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1st Infantry Division

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Quote[/b] ]there will also any new backpack?

You bet your sweet bitty there will be.

Quote[/b] ]It sure is true - the SAW in Skaven's pack currently is as solid as a rock during the reload cycle, except for the ammo belt and the magazine - nothing else "opens"

Yeah, I've got the animated version, Pedro was nice enough to hand his latest pack over to me for beta testing before he left. Sadly, without his permission I'm afraid noone else can have it at this point in time. I posted a pic quite some time back with my troops using the SAW during reload, if you want to sift through the CBT Photo thread to find it.

Quote[/b] ]Wow Cameron! I hope everything goes good.

Good luck man!

Ta mate, comments like that help the work along nicely.

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Concur CMcD - I've been a bit quiet in this thread, btu I'm a big fan of your stuff - the Seppo soldiers look great!


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Exhibit Grey - I'm telling you mate, it's straps upon straps.

- I'll try and break the monotony up with some clips, where I can.

just a suggestion for the straps, maybe add some dirt or sand on there to break up that solid gray. Units look great, can't wait for a release!

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^ unfortunately modern SF helmets which are of various MICH designs (3 if i can remember correctly) look very much alike to his current ACH helmets. in truth ACH helmets which are on his units are a specific design of the MICH helmet which changed certain parts for common army use. The MICH have less coverage but more places to add various electronics and are used by many special forces within the us military. Overall the general look of the ACH and newest MICH are nearly the same. The protect or hockey helmet ones are a tad outdated and i doubt he will create ones using such helmets.

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I couldn't have said it and better r shorter. Thanks for savin me the time manberries. thumbs-up.gif

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I can conceive that a CQB operator somewhere might still sling them on for a close-in brawl...

You don't have to do it, especially if it would interfere with plans you have already made. I was merely wondering if you planned on doing anything with the SF troops.

Either way, I think there would be a few options (just suggestions, keep in mind):

1. Variety (different SF classes= different helmets)

2. Selectable (choose whether you want MICH/ACH, or cap, or other)

3. You leave it alone  biggrin_o.gif

Do whatever is convenient for you, I won't personally care too much if you do or don't do them. I was just wondering.

Keep us updated!

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ya dont over exert ur self for some sf units one of the hardest things is to make SF and general soldiers look significantly different. btw that whole rant about sf guys i have no idea what u r talking about with that one lol. As for the sf helmets idea ya there are actually many many different helmets used by SF now a days so he sure could make many different units. Unfortunately finding enough pictures to model the helmets is another story. In the end the MICH really is the best helmet choice so ur only refuge will be recon units wearing baseball caps and other head gear not rated for assault situations take a look at the ODA thread for units being developed in that style

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Yeah, i was thinking about the baseball cap thing. Maybe someone could get some pictures from Americas Army, military.com photos, or from some live combat footage (which I watch a lot).

I could do it if Cameron would find it useful... then again I would probably do it anyway... xmas_o.gif

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zomgz0rz specops dun wear acu camron every1 nos that roflmao mebe lik bdu with choclate chip lbhs LOLz dat wud be teh hax0r moddel that I will use it in my up and cuming middle eastwarfair mod thell go owseom wit the strike eagles and marines we have planned the whole highway of death from mapz LOLz

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Might i suggest straightening the mag pouches out, they arent curved like that irl, even though the magazines in them are.. And ive always thought that the pouches were a bit large. copy a magazine from a bis m4/m16 and compare sizes! smile_o.gif

And that radio pouch


Looks uncomfortable to wear there. try having one on YOUR chest and then walking around with your weapon in ready-up position... huh.gif

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indeed ive seen many strapped to their back right at the shoulder so he can reach back and pull it out with the same motion you would do so if u had a sword on your back.

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To show the normal issued i dug up this pic. note that the pouch isnt curved like the BIS model.  smile_o.gif


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there is that picture proof and then common sense that tells you they are not curved. Would be harder to get the mag out if it was curved...

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there is that picture proof and then common sense that tells you they are not curved. Would be harder to get the mag out if it was curved...

Not only that, but how would other 5.56mm magazines that aren't STANAG fit into the pouch?

Also, it would be harder to store skittles, beef jerky, or whatever else for 18th Abn Corps 20k ruck marches.

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ya where would many vietnam era soldiers be if they didnt have a pouch that could hold a beer instead of a magazine of ammunitoin, oh ya alive.... lol ur post reminded me of that story which a vietnam vet teacher of mine told me

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