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<span style='font-size:12pt;line-height:100%'>UPDATE</span><span style='font-size:10pt;line-height:100%'>- If you already installed this mod, there is a **HOTFIX** for TrueInGameUI. If you haven't downloaded this mod yet, the download links are updated with the hotfix included.</span>


TrueMods is a combination of various mods that make the game more immersive, polished, sim-like, less "arcady", ect...

These are personal changes that I wanted to do for a long time

and I have a feeling others will appreciate some of these changes as well, but like usual, it is not for everybody.

***NOTE*** If you want to pick and choose which mod you want to run, just drag the unwanted pbo's into the "Disabled PBO's" folder. This way if you ever want to give it a try/again, you have them stored there safely.

<span style='font-size:12pt;line-height:100%'>*TrueMods Feature List*</span>

  [b said:
Quote[/b] ]


///// TrueMods \\\\\


TrueView v1.1


*NOTE* People who have TrueView v1.0, DELETE the folder completely, because v1.1 is only an addon pbo (no bin.pbo)

- New Responsive, Smooth, & Consistent FOV / Zoom Settings.

- Realistic Head Movement Freedom.

- Unlocked Gunner Views and TurnOut Views.


- Fixed the optic issues with the BMP-2, T72, and Shilka.

- Fixed M16A4 zoom bug on grenade launcher.

- Made TrueView an AddOn PBO only. It no longer needs Bin.pbo to work, which allows more compatibility with other addons/mods.

TrueInGameUI v1.0


- Less intrusive/distracting/arcadish InGameUI.

- No more green background InGame HUD.

- No more arcade action icons in the center of your screen.

- Smaller and semi-transparent text for on screen elements.

- Smaller command system and action menu.

- Smaller and better position for GPS (toggle on places it on your front panel/dash).

- Bigger compass for easier direction reading.

- More transparent radar hud when in some vehicles.

- Changed the size, position, and transparency of the chat when InGame.

- No more armor value meter (fuel, speed, and altitude still there but different position).

- No visable ammo count for handheld weapons (count your ammo or hear the click).

TrueMovementSound v1.0


- Added dynamics to movement sounds to all surfaces (Walk is softest, Jog is louder, and Sprint is loudest). The softer walk now gives you a sense of caution and stealth.

- Other various movement sounds adjusted (crawl, climb, get up, get down, ect...)

- Rain and breath volume lowered to match these new volume levels.

TrueCrosshairCadet v1.0


- Changed all weapon crosshairs to a four-dot less precise/general aim system.

- Changed grenade aim system to allow for easier aim.

- Made crosshairs and cursors semi-transparent.

TrueCrosshairVeteran v1.0


- Disabled all weapon crosshairs except grenade system, lock-on system, and air aiming system.

- Changed grenade aiming system to allow for easier aim.

- Disabled target box, but kept the lock-on ability although changing it to a circle.

- Made crosshairs and cursors semi-transparent.

<span style='font-size:12pt;line-height:100%'>*DOWNLOAD LINKS*</span>

  [b said:
Quote[/b] ]

This download is only 22kb

<span style='font-size:10pt;line-height:100%'>Updated with the hotfix below</span>

- ArmAholic

- FileFront

- RapidShare

<span style='font-size:10pt;line-height:100%'>**HOTFIX** for TrueInGameUI</span> - Fixes ammo/mag count issues for certain vehicles.

INSTALL - Just replace the old TrueInGameUI.pbo, with the new.

- RapidShare

<span style='font-size:12pt;line-height:100%'>*ReadME*</span>

  [b said:
Quote[/b] ]


///// TrueMods \\\\\


Armed Assault Modification



- TrueView v1.1

- TrueInGameUI v1.0

- TrueMovementSound v1.0

- TrueCrosshairCadet v1.0 (Will run on startup)

- TrueCrosshairVeteran v1.0 (Optional, read ***NOTE*** under INSTALLATION)

***NOTE*** If you don't want to run 1 or more of these mods, simply drag the unwanted _.pbo to the "Disabled PBO's" folder. If you later want to enable it, simply drag it back out.



Armed Assault: Version 1.08

***I cannot guarantee it will work on an older version then 1.08***



1) Drag \ copy \ extract the folder "@TrueView" to your ArmA directory

(ex. C:Program Files \ ArmA \ "@TrueMods")

- Then either....

1) Create a shortcut for the ArmA executable with the following command line: -mod=@TrueMods


2) Download Kegety's Launcher v1.11 and just add the folder name "@TrueMods" to "Options > Mods > Mod Directory Name". Then save and check the box to enable the mod on the right hand side.

( http://www.kegetys.net/dl.php/armalauncher111.zip )

- Wallah, your done, now go play!

***NOTE*** If you want to play with the"TrueCrosshairVeteran.pbo", just swap "TrueCrosshairCadet.pbo" with "TrueCrosshairVeteran.pbo" (It is in the folder "TrueCrosshair Optional-Backup" folder inside the AddOns folder.



Thanks to Durg for beta testing.



You are free to distribute TrueMods as long as they are the original and unmodified addons.

Do not modify and distribute parts of TrueMods without my permission.

You can reach me at the BIS forums (rg7621)




I hope you enjoy these changes as much as I do!

©2007 Rg

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Man I love True view,and i don't even have Track IR! Now with these additions I'm the happiest guy in the world...

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Looks like a set of excellent "adjustments" there!

I particularly like the removal of the "arcade game"

UI features and the ammo counter.

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Well I like it ...but...I think we need the option for command bar size and text size in the menu...awfully small on a 17 inch monitor.Something maybe in between would be nice too.

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Wow, great job on this mod man. I loved trueview, but I love this even better. I love the way that the ammo count is gone, and I love the new grenade symbol. Makes judging distances much easier. This makes the game harder, but even more realistic. Thanks alot.

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i like.. still need some improves like how many mags we have, and how many granades ... some missing info..

i like this, and im using atm wink_o.gif

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yea. second that. great addition. but some info gets missing. Despite aiming for more realism: I would assume that a soldier actually knows how many grenades or mags he carries with him (without checking your gear every time icon_rolleyes.gif ). Maybe make some nice semitransparent symbols for mags/grenades/m136 on top with amount. No need for bullet count, but I miss this. Also check into vehicle displays: shilka/vulcan maybe still should display the amount of ammo left (maybe not, but at least some kind of display bar?). Vehicles/aircraft with missiles definetly should display the amount of missiles left (this maybe even for bullets, if checked electronically with onboard-systems. But I really don't know enough that). This is true for vehicles firing shells, too. And: check into the display of a tank's commanding officer. The name of the player/profile is stuck in the left middle of the screen. That's still somehow annoying. Maybe skip it at all or move it to top below the stats. Otherwise VERY NICE addon. IMO this enhances gamplay a lot. smile_o.gif

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very nice mods, but TrueView is a big disadvantage still when playing multiplayer.

i experimented with the cfgweapons.h and tried to set the

opticsZoomMax = 1.75


opticsZoomInit = 1.75

but that didnt change a think...why? What are the default values?

isnt it possible to make zoom2 = default zoom and leave the zoom1 like you got it now?


here is the proof of the big difference:


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Thank you so much for this great mod!

I don't even need a modfolder because I will never again start ArmA without thumbs-up.gif

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  (-=[Rocco said:
=- @ July 28 2007,00:31)]very nice mods, but


Yes, I like trueview, but I removed it because of this.

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carfull with quotes..

i think the zoom in trueview 1.0 were alittle weak, but i didn't like the original zoom in version 1.08 anyway. Thats why i prefered the trueview when it came.

it the zoom is improved in the trueview 1.1 i hope you dont exagerate like the did in 1.08.. PLEASE! wink_o.gif

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  (Makake @ July 27 2007,16:13) said:
yea. second that. great addition. but some info gets missing. Despite aiming for more realism: I would assume that a soldier actually knows how many grenades or mags he carries with him (without checking your gear every time icon_rolleyes.gif ). Maybe make some nice semitransparent symbols for mags/grenades/m136 on top with amount. No need for bullet count, but I miss this. Also check into vehicle displays: shilka/vulcan maybe still should display the amount of ammo left (maybe not, but at least some kind of display bar?). Vehicles/aircraft with missiles definetly should display the amount of missiles left (this maybe even for bullets, if checked electronically with onboard-systems. But I really don't know enough that). This is true for vehicles firing shells, too. And: check into the display of a tank's commanding officer. The name of the player/profile is stuck in the left middle of the screen. That's still somehow annoying. Maybe skip it at all or move it to top below the stats. Otherwise VERY NICE addon. IMO this enhances gamplay a lot. smile_o.gif

Thanks for your input. You did find a bug regarding some vehicles (shilka/vulcan/brdm ammo/mag count). I fixed this and updated my first post with a hotfix (just replace the TrueInGameUI.pbo with the newest one, or download the mod in its entirety again).

As for mag count for infantry, I like it as is, where you should know how many mags/grenades you have from the beginning and if in doubt, check your gear. It only takes a few seconds and is probably close to the same time it requires you to look at/feel your belt/vest to figure out how much you have. Also, if I come across a way to edit the names when in armor, I will possibly cut or adjust this.

  (-=[Rocco said:
=- @ July 27 2007,17:31)]very nice mods, but TrueView is a big disadvantage still when playing multiplayer.

It’s a shame that there was as much zoom applied to the rifles in the game to begin with. If there wasn’t people wouldn’t be complaining. But BIS gave the rifles an extra zoom ability, which makes everything inconsistent. I basically use default BIS zoom for EVERYTHING, so that if you are using your virtual eye, it is consistent along the board. I just don’t give you that extra rifle zoom ability. They chose that non-weapon/human eye default zoom and it turns out it seems to be pretty accurate in my eyes.

If you mainly play online against other players and don’t like the slight zoom disadvantage, then simply don’t use it. Sorry, but I can’t cater to everybody.

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I like the Truemod, but trueview make me not easy to shoot and clear aim at target. too small.

But I keep the others, thanks

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Good stuff but i have to agree with some others about the zoom. I thought BIS had come up with a reasonable balance that reflects a kind of 'focus' on the part of the firer.

But like you said, you can't cater for everyone.

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Thank you for all this! I love TrueView, and as soon as my reinstall of ArmA is done I'll try TrueMods out. I'm sure it'll be a blast.

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maybe it could be created a option like "TrueCrosshair Optional" but for the zoom.

I personally like the older zoom from the trueview 1.0.

But i understand that people prefer it with more zoom.

If creators of trueMods define more zoom like people ask they will force me to think twice if i use truemods or just trueview v1.0.

So i ask if its possible to creat a pbo just for the zooms. So people can select if they want more zoom of less like in the trueview 1.0.

I also would like to reask if TrueMods will fix the part about ammo/weapon info, ie, how many mags/granades we have in the top left barrer. The rest excepet the zoom is nice. inlove.gif

EDIT: i know that creators haev made this clear:

  [b said:
Quote[/b] ]No visable ammo count for handheld weapons (count your ammo or hear the click).

But you missed the part that players know how many granads and mags they carry in their belt.

In your TrueMod this info is not available anywhere expect the gear when you press the m for map. How realistic is this? :\

At least please let people know how many mags/granades/smoke granades they carry. I agree the part of hiding the bullets in the mag. But you can also count how many bullets you used in the bereta per example. thumbs-up.gif

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I have no problem with the "missing" weapons info, you don`t have that in reality, and get used to it.

What i really like is the minimized action menu, the original is very big.

The level of zoom is ok too. I shot moving AI soldiers over 250 meters with an M16, with ironsight used for aiming. smile_o.gif

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  (rg7621 @ July 28 2007,05:06) said:
  (Makake @ July 27 2007,16:13) said:
yea. second that. great addition. but some info gets missing. Despite aiming for more realism: I would assume that a soldier actually knows how many grenades or mags he carries with him (without checking your gear every time icon_rolleyes.gif ). Maybe make some nice semitransparent symbols for mags/grenades/m136 on top with amount. No need for bullet count, but I miss this. Also check into vehicle displays: shilka/vulcan maybe still should display the amount of ammo left (maybe not, but at least some kind of display bar?). Vehicles/aircraft with missiles definetly should display the amount of missiles left (this maybe even for bullets, if checked electronically with onboard-systems. But I really don't know enough that). This is true for vehicles firing shells, too. And: check into the display of a tank's commanding officer. The name of the player/profile is stuck in the left middle of the screen. That's still somehow annoying. Maybe skip it at all or move it to top below the stats. Otherwise VERY NICE addon. IMO this enhances gamplay a lot. smile_o.gif

Thanks for your input. You did find a bug regarding some vehicles (shilka/vulcan/brdm ammo/mag count). I fixed this and updated my first post with a hotfix (just replace the TrueInGameUI.pbo with the newest one, or download the mod in its entirety again).

As for mag count for infantry, I like it as is, where you should know how many mags/grenades you have from the beginning and if in doubt, check your gear. It only takes a few seconds and is probably close to the same time it requires you to look at/feel your belt/vest to figure out how much you have. Also, if I come across a way to edit the names when in armor, I will possibly cut or adjust this.

  (-=[Rocco said:
=- @ July 27 2007,17:31)]very nice mods, but TrueView is a big disadvantage still when playing multiplayer.

It’s a shame that there was as much zoom applied to the rifles in the game to begin with. If there wasn’t people wouldn’t be complaining. But BIS gave the rifles an extra zoom ability, which makes everything inconsistent. I basically use default BIS zoom for EVERYTHING, so that if you are using your virtual eye, it is consistent along the board. I just don’t give you that extra rifle zoom ability. They chose that non-weapon/human eye default zoom and it turns out it seems to be pretty accurate in my eyes.

If you mainly play online against other players and don’t like the slight zoom disadvantage, then simply don’t use it. Sorry, but I can’t cater to everybody.

Can you tell me please how to mod the zoom of the weapons and the GPS window size?

Whats the default values of this?

class Rifle : RifleCore {

opticsZoomMin = 0.4;

opticsZoomMax = 0.75;

opticsZoomInit = 0.75;

I changed this values and repacked the Trueview folder, but nothing happened ingame.

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I activated all the components of this little pack.

very impressed. especially love the small UI.

not knowing (unless you count) how much ammo you have left in a mag adds a whole new element to firefights.

nice work. biggrin_o.gif

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yes its really impressive this mod. And notice how much it ocupy in HD space biggrin_o.gif (109kb) hihi ^^

Impressive Work Indeed. I've been waiting for this since ARMA release! Thanks!

<span style='color:blue'><span style='font-size:12pt;line-height:100%'>I have 1 simple question about this truemod:</span></span>

  [b said:
Quote[/b] ]<span style='color:red'>No visable AMMO count</span> for handheld weapons (count your ammo or hear the click).

I agree with what was informed above. I like it, BUT..

<span style='color:blue'><span style='font-size:12pt;line-height:100%'>Is it possible to inform the number of mags/grenade/smoke grenades we have instead of informing the bullet number.</span></span>

edit: i think its fair enough for us to know how many mags we carrying. Though i agree that bulllet numbers should not be informed, (same think with ATs, ie, dont need to show the number of it. We normally know how many we have wink_o.gif)

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  (Pathetic_Berserker @ July 29 2007,04:38) said:
hmmmm, some choices on zoom, or just the info on how to customise it would make this a very juicy addon indeed.

agree, hopefully the MOdder gives us this info smile_o.gif

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