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XAM 1.3 Released

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Thx guys, thats the best mod for arma untill now notworthy.gif

I love the new sounds, reskins and the radio inside the blackhawk tounge2.gif

I've been testing it for hours and i must really say WELL DONE!

The only thing i would like to have changed is the translation of the french manual (i really need it! smile_o.gif) and a hotfix to change the french language at the Laser Telemeter. Would be really cool!

Really great modification! wink_o.gif

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Go on MP and put XAM in the name bit of the search filter, there's a few evo xam servers.

that only means that the server was updated with xam 1.3, its doesnt mean that the map u play on is xam1.3 compatible.

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Superb...but I get a few errors, hopefully someone can point out where Im going wrong.

Sound XAMmenu not found

Sound equipmentnoise3 not found

Sound equipmentnoise7 not found

Cannot load texture xam_gavr/f/111.pa

Hope some one can help!

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I've uploaded it to my ftp. If it's not ok, I'll remove it - or you could just simply ask a mod that's on to edit my post.

XAM 1.3 english.

(Location: sweden)

this was the source of my download.

NOTE: Im not blaming noone for this error. Things happen. Im just saying that I will Not download another .EXE file, count me out to test this .exe mod.

Same here.

Anyways i redownloaded from the XAM link in the front of this forum and all worked well lucky the link was going fastish this morning.

I like it, but i dont no if the Artilliray is that as it just droped 1 shell onto the target.. Where was the rest if the shells?

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Just a little example about the arty/air support and coordinates system:

Create a map for training and put:

- A target

- The player (you)

- A hummer (empty) and a command and control stryker (AI) at less than 3km from the hummer.

- Ammo crate (Special)

Now, go to the ammo crate, take a laser telemeter (and a battery just in case). Go to a place where you can see the target. Turn on your telemeter and aim the target (left click). You'll see the coordinates + distance appears. Then jump in the hummer and call for the support you need on radio. Fill the support box with the coordinates the telemeter gave you.

Note: 30 seconds before impact - 10 mn before the next arty support and 15mn to wait for the next air strike.

There's another way to get the coordinates, i'll post it soon.

Edit: I really don't know if i'll have enough time to translate the whole manual before I'll go in vacations (Russia + Belarus tounge2.gif ) on august 6th. So I prefer give you some tips for now. I keep an eye on the forum to help you.


Oh man that works a treat!

Very nice setup indeed!

Like the way you can have the spotter with the telemeter,that can radio back the co-ords for another team to execute! notworthy.gif

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How do you transport vehicles with the blackhawk? Saw it in the vid and would like to know how... i was trying to do it but it didnt work... or did they took this function out of the mod?? Would be really sad sad_o.gif

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@dark night

If you choose the 'transporter blackhawk' place a vehicle and then hover over it, really really close, and in the command menu it will give you option to "attach vehicle". It's pretty cool, in the vid they used a stryker, and that's what I used to test, I'm not sure if all vehicles are transportable, but i'm sure most are.

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The manual in on the way to translation, a member of my squad is helping me doing that wink_o.gif

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@Lt Dan- I'm waiting for the same answer about the windage and elevation addon.

Also, would someone be so kind as to translate the laser tellemeter dialogue.

Allumer Module Telemetre

Eteindre Module Telemetre

coordonees non-diponibles

I think I get the gist, but it is the English version after all.

Looks like a dev forgot that, should be fixed quickly

Allumer Module Telemetre = turn on the telemeter

Eteindre Module Telemetre = turn off the telemeter

coordonees non-diponibles = Coordinates non-available

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Nice mod, correct me if i'm wrong. But is'n this the first mod made and released for ArmA? tounge2.gif

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@dark night

If you choose the 'transporter blackhawk' place a vehicle and then hover over it, really really close, and in the command menu it will give you option to "attach vehicle". It's pretty cool, in the vid they used a stryker, and that's what I used to test, I'm not sure if all vehicles are transportable, but i'm sure most are.

Okay, thanks smile_o.gif I will try it out wink_o.gif

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I've let the installer do its thing and its created the folder in my ArmA dir..so i added a shortcut and mod=@XAM1.3 to the command line like so.."J:\Program files\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA\arma.exe" mod=@XAM1.3

but i see no difference in ArmA?..has it installed itself correctly?

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Nice mod, correct me if i'm wrong. But is'n this the first mod made and released for ArmA? :p

Have you heard about 6th sense?

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if u typed correctly that u added mod= try using -mod=

u need the - to let the game know its a switch u want to use

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Wow this looks like a great mod, i love the new movement sounds especially, u can hear the equipment make noise and stuff =)

I also love the way you're doing Artillery, much more realistic.

Unfortunately its so huge :O aparently it has loads of BIS addons in there, is there no way to make it smaller by only adding the edits to the mod instead of the entire PBO?

Nice work though!

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Redownloaded and still get the errors saying can't find equipmentnoise etc...can anyone help please??

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if u typed correctly that u added mod= try using -mod=

u need the - to let the game know its a switch u want to use

That done the trick! thx a lot wink_o.gif

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Nice mod, correct me if i'm wrong. But is'n this the first mod made and released for ArmA? tounge2.gif

Have you heard about 6th sense?

6th sense is config addons not a full mod like XAM whistle.gif

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i bealive the inf AI works in the simular respects to OFP when the AI is programmed to move around objects thats why they dont go into anti inf mines etc but hey i could be wrong

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I have a big problem.

The thing is that the instalation was "succesful" but when i play it it seems that a lot of the new sounds are missing. It's a instalation problem or it's because i didn't install the Chammy sound Mod?

Please, don't tell me that i had to download another .exe (+4h)

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Could you guys possibly host this on Filefront???

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