The Susser 0 Posted September 10, 2007 Consult an expert on law or see a cyber crimes enforcement officer and get an expert opinion. Those fags must be laughing their tits off at you for this post. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
smellyjelly 0 Posted September 11, 2007 If there is any potential for this, then maybe someone should start a site for a more private setting. Also, it could help to include other games too, but that'd be a lot more work, especially if you're going to target other large hack developers. Of course that's assume you'd even have a case with the other games. I skimmed through this topic, and it looks like the only case is slowing down/crashing servers. Arma is the only game that I know of where hackers have gone that far. Eitherway, a site designed like this AntiStarforce would probably be best. Where you have a list of games, hackers, legal standings, ect. Then you have a forum with public and private boards. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BLSmith2112 0 Posted September 11, 2007 A lawsuit will never happen. Not to be a downer but unless you get cash behind you it does not happen. Cheating goes on everywhere and it's part of being on the internet. Obviously never read the main post.... It's not just "cheating"... its costing the Armed Assault and other communities, THOUSANDS of dollars. If there is any potential for this, then maybe someone should start a site for a more private setting. Also, it could help to include other games too, but that'd be a lot more work, especially if you're going to target other large hack developers. Of course that's assume you'd even have a case with the other games. I skimmed through this topic, and it looks like the only case is slowing down/crashing servers. Arma is the only game that I know of where hackers have gone that far. Eitherway, a site designed like this AntiStarforce would probably be best. Where you have a list of games, hackers, legal standings, ect. Then you have a forum with public and private boards. Nice idea. Now if someone would do that, we could close this thread down and start with a more serious private discussion on a less public of a level. Now for the people shooting this down because "they'll be laughing" are very uneducated who probably didn't even read the main post, and know nothing of cyber laws. It's illegal to enact such actions that cost server owners/renters money by which they force it to crash etc. Update: Z0lddude, is hoping we sue them. It's funny because in his post on this radical KFC website, never defends the fact that they are costing people as a whole thousands of dollars. He quotes me on many statements, and yet.. takes each out out of context, by cutting everything said into dozens of pieces without providing any context around my statements... WOW these guys need to get their GEDs or SOMETHING.. Quote[/b] ] Quote[/b] ]I'm not a lawyer Everyone can see that. Quote[/b] ]A case that suggests cheaters are ruining the experience of others, is (I believe) a open shut case as it (to date) has had no legal standing. So you already know it is hopeless and a waste of time and money. No lawyer will take the case knowing this unless some fool insisted on throwing money at him...he still makes his while you go broke...but they would never take the case even if paid 99.999% of a judgement. P.T.B. said "A fool and his money are soon parted". I think he was talking about idiots that go after KFC in Federal Court in L.A.,USA Quote[/b] ]This action will not only slow/halt the hacks being created for Armed Assault, but for ALL of KFC's hacks Yeah that will happen....when Santa screws the Easter Bunny. Quote[/b] ]I'm just an admin who has no financial stake in this So you can't be part of a lawsuit. Quote[/b] ]but threatening legal action can stop this No it can't. In fact a threat of lawsuit if mailed to the correct persons here at KFC...followed by other threats/demands opens the SENDER up to suit. Quote[/b] ]a class action lawsuit can be initiated Sure it -could- as long as you pay the lawyer(s) and all costs up front. Don't hope on ever winning however....just kiss your money by-by. Quote[/b] ]the terms would ultimately force this KFC Mullah Omar, and Wesker to face the justice system.Are you saying that THEY are the people crashing servers? Hard words...bring it into court if you dare but be ready to face what happens when it can't be proved. Quote[/b] ]Once the case is over, the case would have all legal fee's (including possible travel, lawyers, time compensation, and other misc. fee's paid in full by the defendants).Wrong Mr. Im-not-a-lawyer. The LOSER pays all cost for both the court,his lawyer/fees/costs AND the winners lawyer/fees/ well as any COUNTER SUIT JUDGEMENT. Pesonaly I say bring it on. EA has not wished to do so and they have the Marina Del Ray office 5 minutes from me. File suit in Fedeal Court here in L.A. California,USA and I will be there on behalf of KFC. Be ready to make many trips months apart as court delays are very common and these things are known to often take years...many years. Note that as the side that files,the first time your lawyer(s) fail to show up you have lost the case. If you have an issue with KFC and the people who host it...send your complaints to me and I will drop them in the bin after laughing at them. As long as I see no problem with KFC in regards to law here in the USA they will keep getting high daily bandwith at cut rate prices. Z Start working on the websites admins, these keyboard commando's think they have the right to cost thousands of dollars to the people paying for them. On a side note, please stop messaging me regarding this issue as I have stated, I have no financial stake in this matter and thus it would be inappropriate for me to take any legal action against those of KFC (Talentless Kindergarten Children) and/or head any sort of party against them. The 29 or so PM's that I've already received is getting a little too out of hand. So if we could please get a website up asap, I'll add it to my sig to slow these down. Edit: Oh hey, KFC, come in here and defend yourselves? Oh.. yea thats right, your stuck in your virtual little caves in a virtual Pakistan and wont face the general public... pathetic 15 year olds. Edit2: Wicker: "Secondly record all activity and IP addresses with time of assault" > How can we obtain their IP addresses? Then once we find the IP addresses, how do we have the ISP allow us to get the address? Edit3: This "KFC Wesker" idiot says its against KFC rules to crash servers. Well, I guess they'll have to actually use their brains for this one... brace yourselves.. their scripts, especially in multiple use on heavy populated servers, are the direct cause of the servers crashing. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Shashman 0 Posted September 11, 2007 Why has the thread title been changed? Why have all referenecs to KAAYYY EFFFF CCCCCEEEEEEEE been changed to KFC What's going on Kronzky? What the... Try posting the letters KAAYYY EFFFF CCCCCEEEEEEEE together... Oh look! The little hackers have hacked the BI forums Yeah Easy_tiger from KAAYYY EFFFF CCCCCEEEEEEEE all happy cos he's cast a spell of "l337 chat hijacking" on us. Here's a girlfriend, some spot cream and a 6 pack of Stella. You are now a man. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
-DirTyDeeDs--Ziggy- 0 Posted September 11, 2007 my only question is....what took you so long, Placebo? kay eff sea Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rambo-16AAB 0 Posted September 11, 2007 I have started a poll on the CD Key Regestration issue :- To get a good response from both sides of the pond, can you link the poll on your respective squad/fan sites please. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Placebo 30 Posted September 11, 2007 Why has the thread title been changed? Why have all referenecs to KAAYYY EFFFF CCCCCEEEEEEEE been changed to KFC Dear Mr. Shashman, When a thread title is changed which is something only mean moderators can do, when another thread about "those people" is closed and edited for content, when numerous posts in this thread have been edited to remove certain content, does it really seem like the smart thing to do is run around dancing in the rain shouting something that has been removed? Certainly as someone on a warning level of 4 and fully aware of such silly little things like "ignoring a moderator's decision", "spamming" and the like it just doesn't seem a smart thing to do now does it? Please cease and desist and stop and refrain and just damn quit it. Kind Regards, Paul R. Statham Mayor of Singapore King of the Pualu Ubin Master of Malaysia Leader of all ASEAN nations Head Moderator and other such fanciful things Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
WeilichderRöhrichbin 0 Posted September 11, 2007 As I see this, the whole thing isn't just about crashing servers. The game, Armed Assault, is designed to entertain. BI are (or should be) interested in the longevity of their product. Fun and entertainment are features of this product. Cheaters therefore attack the product in an act of virtual vandalism causing BI to loose money. The extension for ArmA propably would sell better if players where not that frustrated about cheaters in Onlinegaming. Remember that there are many people who buy games mainly for the MP part. How hard you can hit the cheaters is mainly a question of where you bring up the charge against them and how good your lawyer is. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Balschoiw 0 Posted September 11, 2007 Quote[/b] ]King of the Pualu Ubin Hey king, wrong island. It´s Pulau Ubin Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DBO_ 0 Posted September 11, 2007 Quote[/b] ]Edit3: This "KFC Wesker" idiot says its against KFC rules to crash servers. strange there is no mention of such "rules when people brag like this on there webshite Quote[/b] ]I acted all innocent and was wtf is going on,Soo many people were getting kicked i was trying, he must of kicked about 15 players, and before i give him the chance to kick me and locked his keybored and buggered up the server Looks like you got them thinking , the site owner has already wrote a nice piece on how he does not use cheats disclaimer .keep it up looks like they starting to actually have to think which for these kind of people usually singifies the start of the end. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BLSmith2112 0 Posted September 11, 2007 Yup. Their days are numbered, I cannot wait to visit Wesker behind bars. I'd love to stroll into the prison and take a picture of em' for my sig Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
froggyluv 2136 Posted September 12, 2007 While I'm mainly a SP type of guy, you've got my full support on this one. I'd just love to see that group of schoolgirls show up at the Federal building, Law for Dummies firmly tucked under their arms, trying to defend their right to hack video games- priceless  Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
oChaos.DNJ 0 Posted September 12, 2007 ^ they dont need to. Its already been established its legal to hack video games in the sense that some of them do. But the biggest problems coming from them arent even hacks at all. They are GAME scripts, which BIS is responcible for. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
binkster 0 Posted September 12, 2007 1. I was thinking, could you set up a avatar on KFC forums with the pic on your server and log every IP that views your avatar? And have a mass ip ban for servers? 2. Hotlink a image same way? or 3. Lockpassword servers 4. Wait for 109 patch and see how the new mp cheating stuff works. 5. Send IP's to FBI with a little White lie attached?? Really there isnt ever going to be a 100% cheat free game. I know it sucks ive had like 3 games ruined this week (placed in sky, disabled keyboard, server crash).... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
oChaos.DNJ 0 Posted September 12, 2007 Well. Logging the IP of everyone who views the image there, means your going to be baning anti-cheaters and just people wanting to known whats going on, as well. and usually each night I play theres more then 3 games that get ruined by them. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
76 0 Posted September 12, 2007 Can someone find out who is KFC's ISP is so we can fill their inbox with nasty emails Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BLSmith2112 0 Posted September 12, 2007 Quote[/b] ]-Mullah the idiot Omar: Whether or not you think your right, you will always be wrong. Dictators, kings and the likes are "supposed" to be fed and rule, not obey nor work. If you don't like the rules of a country why live there? Why not move? That way you get to live free, without ruining the country for others, or does this not make sense to you? Maybe not. It's not about "right" and "wrong". It's about "right" and "right". What does it matter what something is "supposed" to be? We're fully capable of thinking ourselves. DM, CTF, Coop doesn't matter. "The rules" are all imaginary and only applies to those who voluntarily follow them and limit their capabilities. Free gaming is to do what one wants. If you want to do what we do, just get the SCP, it's a few posts higher up. This forum is not a game. The rules apply here because we can enforce them. You're free to follow your own rules, but we're free to use our rules against yours. So is democracy and their ideals. So is any organized religion, so is any form of government. These people have REALLY got a lot of screws loose. I really do have faith in our server owners/admins to create a community portal to pool ideas together and enact something against these complete idiots. These people are the rat poison in our morning breakfast. Pathetic... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Placebo 30 Posted September 12, 2007 Quote[/b] ]King of the Pualu Ubin Hey king, wrong island. It´s Pulau Ubin Was typing fast, my subjects needed some ruling Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
-DirTyDeeDs--Ziggy- 0 Posted September 12, 2007 Rules and limitations are there to provide order and structure so games may have boundaries and purpose. Ignorance can be conquered with education, but you can't fix stupid. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rambo-16AAB 0 Posted September 12, 2007 You can fix Stupid, you newter them so they can reproduce with more stupid. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
walker 0 Posted September 12, 2007 Hi all I think my original point bears repeating as we can already see that the TK/Griefer/Cheater web sites are getting scared and have told their members to stop bringing down servers or altering the data. What they do not seem to comprehend is that by hosting the files with tools to down servers or alter their data and forums that promote it they are still in the same position. They have even altered their disclaimer in a panic, that does not alter what was and is there and what others have recorded as being there. They also do not seem to understand that any file that purposely alters the normal stream of data to a server without the permission of the server owner is altering the data on that server and thus a crime. BIS cannot pursue it because they don't run the web servers that clans use, although some of them may play the game on line so they may be able to report the crime that way. They can report the TK/Griefer/Cheater website to the Czech police though. Not very legal boilerplate They also think that by placing an HTML page with agree disagree boilerplate on it is sufficient to protect them. This is not the case Because you can enter the website without going through the link. Use a search engine in Google then click on similar pages there are lots of links to other pages on their web site and you have entered their website without agreeing to their boilerplate which leaves you free to gather as much evidence as you need! The only way their boilerplate would keep out the public but not the police or any person engaged in investigating a crime is to make the whole site members only. Incidentally making the whole site members only is what the police would do if they rolled over the TK/Griefer/Cheater website owner by threatening the RICOH act and were going to grab the lot for conspiracy. And then of course there is Google cache so they cannot even hide the fact that they have changed things  Its a crime Report it First of all crashing a server or any DNS activity that reduces a servers availability or causes its data to be corrupted is criminal law not civil. You don't need a lawyer, just report it as a crime, report it to your police. This means it costs you nothing There is usually a specialist group in your country of origin that deals with Cyber crime, in the US I it comes under homeland defense. You can just report it to your local police but you may feel happier reporting it to your countries Cyber crime department. In the US In the UK. In the Netherlands Interpol is the place to report Cyber crime throughout Europe The link to do so is right there on the web page use it. You can find your own countries cyber crime department by searching for "Cyber crime police" in your own language into Google. Secondly conspiring with others to partake in the activity is conspiracy this usually twice or more the jail time.  Thirdly organisations that encourage others to partake in the activity and provide resources to do so are organising cyber crime, organised crime also comes under additional laws in the US it is the RICOH Act Fourthly any organisation such as Youtube or KFC's web space provider that allows its resources to be used for the support of criminal activity is aiding and abetting, criminal law again. Fifthly Youtube or KFC's web space provider and any download location providing downloads of the cheats is legally liable so you can sue them if the do not take down the offending materials, a simple email and legal letter from lawyers is usually sufficient to get the website closed down and all KFC movies removed. Sixthly A class action is probably the way to go if they do not obey. It would mean big bucks for any lawyers who brought the action, you should have all the ambulance chasers queuing up to do it and they will do it on a no win no fee basis. Seventhly there is no such thing as anonymous on the net. Tracking the IP of any cheater is easy because of the amount of time they have to be connected for. Building a case Your First course of action is contacting the police of the country of each of places of residence of your clan members and most importantly your game server country of location and report the KFC website to the police, CC the letter to your Local political representative. Tell the police about the KFC's website and their front page boilerplate go through it with their Lawyer you will be surprised to learn that their attempt at a boilerplate on their site is the most superb evidence against them When I read it I was amazed at how naive it was.  Secondly record all activity and IP addresses with time of assault. A weeks activities should be enough but a months activity logs would be better, a legal witness such as lawyer and computer expert witness are all that are needed, FRAPS and your web server logs are needed. Your web server provider has logs going back years as a customer you have rights to those logs. Thirdly report the activity to your ISP they can then with police help log the activity. You may need to warn your clan members that you are logging server activity a simple boilerplate in the server onjoin is enough but check with the police. Fourthly report the activity to CERT as a DNS activity this gets international police and cyber crime involved. All the clans and ideally the game producers and developers need to join together to do this at the same time. November 5th 2007 would be a good date to all contact ISP's, Police, Lawyers, Politicians, and Media. But start the ball rolling by contacting you police service now. The sooner the police start investigating the better. On November 5th 2007 a mass of people emailing the police to question what they have done since you reported the crime will create a buzz. A nice pro-forma letter or email is needed that includes the Previous version of the bolierplate from the TK/Griefer/Cheater website in a screen shot and a signed afidavit sayin when it was taken The best evidence is the TK/Griefer/Cheater's own website. A lawyer taking a copy would be good but the police visiting the site and taking their copy is best. Why even running a cheat mod such as a speed hack is a crime Deliberately altering the way data is sent by the game once it steps from game on their PC on to the internet to the target Game server is the point where a crime is committed. Servers are black boxes that expect certain inputs. Altering the way such data is sent by for instance increasing the speed of an avatar outside its server addon config speed is altering the data on the program from its normal running. That is all that has to be proved. Gathering evidence Start by taking logs and FRAPS plus witness statements etc. Establishing the TK/Cheater/Griefer Intention It is the inherent desired action of the TK/Cheater/Griefer to make their avatar move faster than the speed set in the game as set on the Server version addon in order to gain an advantage over other players. Unless they have got the permission of the Server owner to alter this data, then they are breaking the law. Establishing the Conspiracy It should be no problem for the public prosecutor to get one of a group of as few as three people to roll over on the others and any TK/Cheater/Griefer websites in order to cut deal for a lesser sentence. In fact the TK/Cheater/Griefer websites would probably be the first to roll over and would give up all their clients so the police and prosecutors could get them selves a big haul. Establishing the organised crime RICOH act The threat alone of this would make any TK/Cheater/Griefer websites roll over on their clients for the other crimes. The TK/Cheater/Griefer will not even know when the police take over the TK/Cheater/Griefer website That is a basic plan of action I am sure others will contribute. Why not distribute the plan to all game sites? Report the crime Bringing down a server, causing its data to be corrupted from the norm or actions that Deny service are a Crime. As I said this is not civil law it is is criminal law so suing is not needed and you will save a whole lot of money by just reporting it. Kind Regards walker Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hyrax0740 0 Posted September 12, 2007 Already sent in a complaint, within 10 minutes i got a call with a case number, case manager, they have the thee IP records already of the IP and using there website for info. Case Manager is also handling all the cases with "KFC" within the US so hope all is well Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
walker 0 Posted September 12, 2007 Already sent in a complaint, within 10 minutes  i got a call with a case number, case manager, they have the thee IP records already of the IP and using there website for info.Case Manager is also handling all the cases  with "KFC" within the US so hope all is well Hi all As easy as that More people should join in. Especialy Server owners remember do not make stuff up. Its the police! Real Denial of service, bringing down servers and proof of alteration of the data on your server without permission. Now it has started working lets get the other games to do it! As Victor said if you play these games Quote[/b] ]---- Vietcong 1 & 2---- Armed Assault ---- S.T.A.L.K.E.R. ---- Battlefield 2/2142 ---- Call of Juarez ---- Counter Strike: Source ---- WarRock ---- Americas Army ---- Call of Duty ---- Soldner: Secret Wars ---- Jedi Academy ---- Grand Theft Auto (MTA) ---- FIFA 07 ---- SOCOM 3 ---- Splinter Cell 3 If you know of a thread on their forums tell them how to report any crime that takes down a server, denies service, or alters data on a server. If you have experienced TK/Griefer/Cheater activity that has taken down a server, Denied service to you or your customers/clan mates/ and most importantly purposely and without the explicit permision of the server owner caused the data to be transmited to the server to be outside the norm and thus corrupted the data on the server. That is altering the Data on a server and is a crime. Gather evidense IP adresses, FRAPS, Server Logs Remember Report the crime Remember Report any web site conspiring with those who commit the crime Remember Report any web site or forum that is providing a service to organise the crime Remember Report any web site that is organising crime Kind Regards walker Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
froggyluv 2136 Posted September 12, 2007 Well done Walker! It's nice to see some take the initiative rather than throw their hands up exasberated. What about the casual gamer like myself who have encountered these guys before but have nothing documented? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
walker 0 Posted September 12, 2007 What about the casual gamer like myself who have encountered these guys before but have nothing documented? Hi all In reply to Hi froggyluv It is realy down to server admins to gather the evidense as you need IP addresses. But Taking FRAPS and getting people to sign an afidavit to say it is a true record of the person altering data on the server will help admins to report alteration of data on their servers. Also telling the police about Youtubes the TK/Griefer/Cheater have created will give them proof that they have been involved in altering data on peoples servers Youtube already take their IP addreses. Often they are foolish enough to even say which server they were crashing or altering the data on! Also point the police to the websites that promote TK/Griefer/Cheater activity remember: If you have experienced TK/Griefer/Cheater activity that has taken down a server, Denied service to you or your customers/clan mates/ and most importantly purposely and without the explicit permision of the server owner caused the data to be transmited to the server to be outside the norm and thus corrupted the data on the server. That is altering the Data on a server and is a crime. Remember Report the crime Remember Report any web site conspiring with those who commit the crime Remember Report any web site or forum that is providing a service to organise the crime Remember Report any web site that is organising the crime. And lets get all the other games to Join in for November the 5th 2007. Kind Regards walker Share this post Link to post Share on other sites