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    Private First Class
  1. The mod I downloaded was the ArmA Effects Mod. Any idea why the 203 on the ACOG only no longer works? It works on every other weapon...

    Big Bang side mission

    Thanks for the tip. I was able to complete it because the AI wasn't so smart and couldn't drive the Ural out the gate without running into countless objects. So, I sniped them and then blew them up after clearing the base.
  3. Have any of you successfully completed this? It seems nearly impossible to me. I've tried multiple approaches with either splitting my snipers up to both sides and had my sabatour go in through the front to a full frontal assault. I've been stuck on it for quite some time now and it's getting to be very frustrating. Can any of you give me some hints or anything of the like? Thanks!!!
  4. It says that I have inserted the wrong disc. The ArmA disc is in fact in the drive and running.

    1.08 Not working/Greetings

    I'm guessing that there is no solution to this problem. After not playing this game for about a week now, it still does not work. If anyone has any suggestions, please let me know because I'm out of ideas. Thanks.

    1.08 Not working/Greetings

    This is interesting. It works on my brother's account but not mine. Hmmmm.

    1.08 Not working/Greetings

    Surprise! Â It doesn't work again! This is seriously torqing my jaw. Â Why would it work fine one day and then do a total 180* on me and not work the next? Â I haven't touched a single thing on my computer and haven't messed with the game since yesterday! My video card is fully updated.

    1.08 Not working/Greetings

    Interesting. Upon starting it up just now, it works. Weird. Anyways... Computer Specs: Operating System: XP Home Edition BIOS: Phoenix-AwardBIOS v6.00PG Processor: Intel Pentium 4 CPU 2.80GHz Memory: 1024MB RAM DirectX 9.0c (4.09.0000.0904) Graphics Device: NVIDIA GeForce 6800 GT Audio Device: SB Live! Audio [A400] Hope that helps.

    1.08 Not working/Greetings

    I guess I should mention that this is a retail bought game. Not downloaded or anything.

    1.08 Not working/Greetings

    Okay, after playing it for a while yesterday, the game completely crashed on me. Video Card overheated, apparently. It's done that before. Go to play it today, nothing. Doesn't work again. As far as downloading that hotfix, what is it that you exactly have to do with it to get the game to work?

    New here

    Hey ya'll. Just another Yank here. Bought ArmA a few weeks ago and I love it, when it works (see thread in TROUBLESHOOTING). Anyways, I'm a Cadet at Virginia Military Institute and a big fan of the OFP series and, of course, ArmA. Haven't finished campaign yet and I want to wait and finish that before playing multiplayer. So, maybe I'll see you all around!
  12. Hey all, new to the forums but I have been playing Arma for a couple weeks now. It's a great game, when it works. When I first bought the game, it worked fine for a day, even with the 1.08 patch. One night when I went to start it up, it wouldn't run (all the normal symptoms that everyone else has). I updated my video card driver, worked great for about a week. Last night when I came back from dinner, it stopped working again. I downloaded the Securom fix from here, to no avail. That was last night. Today....whoa...I started it up just now as I was writing this and it works? That's odd. I didn't do anything to it... I have browsed through many pages of the troubleshooting forum and I didn't have much luck. Anyways, since it works now, without being touched, I'm happy again. I don't know what I did. Well, I guess this will probably be locked but that's fine. I guess my standing question is whether or not someone's had this issue like I have with the game sporadically not working like it did. I'll post a greeting thread in another place as well. See you all around!