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This game is boring

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It's just strange when people act like they don't like the game and demand for it to be changed - yet still play it.

I'll not explain in detail, but this is just so invalid thinking.

I'm quite used to this on many other game's forums, when some people have some (mostly constructive) remark(s) about the game's quality (and this is so easy nowdays; almost all new published games are bugged and unfinished-published prematurely,,,this has becamed like a trend, like a 'habbit' lately... ), almost immediately there's some one(fanboys) to tell those 'haters' that they don't like the game and why they're playing the game if they don't like it and go and play that other game (e.g. go f**k yourself), what are you doing on this forum then if you don't like the game and so on and so for.

Good for you if you're enjoying the game, but don't think that in general you're more 'benifitial to the common cause' than those who're 'complaining' about/over the things, and wants -now listen to this!- some improvements.

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It's just strange when people act like they don't like the game and demand for it to be changed - yet still play it.

I'll not explain in detail, but this is just so invalid thinking.

and wants -now listen to this!- some improvements.

But the complaints here are that the game is not suitable for fast paced CTF, you cant 'improve' that unless you make changes in the game design. But in that case all the coopers will be complaining again because the game wouldnt be suitable for slow paced coop.

People who want to play a fast paced game should buy a fast paced game. Not buy a slow paced game and then complain that it should have been fast paced.

Thats like buying a train and complaining that it cant drive on roads, if you wanted to drive on roads you should have bought a car. banghead.gif

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But the complaints here are that the game is not suitable for fast paced CTF, you cant 'improve' that unless you make changes in the game design. But in that case all the coopers will be complaining again because the game wouldnt be suitable for slow paced coop.

People who want to play a fast paced game should buy a fast paced game. Not buy a slow paced game and then complain that it should have been fast paced.

Thats like buying a train and complaining that it cant drive on roads, if you wanted to drive on roads you should have bought a car. banghead.gif

Not really, all this is in fact OT (check the thread's title and the initialising post), which is not a surprise, all such 'provokative' topics tend to 'end' like this.

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I think (well, hope :P ) the complains are more about :

- a bit more green parts in ACU. Celery's kind of right, some pictures show us ACU units a bit more greenish than what we see in game.

- interruptable animations (mostly when stopping) and removal of some annoying pauses in animation transitions

I don't think either of these change would drastically change ArmA gameplay.

Some of the initial CTF players complaint were indeed imho a bit over the top (complete removal of anim transition, to get back to the instant "ironsight switching" you had in OFP, removal of 3D scopes because they were too big, etc, etc... well, basically they wanted to play OFP and couldn't stand any change), that doesn't mean anytime someone comes here asking for a change with CTF in mind, it is invalid.

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you have obviously no about what BI wanted this game to be, if you dont like this game then you should just play another game. Its not like OFP/ArmA fans are whining in BF2 forums that we want EA to make the game more realistic... mad_o.gif

Another one of those "this is how this game is meant to be played" guys? Gimme a break.

Nonono. "How the game was designed", i dont give a fuck how you play it, but it was in fact designed like this on purpose so complaining about it only means that you bought a game that just isnt your taste. yay.gif

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For me, Armd is a platform rather than a common game and the default compaign is just sample.

 maybe the default compaign is boring. but you can create your own compaign that you feel interesting just like I am doing now.


Creating own content and playing it yourself is extremly boring because of lack of surprise.

And I suppose if you play around with the probability of a unit appearing or not the only suprise is when it doesn't show up! wink_o.gif

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A question: what is it with some ppl when they desperately need to have the beginning, the middle and then the end, some story to get some sort of closure. I personally believe the campaign in OFP was absolutely cheesie and cornie. I played games since the original Wolfenstein; from my experience there are very few games with an exciting storyline (HL or HL2, but then there is no HL without a plot). ArmA doesn't need a story to justify its existence - it's a milsim. I find ArmA campaign very realistically developed - rhetorics aside, just straight action. ArmA isn't a soap drama about some boy named Dave Armstrong. I really like the story concept - it's sort of like a disjointed frontline documentary you got to participate in; what's going on around you doesn't make any sense, you are just busy saving your ass - let the historians figure it all out afterwards. Swift and disorienting.

What really made me play OFP for the last 2 years was such things like ROX-CTI or MF-CTI. Each time you start playing a CTI game you have your own campaign minus again some stupid storyline and "luke warm" cutscenes of a the main hero flying a heli into the sunset.

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Well, to be honest I almost forced one of my friends to buy ArmA. Telling him that it's the best, [...], and most realistic game ever...

When he first run it, he was exactly like > huh.gif "Are you f*cking kidding?"

After patching it to 1.05, and lots of my cackling about the mods, total conversions, and what's more, about the realism....

He said:

"I don't give a s*it about what'll community relase in the time of the next weeks, months or years...I bought a game, and apart from not being realistic, it IS boring"

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I think it will get a hell of a lot less boring when the first high quality islands are released. I find Sahrani somehow terribly uninspiring as a mission maker.

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He said:

"I don't give a s*it about what'll community relase in the time of the next weeks, months or years...I bought a game, and apart from not being realistic, it IS boring"

Hehe, this quoted sentence from a 'non-community' dude is spot on and tells it much more and it's much more logical than any 'novel' of ours; it's containing the core and all the essence. And above all it tells a hard and bare facts and the truth.

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the game is boring , its boring as fuck.

i did it all since 2001 , i hate it. i hate it with a passion.

wtf ?

well thats my opinion i dont want to influence you or anyone else.

so if you havent played it, at least you know its good for 6 years.

and many still play and will play more.

why am i here ?

because i love the engine ,its physics ,its flexiility and the way that any question you could ever need is answered somewehere or will be .

so there you go, i think the games boring and i have every right to say it , now i am not playing it i am trying to change it . wink_o.gif

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Boring my ass. I bet the people who say this is boring would say the same about Steel Beast Pro or Falcon. Great games in their genre, but not something many would find "fun."

Just because YOU think it's boring doesn't mean it's poorly designed or a bad game. I think games like Civilization or wargames like Tacops are boring as heck. Doesn't mean they are bad games or that I should go there and rip on them or the devs because I don't find them to my liking.

edit: ok, maybe a little boring after all these years and the campaign not being something I would want to play again.

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Just because YOU think it's boring doesn't mean it's poorly designed or a bad game. I think games like Civilization or wargames like Tacops are boring as heck. Doesn't mean they are bad games or that I should go there and rip on them or the devs because I don't find them to my liking.

Yes that's about it folks; it's just a matter of personal taste. So with this thread a warm water has been discovered. And a potential perpetuum mobile,,,till its closing. wink_o.gif

And decide Ebud; it is boring my ass, or maybe a little boring? tounge2.gif

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I'm all about knee-jerk reactions and then trying to cover up smile_o.gif

I personally don't think it's boring enough to have to go and start a thread about it. That's just something an attention whore would do in my opinion. "I have something pointless to say! Look at me! Look at me! I'm causing controversy! Look at me! Look at me!"

But that's a lot of threads so it's probably just me being cynical.

Back to this game being boring. If you bought this game to have something new to play after getting tired of BF2 or CS or GRAW or whatever I can see it being boring. If your an OFP fan and bought it thinking it would take the OFP concept and propel it into a new era of gaming, I'm sure you'd be disappointed and find it a bit boring since in reality your just doing the same gaming you have been doing for 3 or more years, but now it just looks nicer.

I'll take it for what it is, OFP updated a bit and with much better looks. I never got bored of OFP TBH, but then again mostly all I did was try and recreate a lot of actions that have taken place in RL in places like Afghanistan, Africa, Vietnam, Chad etc. So I never ran out of things to make or missions to try out. I may have gotten bored and jumped to a new game for a week or so after getting burned out, but I don't think I ever found it boring just like I don't think I'll ever find ARMA boring. I may get tired of it and try something new for a bit, but that's about it.

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the game is boring , its boring as fuck.

i did it all since 2001 , i hate it. i hate it with a passion.

wtf ?

well thats my opinion i dont want to influence you or anyone else.

so if you havent played it, at least you know its good for 6 years.

and many still play and will play more.

 why am i here ?

because i love the engine ,its physics ,its flexiility and the way that any question you could ever need is answered somewehere or will be .

so there you go, i think the games boring and i have every right to say it , now i am not playing it i am trying to change it . wink_o.gif

My,  your a cheery fellow  biggrin_o.gif

Hm..., My girl's been calling me 'boring' ever since I got the game and play non-stop on Berzerk's Hold maps.  Let alone the endless editor scenario's enhanced by kronzky's urban patrol of course. I was a sworn SP-only kind-a-guy and haven't played anything MP since Tribes but this is good fun mate.

Sucks for you I guess...

Cheerio tounge2.gif

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I just tried mp and its fun, the sad part is i cant download the patch because its 466mbs!!!!!!! I cant put that on this computer, my bro would kill me because its running low on virtual memory!!!!

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arma can be boring because of its lack of speed.

soldier's are move like grandmas. reloading animations look like a slowmo and can't be aborted. maps are too huge to experience fast-paced fire fights. multiplayer modes suck out of the box. the arma community only focusses on coops. and so on and so forth. so yeah, arma/the arma community in its current state is boring. have a look at bf2: project reality and you'll see what a lively game/community looks like.

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Quote[/b] ]I'll take it for what it is, OFP updated a bit and with much better looks

Hell, thats all I want. smile_o.gif

I'll get the game when it comes out here and hopefully it's a bit less buggy but I liked OFP and if ArmA is like that...its all good.

I cant play OFP anymore and VBS1 is getting old as well so I'm looking forward to the "upgrade".

Nine times out of a ten, I pick up another game to check out and its fun for 20 minutes...maybe less.

I think the game will pick up for most though when the mod tools and new addons come out.

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It was written right in one game magazine: in Resistance we had a feeling of big war between East and West.But it's not interesting to play in war between banana countries.

different games telling different storys set in different time, only the message want to bring is the same: war sucks!

Right you are-war sucks! But I said about emotions and interest in campaign in general.

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Maybe people need to stop playing stupid, boring, life-wasting computer games and get a life!


Edit: Added "life-wasting" as it really belongs to the same group.

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Go Finger yourself baddo.

That was unnecessary flaming.

We go now back on topic or gonna grab my magic keys and lock this topic.

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This game is... how you want it to be.

If you want to play a boring mission you can play a boring mission. (patrol, recon, etc)

If you want to play an action paced mission you can play an action paced mission.

You can even mix the two..

It all depends on what you want to play and on what you want to make with the editor.

To me a game with so many possibilities will never be boring.

Boring = to ending up doing the same old shit again and again...

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Sure the Singleplayer can be boring, the multiplayer, if you play with people of a similar mindset can be extremely fun, even when it involves crawling for long periods of time

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