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this is not an offical RKSL release so all questions to hear (me)

...........(US + UK  STYLE)    

                  added 25/11/07

         (US + UK  HANGER NETS)    

                   added 25/11/07

         (combined archive)    

                   added 25/11/07

this is a convertion of the OFP CAMO NETTING (US + UK  STYLE) made by RKSL

it is converted with permision from  Rockape at   .rkslstudios  .




place the TWO files into an addon or mod folder(bk12_tex.pbo, bk12_Nets_US.pbo)

both files are neaded


place the TWO files into an addon or mod folder(bk12_tex.pbo, bk12_Nets_UK.pbo)

both files are neaded



this is not an offical RKSL release so all questions to hear (me)


and once again i must thank Rockape for letting me do this

convertion and the uk net pack (still to come)



                  us nets




combat prison         will update                

                 us hanger nets





combat prison          will update                


                 uk nets




combat prison         will update                

                 uk hanger nets




combat prison          will update                

                 combined archive



armed assault info

keap checking back for updates

dont forget to leave comments

this is not an offical RKSL release so all questions to hear (me)


just for fun and trial basic hide and script

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Will check em out smile_o.gif

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tanks to El nino Foxhound @ armaholic.com

mirror added

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This was one fo my favourites for OFP! biggrin_o.gif thanks mate - Are there UK camnets as well? They were closer to the ones we used in Aus smile_o.gif

Also, is the Scud Net there? That was perfect for parking a vehicle under smile_o.gif

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scud nets are there and im working on the uk nets

at this moment hopefully will be up tomorrow

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hmm i mis one the aircraft hangar net , i hope it come to the next update

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Quote[/b] ]hmm i mis one the aircraft hangar net , i hope it come to the next update

thats the next bit im going to work on i keep getting a modelcfg (section)error on loading


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Wow. My favourite set of "misc" addons ported at last *does a little jig*

Regards HH smile_o.gif

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Thanks BK - sounds cool mate biggrin_o.gif

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Nice one smile_o.gif

Are these the ones that in OFP had US & UK camo? I know you're working on the UK I'm just trying to find out if they're the same ones I have for OFP. The US camo was slightly desaturated compared to the UK, but they were good for different areas hiding different objects. I usually had to sink the camo nets slightly to hide the metal flooring and avoid "twinkling" biggrin_o.gif

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1.yes they are the sameones

2.uk nets will be posted sunday (definetly)

3.will then start to fix the error i get with hangers (seperate addon)


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looks cool! smile_o.gif one of those small things that can make a small camp or base look more cooler and real. thumbs-up.gif

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Coupla gripes - they need shadows and collision models. I can walk right through them.

Good stuff otherwise!

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Quote[/b] ]they need shadows and collision models.

still learning the ins and outs but will update as i learn


UK NETS  posted


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UK NETS posted


Superb notworthy.gifsmile_o.gif

Test: place one of each type down in the editor in their appropriate landscape type, give each a placement radius of 2000 meters then get in a helo and find them smile_o.gif

This test reveals that the US camo tents (haven't tried the UK ones yet) generally blend reasonably well, but there's a problem with LODs, in that the tents look OK when zoomed out, but zoom in and they revert to a distant LOD that reveals their nature. (I fly with Track IR enabled and leaning forward zooms me in.)

This might be a game engine problem I don't know, but if LODs are something you can control more then they'll need looking at a little bit.

The US tents are slightly desaturated compared to the vegetation, which makes them distinguishable. This was OK in OFP where the game is generally desaturated in any case, ArmA seems a little more vibrant (I would use the term cartoony wink_o.gif) and so maybe the UK camo will be a better solution this time around smile_o.gif

I'll let you know when I try it out later. Thanks for the addons smile_o.gif

*edit* Oh, and there needs to be collision objects too, at the moment they're just ghost items that you can see but not interact with.

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Coupla gripes - they need shadows and collision models. I can walk right through them.

Good stuff otherwise!

no problems with shadows for me...

atleast the US nets have shadows (and extreamly nice ones too)

but then again, i have highest possible shadow settings... maybe ArmA use more then one shadow lod (i think it does)

and i dont think i have a problem with collision detectione either, atleast yesterday i couldnt walk through the nets.....

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i wasnt sure so i went to check the shadows

there is shadows i cheaked both US +UK in eur1.05 and 1.07 beta



shadow 01


shadow 02

theres more on the album

and im looking into collision


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Well, I'll be a dog's breakfast. Must be something on my end. Hmm. Ta for checking.

EDIT - Well, I get shadows in v1.05, but don't get any in v1.07 beta. Hmmm. Dunno if you can fix it, seeing as you're getting them already.

EDIT #2 - Even more interesting. I get shadows in v1.07 beta when I run with "normal" shadow quality, but not when I run with "high" or "very high." Amazing!

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Quote[/b] ]but not when I run with "high" or "very high." Amazing!

added to the list


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Great work. I have to ask how u did the ofp transfer to arma. I sow nice opf models but i dont now to convert them in arma. Same plains like mig 21 a nd 29 will be nice, and sam SAM-6. Serb army use them agenst nato bombardment in 1999. So this will came nice in op side.

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1.)  beta 02 of UK and US camnets will be posted tommorow (monday)

(garage repair rearm refuel)

2.) beta 01 of UK and US hanger nets will be posted at the sametime


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mirror added UK NETS  thanks to armaholic.com

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BETA 02 of UK + US nets posted link on page one


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