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BIS's working on everything they can. They aren't some 120 man team that can crank out fixes left and right. We're talking only 20-50? And even they have a change log in the 100s of fixes. One at a time... Jeeze.

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Pierre From Belgium:

Fix your writing in all capital letters (in both your recent posts)!

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I can understand very well why people are frustrated and angry about not getting Arma to run well on their new computers. If I had spent large amounts of money into new hardware I would have gone mad if the only reason for buying the new hardware, ArmA would then not have worked! Thank God I did not buy new hardware because ArmA would have been the only reason why I would have done that, as I don't play games that much... only these BIS products have somehow managed to keep me as a computer game player. Maybe it happens so that I lose interest in even BIS products and stop playing games altogether, then what would I do with the new hardware?

As I have old hardware, I have no problem seeing ArmA not work well and I can live with it, as my expectations were quite low and ArmA actually surprised me positively that I could even get it running on my computer.

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Is it possible it's system (e.g. NOT cpu/gpu) temperature related? *new topic started*

X2 and X3:reunion freaked out and/or crashed my system the way many are complaining. An open case and a fan on it fixed the problem. Worth a try.


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Well i have the saame problem ONLY in Sahrani.

therefore i came to the conclusion that this is the GEOMETRY LOD, it seems that ArmA engine tries to fit the game to my pc specs and gives me the lower value. off course that's a BUG, we shouldn't have that on screen no matter what.

my specs are:

Intel PIV 3,2Ghz (Prescott)<---- I know this sucks


ASUS V6800 256MB RAM


anyway, generally i noticed that most of the bugs are occuring in sahrani, maybe cause of the memory needs the engine to have the island plus the city objects (espeially for cities) where the polycount is growing fast.

i hope bis to fix that bug, in next patch

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BIS should take note, if you want success in the gaming industry, you should create something 'usable' for the masses, not the minority.

AFAIK it is usable for the masses, infact we've absolutely no clue if issues are hitting 1%, 5%, 10%, 50% or 90% of the player's population.

Just because you have issues with ArmA does not mean everyone has issues.

I'm sick myself to get BIG MESSAGE WITH BIG LETTERS thrown at me by angry people simply because I dare have said I've no problem with the game, and trying to give hints, and such.

EDIT : This is typical

Quote[/b] ]
If you still have problems running on an 8800GTX then something is wrong with your setup crazy_o.gif .

crazy_o.gif.... crazy_o.gif


Maddmatt has seen, as I've seen, 8800GTX systems running ArmA flawlessly (in fact, in the people I knew before who installed ArmA on a new system, none has been having issues, apart from hardware ones), and when he dares say it, all he gets is sarcasm...

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It is usable. I had trouble getting it to start because of a Securom issue, but got that figured out. ArmA runs average 35-40 fps at 1024 x 768, most options are set to high except post-processing, which is set to low. Game looks great, runs smooth, no stutters. I'm enjoying it.

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They're working on optimizing the game probably as we speak, and they are most likely also working on these graphics problems.

In terms of making something that 'everyone can play', if they made something more graphically simple and therefore faster to run, there would be major complaints about graphical crudeness. But, we're not talking about something that people are unable to run- we're talking about something that people are unable to run maxed out, and that's just plain ridiculous. ArmA is very scalable. I suggest you figure out what those settings do and find out what works for you if pinning everything to ultra high isn't working out for you.

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thanks for postin your ATT results

i suggest you try use "-maxmem=512"

add this to Your arma shortcut, it's commandline parameter

also i would like to know if You run any antivirus, antispyware/antimalware and HIPS (e.g. SSM)

btw. if You get time can You made screenshot of both standard tweaks sections in ATT

and also please Advanced Tweaks > Advanced D3D

? thx


for rest who get more than 1GB memory i suggest try use


add this to Your arma shortcut, it's commandline parameter

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It is usable.  I had trouble getting it to start because of a Securom issue, but got that figured out.  ArmA runs average 35-40 fps at 1024 x 768, most options are set to high except post-processing, which is set to low.  Game looks great, runs smooth, no stutters.  I'm enjoying it.

Why the fuck did you post this here? Go away idiot.

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Dwarden I *ALREADY* have it set to maxmem=512. It does not fix the problem.

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Why the fuck did you post this here? Go away idiot.

+1 WL and 48h post restriction for that.

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Sometimes I wish that OFP/ARMA was like most other games that doesn't have the support like this team does.

Then all these newbs wouldn't have a place to whine like most games don't have that option.

This is a forums for a highly technical simulation.If you can't play with the big boys then STAY HOME...its way past your bedtime.

If you can't come in here like an adult and post bugs like normal users don't even hit any more keys, I have a spot ingame for all you bug demanding babies

Laughing too hard at the bobbo or bozo or whatever his nick is has the texture bug after using a nuke but claims no scripts were running (how did the nuke happen then?)

Its hard to help people that lie or don't even know what they are saying.

There are people with multiple performance machine and they have the game running on all their machines.

Its obviously Xp,driver chipset,spyware,trojan, or other software causing problems.

BIS is working hard trying to get their high-tech simulation to work with existing other software issues too.

Its not just BIS fault. Your making it sound like Windows is a finished product within itself. ITS NOT

WINDOWS XP IS BUGGY !!!! BIS is trying to get their game operating on that buggy platform

Complain to MS that this awesome new game isn't working on your systems because its working on thousands of others

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@ Bratty

Nice post until the XP part. XP's like a specialized German machine that needs to be taken care of to not crash. But ok moving on.

I think what the other guy who posted the "nuked" picture meant was he was playing the mission and suddenly the bug came in and made everything appear as if it has been hit by a nuke. Doesnt mean he used a script to literally nuke the place.

So in that aspect... he isnt lying. Hope that clears things up. smile_o.gif

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all hi,

i have this "lego mod" problem since i installed the 1.05 beta patch.

high res textures disapear from time to time, but the higher view distance by same performance is incredible.

evrything runs fine on mid to high settings@ 1280*1024 but this lego problem is still resistant. with 1.05 evrything is good without viewdistance

Sir my sentiments exactly

all great before 1.05 beta, lego world after it.

can we confirm that we have all posted this on the bugtracker?

come on people, show of hands - who has registered this 1.05 beta lego world bug on the bugtracker? the more noise we make the better our chances of getting a decent fix.

so, show of hands?

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I get this bug occasionally when Spawning or Teamswitching, but it seems to sort it self out after 2-3 seconds?

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*Possible fix*

This might be worth testing, seems to have solved it for me, but i know this problem can get worse over time and i havnt had the time to test it..

I was fine under the old 1.05 patch, new beta patch sent me off to lego land.


I just went and edited my batch to look like this:

START "" /D"%CD%" /B "%CD%\beta\arma.exe" -maxmem=512 -mod=FDF_Sounds;beta -nosplash

SO FAR (almost no actual time spent testing) it looks to have solved the lego problem - moving the maxmem to the front seemed to make a difference - missions that were lego (LOD) heavy seem better)

any thoughts?

X2 4600

XFX 8800 GTS

2 gig ram

vista ultimate

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Sometimes I wish that OFP/ARMA was like most other games that doesn't have the support like this team does.

Then all these newbs wouldn't have a place to whine like most games don't have that option.

This is a forums for a highly technical simulation.If you can't play with the big boys then STAY HOME...its way past your bedtime.

If you can't come in here like an adult and post bugs like normal users don't even hit any more keys, I have a spot ingame for all you bug demanding babies

Laughing too hard at the bobbo or bozo or whatever his nick is has the texture bug after using a nuke but claims no scripts were running (how did the nuke happen then?)

Its hard to help people that lie or don't even know what they are saying.

There are people with multiple performance machine and they have the game running on all their machines.

Its obviously Xp,driver chipset,spyware,trojan, or other software causing problems.

BIS is working hard trying to get their high-tech simulation to work with existing other software issues too.

Its not just BIS fault. Your making it sound like Windows is a finished product within itself. ITS NOT

WINDOWS XP IS BUGGY !!!! BIS is trying to get their game operating on that buggy platform

Complain to MS that this awesome new game isn't working on your systems because its working on thousands of others

This has to be some of the most flaming, childish nonsense I have read here. Incredible!

And why is so many praising the graphics?? Yes, they are nice, but absolutely nothing extraordinarie (spelling?) compared to many other games that DON`T have problems.

I havent noticed any bigger bugs (simply because i cant see the game because of the graphical issues) but i would have loved it if the only problems where "flying tanks" etc. insted of this.

And IF it is driver/hardware related, why are both ATI users and NVIDIA users with totally different machines experiencing the EXACT same problem. But I guess someone has the answer to that, because it just can´t be the game, now can it!?

This is what I`m talking about:


And the problem has been there out of the (1.04) box and still appears with 1.05+.

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PLEASE make sure this bug is fixed in the next patch or I will want a refund for false advertising of the requirements for this game.

Mines childish with this topic and these forums with statements like that.

There are also many with same systems and some are having the problem and others not.

BTW I started playing Arma using a X800 video card like the ones within the post you linked to.I did not have problems like that.So all users are not having same problems.

XP should have universal drivers so that you can write a program and it should work on all systems the same like a console would

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PLEASE make sure this bug is fixed in the next patch or I will want a refund for false advertising of the requirements for this game.

Mines childish with this topic and these forums with statements like that.

There are also many with same systems and some are having the problem and others not.

BTW I started playing Arma using a X800 video card like the ones within the post you linked to.I did not have problems like that.So all users are not having same problems.

XP should have universal drivers so that you can write a program and it should work on all systems the same like a console would

I agree with you on that there are "over the top statesments" from both sides. Absolutely.

And as you say, many are NOT having problems, but then again, MANY have paid good money for a game they cant play (more or less). And regardless of wheter it is a hardware or game fault, the problems do occur for many and then having people coming in and saying something like " nobody forced you to buy it" or "like it or leave" makes atleast me angry.

Try to put yourself in our shoes. We have all been waiting with saliva drooling for this game to come out, after the incredible OFP, and when it finally arrives, we cant freakin play it because of the graphic-issues that i linked to.

I think, as i have said elsewhere, that we ALL have to step down a notch or two. Both us who cant play and you "fanboys" (just couldnt find a better word, not meaning to be smart) who think that BI cant do anything wrong.

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How I got so good with computers is making games work for over 20 years!

A lil story...

Some years ago I was a Tribes2 clansman.Played everyday.

Mandatory patch comes out and shut down the whole game (tribes 2 is MP only)

It took days or weeks I don't exactly recall of the Tribes2 devs working on a new patch under that kind of pressure.

When the patch came there was approx 40% of the people that could no longer play that didn't have problems before.

Tribes2 had a built-in frums within the game.Shortly after the whining they did away with the forums within game.

Tribes 2 is old...so old now its FREE

Games then had problems and could you imagine a more complex game like ARMA working bug free ?

People must have more patience, obviously there are some problems (some problems are from the variety of system components nowadays)

If your coming here to complain about your purchase, DON'T.. you need to take that up with the publishers

If your coming here to politely help with bugfixing your a welcome asset

And your included in "the circle of trust"

lol , like that movie

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I get this after a while, texture taking time to long, and, at least on my system, it is completely related to ATI drivers handle leak bug.

Problem fixed with Catalyst 6.7, for me.

ive tried catalyst 6.7 - problem was still there.

im currently using the latest ATI Catalyst drivers (and i dont get process handles going over 257 so i CANT be the memory leak)

and it definately CANT be the ATI memory leak because people with Nvidia cards are getting this texture problem ffs

my hard drive is completely defragged. When these texture bugs happen, my HD doesnt even seem to be loading anything...


If so, why do some people not see it?

I used to set it, I messed about with my PC.

Now its gone.

I wish I knew what I had done to get rid of it!

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this "textures drop" present in all Catalists , at least i had them in 6.7; 6.11; 7.2; 7.3

7.3 handel them best, but its have leak, so u chose what u want, i currantly use 6.11, as long 6.7 do not support x1950 type cards.

look like 6.11 run Arma 1.05 better than 7.3, at least i have no CTD or and unexpected errors, after wich programm normaly end and u send report.

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