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About Delta84

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. I downloaded the file but canceled the install because I'm still downloading the patch. Anyone know where BAF is saved when you use the download manager?
  2. A British armed force DLC? Of course I'm going to buy it, such a pleasant surprise. I always love shinny new toys in my arsenal.
  3. Oh yes, june 29! I can't wait! Anybody know if there's a vehicles list out? I wonder if we'll see the Super Hornet.
  4. The speed of six updater is incredibly fast...30kb/s
  5. This little mission warmed me for the expansion.
  6. Yeah the Sidewinders seem to miss a lot, the Frog take off, he pass over me, I get a lock-on, let him take some distance (500m~1000m) and fire a missile at his 6 and most the time the missile totally miss him or don't do enough damage to take him down one shot. I retried this part several time and I don't think it's normal that I have to fire 6 missiles for two planes. (actually I'm stuck there). Anyway, the ah-64d is soooo awesome!
  7. Delta84

    Yet more Dogs of War bugs!

    Just great, in Dogs of War I'm stuck in the buy menu thanks to an unwanted autosave... Thanks a lot BIS.
  8. Delta84

    North America Release / Publisher

    The Quebec province is an exception, because there's a law saying that every video game must come with a manual in french >.>
  9. Delta84

    North America Release / Publisher

    Yay! The game won't be released here (again). I hate you so much Bohemia.
  10. Delta84

    North America Release / Publisher

    Yeah, well this mofo will cost me $88....
  11. Delta84

    North America Release / Publisher

    You're for real aren't you? What are you expecting? You expect a dev take a plane so he can slap you on the wrist?
  12. Delta84

    North America Release / Publisher

    Bah, if they don't release Arma2 in N-A, I'll get it via other "means". If they don't want my money, it's their loss. Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to find my German dictionary.
  13. Delta84

    North America Release / Publisher

    I wonder why Atari isn't the publisher for ArmA II. I was satisfied with their digital distribution.
  14. Delta84

    North America Release / Publisher

    Activation limit? Are you serious? Activation limits are anything but soft. I bought it, it's mine. I don't see why I should ask permission to some guido to use what I own.