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Placebo Radio interview

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Great interview! One of your best Jerry, keep it up.

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Hey Jerry great interviews, you still got it baby. smile_o.gif

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Yea nice interview, most people dont know how much there negative comments on ArmA forums effects BIS and this interview with placebo is a good example of what happens when employees have had enough.

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Placebo, you have my sympathies, someone who served this community and retired with honors. Fatigue can get everyone and moderating is a taxing job. It's not always easy to exclude people from forums by banning them, but rules must be enforced. Often one's hand is forced, by people who confuse warnings or guidelines as provocation and weakness.

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Jezus Christ that was long.. tounge2.gif

Oh well, it was nice to get some background info on things. smile_o.gif

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Great job Jerry, keep up the good work with Sahrani Radio. I hope everyone listens not only to these interviews, but to your broadcast 24/7.


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That was a very good show. Very long, but interesting from the beginning to the end.

Please, more of that. thumbs-up.gif

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Thank you for doing this Jerry.Downloading now.

What other authority figures you have planned?

Placebo was certainly the best forum moderator I have ever known.All the others leave good impressions too (I miss denoir)

I also think Balschoiw would make an excellent moderator.We need someone that lays it down again.

Jerry...do you know any foreign languages? It'd be kewl if you interviewed people I would never get a chance to talk to

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hey all!

thanks for all your emails/pms/replies.

the show was indeed extremely long, and placebo even wanted to add a part about the cheating... But, we'll keep that for an other time.

About my next guest... i dont know how higher i can reach than 'Placebo', but i'll sure try. all at its time.

Any suggestions on possible guest are always more than welcome.

the languages i speak is limited.

i can order a beer in five languages.....

but then again, the audience in mainly english.

i do like to remember you of the fact that you can make radio too!

we are ALWAYS looking for deejay's or other 'volenteers' that DARE to make radio!

If you have an idea...you can ask me anything.

the radio is 24/7, i only claim my friday 22:00 for the interview show. The rest, is available for the community.

Again, thanks for listening in,

Placebo has the new record of 49 concurrent listeners during his interview, beating the 'dslyxcie' interview that was on 43 listeners.

see you on friday!!

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nice show, one of the best so far. Damn that was some intresting info about arma and its development and Bi's situation too. im happy arma got released smile_o.gif sounded to me that it was a close call.

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nice show, one of the best so far. Damn that was some intresting info about arma and its development and Bi's situation too. im happy arma got released  smile_o.gif sounded to me that it was a close call.


Good job JerryHopper. Finally finished the interview, it took two sessions. Really liked it. Nice background info, and just good to hear from Placebo again (good luck in Singapore). Really like the community advertising, hope more get involved with this aspect as it could get a life all it's own. Not sure how many, if any, other game communities have this depth and diversity. You have my respect. thumbs-up.gif

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BI stand in a very diffcult situation, sadly ppl are not understanding or being totally ignorant

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BI stand in a very diffcult situation, sadly ppl are not understanding or being totally ignorant

Could someone explain a little bit more this? I haven't listened to the interview, since I wouldn't understand spoken english. sad_o.gif

Thank you.


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BI stand in a very diffcult situation, sadly ppl are not understanding or being totally ignorant

Could someone explain a little bit more this? I haven't listened to the interview, since I wouldn't understand spoken english.  sad_o.gif

Thank you.


Apparently it was a questions of releasing ArmA too early or not at all.

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BI stand in a very diffcult situation, sadly ppl are not understanding or being totally ignorant

Could someone explain a little bit more this? I haven't listened to the interview, since I wouldn't understand spoken english. sad_o.gif

Thank you.


in short:

BIS is a SMALL company, producing a unique game. - which is apparantly very hard to get a publisher for.

a team of developer is working on this game since the '90s. ofp/arma is a passion for them.

With the limited size of the BIS team, and the lack of a multimilliondollar publisher behind you its hard to release/develop the game like you really intend to be.

At certain times in a game development procces, you can do 3 things.

1. Give up and quit and save your skin.

2. Continue developing with a chance on bankruptcy, and release when ready

3. Take the gamble, release it in this state - find investor/publisher and be able to continue developments.

As placebo was the public guy, he was seeing the most 'nagging' on the forums, and with the above thing in mind, and lots of negativity and speculations on the forums, i can understand why placebo would felt 'burnt up' or just 'HAD IT'

the average gamer has 'tons' of games for his PC.

with these MONSTER publishers pooping out games, like they are having some digestion problem, a game is something that is a 'common' thing.

nobody really realizes "how much work it is to create a game, try sell it, keeping everybody satisfied, and also making a living out of it" before posting their grievances on the forum....

Thats it in a nutshell.

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Nice interview Jerry.

Was good to put a voice to the text and Placebo really comes across as a stand up guy. I always thought he was a little harsh but the longer i hang around here I can see why he had to be. It seems some people have made it a sport to start confrontation in these forums which is completely a seperate entity to useful feedback and bug reporting.

I've been gaming for 30 years but I wouldn't call myself an 'average gamer' as I no longer play consoles and get quite bored by the latest/greatest PC games. OFP/ARMA are pretty much it for me. I've already had more fun on a couple nights of 'Evolution' than all my other PC coasters combined so I'm very thankful that it wasn't abandened and am very excited about the mods to come.

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Hello Jerry, just drop by to congratulate you for the amazing work ur doing with the radio interviews, and to tell u i was one of the 49 listeners (almost all show, cause i had to leave before it finished).

after so many years living with those plp nicknames around us in the ofp world, its very rewarding for us to know a litle bit of the persons behind the nickname, their motivations, experiences and future plans.

During the interview i could state that placebo really has a SERIOUS problem in his life called FOOTBALL, and that explains why he was so harsh to me after the euro2006 match between PortugalXEngland. BTW he forgot to tell us what's his passion club...now seriously, it was funny to know that besides ofp/arma the only games he loads on a computer is soccer games (like me).

About future interviews, there's a big list of plp/groups i would love to hear about...for example:

-Kegetys- the all mighty ofp wizard that we all respect.

-Avon Lady- big wargames site, with huge ofp suport in the early days...

-ofp.info and now arma.info







-FCM (the best coop tournament i saw)

famouse servers like:







well this were some of the most important names i could remember as a sugestion, hope u can make some of them talk to you.

TY for all again Jerry, keep the good work.

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That story about the trackIR was nice, never expected how they came to their business.

To Placebo and BI situation:

I give a sh** if BI was in a bad situation and short on money as Placebo committed at around 54:00 in the interview.

If they want a credit they can ask me, I had enough good feelings at that time to give them something for 2-4%. By far more then the 42+65€ they got.

But to cheat the complete community on purpose with an unfinished product just to be able to continue is cruel. And he said that! I could not believe it, I was guessing it is like that and got almost killed by the usual fanboys around here, and he says it like that and they clapping into the hands and find warm words for him.

And why you see his leave in so bright colors?

This guy had a job, and he stressed his dedication to BI, the game, the community.

And suddenly, in the most critical phase of the ArmA release he left because he had to much.

Sorry, this is the worst personality I have seen so far, I give him the "last employee of the year". Not for leaving a company, you can`t stop travelers. But doing it in such a situation and claiming he is so much dedicated - sorry.

And then he is asking via radio for a job?

This guy I would not even allow to clean my office toilet, I can not be sure if he would just leave in the worst moment.

Jerry, was a nice job so far, but that you took some obvious bullshit he said without reflecting this with your own words and asking if he meant it like that - I expected a little bit more LarryK

What I took in general from that interview:

- We have with Jerry the first time a working channel for real news, not just statements in forums - it is EXCELLENT.

- BI was cheating the community, and it seems that more then 50% is spending applause for this

- BI does not want to spend/can not spend the money for a community manager

- the mods here are somehow left alone, it is worth at least 5000$ gross / month to deal with guys like me, in addition it is hard to be part of the community, but somehow being percept as part of BI.

- BI needs to rework their business model, the current approach developing until the money is out and then releasing whatever they find on the disk might fail this time, latest next time.



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This guy had a job, and he stressed his dedication to BI, the game, the community.

And suddenly, in the most critical phase of the ArmA release he left because he had to much.

Sorry, this is the worst personality I have seen so far, I give him the "last employee of the year". Not for leaving a company, you can`t stop travelers. But doing it in such a situation and claiming he is so much dedicated - sorry.

And then he is asking via radio for a job?

This guy I would not even allow to clean my office toilet, I can not be sure if he would just leave in the worst moment.

Woah someone should tell you the difference between "freedom of speech" and bitching.

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hum how could i put it........get a live?

*sorry but no cheers*

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@ Marus: freedom of speech is limited here, hence I spell it out in one reply, next holidays coming. Big brother says: discussions about holy Placebo forbidden! - For INNOCENT & CLUELESS, others can.

I have a live, but from time to time I want to use the "Entertainment Software" (Suma's wording) and I am not that entertained as I expected.

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@ Marus: freedom of speech is limited here, hence I spell it out in one reply, next holidays coming. Big brother says: discussions about holy Placebo forbidden! - For INNOCENT & CLUELESS, others can.

I have a live, but from time to time I want to use the "Entertainment Software" (Suma's wording) and I am not that entertained as I expected.

If you are not entertained, shouldn't you be playing/doing something else instead of trolling here? Because I don't see you doing much else apart from bitching about BI/ArmA and expressing your dislike about different things.

I would be really interested to know what actually motivates you to come to these forums almost daily to bitch about a game and a company that you obviously don't like. Honestly, why don't you just move on?

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- BI needs to rework their business model, the current approach developing until the money is out and then releasing whatever they find on the disk might fail this time, latest next time.

Well i guess this interview more or less confirmed what some were already suspecting: OFP:E wasnt (very) profitable, and ArmA just turned out to big to create in the short time BI could affort. (Remember the early things about ArmA being a OFP remake on the OFPE engine with some VBS1 addons ported into it? Its not really what we are playing today is it? (Okok, traces of VBS are found back in ArmA, but still..))

Anyways, you KNEW the state the game was in when it was released if you had actually took 1 or 2 minutes to look at this forum or a review. You just cannot act like it came as a complete suprise to you, IMO its your mistake of buying this game in the first place. (Noone forced you to buy it..)

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I listened to the whole thing and was very interesting.

INNOCENT&CLUELESS ...dude, your attitude is reflecting within the forums.Your badmouthing friends.Something that some people do have

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