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WORKING 1.08 now using securom arma.exe fix

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Guys. I hope this helps. I have been playing ARMA ever since it came out and have had no problems UNTIL I upgraded my PC. I installed a new Core2duo proc, ASUS mobo and 2Gb RAM. I could install from DVD (1.04) and it worked. I patched to 1.05 using the patch (tried it with both variants to make sure!wink_o.gif and the game worked.

HOWEVER on patching to 1.08 the cursor would turn to the hourglass for a few seconds then NOTHING.

Here is the link (MANY MANY thanks to Jerry Hopper for finding this!wink_o.gif


I backed up my original ARMA.EXE and installed this new one AND THE GAME NOW WORKS AT 1.08


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It worked for me  yay.gif

Mods you ought to stickie this, this is a simple answer to a major PITA  notworthy.gif

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thats fine. its an official fix by securom

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Hey thanks for this. My brother's version of ArmA doesn't start 95% of the time - it just grinds the DVD continuously, very frustrating. Hopefully this will fix it.

This should definitely be publicly available, since the start-up issues are a wide-spread known problem. Some people wouldn't bother contacting support, thinking there would not be another special exe version available.

Edit: Rats, it didn't help at all. It might help to know what this exe version specifically fixes.

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For people having problems with the czech hard-copy version, I have only found cracks to work... But they marvelously smile_o.gif.

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Glad it was of help. We need to tell more people!

A sticky would help ..... but keeping it on first page wil also help those in trouble.


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It says that I have inserted the wrong disc. The ArmA disc is in fact in the drive and running. banghead.gif

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Same problem, just hourglass and the process arma.exe dies...

Reinstalled windows - Nope

Tried 1.08RC - Nope

That fixed exe - Nope (Same size as the one from 1.08RC, same?)

Running E6600, WindowsXPSP2 with latest hotfixes, GeForce 8800GTX (tried drivers 158.22, 162.18, 162.50 from Guru3D).

Uninstalled ArmA again -> Reboot, registry cleanup, file cleanup, reinstall...

1.04 (505 version) works.

1.05 International Update works.

1.08 (1.05->1.08) does not work.

1.08RC does not work.

1.08 "Fixed" exe does not work.

Updated firmware to my DVD-drive and tried the same again, nope, does not work...

Just receiving the same thing with the hourglass, task manager shows arma.exe running for about 2 seconds and then it just dies, no errors or anything.

Without the DVD, securom tells me to insert it, but when inserted, same thing, arma.exe just dies.

Tried "nocd" executable as well, but it just gave me another error, something about C++ Runtime thingy, but atleast it tried to start the game...

Any ideas? I'm running out of those!

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Have you tried right clicking on the games shortcut, selecting "Run as" and choose Administrator? That's the way I have to start the game.

Edit: After trying this fixed exe, the game starts and runs normally.

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After updating my brand-new Atari ArmA from 1.06 to 1.08 and installing a LogiTech G15 keyboard and MX518 mouse, I had a SecuROM error:

"A required security module cannot be activated.

This program cannot be executed (7001).

"Please have a look at http://www.securom.com/message.asp?m=module&c=7001 for further, more detailed information."

So I followed the directions for a RegEdit fix. There is no problem where the directions say to look.

I tried uninstalling and reinstalling the game from scratch. No joy.

I tried running an analysis, zipping it, and sending an e-mail to the support address. Here is the reply I received to all of my e-mail messages:

Your message did not reach some or all of the intended recipients.

Subject: Armed Assault Game SecuROM Error

Sent: 9/7/2007 6:26 AM

The following recipient(s) could not be reached:

'support@securom.com' on 9/7/2007 6:27 AM

550 [PERMFAIL] destination not valid within DNS

So I found this link in the Bohemian Interactive forums for the purported SecuROM fix:


I tried renaming my ArmA.exe file and substituting the “fix.†The “fix†now insisted that my brand new DVD was not original and refused to run the game.

The predicament I found myself in is as follows:

I bought, installed, and registered a retail copy of the Atari version of this Bohemia Interactive game according to directions;

I replaced two components on my computer and the SecuROM copy protection disabled the product’s functionality;

SecuROM’s technical support is a dead end;

The purported fix provided by SecuROM does not work;

Therefore, the game’s copy protection denies me the right of the legally functioning product that I paid for.

This is totally unacceptable.

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I appreciate you trying to help others with the same problem, but linking to wares sites, with illegal ways to bypass the software copy protection, is frowned upon on many boards, including this one.

Please review our board rules for the future, located here. I'm giving you +1WL so you don't forget it. smile_o.gif

Enjoy your stay.

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Added it to the Hardware Issues sticky in the troubleshooting section thumbs-up.gif

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This is a defect in the SecuROM copy protection.

All users who buy the Atari version and plan to upgrade their computers to meet the game’s roaring appetite for resources are at high risk of having the exact same problem.

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Sniperwolf has warned you nicely regarding your inappropriate post, and even given you a link to the rules.

Since you chose to continue to violate the rules (in this case regarding discussion of copy protection), I have to give you another warning level, plus a couple of days of so you have some time to familiarize yourself with the rules.

Every commercial game comes with some sort of copy protection, and nobody is happy about that.

But this a fact of life at the current point, and you can either chose to accept it, or stop wasting your valuable seconds on computer games...

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You have rights recognized throughout the western world as a buyer of goods from any source.  Those rights are to receive a product that:


[*]  Is of satisfactory quality,

[*]  Is as described,

[*]  Is fit for purpose,

[*]  Lasts a reasonable time.

In the case of the Atari version of the Bohemia Interactive Armed Assault game, the SecuROM copy protection renders the product unusable after a system upgrade.  Upgrade the RAM, processor, or even control peripherals such as the keyboard or mouse, and the game you paid for is useless.

This is a violation of every single one of your consumer rights.

So what should you do?  You have a few options:

1)  Give up and throw away your game.  Would you pull out $40 from your wallet and just throw it in the trash can?  I hope not.

2)  Obtain a cracked game executable file and use that.  This approach solves your immediate problem, but creates problems for others.  If you're playing a cracked game, some other player with a legal copy can be detected as having an invalid CD key and wind up booted from the server.  So please, be considerate of your fellow players.  Please don't do this.

3)  Crack the game yourself.  This option has the same disadvantage as option (2) above.

4)  Complain.  Demand that for which you paid to have the right – a product that just plain works.

In my next post, I’ll tell you where to direct your complaints.

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The United States, the United Kingdom, the European Union, and the Commonwealth all have government agencies for promoting consumer rights. When companies fail to deliver goods and services and refuse to set things right, these are you next legal recourse.

First, make sure that you have tried your best to describe your problem and get redress with mature reason and patience. Post your problem in:

The community forums:


The Atari forums:


Look for Atari technical support here:


But when all reasonable approaches fail, it’s time to get more formal.

Atari has an American branch. So go to the US Better Business Bureau and file a complaint here:


The Atari information you’ll need to provide is their website:


The European Union oversight agency is the European Commissioner for Consumer Protection:


File a consumer complaint here:


The company to file a complaint against is SecuROM, which is an Austrian branch of Sony DADC:

Sony DADC Austria AG

Sonystrasse 20

A-5081 Anif/Salzburg



support@securom.com (an invalid e-mail address)


Phone: +1-866-734-3232

Sony DADC has an American branch as well:


Finally, Bohemia Interactive is a company with offices in Czechoslovakia and Australia.

The Australian consumer rights agency is the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission:


The Bohemia Interactive contact information is here:


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Now for what you should say in your complaint:


[*] State your problem – the product you have been sold does not work;

[*] Describe what you want –

[*] SecuROM to provide contacts for customer support that aren’t red herrings;

[*] A game that works. That’s what you paid for. That’s what you have a right to.

My final advice – get the word out to your friends. If they really want to try this game, try the demo. If they really want this game, BUY THE SPROCKET VERSION.

Other users report high reliability with the Sprocket version. Even better, Sprocket responds to defect reports with effective fixes in 24 hours, not something that might work after weeks or months.

Our own conclusion is that we’re not buying any more Atari products.

I’m certainly not in any mood to ever open up my wallet for another Bohemia Interactive product either.

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"Therefore, the game’s copy protection denies me the right of the legally functioning product that I paid for.

This is totally unacceptable."

Hear Hear - no way should it be that intrusive.

But: I've only had problems with securom while overclocking the system, mostly it's shown up problems that the rest of the system was not sensitive to. In some ways it's actually been useful as an indicator of the entire system's stability and I now have a nicely speedy but stable system thanks in part to securom - LOL!

Maybe higher end machinery is not stable enough for it?

Ans perhaps the securom devs should try to fix it from their end so that securom will operate correctly on newer PCs and systems?

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Hi Warwolf;

Mine is actually an "old" Gateway 2.4 GHz Pentium 4 Socket 478 Intel Midway motherboard system with 512 MB of RAM. I never overclock my systems, not in cpu or vpu performance.

This weekend I'm upgrading the processor to 3.2 GHz, upgrading the RAM to 4 GB, and installing a Zalman CNPS7000B AlCu cpu cooler.

And that's the problem - when someone installs the game and then changes their system configuration, the SecuROM copy protection kicks in and disables the game.

Check around in the forums.  People who install the Atari version, realize how poorly the game runs with the minimal specs, and upgrade their systems to gain acceptable performance, find that they can't play the game at all.

Like me, they report that they can't even uninstall and reinstall the game.  SecuROM refuses to recognize the original CD as original.


I found out just changing my keyboard and mouse.

Windows Vista SPP (Software Protection Program) uses similar technology.  It produces similar problems.  Check here:



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There is a purported 1.08 hotfix patch incorporating the following fixes:


FIX (Copyprotection): Securom issue preventing game to launch on some computers

FIX (Animations): some problems with ladders introduced in 1.08 (stuck on ladders, problem when going from kneel or prone on a ladder), installs animationHotFix.pbo and its signature

FIX (Localization): mission M13 is localized to all languages

FIX (Russian): several missing translations in russian version, UI.pbo is modified to prevent an error message displayed in Russian version of the game when entering Single mission directory

System Requirements :

Any original version of Arma 1.08 (Important: You need to apply the FULL v1.08 patch first in order to install this hotfix! )

How to Install the Patch :

Run the patch exe to apply the patch setup automatically.

There's no uninstall option for the patch itself.

I am NOT providing any link since I've already been burned in this forum for not knowing which sources are legal versus illegal.

I did try this patch.  It didn't work.  I'm right back to that same SecuROM error as before.

It's the second fix that did not fix.

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