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after browsing thru photography thread i saw a photo of a rabbit in arma. So the Q is are there really any rabbits in-game ATM???

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They are not finnished yet, so the answer is no.

However, they may appear in future.

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The sooner the better, I want to finish my killer bunny deathmatch asap.

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read the photography comments thread wink_o.giflink

All 32 pages of them? Thanks!

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I think BIS scraped the whole animal idea, animals were alot more fun than butterflies and stuff...

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yeah but I would have to TK any1 trying to shoot a rabbit pistols.gifpistols.gifpistols.gif

(have 2 bunnies at home inlove.gifinlove.gif )

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Rabbit is a national delicacy on Sahrani. Every year the

Sahranis have a mass slaughter of the long-eared vermin

and serve them in a variety of delicious traditional Sahrani


Rabbit and potatoes.

Rabbit Bagango (Potatoes with rabbit).

Rabbit in the Hole (rabbit, potatoes and rabbit).

Rabbit surprise (rabbit...with potatoes).

Rabbit-a-touille (rabbit and vegetables...mostly potatoes).

Rahmadi Rabbit (rabbit on toast with melted cheese...or potatoes).


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So yeah if you havent guessed its a Addon.

I wonder if Animals will be in VBS2 like there were in the first one ?  thumbs-up.gif

Now all we need is a duck ! and we can have :

WABBIT SEASON ! DUCK SEASON ! biggrin_o.gifyay.gif

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yep PvP with other side as animal and other hunters pistols.gifpistols.gif

umm is the addon ready then, or just WIP??

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Rabbit is a national delicacy on Sahrani. Every year the

Sahranis have a mass slaughter of the long-eared vermin

and serve them in a variety of delicious traditional Sahrani


Rabbit and potatoes.

Rabbit Bagango (Potatoes with rabbit).

Rabbit in the Hole (rabbit, potatoes and rabbit).

Rabbit surprise (rabbit...with potatoes).

Rabbit-a-touille (rabbit and vegetables...mostly potatoes).

Rahmadi Rabbit (rabbit on toast with melted cheese...or potatoes).

biggrin_o.gif  biggrin_o.gif  biggrin_o.gif


And i am a decendent of a old Rabbit Hunter family, that used to hunt Rabbits for the King and Queen...

if you dont believe me, How in the hell would one get a ridicilous last name like hopper?

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Yeah. Near my house there's an infestation of rabbits because i live in a country area.

I would like to see some in arma.

"1 target that rabbit"

"rabbit is history".


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10- target that asshole shooting at the rabbit

"10- target has 1 limb left to identify sir"


really wanna shoot me??

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Wow, you even raise your own food!

I dont know where the hell u live but, here in civilized world we

dont eat home bunnies nener.gifnener.gif

(I bet ur chinese and kill ur dog and eat it whenever u ppl celebrate) whistle.gifwhistle.gif

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Wow, you even raise your own food!

I dont know where the hell u live but, here in civilized world we

dont eat home bunnies nener.gifnener.gif

(I bet ur chinese and kill ur dog and eat it whenever u ppl celebrate) whistle.gifwhistle.gif

I live about 500 km south of you, I assumed that you were the savage.

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Quote[/b] ]I dont know where the hell u live but, here in civilized world we

dont eat home bunnies

He is right uno, home bunnies are usually fed crappy home bunny food and they taste like cardboard, but if you stew 'em for a while with vegies and herbs then they are not too bad.

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ok I'll rephrase....


REALLY wanna fu*k with ME???

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They promissed alot things and still some don't even exist yet..

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Indeed and that is a cute bunny puma haha

yeah thats my OTHER bunny, wich keeps things in order smile_o.gifsmile_o.gifsmile_o.gif

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Killer Rabbit of Caerbannog biggrin_o.gif

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