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I'm looking forward SQF-ing these awesome scripts and adding XEH functionality...

Already been done, check a few pages back. wink_o.gif

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I'm looking forward SQF-ing these awesome scripts and adding XEH functionality...

Already been done, check a few pages back. wink_o.gif

Thanks, made it myself just after posting wink_o.gif

What I need then is help of some kind person with enough free time and patience to translate those scripts into functions tounge2.gif

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i fully agree that SQF version would kick ass smile_o.gif

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It looks like Mr. Centipede's XEHication has some missing ";"s as I posted here

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<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">

class CfgPatches


class Suppression


units[] = {};

weapons[] = {};

requiredVersion = 0.100000;

requiredAddons[] = {"CAData","CACharacters","CAWeapons","Extended_EventHandlers"};



class Extended_Init_EventHandlers


class Man


Suppression_Init = "_this exec ""\Suppression\Second_suppress_m.sqs"";";



should work fine

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Is the AI also capable to deliver suppression fire to others or is he only reacting to it?

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MadDogX has stopped working on this project. He told me that he might continue one day, but he had some issues with it.

I truly think this is a great idea, especially for the overall game feeling.

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If you want to "feel supressed", try attaching an invisible target (requires MAP_Misc addon) at about players position. Maybe add a slight randomness to its position. Obviously creates some bad issues regarding spottings, but it does create some intense firefights given the right conditions.

Constant PKM fire above your head will keep YOU pinned down. Once you show yourself again, you take priority.

Not too "realistic", I know, but great fun nontheless...

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anyone gets this error

Quote[/b] ]

Error in expression <_skill_bank = (sup_skillarray select _man)>

 Error position: <select _man)>

 Error Zero divisor

when player(s) die in MP?

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I was recently looking into the structure of those scripts and I noticed that they use setSkill array command. But BIKI says:

Quote[/b] ]This is a reserved keyword for future implementations. In Armed Assault it is not implemented yet.

Are you sure it does affect AI? Did you run any tests?

setSkill["spotDistance", 0]; 1 being the max. Ai see farther..

setSkill["courage", 0.25]; not entirely sure on the particulars of each skill effect but, if you use TrueRangeAi, don't use these commands. It messes up the Ai behaviour reportedly.

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Hi all,

I'm currently updating this addon/script pack with sqf langage, as well as squashing some bugs with my own version wink_o.gif

I still have some problems, as I'm not really used to sqf yet, so I'll keep you informed and may ask some questions.


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Hi all,

I'm currently updating this addon/script pack with sqf langage, as well as squashing some bugs with my own version wink_o.gif

I still have some problems, as I'm not really used to sqf yet, so I'll keep you informed and may ask some questions.


Malick that's good info ... any word on performance gains?

i noticed that supression script drops server perf to half

if there are dozens units fighting ...

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ArmaVidz, you are using setSkill array command? I thought that didn't work?!

Second is using the very command in the very script. My question was if it really works. I did some tests myself and (at least with those skills I tried it - aimingAccuracy, aimingShake, aimingSpeed) I wasn't able to determine if it works at all.

I think I'll do some more tests.

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Yep, the suppression scripts do use a lot of CPU... I had almost +50% in FPS without it confused_o.gif

As of now, I can't really tell the difference with sqf, as I'm still trying to make it run without bugs ! Some things seem to be easier in sqs smile_o.gif


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ArmaVidz, you are using setSkill array command? I thought that didn't work?!

I was using the setSkill array command. During the release of TrueRangeAi I was using during the filming of Mod Retalliation with and without TrueRangeAi. The one noticeable difference is the spotDistance. Run ArmA without TrueRangeAi, then try using the spotDistance at 1 - engaging ranges, if I remember correctly, were much higher.

Malick that's great to know someone is working on the suppression pack, I have used it but once or twice - due to lack of time but it seems like a great pack. Would be great to have Ai on your team affected by the suppression fire.

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Great Work   but big battles not possible

need  to much performance  


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Hi all. I just rememberred this topic and see that there has been discussions.

I've been testing it in SP (it's designed purely for SP), i've created big battles where there are aprox 400-500 guys for Blu and Red side battling together in Rahmadi (everyone shooting like mad men). No notable defference laq with and with out scripts, infact forexample FDF sound pack v 1.1 seemed to cause much more laq wink_o.gif Well i can't tell more than about my computer and laq in that, but i was supprised how low amount it put strain to my CPU (my computer: 2.8 Ghz (AMD Sempron), 1,5 GB, ATI x800).

Infact ArmA handles scripts better than OFP (i wrote it to OFP too), in it laq became quite notable with 200 men.

However, like Dwarden said there is this error:

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">

Error in expression <_skill_bank = (sup_skillarray select _man)>

Error position: <select _man)>

Error Zero divisor

Seems to cause severe laq. I don't know from where it comes from, my guess is respawn and/or creating units and that it gives several scripts for one group somehow overwrites arrays or something (i really can't tell).

I haven't been able to produce that error in testing condition.

Lecholas: Those arrays with setskills haven't shown any effect in my tests, i've left them there for that miracle that BIS finally makes them working.

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Hi Second, nice to see you here !

Regarding the error you are talking about, it's due to a group spawning/appearing when the game has already started, with a slight delay between each unit. The script tries to reach the skill of the unit number _select_man, which has been created after the script launch. This happens particularly with DAC or any dynamic mission.

I'm currently translating these scripts in sqf, with some addition to them. I'm still struggling with the main script (suppression_m.sqs) as it has a lot of interlaced loops ! But I believe an updated release is close, if you see no problem smile_o.gif


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But I believe an updated release is close, if you see no problem smile_o.gif


Hi Malick

I don't see anykind problem, so keep on working and publishing what you can make. You and anybody else really shouldn't even be asking my permission xmas_o.gif

As someone might have quessed i'm not scripting for ArmA anymore, so it's good to see that there are others who keeps on working with ArmA.

Ah! So that is the source of error, never did that come to my mind banghead.gif and it's soooo logical and easy explanation banghead.gifbanghead.gifbanghead.gifbanghead.gif

Ps. About these "copyrights": i'm not demanding anyone to ask permission form me with tweaking and publishing scripts and i'm not demanding to keep the name as second's suppression pack. If, forexample, Malick wishess to make 'Malick's suppression pack' he has every right to do so. I don't actually know community's rules on this one, but they can't forbit this, can they? This just in case that person can't get contact with me.

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Yeah Malick mate, please do share your updated works because in a wee bit im going to change from design phase into development phase smile_o.gif

Quote[/b] ]Hey Guys, after a smooth hint yesterday on the BI forums that 6thSenseMod is very complete, yet missing suppression effects...

I thought about a system to implement a general purpose suppression data harvester and manager.

The point of this is that Suppression Effect scripts can hook into this data and do something with it.

Without harvesting and managing the same data over and over (multiple times).

The reason for this initiative is that looking for incoming bullets for every unit or group out there is mean business.

Doing it multiple times because of different effect scripts will stress ArmA even further and is unnecessary.

Mostly some technical description of what im planning;

General Purpose Suppression Module

This addon (or alternatively could be mission script) will monitor suppression status of units, and save the status as variables on the units. These variables could then be used by other modules to process various suppression effects.

There will be settings available in a global array, these include:

- Suppression Conditions

- If the scripts should run on server, on clients and on server clients

The settings array could be manipulated by various modules to get the needed/wanted effect for the loaded module(s).

I understand that this is not optimal as you might want to have different conditions/settings for some modules while still using them together. Thats why it might be a possibility to split the data harvesting and condition processing.

Suppression Effects Module

This addon (or alternatively could be mission script) will act on the units based on the data stored by the GP Suppression Module.

Basicly "Second's Suppression Script" effects would be coded into this.

DSAI Module

When the units are suppressed there are specific sounds played. At this time the DSAI scans for incoming bullets, this should be moved to the General Purpose Suppression Module.

DAC Module

Making DAC aware of suppressed groups etc.

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Hehe, nice, Sickboy.

I'll try to hurry a bit more tonight so that I can finish the main script in sqf. I'm slowly learning the sqf syntax and coding habits...

As you said, I believe many data are already collected somewhere by other scripts. Instead of each and avery addon collecting the same data, it's way better to have it all regrouped, then dispatched to the "effects" section.

I'm sure the impact on the CPU will be much lower if such "collection" and "effect" are regrouped into an addon combo, very much like 6th sense. Eventually, your mod turns into ArmA's ECP wink_o.gif

I'll keep you informed with what I manage to code tonight and release whatever is ready by this week end. By the way, thank you Second for your 'permanent agreement'. I don't think anything is against it, by forum rules or EULA, or whatever !


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