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Yet another ArmA sound modification

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I dunno what a child is to you but your not old enough to be talkin like that.

And you totally missed the point of my post...focusing instead on trying to be witty.


I happen to think my post was justified. I dont care when it comes out, that has nothing to do with it.

I also said it was "my opinion". That happpens on a forum sometimes smartass.


Quote[/b] ]Joined: May 2007
Ah i see now.

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From somebody who does not talk or know CT, i must say hes point was made clear to myself.

All Spectre-63 is doing is trolling and spamming this forum, and flaming CT like that was not called for.

I am asking the mods to WL+48PR Spectre-63 for breaking rule 1, 5 and 12 as seen here!

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Kinda funny how we attack each other while waiting ie.1.08

Kinda sad...

There's nothing wrong with showing updated clips of WIP if that's what the author wants to do. And while frustrating thats its not released when intended, we can surely agree that this is not intentionally done to frustrate - rather that the creator is not satisfied with releasing his mod bugged or unfinished.

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Quote[/b] ]Son,show some respect, the man is 45 years old.  wink_o.gif

Perhaps he should try acting the part?  Respect is earned and, given the respect he's showing to Chammy and EvEnLeaSe, I don't see that he's earning any.

Quote[/b] ]@Spectre-63

I dunno what a child is to you but your not old enough to be talkin like that.

At nearly 40,I'm quite certain I'm old enough to speak in whatever fashion I see fit, as long as it's within the rules set for the forum.  As to what a child is to me, allow me to clarify: a child,to me, is someone that insists on hurting others because of his own issues.  Let's review: because you take issue with how long it's taking for Chammy to release an update, you decided that it's simply better for them to not say anything at all....no, that's not childish!  <!--emo&icon_rolleyes.gif

Quote[/b] ]

And you totally missed the point of my post...focusing instead on trying to be witty.

Well,please enlighten me as to what your point was...in the future, actually making the point rather than stamping your feet because you can't have what you want when you want it would go much further in getting said point across.

Quote[/b] ]I happen to think my post was justified. I also said it was "my opinion".

Yes...it's your opinion and you're certainly entitled to it.  All I'm questioning is the wisdom of insisting that the developer and his tester cut off communications with those interested in their product,simply because you can't wait any longer.

Quote[/b] ]That happpens on a forum sometimes smartass.

It certainly does....most forums are designed around exchanging opinions....most of them also have rules against name-calling to keep the kiddies in line.  Maybe a refresher is in order??

Quote[/b] ]EDIT: Quote  

Joined: May 2007

Ah i see now.

ahh...so, since I haven't hung around these forums for nearly as long as you have, my points are invalid....mmm'kay  whistle.gif

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From somebody who does not talk or know CT, i must say hes point was made clear to myself.

All Spectre-63 is doing is trolling and spamming this forum, and flaming CT like that was not called for.

I am asking the mods to WL+48PR Spectre-63 for breaking rule 1, 5 and 12 as seen here!

Admittedly, I'm new to the forum and the definitions of 'trolling' and 'spamming' here may be somewhat different than the forums I've spent the better part of the last seven years frequenting, but I sincerely doubt it.

Please feel free to point to the points in my posts where I'm 'trolling' or 'spamming' and I'll edit them to clarify my points and bring the posts in line with the posted forum rules.  As for rule #12, where did I post in all capital letters??

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Oh fer...

I thought the hype was a bit much.

You have taken my point and just blown it out of porportion completly.

If you want to do this, take it to pm where it can be done properly. smile_o.gif

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I personally want to see updates on the progress. I am willing to wait however long it takes just as long as I know you guys are not abandoning the mod( that would be madness!wink_o.gif. Do what you feel like tho.

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Quote[/b] ]Perhaps he should try acting the part? Respect is earned and, given the respect he's showing to Chammy and EvEnLeaSe, I don't see that he's earning any.

Re-read what CT posted, he wanted to help the spamming stop, or just slow down, but you didnt see that part. you ran in for the killl to look like a big man.

Quote[/b] ]At nearly 40,I'm quite certain I'm old enough to speak in whatever fashion I see fit, as long as it's within the rules set for the forum. As to what a child is to me, allow me to clarify: a child,to me, is someone that insists on hurting others because of his own issues. Let's review: because you take issue with how long it's taking for Chammy to release an update, you decided that it's simply better for them to not say anything at all....no, that's not childish!

Speak in whatever way you want, but know what you are talking about before you get started on a warpath, pointed to CT.

Quote[/b] ]Well,please enlighten me as to what your point was...in the future, actually making the point rather than stamping your feet because you can't have what you want when you want it would go much further in getting said point across.

At what time did he ask for the beta? ask then it would be done? ask how soon it was going to be done? not one time, he was making it clear to the mods that maybe they need to come in and slow the spamming going on in this topic.

Quote[/b] ]Yes...it's your opinion and you're certainly entitled to it. All I'm questioning is the wisdom of insisting that the developer and his tester cut off communications with those interested in their product,simply because you can't wait any longer.


Quote[/b] ]It certainly does....most forums are designed around exchanging opinions....most of them also have rules against name-calling to keep the kiddies in line. Maybe a refresher is in order??

Umm, who started what now? wink_o.gif

Quote[/b] ]ahh...so, since I haven't hung around these forums for nearly as long as you have, my points are invalid....mmm'kay whistle.gif

Not if you cant read a full post and see the point he is making.

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Guys lets get back on topic.....it doesn't matter how old you are, when you joined the community, how your mom raised you. I think we can all agree that Chammy's sound mod is awesome and it will be a great day in ArmA history when it is released!

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oh stop it all of you. Is this a trend of all Arma threads?

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oh stop it all of you. Is this a trend of all Arma threads?

I see another page or two on this thread since I last visited it. Thought it was an update on the awesome sound mod, but come to find out it was all b#tching and whining back and forth. Thanks.

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What is so hard about it? To me no release is same as no mod. Life goes on and the game gets played even if the mod is released or not.

Let them hype and discuss. Quality is revealed if there eventually is a release wink_o.gif

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How about no more videos/hype or release date updates until you are actually ready?

I say this because you have 24 pages here, multi "its almost ready" updates and everytime you post its another week.

I never bug for release dates myself but your killin me as i was looking forward to this. mad_o.gif

Agree with you here!

There where at last already two release dates going down the drain!

Feels like a coitus interruptus! wink_o.gif

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Original post edited to remove out-of-line comments toward CanadianTerror. My apologies, CT...I misinterpreted what you were saying and went off the deep end with my reply.

I don't agree that what's been going on in the thread is "spam", it's a great mod and a lot of people are interested in seeing it released...EvEnLeaSe and Chammy are both responding to questions and keeping everyone updated as progress is made. Not something that I would classify as 'spam' but your mileage may vary. smile_o.gif

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I think the thing that annoys most people isn't the fact that it is taking a while, no - not at all. Perfection, after all, takes time.

The thing that annoys most people and is turning a lot of people away is that every few days either Chammy or EnSLaVe (sorry if I mis-spelled that) comes in and posts another "it'll be released in a few moments" reply, which they've been saying for almost three weeks. I mean, the original release date was to be two or three weeks ago! If nothing had been said back then, no one would've been so annoyed right now. Don't give release date after release date without following up on it. It just tends to piss people off a lot. smile_o.gif

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I think the thing that annoys most people isn't the fact that it is taking a while, no - not at all. Perfection, after all, takes time.

The thing that annoys most people and is turning a lot of people away is that every few days either Chammy or EnSLaVe (sorry if I mis-spelled that) comes in and posts another "it'll be released in a few moments" reply, which they've been saying for almost three weeks. I mean, the original release date was to be two or three weeks ago! If nothing had been said back then, no one would've been so annoyed right now. Don't give release date after release date without following up on it. It just tends to piss people off a lot. smile_o.gif

My thoughts exaxtly!

As much as i appreciate the efforts of modmakers, this imho kind of "new" approach want to have everything "perfect" when they release a mod tends to annoy me.

I´m not talking just about this mod, but a growing part of the modding community (Insurgency or MAW anyone?). That kind of profesionalism seems to kill the fun of the whole thing because it´s a mod, i don´t expect it to be perfect i want to try it and if i don´t like it i erase it from my HD and if it crashes i try to figure out why and wait for a new release, so no biggie!

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May I remind everyone this thread is NOT a discussion regarding your likes or dislikes on how people present their respective mods.

Stay on THIS topic.

Thankyou smile_o.gif

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I am not sure to understand what was say before, there is a new video uploaded ? Don't see any links, neither on page 1.

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I am not sure to understand what was say before, there is a new video uploaded ? Don't see any links, neither on page 1.

No, no new video. Any new videos will be found on Chammy's account on youtube. Keep checking there.

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Alright, well... the only "updates" that me or chammy will be handing out, is... nothing.

Theres nothing really to update except chammy is working really hard on geting this finish, there's no release date any more, theres no eta. Nothing. All you're going to know, is its done, when its done.

Last i heard, he forgot to do the G36. Thats all he mentioned.

Last but not least, i'm also working hard on making this a standalone average download, and not a standalone 400+mb download.

One more thing: If you want a beta of this sound pack, or if you just want the sound pack, We need a config writer. Just one, so if you can help us make this standalone.. PM me, and we will see if we can get it released soon. <<< Remember, that's not a release date or ETA so dont say it is.

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Alright, well... the only "updates" that me or chammy will be handing out, is... nothing.

Theres nothing really to update except chammy is working really hard on geting this finish, there's no release date any more, theres no eta. Nothing. All you're going to know, is its done, when its done.

Last i heard, he forgot to do the G36. Thats all he mentioned.

Last but not least, i'm also working hard on making this a standalone average download, and not a standalone 400+mb download.

One more thing: If you want a beta of this sound pack, or if you just want the sound pack, We need a config writer. Just one, so if you can help us make this standalone.. PM me, and we will see if we can get it released soon. <<< Remember, that's not a release date or ETA so dont say it is.

Thanks for the hard work you guys are putting into this! And not giving an ETA is far better than giving release dates which can't be kept. We appreciate the hard work, keep it up.

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Quote[/b] ]Don't give release date after release date without following up on it. It just tends to piss people off a lot.

There could have been a last minute problem that has to be fixed, you arent in his situation, and if you have followed this thread you would know that its really stressful.

Quote[/b] ]Alright, well... the only "updates" that me or chammy will be handing out, is... nothing.

And dont stop updates, i am sure me and a lot of other people want to hear how this mod is progressing, you need to maintain its public attention, without constantly informing the community this sound mod will lose interest.

So dont listen to a few whiners who feel the need get all angry due to unforeseen problems.

Dont stop informing us now!

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Quote[/b] ]Don't give release date after release date without following up on it. It just tends to piss people off a lot.

There could have been a last minute problem that has to be fixed, you arent in his situation, and if you have followed this thread you would know that its really stressful.

Quote[/b] ]Alright, well... the only "updates" that me or chammy will be handing out, is... nothing.

And dont stop updates, i am sure me and a lot of other people want to hear how this mod is progressing, you need to maintain its public attention, without constantly informing the community this sound mod will lose interest.

So dont listen to a few whiners who feel the need get all angry due to unforeseen problems.

Dont stop informing us now!

I have been following this for very, very long. Hence probably the frustration. We are not frutrated because we don't care about this, on the contrary. Seeing so many frustrated people here says something about how much we want this. If we didn't care, we wouldn'tve posted here.

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