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ArmA Public Beta Patch 1.05.5143

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Well yes if we aim for high realism then we would need to be able to switch our weapons "off". Another question is how practical it is in a computer game.

It would be indeed worth considering this, not only for realism sake, but it happened to me often that I hit the mousebutton while I was supposed to hold fire. crazy_o.gif

In these moments I wish I could have the possibility to switch my weapon to safe mode.

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There is already a safe mode the default is to hit the left shift key or was it ctrl key twice quickly to make your soldier to walk with gun lowered. But that wont work so good if you are in a crouched mode or something. But seriously the guns are for shooting whistle.gif

Just make sure not to hit the Lmb tounge2.gif

but on the other hand its a pretty original idea. only thing is that if you run around in safe mode and a enemy suprises you , you shoot and nothing happens and then you get killed switching into safe mode maybe biggrin_o.gif

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anyone know when this patch is going to get official???

is it going to happen after USA release??

i guess nobody knows it but i had to ask wink_o.gif

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NO sad_o.gif

Maruk :this patch unless you ready to face any such problems and still want to participate with testing and feedback that may help us to improve full official patch 1.07 that will be released later.

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Going on from that, should there not be a safety mode, which would be especially useful in co-op online play when some stupid pikey presses their LMB by mistake?

Well first we need the mechanisms to simulate an actual selector switch on the weapons, since as it is now fire modes are just cycled through like they're other weapons. But yes I'd definately vote for having a safe setting if something like this were implimented.

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Just avoid negative training. Never point your rifle at friendlies, always keep your finger indexed and clear of the trigger... Untill it's time to destroy somthing or someone. If you're some place save, you can also drop and pick up your magazines to empty the chamber. When it's time to roll, you just reload.

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Please BIS fix the bug that when switching to full fire mode than to another item the weapon is again in single mode. This really shouldn's be that much work but it's a very annyoing and very old bug!

Well, seeing how it only takes 0.0000001 seconds to switch back to auto, I see no problems there... you can cycle through fire modes instantaniously (even while firing) if you haven't noticed.

The point is not the velocity or capability to switch. The point is that it gets forgotten and then sometimes when needed it's too late to do it.

BTW it's not realistic to switch again to auto/full mode after using binocs....

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Just noticed that troops still refuse to cross bridge with me. I thought I remembered hearing this was fixed and that problem occurred when another road is underneath bridge but this just happened with only grass valley below huh.gif  Hope this ones in the wiki biki icon_rolleyes.gif

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I just noticed that the humvee's windshield is bulletproof(?). Is this a bug or feature? As far as I remember it wasn't like that in previous versions (I mean before 1.05 final).

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There is already a safe mode the default is to hit the left shift key or was it ctrl key twice quickly to make your soldier to walk with gun lowered.

It's LAltx2 to lower weapon but the WEAPON STILL SHOOTS at this position. It probably won't kill anyone but it definitely ruins stealth as well as making all your teammates dive for cover.

I forgot if firing from "arms lowered" position fired or simply brought the rifle up to the high ready. In the last patrol march I learned the hard way that it fires the weapon. I got quite the chewing out from the whole column.

Weapon safe fire mode, as well an an audible "click" sound when changing fire modes (but not to M203, hand grenades) would be nice too. People try to fire their rifles in safe mode in real life too, why not in game.

HMMWV windshield is supposed to be bulletproof to a degree.

I find the 1.05 beta patch to be somewhat unstable, crashing with a memory error where the 1.05 standard version does not.

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HMMWV windshield is supposed to be bulletproof to a degree.

It blocks the bullets of the M24s and M249s too.

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Please BIS fix the bug that when switching to full fire mode than to another item the weapon is again in single mode. This really shouldn's be that much work but it's a very annyoing and very old bug!

Well, seeing how it only takes 0.0000001 seconds to switch back to auto, I see no problems there... you can cycle through fire modes instantaniously (even while firing) if you haven't noticed.

The point is not the velocity or capability to switch. The point is that it gets forgotten and then sometimes when needed it's too late to do it.

BTW it's not realistic to switch again to auto/full mode after using binocs....

How can it be too late if you can instantly change it? Anyway, it's not like the game even properly simulates selector switches anyway, the fire modes are just cycled through with the rest of the weapon, and that too is a bit unrealistic, but hey that's how it's been since OFP. So really you're complaining about a bug in a feature that doesn't even exist...

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that the HMMWV windshield stops m249 bullets isn't surprising, since they use the same caliber as the m4/m16's.

as for the weapons firemode selection, i agree that going from semi- to auto/burst- is super simple, which is nice, but back to semi does, as pointed out above, take far too long. this might not be easily remedied, however, without an additional keybind or something which i'd guess has to be done by BIS?

anyway, I tried reading through here to find out, but does this patch make the game multiplayer-incompatible with 1.05?

and, if so, does switching back between the beta patch and 1.05 on the Sprocket version use up an activation each time? Or once you've activated both, can you continue to use both?

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Ok i've runned the beta patch several times now. Firstly I want to thank BI for this great great game, though there are still these many many bugs...

So, here we go:

My system specs are as follows:

Windows XP SP2

P4 3,0 Ghz

1,5 GB RAM

Ati x1950 Pro 512 RAM

Newest video-/sounddrivers and updates



- Polygon-bug (most annoying bug of all....When I turn textures on Highest I get this bug, on Normal i don't have any problems). Please please solve this bug somehow...

- The beta-version hasn't improved the game performance in any way compared to the 1.05 patch. Still got a huge performancedrop compared to 1.04 version.

- Some small things like:

1. Sometimes I can't get in the Stryker when somebody already is driver and I want to get in.

2. The damaged-helicopter error still isn't fixed. Sometimes I still see a chopper as damaged, whilst it isnt at all. Shooting once at it solves the visual error.

3. When flying the Harrier in Hoover-mode handling should be like with the helicopters (without auto-hoover enabled). Now you can't reduce power when you try to land while hoovering. Only way to get down is switching of your engine and switch it on at the right time, which is very tricky. Making the handling like the helicopters should solve this, and it's even more realistic cuz the Harrier can take off totally vertical in real. Though make the topspeed while Hoovering very low to keep it realistic and avoid ppl using the Harrier only as helicopter !

4. The boats should really really have a armour and fuel bar like all other vehicles have, cuz today I ran out of fuel in the middle of a mission far ofcoast (lost all weapons and stuff, which i want to make my next and last point:)

5. When you swim some time in the water you loose all of your weapons, which is realistic cuz ofc. you can't swim with full gear, BUT it is very annoying, and thus I think you should be able to hold out atleast 3 minutes without loosing your gear.

Thanks alot wink_o.gif Still testing the Betaversion, so later reports may follow.

Chris Fox aka Foxtrot

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anyway, I tried reading through here to find out, but does this patch make the game multiplayer-incompatible with 1.05?

I'm running the beta-version and I can still join all 1.05 servers.

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Quote[/b] ]Now you can't reduce power when you try to land while hoovering. Only way to get down is switching of your engine and switch it on at the right time, which is very tricky. Making the handling like the helicopters should solve this, and it's even more realistic cuz the Harrier can take off totally vertical in real.

Yes you can decend in Harrier with nozzles down with minimum throttle. You do not have to switch VTOL on/off.

The Harrier cannot always take off VTOL with heavy bomb loads.

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Quote[/b] ]Now you can't reduce power when you try to land while hoovering. Only way to get down is switching of your engine and switch it on at the right time, which is very tricky. Making the handling like the helicopters should solve this, and it's even more realistic cuz the Harrier can take off totally vertical in real.

Yes you can decend in Harrier with nozzles down with minimum throttle. You do not have to switch VTOL on/off.

The Harrier cannot always take off VTOL with heavy bomb loads.

You can also dive.. but the harrier is not a helicopter. Don't try to treat it like that. I think the optimal way to treat it is an aircraft that needs a very short runway. The harrier does sink by default, try to come to a hover lower by engaging the option at a slower airspeed, I guess. To tell you the truth, I'm not very good at it either, but I think the set up is crucial.

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Quote[/b] ]Now you can't reduce power when you try to land while hoovering. Only way to get down is switching of your engine and switch it on at the right time, which is very tricky. Making the handling like the helicopters should solve this, and it's even more realistic cuz the Harrier can take off totally vertical in real.

Yes you can decend in Harrier with nozzles down with minimum throttle. You do not have to switch VTOL on/off.

The Harrier cannot always take off VTOL with heavy bomb loads.

Yeah its still a plane at the end of the day...

Once autohover is engaged and the plane slows down you can press Z (or tap) and it will descend more like a helicopter.

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this error message during a self made mission in the editor without any third parties addons


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this error message during a self made mission in the editor without any third parties addons

This has NOTHING to do with this patch, because I also got this message while playing v1.05.5136 (the regular 1.05 version), and second because it appears to be data related and this beta patch contains no data (as in pbo files) changes.

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After I´ve been away for a while I finally found time to install and test the new patch.

Here is what my impressions are:

- texture bug better but still there

- weapon dispersal increased to a ridiculous level (single shots from a G36 resulted in a dispersal of 2mm to 7mm from the reticule center which is totally absurd and nonsense)

- flight model still missing the mousepointer (No, I don´t want to fly with joystick whenever I start Arma, with mouse it´s more like "impulse" steering than anything else and this sucks really bad)

While performance may have increased a bit I am really very dissapointed with the gameplay changes and the adjustments to weapon accuracy and the lack of a consistent and working flightcontrol - model for mouseusers.

I have Arma since November 2006 now, a total of 4 months and while the bugged first release may have improved in certain areas it has decreased in quality and consistence in other aspects and simple things like the missing mousepointer in vehicle-control are still not even mentioned nor adressed. For me

Arma is not even halfway where it should be at this point.

While I appreciate the efforts to bring it to a better level, I don´t really see how raising the weapon dispersal to a surreal level is in any way contributing to the game. In fact it just annoys me beyond understanding.

Seriously BIS. This is not what Arma should be like.

Not userfriendly, not real and still lacking the basics for controlling it with a mouse.


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I personally LOVE the flightmodel. Never used a joystick in ArmA in my life.

Im a mouse + keyboard user and i love the way it handles, i have no problem with it and find it really fun.

DEFINATELY an improvement over ArmA.

The only issue i have is the lack of targetting.. why remove the targeting cursor from OFP? I hate having to tab through my targets.

Thats why im dreading the modified flight model in 1.06 sad_o.gif

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I personally LOVE the flightmodel. Never used a joystick in ArmA in my life.

Im a mouse + keyboard user and i love the way it handles, i have no problem with it and find it really fun.

DEFINATELY an improvement over ArmA.

The only issue i have is the lack of targetting.. why remove the targeting cursor from OFP? I hate having to tab through my targets.

Thats why im dreading the modified flight model in 1.06 sad_o.gif

You can still free-target in ArmA; it's tougher but can still be done. It's much easier if you're the gunner.

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The only issue i have is the lack of targetting.. why remove the targeting cursor from OFP? I hate having to tab through my targets.

The actual cursor may be gone but the ability to lock with your mouse isn't. Believe me, you still can lock on to ANY vehicle (empty, friendly, non-moving) with your mouse by simply right-clicking on it, the only problem (being the real issue with this series of complaints) is that you no longer have a mouse cursor to indicate where you are pointing, unfortunately this makes a lot of people automatically assume the ability has been removed. However, this still isn't really a problem, since in aircraft the camera is now fixed to your (invisible) cursor, so that means your cursor is wherever the camera is pointing at, always right in the center of your moniter. Thus, just move your mouse until the camera is centered right on your target and right-click. And since we could edit cursors in OFP with mods, I'm sure we'll be able to add cursors to aircraft, thus (hopefully) elminating further complaints towards BIS about a problem that doesn't even exist.

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If you have a glass monitor (like a CRT) you can also put a dab of liquid paper at the centre of the screen.

* If you ruin your monitor somehow doing this, I'm not responsible!

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