

*the support chopper (medevac) do not seems to work, they come, and only stay in place not take the captives.

*the shooting with a snipper rifle is very hard vecause you hit the enemies and the do not seem to be hurted. I used 6 magazines of MK12 to kill 2 soldiers...

*The players not stay inconscius, only die. When you get shooted by a enemy they kill you. So you dont have incoscius mates...

*when the Ia leader is making the animations of order the trops moving with his hands, if you kill him, he dont dies until the animation is finished.

Things that work propperly:

*the Ia is hard to beat, the most funnies battles in many time, we were 3 humans vs 8 Ias and was hard to win them.. very very good man!!!

*The artillery works fine you can call the strikes and all works fine.

the other features of the mod work properly!!!

Congratulations, if you polish the MP to make it 100% compatible, here in spain our clan is gonna take this addon as official!!!

i´ll try to test it more time to tell you the feadback.

It would be great to have a list of the units, weapons and other stuff to use it in the editor.

Thanks fo this great mod!!! 9/10 when you finish it 10/10!!!

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to lucifervivo:

thanks very much lucifervivo,your test report will be very usefull to me,are you sure you've tested every thing?inculde the M113 FO/BMP2 FO and FlashGrenade and something else?please keep on test in different conditions.

to twisted:

not AI bullet resistant,because of the Marksmanship setting.in FFN MOD ,normal soldier have low Marksmanship which means your bullet will not accrute,this skill is depend on your rank,a "Captain" if much more accruate then a "Private",this work for humans too,that's why you "shoot them sometimes but nothing happens."

to william1:

are another features work?

about the XEH

[this,"Extended_Init_EventHandlers"] call compile

preprocessFile "\Extended_EventHandlers\Init.sqf"

to a soldier's init will enable the XEH,but be aware,don't do this when you running SLX or something else at the same time

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about the XEH

[this,"Extended_Init_EventHandlers"] call compile

preprocessFile "\Extended_EventHandlers\Init.sqf"

to a soldier's init will enable the XEH,but be aware,don't do this when you running SLX or something else at the same time

Thanks for that info. I don't have to worry about SLX, I've switched to FFN for the time being.  wink_o.gif

Hopefully I can find out where to put this in DAC so the units create in zones with that in the init.

One question:

When you say "or something else at the same time" what are you referring to? Running SLX+FFN+another Mod or FFN+another Mod/AddOn that using XEH as well.

What I really want to do is run FFN with everything but SLX.(Like XEH compatible vehicles, etc)


So if I put

[this,"Extended_Init_EventHandlers"] call compile preprocessFile "\Extended_EventHandlers\Init.sqf" into the INIT line of any unit the replacement file will work on all other user made units? I tried it but didn't notice much in my missions. I'm using Cam 1ST ID, Johnny's Marines and SF, CWM's and Relikki's most recent.

Sorry for the question but I don't understand init stuff all the time.


Yup it works. Relikki and CWM hunted down my Johnny SF team, and the SF couldn't hit a damn thing. I hope it's not supposed to be that way cause I'd take offense to that. wink_o.gif

The thing that really bothers me is the no kill wounded soldiers. It's to unrealistic for me and I normally don't care all that much about realism. I'm not sure if you've ever seen combat before but that just doesn't ever happen on the battlefield. I.e. I shoot someone and he drops his weapon immediately and writhes on the ground a few seconds after being shot and I can't kill him. That just doesn't happen that fast or at all that I've seen.

Especially in Iraq & Stan, those boys keep shooting until dead. They don't give two shits about GC. And if it did happen they're bound to kill you with grenade or other small arms if you'd try to offer help.

Let's be serious here. GC is just an ideal and isn't the first thought when your ass in a battle with people who don't care about killing themselves and innocent civilians. As someone who's served in both US theaters I can say with certainty war is far from moral, won't be and never will be. It's easy to say it should be if you've never seen what some of these nuts are willing to do just to kill a soldier, especially an American. It's a sick dirty thing for all that experience it first hand.

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I know maybe you did feel that unreal,but if you don't try to shot those wounded,you'll not find you can't kill them.because all none-player soldier can kill them.

what rule is rule,it seems you've never come into battlefiled,my mother and farther once join the war bewteen China and Vietnam,that's 1979 and my mother was medic,she knows GC at well.yes,sometime both side fight madness,but nomarl both side follow the GC,so after the war end,many POWs surive and live and return to their country.

this is different between Iraq or some place else.anti-terrist war is not like a war between two real country.

SLA is not terrist,so the USMC,if you kill SLA wounded and prisoner have you ever think about SLA will do the same thing with your own borthers?both side follow the GC,both side keep their wounded and prisoner alive.their mother will happen to see them back home after the war.

if you don't want to take prisoner,just shot their head.I know your marksmanship is well enough.

however,I just want this game for balance

beside,about the XEH,I'll make a XEH enabler (like a unit) to enable the XEH in the next version.so you don't need to add it youself.because SLX and FFN have many thing animation so use them together may cause the game crush,not means SLX is not good.and don't use FFN XEH enable with another animation replacement of Ai replacement addons to aviod the crush too,other addons are feel to add.

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OK tony i will test this night the flash bag grenade and the vehicles in MP. And i´ll say you something.

The best of this mod is that it not causes any lag, so its great!!!

I can confirm you that the soldiers of the FFAA mod work properly, its compatible with it.

A question how do afect the rank to the hability of shooting? at what percentage? its only to have an idea of that.

The hability we put in the editor affects to that percentage too??

Do the whitte smoke affect the enemies??, or they can view throug it?

In the theme of the prisoners, i like that some men keep on ground hurted. because it was not realistic that they die allways.

In Mp it would be great that when you take a captive it gifs you a bonus of points, maybe +1 point, apart of the "killing" ponits.Or maybe more points at higher rank of the enemy taken.

Other questions:

How many times can we call the support heli?, and how much time have to pass between the calling to get another?

How many times can we call the atack heli?, and how much time have to pass between the calling to get another?

Do the mates, player keep in ground unconscius??, Is there any possibility to drag them until a medic comes to heal them?

For me this is a good change to the game!!! the best mod of IA so i´m very enthusiastic I hope you can resolve all the MP features to finally have a real gameplay with arma.

Thank you tony!!! yay.gif

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The best of this mod is that it not causes any lag, so its great!!!

lol,yes,you don't feel lag is because your PC is new.but it's lag in my PC because my CPU is just AMD AthlonXP2500 and GPU is ATI RAEDON9500,and with 1G DDR400 RAM.they are all 5 years old tounge2.gif

but it's good for moding anyway,if it's don't lag in my PC it won't lag in any new PC.

the SpecOp and Sniper are already have the max marksmanship.to others,just add there rank,they higher their rank are the higher their marksmanship will be.from "private" to "colonel".by the way,this is also affect the crew,the higher crew's rank is the more effective he use the vehicle.

it you really want kill those wounded just set a charge and then...boom!!!but you'll got - 400 rating:hm:

there is already some global Var named TR_POWS_West and TR_POWS_East and TR_POWS_Resistance.every time when west side capture a POW and get him back with chopper the TR_POWS_West with + 1,the more valueable the POW is the more number TR_POWS_West added.for example a "Officer" will add 30 point to TR_POWS_West. the same to others.

you can call unlimited support chopper,and 3 mintues per call.

maybe the time is too short~~but I can add it later

the same to the gunship,they'll keep support until they've been destroyed

the artillery is different,they have ammo limited,but if you place a AMMO truck nearby,they are unlimited too.

so destroy enemy support weapon in game is the best way to cut down their fire support

player will not unconscius,just directly dead if take too much dammage,but player have 40% extra Hit Points then AI.

once your test down,I'll try to fix all found bugs,then I can start make missions.

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two videos about incoming update

some bug fixed,new death animation taken from SLX MOD,and add the combat voice.these voice is really depend on the combat satiuation

A USMC patrol mean another SLA patrol in the night.

A SLA squad make themselves into USMC ambush.

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@tonyranger: ive spent quite a time reading through your scripts, and i must say the way you worked around the limitations of ArmA is simply great (i mean the idea of CQB logic weapon and so). though it is a bit messy to play with, its really original. big respect!

@killing wounded: though manzilla is absolutely right about war being a really sick thing, such a humanistic approach was never seen in arma modding. so if this is the idea of your mod, im totally ok with that.

the only thing i miss in the mod is squad info sharing that SLX has. ive done some experiments with GL3 core scripts, but it collides a lot with fire support scripts and so on. maybe the high commander feature you are working on will add that?

i havent experienced trouble salvatore lee had, about lots of wounded soldiers. maybe its those rate of fire and ballistic mods, i dont know. the usual chance of survival is around 10-20% in my games. i really like the performance too. (SLX was laggy because of screwed up effects)

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is it working on dedicated server ?

plus is there any way to disable air reinforce / arty ?

i could play a vanilla evo blue with these units, that would rocks !

another question , IS your addons logic works with EAST unit ?

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just don't place artillery and gunship or plane on map will disable AI's arty./air support

those system is worked for both SLA,USMC and RACS units

by th way,the High Commander Mode is base on my furtune MP missions,so I need the test report from MP servers.then I can make my MOD worked fine in MP,after that I'll begin the HCM and new missions.

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Tony, So proud of you!

I will tell you my suggestions when I have enough time to test all about these out. Very soon.

Bu cuo, Ji xu jia you~ Mei zhun wo ke yi bang ni zuo yi ge quan xin de Nogova dao~ hahaha~

I know you love that pleace biggrin_o.gif

Congratulation and thank you very much, You have changed a game.

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sure,maybe with a new Nogova I can start make the Fight For Nogova Campagin in ArmA2

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Just want to report that FFN runs pretty stable with no functionality lost coupled with the ECS mod, even with the ECS AI enabled. Sample launch line: -mod=dbe1;@mapfact;@xamadds;@ecs;@ffn;@sow

I think someone else prior asked if the community can list compatible mods and so far I have tried the following:

XAM1.5 - Game crashed occasionally when calling in medivac/support chopper.

ECS - No issues yet.

Addons I run concurrently with the above (@xamadds):













NWD_ RealDispersion







Proper_effects_damage_and_sea_texture replacement










RH Weapon enhancements

RHS Marines

RHS Weapons






TrueGameplay mods





Xtra Mods

ZGB Mods

Mapfact addons (@mapfact)

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Thanks Pickled .... question of all of those mods though is do they all work flawlessly with FFN MOD? ie no crashing / lag / etc

I'm sure that they do .... would be nice if we could prove that, as more people that use FFN MOD as standard in their missions.

One of the main reasons why the early XAM wasn't used much was due to compatibility with other mods. I know snake worked on compatibility for later versions but I'm sure it hurt take-up of XAM. I don't want the same to happen to FFN MOD becuase it is SO great !

I will echo what Fromz has said ...'Congratulation and thank you very much, You have changed a game.'

[TAO] Kremator

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