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Why is it impossible to find this game in Canada?

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I got my copy at EB Games in Sudbury, Ontario. I'm pretty friendly with the staff there and when I asked for "Armed Asault: Combat Operations" They had never heard of it. The clerk asked me a whole bunch of questions and started searching their list of Atari games. At that point another clerk overheard us and asked "are you looking for ArmA?" The first clerk looked for it under ArmA and found it right away. They had 5 in stock.

Also, they were not putting it on the shelves for some reason, people who wanted it were supposed to ask for it. Your best bet is if you have an EB nearby is to ask for ArmA and if they don't have it, reserve a copy and they should be able to get it for you.

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I live in Southern Ontario, no sign of CO anywhere. FutureShop, EB, Walmart, Staples..nothing. I think a telling sign is how few copies are for sale on Ebay, originating from Canada. The websites from mention stores don't have CO listed either.

I am not to anxious though, I am still build my ArmA Pc. But in about 6 weeks, I'll be anxious. crazy_o.gif

There is always Ebay, that where I had to get OFP.

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I found combat operations at an EB in brampton(first store I looked in).

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Yeah, I found it at the EB 5 minutes from my house in Mississauga on May 7th. It too wasn't shelved and was in the back.

It's a shame that this game isn't so readily availiable for many other people, that's probably hurting sales quite a bit. This game is so good that it doesn't deserve this kind of scarce release.

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I live in Vancouver, Canada as well and I was able to get 2 copies from EB games in Abbotsford, BC. a week and a half ago. (bought the second copy for my brother). Was lookin and callin all the eb games in vancouver area. None had any untill i stopped by the Abbotsford store ( 2 copies ) so i bought them.

When I looked in the store, they had it on a shelf but it was tucked in the corner and very hard to spot. Another thing, The store clerks dont call it Armed Assault Combat operations, They call it ARMA... and thats what you should ask for when calling over the phone. It pops up on the computer that way.

THey said every thursday they get new shipments in. SO maybe they wil have more copies. No sure why they only have a limited amount.

Good luck!

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To be more exact, EB call it (in their inventory system):


See above for sku, which will also help them find it.

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even though many stores dont have it, most of them can easily order it up for you which takes no more than one day smile_o.gif

thats how I got my copy from GP games in ottawa, ON

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Hell I work at walmart and I couldn't find it instock, all walmart carries is BF-2 (which is still like 49.99).

I had to buy it from EB games in Brampton

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Quote[/b] ]even though many stores dont have it, most of them can easily order it up for you which takes no more than one day

This is where I got annoyed with EB in Winnipeg.

I was told "no, we cant order games"

So I guess it just depends on your local store as they arent all the same.

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I live in Thunder Bay, ON and got mine on May 3rd from EB. Only one copy was sent to the store and it would seem that it was the only one in town at the time.

Either EB doesn't think it will be popular, or there was not enough advertising for them to consider it a "major" title. From what I understand, most of the "big box" stores are not carrying it for whatever reason.

You can get some computer stores to order it from their distributors even if they don't normally carry games. Many shops use the same dist so there is a chance to sweet talk them, most will do it since they smell profit.

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Piracy here I come...

That type of talk will get you a WL+1 and a 24 hour PR.

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i live in california. i have yet to see it in a store, and when i was looking for it in stores (i tried ebgames, gamespot, target, fry's electronics, and best buy) no one had ever heard of it. i just ordered mine directly from atari.

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I'll ask this retailer I got mine from what the distributor name is in Vancouver. I'll have an answer for you tomorrow.

Maybe you can order through them. The European DVD version if that interests you.

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If you're in North America (i.e. DVD Region 1) and can't get the DVD in a store, order it from Atari:


The Euro DVD may require you to change the DVD Region setting on your DVD-ROM drive in order to run and you only have a limited number of changes before you max out the drive.  There was a FAQ about this on http://www.armedassault.com/ a few days ago - dunno where it has gone now though.

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The Euro DVD may require you to change the DVD Region setting on your DVD-ROM drive in order to run...

I have yet to see a game with a region-coding on it. whistle.gif

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The Euro DVD may require you to change the DVD Region setting on your DVD-ROM drive in order to run...

I have yet to see a game with a region-coding on it.  whistle.gif

You may be right - I'm just passing on what was posted on the official ArmA site as a FAQ. Maybe it is no longer there because the Euro DVD doesn't really have region coding on it.

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I policed one copy of ArmA in North Van's Park&Tilford EBGames store. It was kinda tucked away at the top. Took me some time to find it.

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Took me a weeks worth of touching base over the phone, and then 20 minutes worth of driving to buy my copy in Halifax.

One EB location said they had 2 copies, so my roommate and i BOOTED it to the downtown core to buy them both up, and when we got there, the useless stoned clerk could only find an opened display copy, despite the fact their inventory showed 2 in stock. If the clerk bothered to put down the bag of Cheetos and use both hands to search i probably wouldnt have to call him utterly useless.

Anyway. Eventually got MY copy in-store. Roommate and a buddy ordered theirs online from EB and had it mailed, and arrived about 4 days later.

Stock is low because none of the EB stores know about the game. they figure its gonna be a low-seller..... someone ought to tell them that this is the sequel to a best-seller. I dont think Cheeto-boy would give much of a damn though


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Check out this announcement that Mattlab just made on AtariCommunity.com about shipping games to Canada from Atari.com/us

Looks like you Canadians can get the game from Atari.com/us if you do not want to download it from them you can now also get the box from them.

Quote[/b] ]

I am pleased to announce that Atari.com/us now supports shipping to Canada, Mexico, and Puerto Rico for box product. Meaning that you customers in those territories as well as the US now have the option of either buying the retail version of the game or downloading it to their computer from Atari.com/us directly.



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Thats because the flashiest graphics, aka overdone bloom, are usually done mostly in console games, not PC, our eyes get bad enough by staring at the screen all day whistle.gif

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Atari are now able to ship to Canada for direct purchases from the Atari US site.  Canadians that can't find the game in store can order the DVD here:


My local retailer says you can't purchase from her distributor unless you are a bussiness. Minimum orders as well...so you'd have to purchase from the local retailer.  icon_rolleyes.gif  anyone who wants the European DVD version, and purchase from the local retailer then have it shipped to you (  icon_rolleyes.gif  ) PM me.


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What about

Direct 2 Drive?

I have a $9 membership to Fileplanet, and I tell you what, I love my 500+Kbps downloads from the preferred servers... it's nice to have a game in 2 hours. Go to sleep, wake up, go to work, come home and install. And, a lot of times it can be cheaper than retail stores.

A lot of people are worried about having hard copies because you can only install the game so often... well... I've installed Oblivion (digital download) like 10 times so far and haven't had any problems. (I myself re-format a lot and my brother wanted to give the game a try)

I got ArmA as version 1.06 from Direct2Drive, only problem is that I can't do the beta patch, since that's for hardcopy games only... but as far as I see it, I can always wait for the finalized patches.

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