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<span style='color:blue'><span style='font-size:12pt;line-height:100%'>Is it possible to inform the number of mags/grenade/smoke grenades we have instead of informing the bullet number.</span></span>


Why dont you look in your weaponinventory (with one button) to take stock of your actual weaponry?

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The most annoying thing is the poor mouse resolution.

At 100m you can either aim above the enemy's right or left shoulder but you can't aim at the head.

Its not actually an issue with TrueView but if you use it it's even more notible.

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The most annoying thing is the poor mouse resolution.

At 100m you can either aim above the enemy's right or left shoulder but you can't aim at the head.

Its not actually an issue with TrueView but if you use it it's even more notible.

You can regulate your mouse-resolution lower than 1 (for example 0.75000...), not in the official main-menue but by editing the config-file itself. This works.

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<span style='color:blue'><span style='font-size:12pt;line-height:100%'>Is it possible to inform the number of mags/grenade/smoke grenades we have instead of informing the bullet number.</span></span>


Why dont you look in your weaponinventory (with one button) to take stock of your actual weaponry?

what you mean? can you please be more specific, i appreciate thumbs-up.gif

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Sorry rg7621 my fault

what you men ?

i dled the file and the zoom is so extreem..

there are some people that like that zoom, like dec here but i think its too exagerated (IMO).. i think that in real life that zoom is not valid.

and what we are looking/searching here in this thread is to make it "As real As possible."

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As far as an update. I am working on separating the two main features in TrueView (headmovement and fov adjustments).

I will create a HeadMovement only mod (head freedom in TrueView) for those that want the headmovement freedom, but like default BIS FOV values.

I am thinking about making a separate FOV mod, but a HeadMovement mod should solve quick issues for people that want the super rifle zoom.

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This is an awesome addon, great work. I especially anjoy the compass, very handy. Would it be possible to release the enlarged compass as a separate addon? I know many who pass on this only because of the missing ammo count, but the compass is worth having either way. Or just bring back the ammo count. smile_o.gif

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This is an awesome addon, great work. I especially anjoy the compass, very handy. Would it be possible to release the enlarged compass as a separate addon? I know many who pass on this only because of the missing ammo count, but the compass is worth having either way. Or just bring back the ammo count. smile_o.gif

Yes the compass change is very good and usefull. I just think why didn't bis started with that one from the start.. huh.gif

About the ammo count, i think its not necessary.

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works as "bump", too. people: download this! if you want more realism biggrin_o.gif

No really. Tested it awhile, a truly great addon. But, something I found out, is still missing (by accident?). I miss the old symbols for driver, gunner, commander (at least "I" don't see them). Since the menu is rather tiny now that would help. Maybe also increase menu and squad management display a bit (!wink_o.gif in size.

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Check the readme Makake wink_o.gif

Quote[/b] ][...]

- Less intrusive/distracting/arcadish InGameUI.

- No more green background InGame HUD.

- No more arcade action icons in the center of your screen.

- Smaller and semi-transparent text for on screen elements.

- Smaller command system and action menu.[...]

Very nice mod, but I don't like that you shrunk the large gps view (when you hold instead of toggle) - I think it was more useful originally.

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thats the reason that makes it so special! inlove.gif

Im in love with this addon biggrin_o.gif

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This is awesome just found it. yay.gif Big fan of trueview and now this notworthy.gif

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meh, it's not that I didn't read the readme. Weeelll, just some suggestion. As you might have noticed, too, the icons for squad management got quite small in size. That, combined with the fact that the mod gives more transparency to menues, makes it nearly impossible to work with menues and squads icons when looking at bright surfaces/ in the sky. Especially when utilizing high resolution. I fully understand and support the idea. But maybe there's room for improvement, uh? whistle.gif

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Very nice mod, but I don't like that you shrunk the large gps view (when you hold instead of toggle) - I think it was more useful originally.

The reason I shrunk it was because who has a gps that is basically 17" diagonal? If it's that big by default, why not just bring up your map? I made it closer to real life size when you hold the gps button down.


I might make more adjustments for that. I like it as is, but I can see what you are talking about. I have an idea of keeping it small and making it easier to distinguish who is who, but it will take a lot of time on my part.

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If you dont have Track IR with the TrueView, how can you unlock your head movement in vehicles so you can look around with your mouse?

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If you dont have Track IR with the TrueView, how can you unlock your head movement in vehicles so you can look around with your mouse?

Just hold the button which you have for "free look" in your controls and look around with your mouse.

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the speed indicator is messed up on 1680x1050 resoution, u can only see 2 numbers, the last one got cut (when flying over 99 kmh)

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I think it is the same across the board. I'm running 1280x1024 resolution and I have the same thing. The last digit for speed when moving over 100 is cut off by the altitude box. Might need to adjust the altitude box or something. Its a small issue, so I wouldn't mess with a hotfix, but just add it in for the next release. Keep up the good work man, don't let people who don't like it get you down. Listen to the suggestions, but do what you think needs done.

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=- @ Aug. 01 2007,14:12)]the speed indicator is messed up on 1680x1050 resoution, u can only see 2 numbers, the last one got cut (when flying over 99 kmh)

Same here!

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Interesting. I knew this was a problem a while ago and I fixed it, but I play at 1024x768, so maybe that is the only resolution that it works on. I will check this out and fix it asap.

Let me know if there are any other "bugs" like that one, before I release either a new version or hotfix.

I will also be releasing the 2 mods that are TrueView cut in half (Headmovement / Fov) soon.


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