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KilJoy -SFG-

Evolution (Red+Blue)

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I would like to ask, why the MI-17's are gone.

Seeing them dropping soldier was a nice feature.

MfG Lee smile_o.gif

Edit: Found it myself:

Quote[/b] ]as I said about parachuter's before. It seems theres a random generic (built into the game) bug that will lock up a server if you use them in missions a lot. I have no way of fixing this as i don't even know what the problem is. All i know know is the mission will end now before a server locks up and dies. If you want to have parachuter reinforcements just play versions 1 of red and blue. Very little else changed.

For whatever reason, we have no such problems on our linux dedicated.

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Kiljoy, let me just say how great your mission is. I haven't been playing multi-player and now that I've discovered this I can't believe I've been missing out for so long.

I had a quick questions, and wasn't sure if I should post it, but your pm box is full......so? It's about weapons, some friends and I play evo with XAM 1.4 on our own private server, and I would really like to see some of their new weapons placed in game. Same thing with addons, for instance, maybe having the Hind from RHS instead of the Kamov.

I haven't been able to find the file where you stock the ammo box at base, so I'm not sure how you do it. But I would like to put some different weapons in there and set them up like you did so that they are unlocked with rank. If you could tell me how to do this it would be great. And again, this is for private use, I would never try and change your masterpiece and expose it to the public. Just for my own entertainment, I think the implementation of new weapons and vehicles would increase the longevity of evo.



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What if a human could take a role of the single commander for the adversary AI units?

hey thats a different idea! smile_o.gif i made a coop mission for ofp res once wich had a a team that fought both vs the opfor on the island and was chased by a small team of other players that was playing for opfor.

Having a leader for opfor would be intresting but i think it would need a whole lot of more scripts to make it so the opfor leader can send out orders easily to all his men and stuff.

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sorta like Dungeon Master(s)

these evil guys send theirs minions to stop poor players smile_o.gif

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After some more thinking on the Evolution scenario, i guess the players wouldn't have much chance against a dumb, but well organized - coordinated force of AI-units under human command, if he would possess the control of all the AI-units simultaneously.

To get over this and stick to the original Evo scenario, there have to be some constraints for the human commander. The forces attached to each town should be prohibited to leave the area surrounding it. Otherwise the commander would just lay the massive Armed Assault against poor humans and kick them out of the island.

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Ok, I've discovered how to add my own weapons by editing the eventsc folder. But how can I change the Kamov to the Hind. I've changed the file "makeka" in the line that says

_heli = createVehicle ["Ka50", _poscreate, [], 5000, "FLY"];

and changed it to

_heli = createVehicle ["Mi-24P", _poscreate, [], 5000, "FLY"];

But now I see no enemy attack choppers in game, is there another file I need to edit?

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What are the different settings for in the lobby?

It says Timescale|Respawn|Lives

But what does MH6-R mean under Respawn?

What does NOAI mean?

What does Infantry (under Lives) mean?

Very gratefulfor answersa.

Thank you for an awsome mission!

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Evolution (SIM) would be rather nice.

Enforced roles and gear/kit (pilots fly, soldiers fight, crew man armoured vehicles).

With "points" pilots unlock better aircraft, crew better armour and grunts better weaponry. Only pilots and crew would get extra transportation "points".

Instead of capturing small towns make it into less but larger sectors, only one "sector" should be active at a time for performance/gameplay reasons.

Diferent challenges (maybe randomly) per sector? Some would have more armoured squads, others better AA defences, others more aviation...

Im day dreaming here, just thinking about a more tactical and sim alike Evo version wink_o.gif.

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I have a design concept for exactly that lying around on my home pc desktop, heatseeker. Evolution Career, a class driven approach. I'll forward the docs to kiljoy and see, if he likes the idea and is willing to try something out.

The basic idea is that players can trade score for new skills or new classes, depending on their character. There are four main careers to choose from: infantry, crew, pilot and medic. Infantry includes up to ten different specializations (grenadier, leadership, rifleman, sniper, ...) with up to 4 levels each. To get to a lvl4 grenadier for example, the player would need to upgrade level by level with an increasing amount of score. With every level, better equipment is issued and new skills unlocked (i.e. being able to use the javelin as level 3 AT soldier.

The crew and pilot careers consist mainly of vehicle driver, gunner and commander unlocks for the respective vehicles. Medic is a separate career due to the healing feature of the model.

I don't want to go into too much details, but if there are no problems production wise (scripting problems, engine limitations, etc.) this could be pretty neat. yay.gif

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What are the different settings for in the lobby?

It says Timescale|Respawn|Lives

But what does MH6-R mean under Respawn?

What does NOAI mean?

What does Infantry (under Lives) mean?

Very gratefulfor answersa.

Thank you for an awsome mission!

MH6-R means that MH-6 are respawning constantly.

NOAI means that players would not be able to recruit AI soldiers in their team.

Infantry means that you won't have any vehicle to use in game. you will only be on foot.

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OK I have some comments now...

Sorry I am new to Evo, only since Arma have I played so I don't know all the instructions and benefits of each class, I mostly play Engineer or Medic

Playing engineer you have to hop in the drivers seat for a moment to properly repair vehicles I notice and this works even if you don't have required rank.Engineer should be allowed to drive more but it still works fine.I hop in the drivers seat get kicked out then hop gunner or passenger

Reload bug on most vehicles that have multiple magazines, it only resupplies the first mag

You don't get kills for driving over enemies which is a good tactic when I am recovering a damaged vehicle within enemy territory

You don't get killcount for your AI's kills either unless they are gunner for your vehicle

AI often TK friendlies possesing a enemy vehicle

When I play medic I do alotta work walking up to hurt people but MOST people don't use the medic and its a waste of time.The Medic relive script is a very good idea with maybe like a 2 minute respawn, would make medics all more important.Its a long walk/drive to enemy front and then you die, medics could revive at the frontline

Playing most other classes its alotta work to get your score up, I am not sure what the benefits of each class are

Snipers should get double points for rifle kills or something

Everyone should get double kills for pistol kills ( i leave pistol at base often...useless)

People joining the servers are just filling up vacant slots and I get stuck as assault or sniper often and they are not doing their job (this wouldn't happen on a clan game I know)

A way to see who is what class would be nice, so I can see when they leave and quit out and take their class or a way to swap class in-game would be nice too altho I often remember who-is-what when I see their tag ingame

Another thing I notice is usually new players are attacking other cities and it causes more lag (AI jumping around) and extra load on the server because its spawning enemies in several cities rather than the one.Also people doing missions are probably activating this.Not sure what can be done about this as clans could have tactics for some to start on other towns while cleanup finish's old towns.

To encourage teamwork I am thinking along the lines of feature that If you have little rank that you can't attack foreign cities on your own (hints would surely have to come up to tell them which city is being worked on or something)

Does anyone have old instructions?

Snipers should get double points for their rifle shots

I agree with all these points. I try to play as an engineer to get points from repairing vehicles but I rarely do, even if I repair all the damaged vehicles in a town that has been cleared. Is there a guaranteed way to get points from vehicle repairs?

What I would like to see most is a manual about how to play and the objects in the game like FARPs and MASHs etc.

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any idea if KJ still works on Evo (e.g. up2date with 1.09) ?

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Has anyone tried to Request a Mission while playing in Veteran mode that had waypoints off. If so, when you requested the mission did it come up on the screen showing where you needed to go for the mission?

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any idea if KJ still works on Evo (e.g. up2date with 1.09) ?

I was just checking for that information as well, Dwarden.

So far, running Evo is working without a hitch here with the 1.09 Beta for me and a few others who've played it on our www.dbclan.net server, but still, if updating Evo 2.0 is necessary for the 1.09 Beta, or if KilJoy is just waiting for the final version of the 1.09 patch to release before sending out an update, I can wait.

Salute (~S~) All,


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I agree with all these points.  I try to play as an engineer to get points from repairing vehicles but I rarely do, even if I repair all the damaged vehicles in a town that has been cleared.  Is there a guaranteed way to get points from vehicle repairs?

What I would like to see most is a manual about how to play and the objects in the game like FARPs and MASHs etc.

After some experience I can say I often get robbed of points usually when I repair a chopper, I try save them for last

My tactic for repair...

Be Engineer and get your own repair truck, drive near the broken down vehicle (in Veteran you won't see "your" own position on map and makes it tricky but adds some tactical surgery)

Slap down a FARP near the broken vehicle,make sure you don't have a yellow or red chain showing (desync) otherwise you most likely won't get points for repair.Wait till the chain is gone before you start repairing

Hop in the drivers seat (it prolly will kick you out if you don't have rank) then hop into usually gunners seat so you can defend while repair (endless ammo too)

After the vehicle or during repair, if the vehicle is far from base, paratroop a AI to drive it to next frontline or back-to-base.But I am often too busy and just leave them where they are at.

Hurry up and get back into your repair truck before it disappears (you only have so long), If you are repairing multiple vehicles near your FARP you must hop back into your repair truck after each repair (unless you leave an AI in it)

I don't as I am more efficient driver than the AI

Your FARP will stay at your last build spot, just leave it till you get to next vehicle, when you build a new FARP your old one disappears

I can get max rank in a few hours this way

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@ Oct. 08 2007,09:14)]Its really hard to tell what is going on with the hacks involved. banghead.gif

Anyone tried ICBM yet  biggrin_o.gif


we usually leave it for that last Hard to find AI . but once for Giggles we tripped the city and dropped it .

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The game needs more roles for players to fill. Currently there's the Engineer role which is substantial and the medic role which is significantly less substantial but works. The sniper and other roles are completely unsubstanital and hinder players from earning bonus points.

I agree there needs to be some work done to the engineer role but heck why not just give the engineer the Farp ability and let all players repair things and earn points at the Farp. the officer is a great mission but snipers should get bonus points for killing officers. The medic should be able to heal people as well as AI by himself and earn bonus points for it. Currently people must heal at the medic. It should be the other way around. The medic role is flawed because not only do medics take a hit for gear but if they can't heal anyone then they often run around trying to tell people to stop and heal even when they don't even realize that they are injured lol. For instance tonight I stopped to heal at a medic trying to play his role, however he didn't realize that I was just going to respawn back at base afterwords anyway lol.

Perhaps other soldiers should be the ones to earn bonus points for the other goals such as the radio tower. There could be other goals that regular soldiers strive to achieve such as command post HQ's, or Armory's. This way regular soldiers are working inside of the cities in order to earn bonus points that others cannot. Or maybe medics could earn these points as well working with the INF to secure the towns.

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hi KilJoy,

Thank you for this outstanding MP Mission

are you working about new version, for example QGambit 2.0 ?

I would know if is possible, where I can modify to changhe the capture city condition, and make surrending some enemy unit, because some thimes happen that we must search around city for some solidier or an unoperative vehicle... and is not fun a waste of time...

I hope to hear some news from u


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Hi guys first time poster long time lurker. Iam huge fan of Evolution, and I wanted to thank KJ for making arma worth playing again, i was going to uninstall it and file the discs, but fired it up one more time and the rest was history. I love the Evo red and blue and i was wondering if it would be difficult to implement a reward system for capturing enemy vehicles (repairing them where neccessary) for points? One of each type could be displayed at the hangar and different amount of points would be awarded for differnt vehicles. Just a thought.

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Hi again... no news about evo development ?

I also have a question for everyone that can answer

I can't captuer officier, and if I kill I don't get penalty

is something happens to my evolution ? where are stored the capture and surrending option ?

we kill all the enemy in the city and no one surrender!!

is this a Evolution 2.0 news or bug ?

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The officer mission has been buggy since I can remember lol. Somtimes you can somtimes you can't type of deal. It also really really sucks when you kill the officer, but depending on the way you kill him somtimes you don't lose points. I ussually satchel charge him or have an AI target and kill.

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Hi again... no news about evo development ?

I also have a question for everyone that can answer

I can't captuer officier, and if I kill I don't get penalty

is something happens to my evolution ? where are stored the capture and surrending option ?

we kill all the enemy in the city and no one surrender!!

is this a Evolution 2.0 news or bug ?

if you killed everyone as you stated..... who do you think will surrender??? their ghost?? The way it works is when the city you are trying to take is captured, drive around and you might find 1 or 2 enemy soldiers who surrender.


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