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Explosion FX

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Haha- very nice! That looked like real footage. Now if only the helicopter went BOOM went it hits the ground whistle.gif

I've just been thinking about adding sounds.... wink_o.gif

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Hi MadDogX, I've been following this script with interest smile_o.gif it's a very nice idea and well done.

I have to say however I don't care for the disappearing helos, there should always be wreckage. Fast jets might break up at high speeds but helos should have some central permanent mass to them IMO smile_o.gif

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Hi MadDogX, I've been following this script with interest smile_o.gif it's a very nice idea and well done.

I have to say however I don't care for the disappearing helos, there should always be wreckage. Fast jets might break up at high speeds but helos should have some central permanent mass to them IMO smile_o.gif

Actually I think you're right. For the moment you can force the total destruction of a helicopter to OFF by adding false as a parameter when you call the script. Code example:

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">x = [this,false] execVM "MDXexploFX.sqf"

That will disable the complete destruction alltogether. On the other hand if you want to force total destruction when the vehicle explodes, you can replace false with true.

I think I'll remove the total destruction thing from helicopters as it's kind of bugging me too, but people who still want it to happen will still be able to force it with the true parameter. I admit, I rushed the script out yesterday without much testing because I was in a hurry and wanted to get it done fast.

I should have more time at the weekend to tweak the helicopter explosions a bit more and to add at least basic explosions to all other vehicles.

If anyone else has any feedback I would greatly appreciate it.

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Would be perfect when this true false params are combined in two parts.

tru for possible midair full explode and the same on ground to for my opinion all aspects of blowing things are in this script.

Half destruction midair and if wished full explode on ground ;-)

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i was wondering i you can do something more with the engine sound (on helicopter hit)

it's fine if it shuts completely instantly (direct engine hit) or full destruction

sometimes i noticed rotor is goner and engine shuts down slowly while it should keep running (even in high rpms) etc.

anyway keep up great work cant wait to see some more dynamic impact explosions on vehicle crash

or even better crash w/o explosion but where helicopter e.g. rolls x times over axis (e.g. on hill edge or by crash from tail fail etc)

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i was wondering i you can do something more with the engine sound (on helicopter hit)

it's fine if it shuts completely instantly (direct engine hit) or full destruction

sometimes i noticed rotor is goner and engine shuts down slowly while it should keep running (even in high rpms) etc.

Not much I can do about that I'm afraid, except perhaps deleting the old helicopter and creating an already destroyed one in its place, but that could be problematic in multiplayer.

I might give it a try.

anyway keep up great work cant wait to see some more dynamic impact explosions on vehicle crash

or even better crash w/o explosion but where helicopter e.g. rolls x times over axis (e.g. on hill edge or by crash from tail fail etc)

Hehehe.... now you're daydreaming. (or maybe not... the idea is quite interesting)

I'm currently working on version BETA 1.02 and hope to release it later today. I've made some MAJOR improvements to the helicopter explosions.

I strongly recommend watching this thread.

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One small suggestion:

- You need to inform people about using the [vehicle,true] switch if they want the vehicle to always be totally destroyed. I figured it out myself pretty quickly, but a noob would have no clue, since it's not explained in the readme. thumbs-up.gif

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MDX Explosion FX version 1.02 BETA released!

MDXexploFX v1.02 BETA: Download from FileFront.com




This version vastly improves the explosion FX on helicopters and removes the standard total destruction (although it can be forced with the TRUE parameter). It also now adds sounds.

Change log:

1.02 BETA

- General: Improved vehicle type detection

- General: Tested and working in multiplayer

- Feature: Added custom sounds via description.ext #include

- Generic helicopters: Greatly improved explosion FX

- Generic helicopters: Added water splash effect

- Generic helicopters: Removed random total destruction FX (force true still works)

- Generic helicopters: Tweaked explosion FX (performance issues)

1.01 BETA

- Generic helicopters: Added preloading of debris

- Generic helicopters: Tweaked total destruction FX

1.00 BETA

- Generic helicopters FX implemented

0.80 BETA

- Vehicle Explosion Profile (VXP) system implemented

- Created FX template

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Brilliant smile_o.gif

I was going to suggest smoking falling debris but it looks from those images that it's already covered.

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Brilliant smile_o.gif

I was going to suggest smoking falling debris but it looks from those images that it's already covered.

Yep, there's burning debris all right. It used to be more, but I had to reduce it quite a bit due to performance issues.

Speaking of performance, I need feedback regarding the performance cost of these effects on large battles. Usually, if only one or two vehicles are exploding the effect is not really noticable, at least not on my rig. But when I made five helicopters explode simultaneously right in front of me, my framerate dropped about 7-8 fps.

I would like to find a good balance between aesthetics and performance cost, if I haven't already. If you see any major performance drops related to these explosion fx, please let me know.

Also, I need some ideas for the VXP's of the remaining generic vehicles: cars, tanks, planes and ships. What kind of effects would you guys like to see?

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Well I got a stress-mission that has about 14 or 15 UPS scripted helos and about a hundred UPS scripted ground troops and tanks fighting around the city of Paraiso (sp) and I applied the FX script to each helo. I didn't see too much difference from the performance I got before apart from as you say the burning debris which does make the game slow for a few seconds.

My machine is fairly middle-ware but the mission seems playable for the most part. Each time it's played it plays out differently but on the whole the FX script seems to be OK. I haven't seen 5 helos simultaneously explode though, and I expect that I never will, as will most people.

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I wanted to know, and just to either put my mind at ease with some closure, ......

will you be fixing the particle speed of the explosions? Perhaps taking out the smoke streams, you see, I can see the smoke streams being used for the GBU's or multiple huge explosions. But really, small grenade and AT explosions to medium need to be very fast or quick with a nice flash, BUT, at least leave a plum of smoke on the ground for several seconds. It would be nice, if , there was a way to use the effects used to show when a bullet hits the ground, for the shrapnel that gets dispersed out wards by war heads, more bullet effects for tank shells or HEAT rounds, and medium for AT's and grenades. Now that would be freakin smoking (literally).

Another thing that would be nice, if there was a way to make your screen shake , like a quick nervous shake when you get a hit by a grenade or tank shell near by. That would be SICK!

I think BI made ArmA in a hurry confused_o.gif

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I wanted to know, and just to either put my mind at ease with some closure, ......

will you be fixing the particle speed of the explosions? Perhaps taking out the smoke streams, you see, I can see the smoke streams being used for the GBU's or multiple huge explosions. But really, small grenade and AT explosions to medium need to be very fast or quick with a nice flash, BUT, at least leave a plum of smoke on the ground for several seconds. It would be nice, if , there was a way to use the effects used to show when a bullet hits the ground, for the shrapnel that gets dispersed out wards by war heads, more bullet effects for tank shells or HEAT rounds, and medium for AT's and grenades. Now that would be freakin smoking (literally).

Another thing that would be nice, if there was a way to make your screen shake , like a quick nervous shake when you get a hit by a grenade or tank shell near by. That would be SICK!

I think BI made ArmA in a hurry  confused_o.gif

I found it a bit hard to make out what you were actually trying to say, but from what I understood, you're talking about grenade and other ammunition explosions. Am I correct?

If so, that's not what this script pack is about. ExploFX only changes the destruction effects of vehicles, not grenades or ATs.

Apart from that, since it is just a script and not a real mod, I cannot take anything away (such as "smoke streams"), I can only add new effects to complement the old ones.

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I set up 7 Mi-17's and 7 AA soldiers and with all choppers being hit within 8-10 seconds noticed an fps drop from 43 down to 25-30 with no delay noticeable to the naked eye. My drop seem to come more from the actual explosions than the aforementioned smoke and debris. Just to note i was also using Mr.Centipede's tracer script as well as Second's suppresion script and this made for some pretty awesome gaming  biggrin_o.gif

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Oh ok, well, nevermind then, great work on the Vid btw.

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Are there any other scripts/addons which improve the explosions/smoke + fire in ArmA?

I remember an awesome mod for OFP that did it fantastically.

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Are there any other scripts/addons which improve the explosions/smoke + fire in ArmA?

I remember an awesome mod for OFP that did it fantastically.

I can't say anything about other scripts, but if there's anything you would like to see in this one, you can always request something.


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Can I request all the vehicles then please? biggrin_o.gif

ASAP pl0x.

Very very good mod by the way.

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Here's a video of upcoming version 1.03:

Watch it on YouTube or Download it from FileFront

I am now pretty much done with the helicopters and am moving on to other vehicles. Planes will be done quickly but I still need some ideas for other vehicles. What should happen when cars and tanks are damaged and when they explode? I am open to suggestions.

@beacon: Your wish shall be granted  wink_o.gif .

@Blue_Flight: I'm pretty sure no one else has had any problems with it. I'll check it out.

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can you simulate chunks of glass flying through the air? Maybe a random door flying off or a trye.

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can you simulate chunks of glass flying through the air? Maybe a random door flying off or a trye.

I don't know about tyres, but glass and doors are doable.

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can you simulate chunks of glass flying through the air? Maybe a random door flying off or a trye.

Is there anyway you can simulate the shape of objects rather than use p3d models ?

here is some xamples with models but for this we will need addons so better without , if you can simulate the wheel shape, wing shape etc ?

armassault videos at youtube

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