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Why the fascination with Evolution?

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Personally I think that there are far, far too many Evolution servers. I like playing COOP maps, but all the COOP servers seem to be playing Evolution, with the ones that are not only having 2 or 3 guys on them at most... wink_o.gif

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I played an ambush map, that I got from armaholic.com, earlier today with a unit member and had a blast, much more than what I usually have on an evo server and I didn't have to wait too long for the action to start (just for the convoy to get close to my satchels). We were up on this hill using the rocks for cover and kept having the AI infantry try and flank us all around, it was intense and a hell of a lot of fun). Rest assured, when the 31st gets our server up, we won't have evo running 24/7.

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I would like to see a two-sided Evolution. Sort of like everything CTI should have been.

Also what the heck do people want in the maps?

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Evolution is popular mostly because it is accessible and keeps human nature in check without, ya-know, the players actually requiring self-control over their impulses or actually caring for the gaming experience of the other players.

I'd like to see a PvP-ish version of Evolution. The first thing I think of is 70% of players suddenly think they are Sam Fischer and decide "OMG I am t3h D3lta. I m gunna attack the enemy b4s3!!oneone" Which is the most tired annoying thing in PvP sector control type games ever.

JIP has been both a blessing and a curse for ArmA. Back in OFP when you got in a mission you got in at the beginning and played like being kicked or killed mattered.

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The scarey thing is what happens when everyone gets tired of Evo is that the end of ArmA?

Then we are stuck with our very small MP community that is already weak in numbers. I am also surprised that no USA squads are playing in leagues. Sad to say the game is dying!

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lol...funny to see, that even the coop players get bored of evolution. tounge2.gif

evolution can be really fun if you dont play it all day long, and if you play it, then together with some m8s on TS!

public evolution is not really fun...you see everytime, like on the Berzerk missions or others too, some people just play ArmA like on other known online games, they do not care about other players, teamkilling as part of the fun. confused_o.gif

but ArmA isnt dying as all the whiners do write everywhere!

OFP wasnt a boom of a start too.

We all have our hands on a really nice game, where we can build our own kind of missions and the way how it should be played!


Wait for the "expanison-pack" like with Resistance at OFP, such a thing will come for ArmA too, and then we will have the numbers of players and self made community stuff we want and need!


OFP was and ArmA will be a long time of fun!

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I really don't understand where the problem is here...yes, there are a lot of servers running Evolution. A lot of people enjoy it, myself and my friends included. Let's face it: Evolution is something you can setup on a server, let it run and have little or no Administrative overhead.

That said, if you're unhappy with the offerings on the servers out there now, do something about it! Don't just complain, go set up a server for yourself and you can run whatever missions or maps that suit your fancy.


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there are alota good ctf and dm maps around but its not the lack of maps, its the lack of players which used to play PvP Maps. someone here said ofp was 99% Coop, dunno which ofp he meant but back then, coop was actualy the total minority online, the browser was full of CTF, CTI and C&H.

Somehow BIS decided to betray the OFP CQB community by giving us those unresponsive anim's, weird sounds, which might sound real but are useless for a game "my opinion" and the ballistics, real or not, just unspectacular.

As long as those issues want be changed, you want see alota ctf, dm maps. you can just hope that BIS does a turnover like they did with resistance (G36 Heckler & Koch inlove.gif ).

the sad think is that those needed changes would be also good for coop related gameplay but they don't understand somehow. in my eyes arma is way better in big battles than ofp was, but ofp had its strenght on the feet.

Don't get me wrong, i really like evolution, but you need a little bit arcade to attract players and to make money.

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I have no issue with COOP/DM/TDM/CTF/C&H or whatever, but seriously, Evo is just everyyywhereeee!

It was good at first, and it still is, it is an excellent piece of mapmaking and i could nowhere near make a map of that quality, but why so many servers?

I dont see how it has *that* much replayability, but obviously people enjoy it still otherwise it wouldnt be being played! But i'd love to get some variety back to ArmA smile_o.gif Which im sure will come with time biggrin_o.gif

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before the US release, there were alot of good CTFs out, sometimes people even had the Dog-fight maps, but now Evolution on all the servers is boring as hell,

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i have said it from day one: the coop obsession of this community will kill arma. crazy_o.gif

How do you come to that conclusion? How can people playing cooperatively bring about the "Death of ArmA"huh.gif

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Coop isn't defined by "people playing cooperatively", it is defined by "people playing cooperatively against fake computer opponents taking the place of real (human) opponents", just in case you're missing the point (my apologies if you're not). It may not mean the death of ArmA, but guys like me are gonna write it off if the popularity of PvP games doesn't take off in a big way.

Hopefuly some like-minded individuals will set up dedicated servers (I wish I had an extra computer) either with the current maps or with mods that have absolutely no AI (with prolly a nice little performance boost as a result), running some single-objective-based teams game with no respawns. I say single-objective-based because the maps would be too huge for standard team-deathmatch where you'd end up with the last two guys hunting for eachother forever -you'd need them to have a meeting point (base or other objective to invade/defend).

Coop (fighting idiot AI soldiers with killer aim) and respawns are the total opposite of what ArmA wants to be: "Realistic".

Getting whacked by a bot that has zero brains and incredible detection/hit-rate is NOT realistic. Neither is running out knowing as soon as you get killed, whoop-tee-doo, you get to reincarnate and run right back out again. THAT makes ArmA (or any "tactical" shooter) barely one notch above Quake or Unreal Tournament...I found it extremely ironic that one of the Coop-playing posters in this thread suggested that PvP players would be more at home in arcade games like those.

Then again, some people cannot stand sitting out a round (or just finding another server) when they get killed and will only play with respawns. I have no problem with sitting out when I die (like I said dying is supposed to suck, and it makes for a more heart-pounding, even frightening experience), but it's totally understandable if others don't as they are two entirely different types of gaming experience. It's prolly also more convenient to play coop in the sense that there is always a whole 'other team' present which makes it much faster to fill a server up and get a game going. However, there is no substitute for a human opponent if you want a realistic tactical experience. Your enemy is almost always unpredictable, sometimes cunning, and when teamwork is used, downright scary. An opposing team of serious human players is the only way you can actually claim to be truly playing a simulation of military combat.

Claiming that Coop is somehow more serious or realistic than PvP is laughable at best.

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dumb statement. The reason Evolution gets played so much is because so many want to play it.

In fact I cant thank of a game that does co-op better than ArmA I think people who are flaming the co-op side of Arma are afraid to work in teams.

And all this sh...eek about co-op people being afraid of fighting real people is stupid. Try some of the team vs team stuff and you'll se what it is to be out gunned and afraid Instead of running and blasting through the caos of 'nobody knows whats going on' till you die and spawn for the umpteenth time.

There realy is enough stuff out there to suit all play styles, and I lovem all and play them all. When I have the time...speaking of which, it would probably be better spent PLAYING right now.

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dumb statement. The reason Evolution gets played so much is because so many want to play it.

In fact I cant thank of a game that does co-op better than ArmA I think people who are flaming the co-op side of Arma are afraid to work in teams.

And all this sh...eek about co-op people being afraid of fighting real people is stupid. Try some of the team vs team stuff and you'll se what it is to be out gunned and afraid Instead of running and blasting through the caos of 'nobody knows whats going on' till you die and spawn for the umpteenth time.

There realy is enough stuff out there to suit all play styles, and I lovem all and play them all. When I have the time...speaking of which, it would probably be better spent PLAYING right now.

Why is it some people insist that playing against humans rules out the ability to work as a team? Nonsense. I see absolutely no logic in that argument.

If you're not playing bots, you suddenly feel you and your teammates must play like lone-wolf Rambos?

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dumb statement. The reason Evolution gets played so much is because so many want to play it.

In fact I cant thank of a game that does co-op better than ArmA I think people who are flaming the co-op side of Arma are afraid to work in teams.

And all this sh...eek about co-op people being afraid of fighting real people is stupid. Try some of the team vs team stuff and you'll se what it is to be out gunned and afraid Instead of running and blasting through the caos of 'nobody knows whats going on' till you die and spawn for the umpteenth time.

There realy is enough stuff out there to suit all play styles, and I lovem all and play them all. When I have the time...speaking of which, it would probably be better spent PLAYING right now.

allmost everythink you just wrote is so far from the truth that it hurts, nobody is flaming coop, we just discussed that ArmA was just made with coop in mind only. No teamwork in PvP ? Teamwork is made by the clan not the game, what has teamwork to do with the game ?

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Why is it some people insist that playing against humans rules out the ability to work as a team? Nonsense. I see absolutely no logic in that argument.

If you're not playing bots, you suddenly feel you and your teammates must play like lone-wolf Rambos?

Not say that I agree with his argument, but why is that some people insist that those who play coop have no skills against other humans?

Not trying to start anything but I'm just saying that people have misconceptions about things, like all PVP players are rambos or all COOP-ers have little/no pvp skill.

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Why the fascination with Evolution?  

Beacause I like co-op and hate to die and spawn as a dumb bird.  Can't even watch teamates from a third person view.

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Why the fascination with Evolution?

Beacause I like co-op and hate to die and spawn as a dumb bird. Can't even watch teamates from a third person view.

Totally understandable. Different strokes for different folks.

IMO, death should not be belittled. I'm one of the few weirdos who hates dying without consequence. That time-out instills the importance of being careful out there, at least to me. I either go make a coffee or call it a day.

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WTF, I dont think i have ever say that i dislike PvP, i am just not too interested! infact I like to see large scale PvP battle that both side try to work VERY VERY VERY close together in a platoon scale using all things that the game offer them to do to get the final goal, or a simple DM that uses a 100 of camel planes just for pure FUN! if you guys ever watch shacktac's battle video then you should know what kind of things i really mean(too bad i never have chance to play with these guys due to many reason)

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I usually play Evo and other co-op maps. Last weekend, we gave berzerk a shot. It was a server huge server with 50+ people. Major chaos! No teamwork what so ever, just individual people running around like they were playing CS. I think when you go pubbing, Evo is a lot easier to coordinate with other people.

I mean, unless you play PvP on a organized league with clan members, your not going to get much teamwork or coordination

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Evulition after few times is jsut boring, I'm starting to miss good old small coops  firefoxlover.gif if i want fast action, CSS and BF2 is always there..... CTI, A&D, COOP this is what makes OFP/ArmA standing out for me.

   Also dont blame BIS for Evolution, if majority wants Evolution then it will be played, Each server choses what to do, as people who run them are paying money.. Also you said Evolution crap, not true at all this is great mission! Just as any msision it gets annoying after few times you play it.

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While evo can be a lot of fun I agree, there needs to be way more variety. And about no respawns, I am personally fine with no respawns but only if they use one of the spectating scripts. It is so freakin boring and difficult to control that stupid bird around where the action is.

Also, what is all this talk about this stupid AI? Yes they can make dumb but this is all up to the mission maker. Many coop missions that i've played, I was flanked by the AI when I least expected it. The mission makers just need to use AI enhancing scripts like AI-M or GL2.

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While evo can be a lot of fun I agree, there needs to be way more variety. And about no respawns, I am personally fine with no respawns but only if they use one of the spectating scripts. It is so freakin boring and difficult to control that stupid bird around where the action is.

Also, what is all this talk about this stupid AI? Yes they can make dumb but this is all up to the mission maker. Many coop missions that i've played, I was flanked by the AI when I least expected it. The mission makers just need to use AI enhancing scripts like AI-M or GL2.

Ai flanks and flanked in OFP/ ArmA all the time without any AI enhancing scripts....

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